In Bai Ye's eyes that suddenly raised his head and looked behind him, Carol withdrew his outstretched arm like lightning, forced a smile at Bai Ye, and then slowly backed away.

In her perception, Diana's teleportation circle was not far from her, and in order not to interfere with Diana Carroll, she exited dozens of meters before stopping.

Seeing that Carol's depressed mood, which she tried so hard to hide, was revealed in details that she didn't know, Bai Ye sighed inwardly and was about to speak for comfort.

A large number of bright orange-red sparks suddenly appeared in the void not far away from him, turning into a perfect circle in a moment's movement.

In the instant burst of sparks, the construction of the space channel connecting the ground and the escape spacecraft was completed.

"Teacher! You are finally awake! I miss you!"

Diana couldn't contain her excitement any longer when she saw that she was standing with a smile, and jumped directly from the teleportation platform inside the spaceship and threw herself into Bai Ye's arms.

Feeling the power of Diana's attack, a wry smile flashed on Baiye's face.

If he hadn't secretly eliminated some of Diana's rushing power, I'm afraid Diana herself would have been injured by hitting her hard.

Perhaps in Diana's heart, the urge to see her as soon as possible has overwhelmed all rational thoughts. "It's okay, so many people are watching."

After a little comfort, Bai Ye pulled Diana, who was lying on his body, away from him to make him stand on the ground, and with a gesture, he moved the portal that opened in mid-air to the boulder.

Diana, the girl, actually built the teleportation circle that she saw in two places by Bai Ye's side in order to do the kendo as quickly as possible, if it wasn't for Bai Ye's own ability to fabricate time and space at will.

I am afraid that the vast majority of superheroes who are incapable of flying on the escape spacecraft have to take a ladder to support the battlefield... "Master, please let me follow you in the future, I don't want to be in Let go of you!"

Diana pulled Bai Ye's arm with a pleading expression on her face, and didn't let go of anything.

Even under the onlookers of the crowd, she did not let go, but one could imagine how deep the obsession in this girl's heart was.

"This is hard to say. I can only say try my best. Besides, if you can practice time-space magic well, you can teleport to me anytime, anywhere."

Bai Ye laughed dumbly and at the same time pulled his arm back from the reluctant Diana, and looked at the many superheroes who gathered together.

Every face is so familiar, and those eyes are full of deep reverence.

"Since everyone is back together again, don't waste time, just go and clean up those... annoying guys and go home together!"

Bai Ye took a few steps forward and walked in front of everyone, without saying a word of nonsense, he pointed his finger at the dark fog that was rushing eastward.

Perhaps sensing Bai Ye's awakening, the expansion speed of the dark realm was a little faster, and within ten minutes of Bai Ye's awakening, he had already approached the crowd by hundreds of kilometers.

Even though the thick black fog like a tsunami was still far apart, it had already cast a shadow on everyone's heart.

"Everything is up to you. Since the most important protagonist has woken up, I naturally won't have any opinion!"

under the call of the night.

Even the most self-improving and arrogant Thor stood out from the queue slowly, and slammed the Thor's Hammer, which had been turned into a giant axe, on the boulder, causing everyone to tremble.

"Humph! What kind of arrogance does a defeated general have!"

Iron Man in the nano-steel suit also stepped out of the team and showed his respect to Bai Ye by tapping his arms on his chest.

"Are you tin man trying to fight?"

Being exposed to the pain by Iron Man, Thor snorted a little unhappily, and pulled out the huge hand axe inserted into the boulder... and then walked towards the other side.

A trace of lightning flashed out of his eyes, looking like the majesty of Lei Gong.......

"Who's afraid of Pikachu!"

Seeing that Thor dared to provoke himself in front of Bai Ye, Iron Man was also angry, and the iron cloud composed of nano-machines wrapped around his face in an instant to form an indestructible helmet.

The brilliance composed of traces of energy even flowed out from the anti-mass reactor in his chest.

"What did you call me! You have something to say right in front of me!"

"Humph! I can say it three times, what do you want!"

I don't know what conflict happened between Thor and Iron Man. The conflict broke out in an instant, and those... the many heroes around them seemed to be surprised.

Turning a blind eye, they gathered together to exchange the battle situation and waited for the farce to end.

Chapter 461 Announcement to the world

"I'll blow your fucking head off!"

In Iron Man's contemptuous tone, Lei Shang was really furious, and the dazzling thunder light directly turned the irritated roots of his brownish-yellow semi-long hair upside down.

In the rather strange eyes of everyone, a familiar image seemed to really come alive in front of them.

"Pfft! Hope you never know what the hell you are now!"

In Thor's provocation, although Iron Man did not step back, he surprisingly did not speak sarcasm, but looked at Thor's funny image and laughed outrageously.

Seeing that the conflict between the two was about to evolve from a verbal conflict to a physical conflict, Bai Ye stepped out of Diana's side while laughing in his heart.

The terrifying aura of the vastness, like the endless starry sky, crushed everyone in the blink of an eye, and then it was under Bai Ye's intentions.

The unstoppable and terrifying momentum swept the entire planet in an instant and spread to the depths of the endless starry sky! Just like announcing his return to the world, Bai Ye used the most intuitive and rude way. Announcing the existence and power of the One to all intelligent beings, enemy or oil, open or dark.

The terrifying force that swept out was under the command of Bai Ye's unimaginable precise operation ability, and charged towards the star field where some of the higher civilizations in memory were located.

It is like a broadcast in the universe that is tens of thousands of times faster than the speed of light, echoing and spreading to the most remote corners of the universe.

At this moment, countless high-level civilizations dropped a large number of detection devices and expeditions into the cold and silent infinite universe in the broadcast radiation of the white night.

Moreover, a large number of evil races shrouded in the dark side were provoked by the righteous attributes that Bai Ye advertised to the whole world.

The high-level battleship group that stretches for thousands of miles is like deadly predators coming out of their nests, turning into dark streamers and disappearing towards the source of the broadcast... I feel the silent universe in one of its own broadcasts. In the scene that became lively, a smile gradually emerged from the corner of Bai Ye's mouth.

"The world is finally about to become: interesting."

As the heroes closest to Bai Ye's energy impact, they are like frozen ice sculptures at the moment, and they gradually "thawed" after seeing Bai Ye's obvious improvement in his face.

Come on.

Iron Man and Thor, who were the source of the conflict, seemed to be injected with tranquilizers at the moment, and the thunder and lightning that permeated the burly body instantly disappeared.

And the Iron Man who covered the whole body of the steel armor also trembled as if the armor was short-circuited.

Even if Bai Ye's energy impact didn't hit the two of them, but Iron Man, who was just a mortal, wanted to be safe from the impact of the energy or was too reluctant. He could ensure that he didn't lose consciousness during the impact. It was bloody. The precious wealth that has been tempered on the battlefield is coming into play! After all, it is just a beautiful illusion that mortals are shoulder to shoulder with gods. In front of the real powerful people, even the legendary gods are not much more alive than mortals.

This is one of the only consensuses of almost all intelligent beings who have seen the power of Bai Ye, even if the cultures are different, the spiritual pursuits are also very different.

But in the face of the real powerhouse, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is an important key to the continuation of every intelligent race.

And after Bai Ye showed his power a little, nearly [-]% of the civilizations with the wisdom of the owners in the vast universe responded in an instant to the willingness to contact and communicate based on goodwill.

Nearly half of the remaining [-]% of the intelligent races also showed a willingness to communicate on an equal footing, or autism who blocked all external wills in an instant and intended to directly bury the entire civilization in the background of deep space.

As for the remaining one or two percent of intelligent races, they showed obvious hostility and fear after sensing the power of Bai Ye, as if the reason why all beings stronger than themselves contacted them must be victims of paranoia who came to invade themselves. .

Although these...races refuse to communicate and contact, they are intelligent races that can use their brains, although they show hostility and resistance to Baiye's active contact.

But you can also know who is stronger in the moment of contact, and clearly understand the difference in strength between the two.

On the contrary.... also showed the performance of being a peaceful race, rather than making some provocative courting behaviors.

Of course, like "kill"

It is the doomed fate of intelligent life, and most intelligent races can dilute some irrational "delusions" with a large base of compatriots.

But in some extreme civilizations, the display of Bai Ye's strength is no different from declaring war... which coincidentally includes the dark realm that is on the same planet as Bai Ye! In induction After the inestimable strength of Bai Ye, the Dark Domain not only did not show any retreat and fear.

Even after a simple judgment, it opened up a more rapid expansion and phagocytosis ability towards the area where Bai Ye was.

Countless skeleton legions wielded scythes surging in the thick black fog like a tsunami.

Clark, who was scouting on the front line, was also forced by the sudden madness of the Dark Domain offensive, and could only fight and retreat to the area where Bai Ye was.


Under Bai Ye's puzzled eyes, many heroes also wanted to come back to their senses, and half turned their attention to the thick black fog that swept in from the east.

"Those... the guys in the dark realm are really courting death, and more than [-] million skeleton soldiers have come to provoke Mr. Bai Ye."

In Carroll's disdainful tone, almost all the heroes nodded in agreement, unaware of the painful experience that they were almost pushed down by the dark realm at that time.

In the minds of many heroes, those... Tricky Skeleton Soldiers are at most... and Hawkeye with flying equipment.

Even if the number has become tens of millions, it is still an ant-like existence in Bai Ye's hands.

Wasn't Dormammu, who was even more terrifying than him, vanishing in the wave of Mr. White Night's hand? After growing up for so long.

Mr. Bai Ye's strength is probably several times that of that period. In Mr. Bai Ye's eyes, a crisis like the dark realm is probably just... a sigh of relief. Hearing this, I'm afraid I'll laugh out loud. His current strength has only increased a few times compared to when he was dealing with Dormammu. In the process of Bai Ye's constant elimination of the big ones, his points have accumulated to an astronomical figure. , but Bai Ye did not use these points to improve his strength.

Just because Bai Ye's current strength is already the ceiling of this world, with the use of points to improve his strength, the "ceiling" that has never been seen will be lifted.

Does it look good to have a ball when raising tens of thousands of meters?

Chapter 462 The Superman who was recruited

I don't know if it's because Bai Ye has existed in the consciousness world for a long time.

In the support of many superheroes, the voices of praise buried deep in his heart were like earth-shattering shouts in Bai Ye's ears, which made him very embarrassed.

Bai Ye is not too excited about his sudden ability to passively perceive other people's emotions and inner thoughts. After all, it seems that he will reach such a state sooner or later.

It's just that Bai Ye didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

"Now that everyone is ready, let's go."

As soon as Bai Ye opened his mouth, dozens of superheroes fell silent, and each of them stared with reverence and awe at how Bai Ye wanted to defeat the dark realm that was about to sweep in.

Bai Ye can guess what everyone is saying without listening. Bai Ye slowly sticks out two fingers, and after a crisp finger snap, the scenery in front of everyone suddenly changes in an instant! "Yeah! The front line of the battle of the realm!"

Ant-Man, who is most sensitive to the distance of time and space, changed his face, and with a cry of exclamation, he ran directly to the high ground not far away and looked at the boulder that everyone stood before.

Everyone who had some vague guesses also made a sound of exclamation in unison.

"It's at least [-] kilometers away from the boulder... It's incredible."

The Iron Man in the team directly obtained the approximate distance of his location two minutes before and after using the communication with the satellite, and looked at Bai Ye with an unbelievable look on his face.

The crowd also exploded with the words of Iron Man, and took dozens of people across more than [-] kilometers in an instant. This method is worthy of being the strongest white night mage in human beings! "The decisive battle is about to take place, such a long distance Scale time travel won't cause you any burden, right?"

Carol walked out of the team slowly, looking at Mage Bai Ye with a worried look.

Hearing Carol's worried words, many superheroes all quieted down after looking at each other, and focused their eyes on the arrogant figure standing with his hands behind his back.

"Yeah, if this unnecessary means of movement consumes too much, the decisive battle after that..."

The most sensible Doctor Strange also walked out of the queue. As Bai Ye's junior brother, he knew the astronomical amount of mana that such a long-distance teleportation array would consume.

Even if he had already started his apprenticeship, if he wanted to achieve the same teleportation effect without the help of the space-time gem, he would probably need to consume one-tenth of his 10% mana to do it.

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