Chapter 452 Just a Stand

Bai Ye's words can almost be regarded as directly settling everything about Mobius. Otherwise, how could he be like this? Mobius has already been suppressed in the corner, this guy To put it uglier, it is nothing more than an illusion created by some people.

Mobius was surprised that he was completely seen through in this way, and he became very entangled after thinking about it.

What he is struggling with is whether he should use some power to show them something! I didn't expect you to see through my power in an instant! To be honest, this is actually not a good thing for me, I I feel that all this is not what I can bear now, alas, what a pity! At this time, Superman got Bai Ye's permission, and quickly came to Mobius' side, and used his own power to destroy Mobius is at an angle, and he knows that if he were to do it himself, maybe it would all be made for this: very simple! But I am sure that with our strength, we can definitely put everything in front of us. Yes, once it is completely done, of course, what happens next is what we should see now or completely prevent it! Superman is very easy to control Mobius, and only From his face, it is not difficult to see everything he is thinking in his heart! Bai Ye calmly used his breath to start transforming the things on this guy's body.

Because Bai Ye really knew that it was actually a miracle to do it by himself, but he also understood that now he really offended a guy who shouldn't have offended.

"It seems that the Mobius of this world has been completely killed by me. Bai Ye, first of all, I am very grateful to you. If it weren't for you, I might have been completely killed by it in this world. I should have long ago. Know..."

"It's all just some eccentric stuff he's deliberately imitating for this, which is really exciting and funny to me, but then again."

"Should we both try our best to think about how these things should be changed? Chasing down Mobius' body is far more important than killing his subordinates."

After Bai Ye heard these words, his face had already changed: he was quite serious, but the words also came back, how could it be as easy as he thought.

The extremely simple things will never appear in front of them again. Bai Ye controlled Mobius in his own way, and he wanted to use his own unique method to receive everything in front of him.

Superman naturally understands what Bai Ye is thinking now, otherwise, how could he be like this, and at the same time Superman seriously thinks about the problem, he is a little too panicked... Of course, this kind of panic is not... A real person It's acceptable, but when Mobius's power is integrated into half of his body, the damage caused to him is indeed greater than what he sees! After his feet were completely put down, he was all excited, and instantly knelt at Bai Ye's feet! If he wanted to recognize Bai Ye as the big brother, he could see what was happening in front of him just from his face and expression. , brought him too much shock! "I never thought that one day things would enter such an angle, this is really a stimulating thing to the limit, I adore you in the white night, but I don't Knowing how to communicate with you is actually very easy now!"

The way the Black Death Emperor expresses things is really straightforward. He simply wants to let Bai Ye be the eldest brother! How can the beast beside him allow such a thing to happen? Obviously, his face is more condensed than others. , and he really understood the problem he was facing, he began to think quickly, he began to quickly want to solve it according to his own method! "You should understand me, right, we don't need to... . to make things more complicated, because that is of no use to us at all, and even takes us to the limit, which you don't understand."

The eager expression of the Black Death made Bai Ye feel that all this was too much trouble, but in his opinion, it was a particularly fun thing.

At least they can jointly think about the crux of the problem at hand according to their own ideas and routines! Bai Ye is not a fool, his head understands clearly better than anyone else, the Black Death is trying to hold himself up... And push yourself to a higher level, you can help them solve any troubles in the future. After thinking of this, Bai Ye smiled even more happily, got up and patted the Black Death Emperor on the shoulder, and at this time the Black Death Emperor seemed to understand something. "You, the biggest shortcoming is... It's too simple to think about it all, I'll tell you responsibly, it's just the beginning, the trouble is still: what's next, understand?"

"Maintain your strength with me, and maintain your own body is the most important thing, don't let others take the opportunity to make trouble!"

After the Black Death heard these words, the whole person also became: he couldn't be honest, because he knew very well what it meant to him, but after a little thinking, he finally thought it was good It is better to live than to die.

No matter how arrogant he is, he should at least be honest in front of Bai Ye, instead of showing his strong power in front of him. None of this exists unless he still does not want to live in this way. in the world.

"That's right... everything you said right now, Bai Ye, is right. I'm making it all too simple when I'm enjoying it. I know I'm not doing it very well."

"But there is no way. After all, in front of a person like you, I can survive carefully, it is already considered a very hard work."

The Black Death Emperor's expression was full of firmness, and it seemed that he had long been accustomed to these things in front of him and was not afraid at all, perhaps things had reached this point.

"Okay! Bai Ye I have to admit that you are right, this situation is not good for any of us... but I want to remind you... what you just killed was just Mobius's Phantom, a being that doesn't belong to him, understand?"

Chapter 453 Body Mutation

After things got to this point, even Superman on the side felt that these things were too strange, but he would not directly say what he saw now.

Because he knows that some things are really not what he can say now, and after thinking about this, Superman has become more serious.

After the Black Death was ridiculed by Bai Ye in such a way, he suddenly felt that his face seemed to be frustrated, but this was something he couldn't do.

At this time, Bai Ye looked at Superman, and Superman also communicated with Bai Ye in the fastest way, and the communication between them became very stable.

"Bai Ye, I think that I stay in this world and can help you deal with many problems. My strength is still completely stabilized in an instant..."

"When I observed this place again, I suddenly felt that there were a lot of things. In fact, they were far beyond my imagination. Too much nonsense would naturally cause great unease to all of us."

Superman really looks like a boy and a little brother, of course, when he speaks, he behaves extremely well, just like a gentleman in a suit.

But at this time, the situation in front of him is not optimistic. Although Mobius's breath has disappeared, he has been able to feel the voice of that guy in this place, vaguely, as if he wants to invade his brain. .

"Bai Ye, the communication between the two of us is actually very serious, especially when I see your appearance, I suddenly feel that everything in front of me has become calm because of this!"

"So I don't know if my way of speaking has any effect but I hope you can understand everything in front of you for this, I will never Killed."

Bai Ye looked around in surprise, and at the same time he looked at Superman in a strange way, but at this time Superman didn't think so much at all.

"You all look like this now, don't you hear that... weird voice lingering back and forth in our ears? That feeling really makes me feel a little uncomfortable..."

"Whether we can analyze all these things together, or can we think of ways to solve these problems together, I don't want such a thing to cause great harm to me."

Bai Ye told these words in an extremely serious way, but at this time Superman felt that this matter was a little too mysterious, it should not be like this.

But for a while, Superman couldn't fully retell everything in front of him. He just felt that there was something so slightly wrong... But he just couldn't tell it completely and began to let his power invade Bai Ye's body. In the middle! Superman's face became: very frightened, he looked at Bai Ye's innocent appearance, and there was a little bit of madness in his heart, he even felt that all this made him a little special and uncomfortable. It shouldn't be so troublesome, Bai Ye, did you hide it when I wasn't paying attention? Bai Ye looked even more confused, it's impossible, when did you hide such power? Bai Ye shook his head directly, and his expression became a little serious at the same time. He thought it might be some kind of trap... But he couldn't understand what he said by himself. He looked at Superman and hoped that Superman could help him solve it. These questions, and at this time Superman's expression has become more rigorous.

He began to quickly use his power to return to Bai Ye's body, hoping that Bai Ye would not suffer a greater blow for this! "Brother, there is nothing I can do about it, the effect of this power on... you is not at all. What I can understand now, and if this kind of thing continues, you may become sleepy, believe me!"

Superman's expression has also become very strict, because he knows how things look like, and what kind of state they will be in if they develop further, while Superman comforts the current white night.

Quickly let your own power enter Bai Ye's body to find the most crucial existence, it must find the source of interference within a short period of time.

Only in this way can the problem be solved: But just in an instant, Bai Ye's whole body is extremely distressed, it seems that he has completely lost the power to move! Bai Ye reluctantly used his own breath to maintain his current consciousness, and at the same time he The whole person has also become more energetic, and he is now rapidly consuming his physical strength to protect himself from any threat.

After seeing the situation in front of them, the Black Death Emperor and the giant beast suddenly felt that the current situation was simply too much for them.

At the same time, both of them stood up and wanted to help Bai Ye in a special way. They directly input part of their power into Bai Ye's body, as if they wanted to make Bai Ye more energetic! "Sir! Hold on, we are definitely trying our best to help you, and you can see everything right now, as long as this kind of power can quickly expand in your body!"

"Wait a while, we can naturally help you solve all the things in front of you, please believe that our power can make you return to normal."

At first Bai Ye felt that this kind of power had a partial influence on him, but as time passed, Bai Ye felt that they seemed to be joking with him, and this kind of power had little effect on him at all.

At the same time, his whole person became very special. He didn't even know what to say. At this time, the Black Death Emperor and the giant beast both pushed back for a few steps. The power is completely taken away! "Brother, it's not that we don't want to help you, it's that we have no power at all, and your body seems to be accepting all our breaths as quickly as a bottomless pit..."

"Even if we want to help you, we can't help it, because it's just... a source of pain for us!"

The expressions of these two guys are so helpless, and at the same time, it is not difficult to see what they think in their hearts just from their faces... Bai Ye did not embarrass them, and the expressions were also Become a little more serious.

Chapter 454

Superman on the side quickly tried to change, and now the drowsiness caused by the evil force in Bai Ye's body was causing him.

"Don't be afraid, my brother, this is just a massage for you. I think you will like this feeling very much, of course..."

"I think when you close your eyes, you can quickly feel the transformation that all this has caused to you. I believe that as time goes by, you will soon become more calm about this."

Superman on the side stepped forward and cast part of his power into the current Bai Ye's body, he was sure that Bai Ye might sleep completely for this.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a trace of sadness, and at the same time, there was a hint of helplessness on his face. Change may not be able to change anything, and if this kind of thing in front of him goes back... If Bai Ye fell into a state of sleep, then he might not be able to wake up in his life, because this kind of power is not something he can deal with, nor can he control it himself.

Bai Ye waved his hand to signal Superman not to worry about it. At the same time, he also quickly released a small part of his power! Let everything in front of him become: stabilized, he is sure that this kind of crisis is no longer a problem Extraordinarily large.

"Okay, I don't want to say more about Superman. I can tell you responsibly. These things really make me powerless. Now I can only sleep and see..."

"This guy is trying to do something in my body. Believe me, I can definitely handle him!"

Superman was also a little sluggish. He never thought that Bai Ye would be able to say such words so boldly. He even thought... this person in front of him is really dying.

But he didn't want to go anymore, he thought too much about it, and started to quickly use his strength to put Bai Ye into a state of deep sleep, he completely wrapped Bai Ye's whole person, which can definitely be regarded as a kind of Very good thing.

"Oh, Bai Ye is very happy that you can come to the place where I am now. Does this feeling make you very comfortable and very refreshing? This is your own body. I actually found a lot in your body. fun stuff..."

"I can tell you responsibly, if it wasn't for you, then I would never have known that there is such a wonderful container in this world, and your body can just bear my current strength!"

This is clearly the voice of Mobius, and Mobius is smiling very happily now, this white night is a little curious, this guy is in his body.

How can he be so happy, it seems that he has obtained a lot of fun things from himself, but Bai Ye won't think too much about it.

In the dark world, Bai Ye couldn't see this bad thing clearly, and at the same time his face became more serious. He naturally knew that a guy was hiding in his body.

It's definitely not going to do some good things. If you want to find it out, you may have to spend a little bit of energy. This is Bai Ye, why don't you think about your body... There are so many among them. Branching veins, this can be regarded as a miracle for him.

It is also the first time for Bai Ye to use such a method to explore the inner world of his body. If it was someone else, he might have forgotten it long ago, or he didn’t know what to do at all. A look of awe.

His own strength is usually so powerful, but it has no use in his body, which is something very strange to him.

But at this time, when he saw all the things in front of him, he also began to quickly say the following words, he hoped that if Bius could appear directly in front of him and communicate with him, it would be easier some.

"Brother, you don't have to... let's do this, um, if there may be such trouble between us, then you should communicate with me honestly now! Hide in my body What kind of heroes are there!"

I can say that Bai Ye's painting is very serious, but other people don't think so, and according to Bai Ye's thoughts in his heart now, it seems that this kind of thing is already commonplace.

It's a pity that Mobius didn't make any sound. He seemed to be testing Bai Ye's eyes, and he wanted to see how much power Bai Ye could still have, or how long Bai Ye could endure the pain.

After all, Bai Ye was really angry now. He knew that if he couldn't find this guy again, he might end up in this kind of environment for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, he also became more uncomfortable than others, and at this moment Mobius actually started to speak. It is not difficult to judge from the way Mobius spoke... He actually The victory was already in his grasp, otherwise he wouldn't have been hiding in Bai Yi's body for such a long time.

"Friend, friend, you're one of the most interesting people I've ever met, hehe, you know, in fact, when I think about these things, I've seen a lot of things, and I can even feel your heart panic in it.”

"Go straight to the deepest part of you, so that you can't shout like this in front of me, I'm really a smart guy, sigh, it's a pity that many things are not as easy as I think now, and you are more than I thought. Grumpy isn't it?"

Mobius has been teasing Bai Ye in that... special way, as if he can completely subdue Bai Ye now, but Bai Ye doesn't care about it at all...... .

Because this kind of thing is extremely simple for him, and after thinking of this, Bai Ye has become more comfortable than others, but it's a pity, Bai Ye knows about these... ....negotiation and communication.

There is no way to make these things: more comfortable, Mobius among colleagues actually appeared directly beside Bai Ye, he looked at Bai Ye with that kind of... sympathetic eyes, just like looking at a fool.

Bai Ye wanted to use his power to affect him, but Bai Ye found that this kind of thing didn't have much effect... Mobius' expression was still very troubled and extremely evil, he looked at White night now.

Chapter 455

At the same time, he hoped that Bai Ye could understand the urgency in his heart and he finally couldn't help it.

"Don't worry, my friend, I didn't do this to make you angry and sad, I just feel that there are some things, if once I can't tell them, then the impact on us will be as great as an ordinary person's. Unbearable affection..."

"You should understand what I mean, right? I am in your body in this way, just to learn more things from you..."

"Or in other words, we can help each other and live together in this world, what do you think?"

Mobius's way of speaking is exactly... praying this kind of request is very comfortable for... Bai Ye, but Bai Ye has no way to understand it now.

"What do you mean, are you going to communicate with me in a special way, but you are in my body, which makes me very embarrassed, brother, even if we can communicate in some special way ..."

"I'm afraid it's not very useful, and this is definitely very difficult for us, why don't we go out and talk, you see how I think everything is solved like this."

Obviously, his words had made everything in front of him clear, but Mobius was very disgusted, and he didn't want to go out.

He looked at Bai Ye coldly, and he hoped that Bai Ye could understand all the thoughts in his heart now.

"I don't need to say anything more, aren't you just waiting for me to go out? Once I go out, you just kill me completely. You think I don't know about this kind of thing."

"I've been through too many situations..., Bai Ye, you can't lie to me in this way, okay? I'll tell you this responsibly. In fact, I've already seen what's in front of me. ,..."

Mobius's tone is very desperate, and he is also very aware of what he is experiencing and experiencing now, and he does not want to make it all: very uncomfortable.

But he couldn't change anything. At the same time, he could see these things clearly now, and he knew even more that it was very safe to communicate with Bai Ye, so he relaxed his guard and made it clear to Bai Ye. what's on your mind right now.

I'm really just a scapegoat, my friend, I don't know if you understand this, but I know if I don't tell the truth and tell you what's going on in front of you then...Moby Wu Si's words made Bai Ye feel a little pitiful for this guy, but he suddenly felt that there seemed to be a problem somewhere, and for a while... He couldn't make it all clear and understand, anyway... It's already like this, and they are naturally very curious! "Will it really be as troublesome as you said, or it's just because I didn't see all the facts clearly, but I want to tell you I understand..."

"These things in my heart are also very simple. As long as you can communicate with me in detail, I think we will be very relaxed with each other. You can see if we can communicate together."

Of course, all of this is actually still under Bai Ye's control, and Mobius also relaxed at the slowest speed... and he seriously realized that his current thoughts are so ignorant, Mobius quickly calmed down, and at the same time his whole face became more uncomfortable.

"Okay, I'll just believe what you just said for the time being. I think you're a very serious person, but it doesn't seem like it's over yet."

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