"You have more things to tell me, right? Mobius don't pretend to be in front of me, it's not a good thing for us."

After thinking about it for a long time, Mobius finally became more comfortable in his heart. He suddenly felt that Bai Ye was something that made him feel very interesting.

At the same time, when he was facing Bai Ye, there was indeed a bit of annoyance in his heart. He knew that no matter how tyrannical he was, he might not be able to completely deal with it, so he was patient with Bai Ye during the Mid-Autumn Festival. communicate.

"As I said just now, I'm just a guy who is controlled by others. You still don't understand what I mean? Being controlled by others, if someone wants to kill me, I'm almost completely There's no way to survive..."

"Do I need to tell me more about this and I've already seen your own thoughts now, you want to expel me from your body, don't you?"

"No, in fact, I have other heavier ideas and better ideas. Are you sure you want to communicate with me? I will take you to help me solve all the crises in front of me, and of course you will be reborn."

After hearing this kid's words, Bai Ye felt a little disgusted in his heart. He didn't understand what this guy meant, but he could understand that Mobius was actually guided by others, or that he was used by someone special The way to play with him, to be like this... Mobius's expression is full of prayer and guidance, he hopes that Bai Ye can communicate with him well, and he also hopes that Bai Ye can understand all the troubles in his heart. .

Of course, the latter must be Bai Ye who understands these things, patted that... metaphor of selfless shoulders, and also explained his thoughts to him.

"This is a good thing. We can communicate together. If it's someone else's words, they may not be able to do this at all, hehe..."

"You can tell me so many things so honestly, Mobius is embarrassing you, maybe you think my body is a very stable vehicle, so you plan to say such things here, right"

After Bai Ye finished speaking seriously, the guy nodded, and Mobius was very happy, because he finally knew or he finally found someone who understood him.

This is also the reason why his face is so serious and diverse, but it is not so simple in Bai Ye's eyes.

Maybe things are more troublesome than I thought, you are just crying in front of me on purpose, but it doesn't matter, let me leave this place with me, we will move on to the next step communicate.

Chapter 456 "Freedom" to the Sun

From Bai Ye's point of view, no matter what kind of conspiracy the owner of Mobius may have, it can't affect him at all.

Even if he joins forces with the Black Death Emperor and the giant beast outside the sea of ​​consciousness to frame him, he can only be turned into a powder under his absolute strength! Moreover, who said that he would really let these guys go from the white night His eyes flashed, looking at Mobius who was smiling happily because he was finally free, Bai Ye also showed a sneer.

"What a stupid guy, after entering my spiritual world without authorization, he still delusionally wants to understand each other with me. What a hopeless vampire."

Bai Ye shook his head, and under the expectant gaze of Mobius, he reached out and drew a semi-circle in front of him.

An extremely small spot of light quickly emerged from the deep darkness, and then the dazzling brilliance roared past the two of them like a high-speed train whizzing past! "This is... Could it be? Spiritual superpower? What an incredible ability, I didn't expect that one day I would be able to see such a terrifying ability!"

Mobius was taken aback by the endless brilliance that was rushing towards him. He thought that these...... The brilliance that almost completely enveloped the sea of ​​consciousness was Bai Ye's means against him. .

Fortunately, after a quick glance, he found that Bai Ye didn't even bother to deflect to his side, and Mobius's heart gradually calmed down.

At the same time, a wave of resentment and hatred passed through Mobius' eyes! "The arrogant stinky boy actually made the great Mobius trapped in this dark prison for so long. time.

After I go out, I will find a few capable people with delicious blood to eat, and then I will come and let you know what immortal existence is!"

In Mobius' perception, he can already feel the breath of life at the end of the endless brilliance! There is the door to freedom! Under the infection of the huge surprise, Mobius suddenly counted forward from Bai Ye's side. step.

As if the prisoner who had been imprisoned in the dark dungeon for a long time finally saw the light again, his arms stretched out his hands towards the endless brilliance that was approaching.

Looking at the uncontrollable greed on Mobius' face, Bai Ye let out a contemptuous sneer.

"Has this idiot forgot who this boundless sea of ​​consciousness is, who dares to have these things in the sea of ​​consciousness of beings...? "

As his own sea of ​​consciousness, Bai Ye is naturally the owner of absolute control and the right to know in this entire space-time, including any intelligent creatures surrounded by this space-time! And Mobius, naturally Can't be excluded! Mobius's various evil thoughts in his mind at this moment are nothing but Bai Ye's monitoring.

If it wasn't for the fact that Mobius was not willing to smear his pure sea of ​​consciousness with his corpse, Bai Ye wouldn't let Mobius live even a second longer! "Then there is... the passage to the outside world. Now, you can walk the rest of the way by yourself."

In Bai Ye's indifferent tone, Mobius was like... a vicious dog who saw meat.

In an instant, it turned into a black mist with a thick bloody smell and rushed towards the end of the brilliance! "Hahaha! Today's grace, I will repay the old man after he has achieved an immortal body!"

In the wild laughter of Mobius, Bai Ye's eyes became more and more indifferent and cold.

Looking at Mobius, who was about to pass through the passage of consciousness, his eyes were not looking at living things at all, but rather like looking at something that had already died... "I am finally free. I'm finally free! Hahahahaha!"

After rushing out of the consciousness channel at the end of Guanghua, Mobius was not in a hurry to escape Bai Ye's attack range.

Instead, like a madman, he recklessly vented his joy of regaining his freedom.

It's a pity that the radiance that suddenly appeared in front of me grabbed Mobius's throat in an instant.

"Wait... this, where on earth are we not supposed to be on Earth right now!"

Mobius looked at the endless icy deep sky beside him in bewilderment, except for the rays of light in front of him.

Around him, there was no object within sight, and on the dusty dark background of the deep sky, not even a single star could be seen! "Ah, ah! This light.... ..it's so hot! I'm going to be burned to death!!"

But in just a short moment, Mobius didn't even have time to reflect, and the blue smoke with a burning smell rose from the soul body.

Under the endless rays of light that could not be avoided, Mobius felt like a cuttlefish bound to a charcoal fire.

No matter how he struggled and twisted, he couldn't escape the pain that even his soul was ignited! "Here! Could it be...! That... darn little devil dare to frame the great immortal like this! Ahhhhh!!"

In the pain that was indescribable to be pulled out by a cramp, Mobius swiftly swept away in the opposite direction away from the scorching rays of light behind him.

But no matter how accelerated he was, the endless rays of light behind him didn't seem to be weakening at all, and he still mercilessly poured terrifying heat into his soul body! "That's right, this is the solar system. The place of origin, this light not only gave birth to nearly [-] billion intelligent creatures on the earth, but also is the source of energy for the origin of life in the entire universe..."

Bai Ye, who emerged from the void one step later than Mobius, ruthlessly blocked Mobius' escape route.

The dark golden eyes slowly moved down from the huge fireball that almost filled the field of vision in front of him, and looked at the soul body in front of him that was condensed and trembled due to shock.

"You guessed it right, this is the most active radiation position of Mother Sun's love."

Under Bai Ye's indifferent gaze, Mobius trembled fiercely, and the sharp fluctuations of consciousness that sounded like a ghost's scream instantly swept away! "Damn little bastard! I am an immortal existence - Mobius! How dare you harm me like this! I won't let you go!"

In his rage, Mobius directly unleashed his little remaining soul ability, and slammed into the white night that was blocking his way not far away! Under the brilliance of the sun, even Mobius The soul body that was like ink was also coated with a layer of burning fire.

The stench of blood after being burned continues to float out in the icy space...

Chapter 457 The Road of Sisyphus' Trial

Under the gaze of Mobius's malicious soul, Bai Ye let out a sneer.

"Isn't this the freedom you've always longed for? Why do you look unhappy? Even the appearance of a bereaved dog is worthy of your immortal status."

Bai Ye's three consecutive hits were undoubtedly the most vulnerable part of Mobius' soul.

After the bloody wounds were opened, they were trampled ruthlessly. The unimaginable hatred and humiliation even made Mobius move faster! It will take a while, but looking at your appearance, it is estimated that it won't last long, so let's just let it go."

Seeing that Mobius was brave and straight, rushing towards his figure, a glazed brilliance flashed in Bai Ye's dark golden eyes.


After Bai Ye uttered a word indifferently, the flames that surrounded Mobius' soul body seemed to dim by a few points.

Mobius' pupils shrank suddenly, and in his field of vision, Bai Ye, who was already within reach, suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes like a phantom.

When he wanted to look around for Bai Ye's whereabouts again, the sunlight radiating from the sun behind him suddenly became stronger for a few minutes.

The originally dim flame on the body also burst open under the hot sun, as if it was doused with gasoline! "Ahhhhh!!"

Heart-wrenching soul fluctuations surged out of the vacuum, and Bai Ye's figure slowly emerged at this moment, but the distance between the two seemed to be stretched thousands of times out of thin air.

The two people who used to be close at hand are at least [-] kilometers away from each other at this moment! "What kind of trick is this! Damn it...why is such a power? It will belong to a boy whose hair is not even long, but I am an immortal existence - Mobius!"

Seeing that the distance I saw in the white night was stretched so far in the blink of an eye, Mobius' at least... The soul body that had shrunk in half was smashed. trembling.

His eyes were full of horror, and the strong desire to survive motivated him to forcibly suppress the pain caused by the burning body, and desperately swept toward the dark place where Bai Ye was! Under the unimaginable pain and torture , Mobius actually exploded the soul body at the limit again with a considerable speed, and quickly swept in the opposite direction of the sun's rays.

A large number of burning soul fragments were cut off in the decisiveness of Mobius's broken wrist, losing the support of the soul's origin.

These......the soul fragments floating in the void were quickly calcined by the fire of the true sun.

This time, Mobius no longer dared... to provoke Bai Ye in his field of vision, and he also began to deflect when he was still several kilometers away from the other party.

Even if this will slow down the speed of his escape, it would be better to be teleported to a position closer to the sun by Bai Ye's magic again! "Can you do anything to survive? I really appreciate this kind of spirit, but it's a pity why you are so good The days are just to provoke me."

Bai Ye watched as Mobius tried to escape from the scorching rays of the sun.

To be able to squeeze out the last trace of strength from the dead soul body, this little miracle is also called Bai Ye snorted after admiring it.

"Announcing preparations for the construction of magic engineering."

In Bai Ye's indifferent gaze, an extremely tiny light spot slowly floated out from the dark golden eyes, suspended in the void in front of Bai Ye.

"The time-space corridor of the spell template, the peak of the Sisyphus trial, the strength of the spell, etc., the time and space of the source of the magic, the duration..."

Bai Ye turned his gaze back to Mobius, who was trying his best to escape into the depths of the void, and an indifferent smile appeared in his eyes.

"...Three years!"

With the light of Bai Ye's finger, the golden light spot suspended in the void shattered in an instant.

Countless tiny magic circles filled the vast void with a radius of [-] kilometers in the white night in an instant, and the invisible magic circle only dimmed the dazzling sunlight in this area for a moment.

After that, there was no other strangeness, even Mobius, who was surrounded by the magic circle, didn't notice the time and space around him that had been fixed by eternal magic.

"That guy really didn't catch up, is there any conspiracy waiting for me ahead!"

Mobius quickly swept away for dozens of kilometers before he turned around, and cast a suspicious look at Bai Ye, who was still facing the sun and didn't know what he was doing.

Although in his heart he hoped that Bai Ye could let him go, but when he realized that Bai Ye really hadn't caught up with him, the suspicious Mobius began to feel uneasy again.

Whenever there was such an ominous omen in his heart, something Reiatsu feared would happen.

In fact, this feeling has been resounding in Mobius' heart after meeting Bai Ye, and it was only at this moment that he suddenly realized his mistake! He actually ignored his heart during the long time with Bai Ye Early warning signs! "Damn it, if I can really escape this catastrophe, I have to hide from him for hundreds of thousands of years and never be born.

It's better to wait until that kid dies and continue my immortal road after birth, and if it doesn't work, I have to wait until everyone forgets their existence..."

Under the deterrence of the strength displayed by Bai Ye, Mobius was finally frightened. At this moment, he just wanted to go back to the ground and find a corner to bury himself deeply.

Never meet Bai Ye for the second time! Just as Mobius continued to flee to the depths of the void, a strong sense of weakness suddenly emerged from the soul body. This feeling came from of sudden.

Mobius, who tried his best to escape from the sun, only felt that his eyes were darkened, and he almost fell into the endless nothingness! "Can the soul body hold back... Damn it! If it weren't for the How could I be blocked by that kid...!"

At this moment, Mobius, who had burned all the core of his soul, even began to slow down his thinking, if he couldn't find a way out.

Even a soul body without mass attributes will still fall unstoppably into the endless magma fire under the terrifying gravitational effect of the sun! "Can't you hold it anymore? Well, enjoy your journey of freedom. Well, vampire remnant wandering in the radiance of the sun..."

Bai Ye turned around slowly, and cast his gaze from the brilliant fireball in front of him to Mobius, who was floating helplessly, his dark golden eyes flashing faintly.

At this moment, the field of Sisyphus's Trial Path has finally been activated!

Chapter 458 Farewell, Mobius!

If it weren't for Bai Ye's... magic, Mobius in the realm would be like Sisyphus in the Dutch epic, constantly repeating his futile efforts to push the boulder to the top of the mountain.

Whenever he couldn't hold on, the magic circle would inject a trace of strength into him that was only enough to push forward, when he finally reached the three thousand-mile boundary of the field of magic.

It will be sent to the origin of the beginning in the rules of the trial road, and the power consumed by Mobius in the trial road will return to his body in an instant.

One point is not much, one point is not less, not bad at all... "I hope I can see you again in the future three years later... That is naturally impossible. ."

As the only supreme mage in this world who combines time magic and space magic into one, Bai Ye was thinking about himself as early as Mobius.

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