Of course, what he did was just to show off his super strength. In fact, this was not a good thing. In a certain state, Bai almost let whoever he wanted to die.

"Okay, you don't have to pretend to be so serious in front of me, because it may not be of any use to us."

"Maybe this is clearly just a conspiracy you want to set up specially, I'll tell you so, tell me the reason for it, you will get more, and we can even become more know each other."

Bai Ye's remarks are enough to prove his sincerity, and at the same time, the Black Death also looked around seriously, he knew that a showdown was now necessary.

Moreover, there must be a very serious corporate serious way between the two of them to explain all this, especially in the current Bai Ye, he has become very serious for this.

The Black Death Emperor looked at the giant beast, and the giant beast naturally knew what to do, he didn't want to take all these things out.

But after a little war, he suddenly realized that if he can't be honest with his friend and explain everything in front of him, then the problem will become more serious for them!" Now I know that the giant beast doesn't really want me to tell the truth of all this, but I understand one thing, if I don't tell this...everything..."

"Then the problem may be more unbearable than imagined. Haha, this feeling is really unbelievable. We have been thinking about how troublesome all this is in front of us."

After the Black Death said these words, even the giant beast became unbelievable....... I believe, his face was even more sad than others, but he Now I understand that I have to tell the truth.

"Actually, let me tell you the ugly thing up front. The anti-monitor is the person we should get rid of the most right now. This guy is secretly operating behind us, and we have added a lot of crises to us."

"Or it's simply beyond the control of ordinary people like us.

Hehe, you should understand that this guy has the most powerful weapon in the universe, the anti-life formula!"

"And his name and his name have appeared in front of you many times, you should know what I mean for this, but when facing these guys, there is nothing we can do."

After the Black Death said these words, his face has become: more unexpected than anyone!

Chapter 445 Indescribable

And the more things go on in this way, in fact, for Bai Ye and others... it will definitely not be a good thing. Such troubles have already created some unimaginable things for them. pain of.

In fact, after Bai Ye found out about the existence of Mobius, that is, the anti-monitor, his whole person became: he was happier for it.

"Actually, I already knew that all this would be like this, but I never thought that the speed would be so fast, hehe, and it's approaching a situation that is simply unacceptable, alas."

Bai Ye's remarks made the Black Death Emperor a little surprised, or the Black Death Emperor couldn't even believe that things would turn out like this. He also thought about it quickly... At the same time, he enjoyed the sight in front of him. The series of crises, of course, he also understands naturally, the pain and price he has to bear now! "To be honest, I don't understand why the anti-monitor would show up directly, after all, he has not been with us for so long. Anyone who has news, a sudden appearance always stirs up something that shouldn't be happening..."

"I think you should also understand or you should understand what I imagine in my heart, right? If it is convenient, you can also tell me about it, and see what all these things mean to us. what, okay?"

Bai Ye is actually pretending to be confused. When he speaks, his expression becomes more stable than others. At the same time, he also understands that he is now saying that he needs to be specially established for this purpose, or that he needs to be treated specially. everything.

The Black Death is obviously pretending to be in front of him, and according to the way of the Black Death, it is not difficult to see that he does not want to express any more words, and more importantly, he does not want to show others what is in his heart. thing.

"Do I need to reiterate all of this a few more times? Of course, when I face these crises, I'm already used to it. In Bai Ye, neither of us can handle these things clearly. "

It is obvious that the Black Death Emperor understands better than others. Everything in front of him must be completely solved by Bai Ye's personal handling. He doesn't want to lie in this muddy water for this reason. other side.

After all, this kind of villain is something he can control, I am afraid that this conference can solve it all in an instant, and this kind of power will completely absorb his whole person in that instant.

I think you should also know the importance of the Bai Ye problem. I leave this matter to you to deal with it, so that you can solve all these matters. I don't want to be in charge of this anymore, I'm too tired.

After all, those things are not what a normal person should do. You know what I mean, right? I don't want to worry too much about it.

We must be able to make everything live between the two of us.

He was so unpredictable that the Black Death suddenly dumped the blame on Ye Ye. He suddenly felt that everything in front of him had changed over and over again, but he knew that he had to grit his teeth and think seriously no matter what! He I don't want to make myself and others even more unbelievable for this.... To believe, or to become: more rubbish than others, after thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and began to carefully thought up.

At this time, Evil Eternal finally interjected. He knows that no matter what he says... But the rogue gang is very clear about what is going on in front of him... and everyone in the rogue gang is very serious about it. Thinking about the things in front of them, their expressions must be more complicated and rigorous than others.

After all, Evil Eternal has also spoken out the words in his heart now, and his expression is full of seriousness and fear! "I know that some things are really not good when I interject at this time, but I have always been in the white night. I want you to understand the thoughts in my heart, maybe in front of you I'm just an irrelevant person, but looking at the past feelings..."

"I hope you can understand or understand everything that is in my heart for this, and I regard you as a true friend.

But I don't want you to sacrifice yourself and burn your body to win this victory, it doesn't matter to us, I don't want you to do that, you know?"

Obviously evil is eternal, and he knows very well what is happening in front of him now, otherwise how could he say such words! But all this is irrelevant to Bai Ye, a ruthless man like him.

At the same time, he looked around coldly, and naturally there was some emotion in his heart. Facing the evil and eternity, he suddenly I didn't even know what to say.

Anyway... this person will not be what he thinks, he is generally a vicious guy, and in some respects, he can even be regarded as a good friend of himself now, after thinking of this. .. Now his mind has become very hypocritical, Bai Ye looked at everyone coldly, and he naturally understood what everyone was thinking about right now.

They were more or less thinking about what their future ending would be like, otherwise, how could they be like this one by one? At the same time, Bai Ye looked at the rogue gang because he knew that these guys were afraid of death.

"You still have a chance to leave now, and when I don't plan to do anything to you, you can leave if you want, you know?"

"Don't wait until I'm mad, it's all going to make us all about it, it's not a joke, but really when this happens, then everything will be troublesome!"

Bai Ye's words can be regarded as bitter, but the people of the rogue gang don't seem to understand anything about it. Their faces are more serious than others, and they know what Bai Ye means! "What a joke, Although the four of us are weak, we will never be afraid of any problems that stand in front of us. We will definitely be able to use all our strength to solve all this. Hehe, I will assure you that this is in front of us. Everything is actually…”

After Captain Cold said these words, his expression naturally became serious!

Chapter 446

He looked around and was sure that he didn't say anything wrong, and the series of things in front of him was much simpler than he imagined, and he was more willing to believe in the current white night.

The Black Death has repeatedly urged him to hope that Bai Ye can cooperate with him to solve the problem together. This is definitely a very good thing for him, but Bai Ye doesn't want to pay attention to him at all now, and his expression in the middle of the night is not ugly. get it out.

In fact, he has long understood all the thoughts in his heart, because he knows that no matter what he does, things may become: very complicated, or make him feel that something is not right.

After a little bit of thinking, Bai Ye.... also understands the series of things that this guy is thinking in his heart, he knows that he must make a choice now.

If even this series of events in front of him can't be calmed down, the problem may be even bigger for him, or it will create some unprecedented difficulties for him. After thinking of this, Bai Ye frowned.

Sometimes he is like this when he is dealing with things. He knows the problems at hand better than others, but he also understands better than others what this series of things will transform them into in the end.

After Bai Ye's thoughtful thinking, he was finally convinced of the thoughts in his heart. That's right, he just had a good discussion with them to see if things would be as simple as he thought.

"Okay, I promise you, the two of us will work together to use our strengths to solve the problem in front of us. This will not be as complicated and difficult for us as we imagined."

"I don't know if this is right or wrong, but I hope we can stand on the same front. Only in this way will things become easier, right?"

After Bai Ye said these words, his expression was still very serious, and he knew a little what such difficulties and troubles looked like to them, otherwise, how could he be like this now.

But then again, in fact, everything is more interesting than it seems, or more stable than imagined, and it is precisely because of Bai Ye's words that they created a lot of people Unbelievably special.

At the same time, the Black Death looked around with great satisfaction, and continued to tell Bai Ye what had happened during this period of time. He knew that no matter what method he used, his words might not be particularly effective. After all, they were very Afraid of everything in front of them! At the same time, Bai Ye led them to a small corner together, and at this time Constantine's body was completely healed.

"Oh my god, I know why my body is like this in the white night, but then again, if I could have a guy like you to help me all of a sudden it would make things a lot better for us. Comfortable..."

"But in some cases, it's all just a matter of time. I think there are more crazy things waiting for us to think about, isn't it? After Constantine's long talk, his expression also changed. It's even more interesting, and now his whole person has changed into a very unhappy and hurt look.

But having said that, all these things actually made him feel a little embarrassed now, and he never could have made himself like this.

At the same time, Bai Ye also sat down with the Black Death Emperor Giant Fierce Beast and others, and everyone discussed it together. What happened next is obvious. Bai Ye is more stable than others, especially when this series of things happened in front of him. After that, Bai Ye's whole person became: very happy, and also very comfortable! If this can be used as an opportunity to solve it, then Bai Ye will not be worried or afraid of anything, but things are obviously more than What Bai Ye imagined was even more troublesome! And all of this was under the narration of the Black Death. It was so painful, or it made him unable to truly recognize what they were seeing now.

"Bai Ye, I don't think I need to say more. You should understand some special thoughts in my heart now, isn't it? It's precisely because of these many things that we can't fully understand them."

"Or to figure out that it is precisely because of the series of situations we have seen now that everything in front of us will be so complicated. That guy will soon come to this world. You have imagined that if he appeared in the What will it look like in front of us?"

Obviously, the Black Death is more responsible than others. When he looked at the series of things in front of him, his expression became more serious.

After all, he is also very clear that no matter what method he uses, he may not be able to make all of them happy with what happened in front of them, but it doesn't matter anymore, as long as they can be together, then it is better than anything. all good.

At the same time, Bai Ye closed his eyes and began to use his own power to explore everything around him. Naturally, he understands the things in front of him better than others, and all of these seem to make him more spiritual for this. get up.

Just like what the Emperor of the Black Death said, Bai Ye felt a lot of different forces wandering back and forth beside him, which was not a good thing for him, but he couldn't stabilize his eyes.

When these things are displayed in a way that he doesn't want to face, he must seriously consider what method and routine he should use to execute them. All these problems are the most convenient for him. .

After a little thought, Bai Ye opened his eyes, and at the same time he felt a wave of power above this world, as he thought, it was not that simple.

But it's not as complicated as it seems, all in all... It's more painful and more helpless than everything that happened in front of me.

The Black Death Emperor looks more serious than others, as if he saw the most fearful and troublesome thing in this world, generally.

"I need to say something else, hum, the battle will start at any time, and we have to pay a huge price for it at any time. I think you should understand all of this, right?"

"But having said that, as long as we can seriously deal with the problems at hand, then all this will not be as scary as we imagined, that's all."

Chapter 447: Heartbroken

I hope things are just as Bai Ye thought, he doesn't have much time now, and the cooperation with the Black Death is also on the line, and the two sides are indeed convinced of a lot of things that shouldn't exist.

"Bai Ye, I think you should have heard about the Infinite Earth Crisis. It was under the crazy plan of that guy that the five 55 Earths were merged into one!"

"To integrate all the places that can be integrated, even the silver superman who has always been the hardest and my headache has become the past tense. Thinking of this, I suddenly feel a little too sad..."

After he finished speaking, the Black Death Emperor actually shed tears! Bai Ye was also a little surprised, how could such a big villain actually shed tears of sympathy for his opponent? Of course, all of this may be fake.

The evil eternity on the side has already penetrated everything in front of him, although it is just an energy body... But when he sees through all these things, he is very clearer than anyone else.

"Don't pretend to be in front of me, the watcher is Mobius, and actually has a very deep relationship with us... After the death of Silver Superman, you want to get his true essence from his body, But it was completely hidden by him, cut!"

After the Evil Eternal said these words, suddenly the expression of the Black Death froze. He looked around and was sure that there was no other power. At this time, Bai Ye also felt the change of this guy, and the speed made him explode. .

Could it be that this is a sign before the war? At this time, the power of the Black Death is full of all around, that kind of... makes people feel the dark but evil atmosphere, which makes his whole person entangled.

"I know that you may hate this dark and very secret atmosphere... But I also did this to protect you from being detected by that guy. He has turned into the power of mortals, and this world is full of people belonging to his own things."

"Hehe, that means it won't take long. Maybe you can see him in this place because of this. He may be any good friend around you."

"What are you joking, I won't believe it, the Black Death has put away your power, otherwise you don't blame me for being rude and wanting to kill the anti-monitor."

That is Mobius... the guy who hides in the warmth, now we have to continue to find him, not in such a very narrow border area! Bai Ye's words made the Black Death and the giant beast sensitive. , These remarks also mean that Bai Ye is a little angry. If it continues like this... they are likely to have something bad happen, or they will be beaten by Bai Ye in a very special way. Dayton, naturally, they can't accept this kind of thing. "Wait, my friend, don't be so reckless, it's not good for us! We need to use some special power to go back to that era. .."

"That's when Mobius created the Crisis on Infinite Earths, and of course we were just there for a while..."

"As long as we can bring Silver Superman into our world before he dies and help us solve these problems together, then maybe we have a chance to win. Of course, this thing is artificial."

After hearing such words, Bai Ye was a little smug, do you really want to do this? Silver Superman has no quality at all. It can be said that if the earth is destroyed, then he can use his own power to quickly re-fabricate new ones.. .The superman in the silver age is indeed not something that Bai Ye can handle, or it's just that Bai Ye prefers to think about things in an overly conservative way... When he doesn't fight with the real Superman, he can't do anything about it. Determine what the opponent's strength will be like, think about it, and when he gets here, he suddenly understands a lot of things.

"Black Death, your idea is really good, but...are you sure that we can communicate with that guy at a deep level? His power is not...you and I can handle it. Just a sneeze can destroy a galaxy."

"You'd better give me a good thought and see if all of this is useful to us. Can you give us some time for each other? We will communicate together in about 5 minutes, what do you think?"

The suggestion put forward by Bai Ye is also very serious, and while the others are looking at Bai Ye, they also make small calculations.

The Black Death Emperor and the giant beast were convinced that they had listened to Bai Yi's words and then turned around and disappeared. At this time, Bai Ye looked at Evil Eternal and others, and began to communicate with them.

"What do you think of this matter, do we need to continue to do it? Of course, if there are more, it will add more trouble to us. Think about it for yourself."

Bai Ye's tone became so cold in an instant that he went to another time and space, and brought the powerhouse of that time and space here to deal with the darkness of this world. This is indeed a bolder idea.

And Bai Ye also knew that if such a thing could not be successful, it would have a very serious and deep impact on them. He didn't want such trouble to unfold like this, and he didn't want to drag others down. people.

But all this can't help him now, it depends on whether these boys are willing to follow him forward! The danger is very great, what Bai Ye can do is... Minimize the danger, of course, in his own heart There is also a small abacus.

Evil Eternal looked around, his face was full of surprise, but what he believed more was that everyone must like to deal with and cooperate with Bai Ye.

No matter what the difficulties ahead are, they all believe that as long as they can follow Bai Ye's side, they will be able to eliminate all these problems one day, and Eternal Evil will finally begin to mobilize everyone. "This is a very wonderful time. Journey! Follow the white night, we will be able to see the truth of this world, all of us will no longer be sad about it!"

This kid’s words are a bit interesting, but in Bai Ye’s view, the words of evil and eternity are still not up to the standard. The influence! "Okay, don't say such useless words in front of me, you bastard, are you all ready in thirty seconds!"

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