Chapter 448 Come and Go

"The Black Death Emperor and the giant beast will appear in front of us..."

Everyone also frowned. At first, they didn't want to believe it, or they didn't think about these things at all, but now they understand it.

Following Bai Ye is... what they have to do, they have been convinced before that no matter what happens in front of them, they will solve it with him by Bai Ye's side...  Distress.

When the giant beast and the Black Death appeared in front of Bai Ye, their faces were full of anxiety and anxiety, as if they had predicted something in advance.

Especially the monstrous beast, who used to look like a mighty one, but now his face is full of weakness! And the whole person is very painful, the Black Death Emperor hurriedly injected his own power into his body, so that It may be able to relieve the current skin trauma of the giant beast.

But the giant beast still knelt on the ground after all, and at the same time he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his expression became: very uneasy, the Emperor of the Black Death turned to look at Bai Ye, praying that Bai Ye could release the key power at this time!" Bai Ye, what are you looking at, hurry up to release your strength to help this guy! Look how pitiful he is now, it is precisely because he just passed through with me and was chased by that guy..."

"My God, it is the kind of pain we have never experienced at all. Almost all of us suffered a huge attack for this in an instant. Fortunately, the giant beast used part of its breath!"

"I blocked something for me, so that we can open a time-space shuttle tunnel in a short time!"

The Empire of the Black Death is now like a frantic young man. He knows how angry Bai Ye is with his actions just now. As a god who controls the darkness, he is actually there: Behaving like a child in front of Bai Ye! "Be quiet, don't Pretending in front of me, it's as if I've suffered a great sin! This kind of thing is not something I can resist now..."

"Stop talking nonsense, we are working together now, bring your brother quickly, let him open this door, and we will travel to that era together!"

Bai Ye's words were finished, and at the same time, the Black Death also injected some of his own power into his body! The beast has indeed returned to its normal state at the fastest speed! Of course, all this is more than it looks or is It was even more difficult to imagine, a very small one: the portal opened directly in front of him, and Bai Ye was already extremely skilled at playing this little spell.

Everyone also jumped in. Of course, Bai Ye can still accept this kind of small-scale travel, but everything in front of him will actually be more numb. Especially when he crossed over to this place, he felt it. There is nothing wrong, why is Superman next to me? At this time, Superman is in front of a very inconspicuous sports park! At this time, Superman is carrying hundreds of kilograms of iron in his hands and is working hard to exercise his body It is not difficult to see from his face that the kind of thinking in his heart is extremely special... Of course, he also noticed Bai Ye's existence and his expression was naturally a little more serious.

He stepped forward and looked at Bai Ye with caring eyes, but at the same time he waved the iron block in his hand and smashed it towards Bai Ye! Originally, the giant beast and the Black Death Emperor wanted to stop these things, but in an instant he Then they discovered that the problem at hand was wrong. Their power disappeared in this short-lived world! Fortunately, Bai Ye took the shot and easily took the iron block thrown by the other party and placed it stably. On one side, Superman finally understood! It turns out that this guy is not an ordinary person. At the same time, Superman looked around coldly, and his expression was naturally very calm. He started to walk forward to meet Bai Ye. communicate.

"From your strength, I can already feel that you do not belong to this world, but when you come here, should you communicate with me first?"

"Only in this way will there be no particularly huge special battle between us, but while facing you, I seem to understand a lot, all this seems to me..."

It's also very helpless. Superman's way of speaking does make him uncomfortable, but this is also very normal. After all, this guy's gentle appearance is indeed very attractive.

No wonder there are many little fans in this world. At the same time, Bai Ye also expressed his intention to this guy and proved that he didn't come here to do things.

"Some things take a long time to talk about, but if I don't tell you, I'm afraid these troublesome things will make us become: more and more uncomfortable, you understand?"

"In the other world, you have already completely died, and it is precisely because of me that you have the opportunity to go to another world. You can carefully consider whether what I said is right or wrong."

Bai Ye's words have pierced all the fantasies of this guy in front of him! People were a little puzzled for a while, he didn't understand the use of Bai Ye's words directly to him.

But after thinking about it, he finally realized that Bai Ye wanted to drag him to that world to deal with some guys they couldn't control. After thinking about it... Superman laughed very happily, he shrugged. He shrugged, and his face had a more serious look.

"I don't think it's necessary...well, it's your own world, even if I no longer exist in that world, but I won't interfere with those...No For the things that I will handle, perhaps my physical body will also completely perish in that world."

Bai Ye really never thought that this guy could stabilize in a special state of indifference! It's as if this guy doesn't care about these things at all! Bai Ye knew that he was a tough guy and didn't want to try to persuade him. ..maybe none of the things in front of him will make him: more comfortable.

"What else do I need to say? You should know better than me what everything is like in front of you. In fact, I have seen me in that world before. To be honest, I in that world are in a mess. ."

"Or I have lost everything that belongs to me, but this time is different. This time I decided to live contentedly and earnestly in my current time and space..."

Chapter 449 Go to Help

"If fate really wants to execute me, then I can only agree. You can rest assured that I will never reject anything for this."

Superman was very calm. After saying these words, he looked at Bai Ye with serious eyes, hoping that Bai Ye could understand what he was thinking in his heart.

But how could all this be so easy? In other words, Bai Ye still wanted to stimulate Superman, so that he could deal with those... all the crises with him! The two Black Death Emperor also came to Bai Ye, and began to persuade Superman nicely. When Superman saw these two people at first, he didn't take them as good people.

However, after a series of strength checks and this exploration of Bai Ye, he believed that these two guys were at least by Bai Ye's side and would not be evil people.

"Looks like you don't care about our request for you at all, don't you, Superman, don't think we're joking with you, it's all so real."

"When I said this to you, I started to act, and I still put myself into a very fast state, I want you to understand what you are going to do next things to deal with.”

Bai Ye directly ignored Superman's heartfelt words, which made Superman have some headaches. What's the matter? Is this guy trying to force himself some power?

"Are you trying to persuade me to join your environment sequence? I'll be honest, it's useless for you to do that, my friend is the opposite."

"You will only make me think that you did it on purpose, wanting to find something in front of me, don't be like this, you won't do any good, neither will I, and it will only add to the more pressure."

Superman spoke such words very seriously, and it was not difficult to see from his expression that he was already quite disgusted with the current Bai Ye.

Or he just... feels that Bai Ye is detouring in front of him, which makes him uncomfortable, but Bai Ye looks like a good old man, how can he refuse Bai Ye in his heart? Full of seriousness and eagerness, he didn't know if Superman would agree with him and help him solve such a thing together! After a little thought at this time, Superman understood something, he knew that he might just blindly Avoiding can't solve the things in front of him, so the only thing he has to do is... follow Bai Ye to see if he can relieve some of the small pain in his heart when he goes to another world.

"This person really makes me a little too much, but after thinking about it, I agree with you, come on, continue to use the teleportation gate to bring me back to your world, I hope it will be like what I think."

Bai Ye was very happy. He never thought that since he could agree to some of the words he had made, of course, this kind of thing actually made him feel very normal, but it was... as complicated as he imagined before.

This time, Bai Ye used all his strength to open the portal, and took Superman back to the world they were in. When Superman stepped into this place, he felt all the weird atmosphere here, which made him very uncomfortable.

"I finally understand why you came to look for me at such a fast pace. Alas, this feeling really makes me feel a little more comfortable, but I have to remind you."

"And there may be something more powerful than I imagined, much higher than you, are you sure or are you sure that you will save this world, I can create another earth again and destroy this place It doesn't matter."

Superman's words made Evil Eternal have other thoughts in an instant. He hurriedly rushed in front of Superman and wrapped the strong man in front of him with his little breath. It is not difficult to see from his actions. , he is indeed a little uncomfortable.

Too far away from your shoes, so you seem to be at an angle with my friends now, or you are on the same front.

It's just that in my opinion, you are still as evil as before, and there is no change. You don't have to pretend to leave me in front of me, maybe it will be a good thing for you..

After hearing such words, the guy also became: stabilized a little, quickly returned to Bai Ye's back, and stared at him coldly at the same time.

There was also a more serious look in his heart, and Bai Ye also understood that this kid went up to provoke people who shouldn't provoke, and that's why things became like this.

Evil eternity has nothing to do with you, just watch your liveliness from the side, if you come forward to do things again, I will be rude to you, first of all I will use my power to completely disintegrate you , in this case, you understand what I mean is not evil, eternal understand, Bai Ye is angry now, if he doesn't step back at this time, he will naturally be punished..." Your friend is very listening Your words, but I want to tell you about this matter... If I guessed correctly... I must be that guy in this world Ding Dong is also a fish in water, otherwise you wouldn't be like this. way to find me."

Superman questioned very seriously. He said some words that made Bai Ye feel a little too strong. At the same time, he really didn't know what kind of language he should use to describe the things in front of him. Maybe it was a little troublesome for him. But he didn't care.

At this time, the Black Death felt that it was time to tell his own words. He looked at the crowd and was finally convinced of what was in his heart! "It was under my suggestion that they summoned you here. Come, I know that I may not be of much use, but I can help you... Everything in the Mid-Autumn Festival is still dominated by Bai Ye. What kind of way Bai Ye intends to solve the problem at hand, then follow what he said. That's fine, I don't know what else to say."

After he finished speaking, Bai Ye began to explain to Superman what happened in this place... At first Superman thought that things would not be as complicated as he thought.

As a result, it didn't take a while for him to feel that everything became: serious, he began to quickly think about everything he knew now, he felt that this was a pit, and now he has been controlled here!

Chapter 450: The End of the World Comes

When Superman felt all of this, there was a little more silence in his heart, and the impact of the series of words Bai Ye said on him naturally goes without saying.

At the same time, he quickly thought about how much he would have to pay to help them deal with the counter-monitors.

"I seem to be able to understand what you are thinking in your heart. Well, since that's the case, then I will definitely try my best to work with you to deal with and solve all this in front of you!"

"Then let's start making these things a reality! It's mainly that guy Mobius."

Superman can show his super strength and calm look in such a way, this is really not something that ordinary people can accept! At the same time, Bai Ye also believes that as long as this guy exists, himself and Others, as assistants, will definitely be able to completely overthrow Mobius! At the same time, Superman has also begun to think seriously about what he has to endure and do now.

"Well, let's find this guy according to the way of action. First of all, let me introduce Mobius to you. The real boy has unparalleled physical strength and endurance beyond your imagination..."

"He can even knock you all down with one finger, of course, he can modify any time, control our energies, and he can even travel through time in any area! Devouring universes and planets to make himself: Extremely strong..."

After Superman introduced this series of words, his expression also became very serious... After Bai Ye heard these words.... : Be very serious.

He suddenly felt as if things were more difficult than he thought.

"It seems that things are more serious than we think, but, are you sure that these things in front of you can be solved quickly and from what I understand, this guy can create himself, and can even absorb himself directly with some! "

"The Emperor of the Black Death may be manipulated by him. This is the most troublesome thing in my heart right now. Everything that follows may make us very uncomfortable."

After hearing such words, Superman's expression was naturally more surprised than Bai Ye's. He never thought that this guy would have such an understanding of these things, but at this time Superman also became a little more serious.

In his opinion, the trouble is nothing more than the fact that this guy has disappeared. He quickly released his power and made everyone calm down! Superman plans to use his own special method to summon this guy, as long as If you get him out completely, then this kid will be completely finished.

Hearing all the words in front of him, the Black Death became even more frightened, because he knew that this guy could manipulate his power in some way! Superman opened the teleportation in this place without saying a word. The door, of course, this portal is actually more tenacious than what he has seen now! At the same time, Bai Ye felt the various changes in this power. It seemed that there was a strong guy waiting at the door for a while. , why is it all like this "I've been waiting for you for a long time, and when you can open this door, I already know that what's going on in front of me is so interesting, well, since we both have I still understand what's going on in front of me."

Mobius' voice Bai Ye will never forget in his life, especially when he heard him say such words in front of him, Bai Ye knew about this guy, but he had already forgotten his identity... Otherwise, How can he be so powerful now? To be precise, this guy has now fully understood or he can fully understand what everyone is thinking about. This is the most bizarre thing! Although the Black Death Emperor and the beast were both super-powerful beings, they both made a very pitiful appearance when facing such a guy.

As if these things were beyond their ability to deal with, they looked at all the things in front of them with sadness, and naturally there was a little dissatisfaction in their hearts.

But how can this be? It's hard to make them solve everything in front of them in such a way. It's not the opposite. Bai Ye is the one who takes the first shot... He immediately transformed himself from what these guys had. The power he acquired, he condensed this power into a powerful aura that spread around his body! Mobius looked at Bai Ye, who was full of confidence, and couldn't help but think of himself back then, and at the same time, he glanced around with his peripheral vision. The kind of complacent magic on the cheeks of everyone present naturally shrouded his whole person! It is indeed like this, what is there for a strong man like him to be afraid of? What a joke! "These brothers of yours have completely surrendered to me, just from their expressions and faces, it is not difficult for me to see everything they are thinking in their hearts, but then again, now What kind of ability do you have to be so arrogant in front of me?"

What Bai Ye hates most is... This kind of high-pitched tone, as if he is the god of this world, but if you really want to expose this guy, he is actually worthless! On the contrary, Bai Ye quickly bombarded his fist It hit Mobius' body, but the moment his fist hit Mobius' body, the power actually bounced back! When it hit his body, Bai Ye took more than ten steps back. He spat out blood, and it seemed that he already knew exactly how to deal with this guy! "Your strength really surprised me, but your fists don't seem to be as strong as I imagined. Makes you pay more for it!"

"An honest person like me can't bear to see you hurt so much, sigh, it's a pity, it's a pity to die, if you can do something for me and serve me, the universe is up to you to choose, you see Did you get to Superman next to you?"

In the next second, Bai Ye knew what this guy was going to say. It seems that this guy has easily killed the current Superman in many worlds! When this Superman appeared in front of him at this time, he also naturally looked at him. Cleared up all of this.

Chapter 451

"I really don't understand... What kind of memories will we have after the battle between the two of us, but just seeing you like this, I suddenly realized that I am far from you compared to me. It's a good thing!"

Mobius splendidly turned and jumped into the air. This formation seemed to be unable to completely suppress him, but the blue aura roared in the sky, but in Bai Ye's eyes, it was nothing but extremely simple! At the same time, he quickly unleashed some of his own power and touched Mobius's body in an instant, but he forgot a little bit of this method, and I'm afraid it will only hurt himself.

The big collision between heaven and earth is probably nothing more than that. Mobius flashed quickly in front of Bai Ye, and his fist like a meteor slammed into Bai Ye's body. This kind of crazy thing is simply unbearable for him. Something to endure! But Bai Ye enjoyed the feeling of fighting with Mobius very much. The forces between them were colliding with each other and creating new sparks, which was something that Bai Ye had never seen before. .

If it was said that he had fought against the Black Death and others before, it would not be considered a trouble for him, but now all this is easier than he thought, especially when he was fighting against Mobius. moment.

"We shouldn't be enemies between us! How many times do I need to say things like Bai Ye, do you know that when I see you like this..."

"I have already recognized all these things in front of me, but I never thought that you would continue to attack me in this way, oh my God, this is equivalent to a massage!"

Mobius has been: provoking Bai Ye in this way, it seems that he thinks that this way can make Bai Ye more violent, as long as the enemy is more angry! As long as the enemy is more crazy, then Mobius will have the opportunity to It was directly knocked down. At this time, he looked at Bai Ye, and completely imagined Bai Ye as that... imaginary enemy, he was naturally extremely excited! Bai Ye would not be fooled, on the contrary, when he attacked this guy , he disturbed his body back and forth in a very strange way.

And let the body left and right: swing quickly to evacuate, quickly solve these problems, for him, this is completely... familiar with his own things, while staring at Mobius in the white night.

Mobius was very annoyed. Every time he fought madly with Bai Ye, he always felt that his strength was useless, or when facing this guy, he suddenly felt that he had some actions. slow.

This made Mobius particularly painful, and his face was full of grief. Of course, this is not important, anyway... Now they have overcome the difficulty.

"How can you dodge my attacks again and again? Could it be that you are really a guy who is nothing? Come on, the next moment is the real test for you..."

"I believe that you will definitely be able to get through all the difficulties in front of you. If you can't get all these things in place, then you will now be a toy in my hands!"

Bius used a special blindfolding technique to influence Bai Ye and manipulate Bai Ye's thinking, but what is Bai Ye? He stood at such a high angle and stared at Mobius coldly, in other words. In other words, he's just... just having fun with Mobius.

The power between him and Mobius is not something that ordinary people can understand for a long time. After thinking of this, Bai Ye couldn't help but sigh.

Yeah, wouldn't it be better to see what else this guy can turn things into?" By that time you might be totally overwhelmed by this, or totally die in front of me, I really don't know what to say You, you poor little fellow, let's discuss together how to make this world a part of us!"

When Mobius said such words, his whole person also became: extreme, as if he has become a real maniac now, all the harm to him is the same. So deep! Bai Ye stared at him sympathetically, and at the same time there was a little more serious expression on his face. While looking at this series of things, he quickly thought about everything he was thinking in his heart now. It is very clear that the seriousness of the problem is realized.

At the same time, this person also became: very happy, he knew that it was easy for him to change everything in front of him with his own power, and it was easy for him to get home.

"Mobius, you are really a person who makes me feel funny, let me tell the truth, when I saw you like this, I had already expected it, and I will use it for this next time. What's the way to deal with all the things in front of you..."

"I just don't want to offend you in a particularly troublesome way. Superman has never gotten my permission. He won't come to you. It's troublesome, but after seeing you like this, I suddenly feel that something is wrong. got more serious."

Mobius looked at Bai Ye in astonishment, as if he had been played hard by someone, but now there was more trouble and madness in his heart.

He also knew very well what he should do next, Mobius roared, quickly let his strength swim in this area, and concentrated all his breath to completely destroy Bai Ye in an instant! This can be regarded as It's a desperate battle, Bai Ye is very aware of the urgent thoughts in this kid's heart, and it seems that he can completely calm down in this way? But on a large level, Bai Ye understands it very well... "Mobius, I only understand it now, and you are actually just an illusory body, like you. Dude... it's just created directly by your master, I don't know if it's right or wrong to say so..."

"But I want you to be able to understand all the things in front of me. It's perfect for me. It seems that it is because of this that we can figure out all the things in front of us. Am I saying that? You should know better than me!"

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