"In person"

I saw the thousands of miserable endings of Mobius, under the influence of the huge gap between the two.

Even if Bai Ye spent some thought to expand the number of futures that can be observed, there is still no ending that can reverse the ending of Mobius falling into the endless scorching sun!" A full [-], trillion times observed The future of your life has ruled your death, if you can break through the road of trials, just give it a try."

Bai Ye's indifferent gaze was taken back from Mobius and he waved his hand directly, disappearing in a wave of time and space folds.

"Mobius, farewell."

...above a desolate land, Superman stood on a boulder with a sad face, lying beside him this handsome young man, his indifferent and serene face was like It's like falling asleep.

"Alas... the dark realm is about to come to this world, how can we protect our world by relying on my strength alone? Mr. Bai Ye, if you don't wake up, I can only top it first, I just hope When you wake up, the world will have time to be saved by you."

Clark slowly turned his body from above the boulder. In his field of vision, a dark cloud like a black tsunami was swallowing this planet at an exaggerated speed.

Through judgment, Clark predicts that it will take no more than half an hour at most, and the dark cloud like a tsunami will span the vast land of nearly [-] kilometers between the two and impact in front of the two! The clouds were full of giant skeleton soldiers with hideous shapes.

The huge sickle in their hands recklessly harvests the souls of everything they encounter along the way.

If it weren't for the early warning of Bai Ye, the super power of the Justice League would have withdrawn all the advanced life forms on the planet at this moment in advance.

I'm afraid Clark can't stay by Bai Ye's side with peace of mind. He has already rushed out to form a group with those...killing skeleton soldiers! But with the fast approaching of the dark cloud, Clark finally An's restless mood gradually floated from above the boulder, and each muscle bulged high under Clark's vigilance.

Just as Clark was about to make a move, a golden light fell from the sky and landed directly on the boulder.

Clark seemed to know who was coming, and did not make any obstacles at all, but looked at the enchanting figure surrounded by a golden flame with a look of joy.

"Carol, have you finally returned? The humans on this planet have settled down?"

"Naturally, it has been settled. Under the command of Mr. Bai Ye, we really found the huge spaceship above the outer orbit that can accommodate all human beings.

And under the guidance of Mr. Bai Ye, Diana's ability to open the teleportation channel has been much improved than before.

The reason why I came here in a hurry is...I want to inform you that all humans on this planet have been successfully transferred to the spacecraft!"

The figure that fell from the sky is naturally Captain Marvel, and under Clark's greeting, he also revealed all the information he most urgently knew.

"It's really great, without the constraints of those humans, we can finally use our strengths to drive all those... Dark Domain guys back into the abyss!"

Seeing Clark's excited expression, Carol smiled knowingly, but her expression suddenly dimmed when she swept towards the white night that was still falling asleep beside her.

Carol squatted down slowly, her white hands gently embraced Bai Ye's upper body in her arms, and her golden eyes were full of worry and distress.

"Sorry, I wasn't by your side when you needed it, but you went out of my reach when I arrived..."

Seeing the sad look on Carroll's face, Clark also slowly descended from the air.

"You don't have to worry too much, Carol, you all know Mr. Bai Ye's strength very well, he is not the kind of man... who will be easily defeated by setbacks.

I believe that he will reappear in front of us with his usual heroic attitude in the near future!"

"Well! You are right, Clark.

Our top priority now is... before the return of Mr. White Night, to control those... the guys in the dark realm, we must not let their conspiracy to annex this planet succeed!"

Carol is a strong woman, even without Clark's persuasion, she can still cheer up, only to see her lightly kiss Bai Ye's forehead, put him on the boulder, and slowly stand up.

"What happened to those guys during this period of time? When we moved the people, we could clearly perceive that the life breath of this planet was rapidly disappearing.

I think it must be those... dark side guys doing something to this planet during the time we're moving people!"

There was a hint of worry in Carol's golden eyes, and the planet under her feet that can breed advanced life like humans is rarely seen in the universe.

In today's environment where the dark side is gradually recovering, it is too expensive to recreate a planet suitable for human existence: .

In addition, the guys in the dark realm often don't think about sustainable development when they invade the human planet, and they often take... a method of exhausting the fish and do their best to swept away all the resources that can be used on the planet. null.

A planet that has been looted has lost any value even if it is recaptured by humans.

This leads to the fact that at the forefront of the human front, the loss of a 1-human planet is equivalent to losing forever!

Chapter 459 Wake Up!


Just as Clark and Carol discuss the dark realm's conspiracy and how to deal with this crisis.

Bai Ye, who was lying on top of the boulder, gradually woke up with a faint sigh, feeling the breeze blowing on his face, Bai Ye closed his eyes comfortably.

Clark and Carroll's senses were so acute that they discovered his awakening almost before Bai Ye woke up before opening his eyes.

After the two looked at each other, they both quickly returned to Bai Ye's side.

"Mr. Bai Ye! You finally woke up!"

Under Clark's surprised gaze, Carol didn't care about someone on the spot and directly hugged Bai Ye, who was lying on the ground, in his arms.

Tears of surprise fell from the corners of Carol's eyes, causing Bai Ye to open his eyes again.

"Sorry for worrying you, and thank you for the good morning kiss you gave me earlier..."

Bai Ye raised his hand on his forehead in Carroll's puzzled eyes, and Carol, who was quite familiar with Bai Ye, instantly knew that Bai Ye used his ability to observe time after he woke up.

When he observed the body in the previous time and space, he discovered that he had kissed him in his sleep. This discovery made Carol extremely shy and also washed away the scene, a somewhat dull atmosphere.

"Haha, I'm used to sleeping in a big hotel bed, but I really can't get used to this hard slate."

After pulling the upper body back from Carol's arms, a white light flashed in Bai Ye's eyes and disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already in the sky a hundred meters away.

Feeling the oncoming gust of wind, Bai Ye stretched his limbs and turned his attention to the thick black fog that was surging hundreds of kilometers away.

"What kind of guy without eyes is messing around while I'm sleeping. No matter how many times I kill a villain with no brains, I have to rush to die. Are they all reincarnated by cockroaches?"

Bai Ye scolded secretly in his heart, but with a wave of his hand, he directly marked the surrounding space for several kilometers as his own domain.

The breath of the dark realm mixed in this area is directly wiped away. In the perception of the white night, because of the violent activities of the dark realm, a large number of particles with dark attributes have escaped into the air, causing him to Smelling this smell makes me nauseous.

"Hey, the air suddenly became: a lot more awake, and the energy of other attributes suppressed by the dark power also began to become: active!"

Slowly came to Carroll and stretched out his hand with a surprised look to feel the energy particles in the air moving around with his movements.

Even the repressed breathing that can be suppressed also unlocks the restrictions, and the fresh and fast air is inhaled into the body, just like doing a deep massage for the tired body.

Unconsciously, I saw that I even felt better.

"It should be Mr. Bai Ye's credit. When Mr. wakes up, the whole dark atmosphere around this place is expelled.

The energy that belongs to living beings suddenly becomes active, there is no such coincidence in this world, what do you think, Mr. Bai Ye."

Clarke also followed Carol and floated beside Bai Ye, and even told a little joke in front of Bai Ye's surprise awakening.

Under the influence of Clark and Carroll's smiles, Bai Ye's mood gradually improved, nodded to the two of them and slowly said: "I have increased the energy density in this space and time several times, and It seems that the atmosphere of this planet is too low, and the activity level of energy has been increased by a dozen times, and a little work is not worth mentioning."

"His...a dozen times..."

Even Clark, who was used to seeing miracles, showed an exaggerated expression in Bai Ye's smile.

Carol, who was beside Bai Ye, was slightly startled, but showed a confident and proud smile, as if seeing Bai Ye so powerful would add strength to her.

"This is just the beginning. When the decisive battle with those guys begins, I plan to permanently move this planet directly back to our hometown - Earth!"

As if announcing a well-known thing, Bai Ye pointed to the thick black fog hundreds of kilometers away, and pointed to the desolate land under the feet of the three of them.

"Move a planet directly... If I say this in other people's mouths, I may be dismissive.

But if Mr. Bai Ye said it out of his mouth, it would be different, I hope I can witness the legendary scene like the Genesis with my own eyes..."

Hearing that Bai Ye was about to move the planet casually, Clark breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but wonder.

After all, the big project in Bai Ye's mouth is far beyond the limit of human imagination. Even in mythology, this kind of thing is a unique big scene! Looking at Clark's infinite yearning look, Bai Ye smiled slightly and turned his head slightly curious. Looking at Carol who is still soft and still around: "You don't seem to be surprised that I want to help this planet move"

Under Bai Ye's gaze, a seductive red bloom appeared on Karak's face, although he shyly turned his eyes away from Bai Ye's gaze.

But the soft smile on his face is more and more...intoxicating.

"Master Bai Ye never lies, this is the most impressive sentence you said to me that day.

No matter how scary and grand ideas and wishes spring out of your mouth, I firmly believe that you will be able to realize them!"

Under the gaze of Kroll's sweet smile like honey, even the perfect state of mind like Yu Gutan's spiritual realm is still rippling.

But after just a moment, it disappeared into Bai Ye's indifferent but vast eyes, and there was no more waves.

"Really, then your trust will never let you down."

In Bai Ye's calm tone as always, the words that Carol wanted to say out of her throat after a moment's stunned stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say it at all: no.

Perhaps aware of the strange atmosphere that pervaded the scene, Clark frowned and recovered from his reverie.

After some worried glances back and forth between the calm white night and the still smiling Carol, he slapped his forehead as if he suddenly thought of something.

"You haven't seen each other for a long time, so let's talk about it, I'll go to the front line to investigate, I'm thinking that I won't be able to fight in a short time.

Don't be in a hurry... don't be in a hurry!"

After speaking, Clark greeted the two of them, and quickly swept toward the dark realm that was coming hundreds of kilometers away.

Chapter 460

Looking at Clark's fast-moving back, Bai Ye smiled slightly.

"Clarke's thoughts are always so straightforward in his words, but it's... embarrassing for him to go to great lengths to create a space for the two of us to be alone."

Carol smiled slightly and said: "Yes, it's so lame to find a reason to leave the field. If those guys in the dark realm invaded so fast, we wouldn't bring them with us. Standing on this earth with a smile..."

In Carol's soft voice, Bai Ye slowly turned his head and asked in the latter's somewhat surprised eyes, "Is there anything you wanted to say to me before? You can say it now. ."

Seeing Bai Ye asking himself so frankly, Carroll's face turned red at first, and then a tired look gradually appeared on his face.

"Forget it...I want to say something, didn't Mr. Bai Ye see it with his own eyes that can see through the past and the future?"

Under Carroll's gaze with a hint of hope, Bai Ye nodded hesitantly, and turned around in Carroll's suddenly dimmed eyes.

"Even if you have heard my voice in the future, is Mr. Bai Ye not going to respond?"

As if not giving up.

A firm look flashed across Carroll's face, and slowly approached Bai Ye's back from mid-air. Although the slowly protruding fingers were slow, they were still firmly touching Bai Ye.

"I will hear that sentence you repeat over and over again in the next few seconds, but...my response will not be what you want to hear."

Bai Ye's tone was full of tolerance and calm as always, but the indifference that refused to let people a thousand miles away made Carol, who wanted to approach, tremble.

"Diana and the others have transferred all the humans on this planet into the spaceship. It seems that the time for the counterattack has finally come. Carol, get ready, they are coming."

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