"Don't worry about it, don't you have a clear understanding of Fu's strength? Let alone moving dozens of us hundreds of kilometers.

Even moving this planet directly into the solar system is something that can be done with a single effort!"

Di An, who is most reliant and trusted in Bai Ye, smiled confidently and walked directly from the queue to Bai Ye's side to signal everyone not to worry about his teacher's little magic.

Among Diana's compliments, Bai Ye, who was in a perfect mood, felt a trace of unbearable shame, even if the scene described by Diana was a real effort for Bai Ye.

But I don't know why, it's really embarrassing to be used by others as a compliment.

When Bai Ye shook his head helplessly, he turned his attention to the monstrous black fog that was only a few kilometers away in front of him.

"The joke is here, the guys are coming."

In the indifferent tone of Bai Ye, the expressions of many superheroes also changed rapidly: when you get nervous, when you can joke, when do you need to be serious, many superheroes can be called battle-hardened, and naturally they can grasp it. This degree.

Suddenly, a bright red light flashed away from the monstrous black cloud and mist, Bai Ye's eyes narrowed, and he raised his palm directly to the vanishing rainbow light.

Under the astonished gazes of many superheroes, the figure of Clark, who had disappeared for a long time, suddenly appeared in the void in front of the middle-aged man, and many viscous and ink-like evil forces were like mucus. firmly bound in it.

"It's Clark who went to the front line for reconnaissance before, how could he become like this!"

Carol stepped forward anxiously, wanting to use her ability to expel those... filthy evil forces from Superman's body, but before she stepped forward, Diana, who was waiting on the side, changed her face and quickly stepped forward to stop Carol.

"The teacher gave me a voice transmission. The evil power characteristic of Clark is exactly the eroding superpower. Once he shows his superpower in front of this kind of thing, he will be stared at by this kind of thing, and he will never die!"

In Diana's serious tone, the faces of many superheroes suddenly turned to one side, and in the long battle with many heroes, this kind of evil thing specially aimed at superheroes appeared in the dark realm!" Clark Will there be any danger!"

Under Carroll's anxious gaze, Diana slowly shook her head and looked at Clark who was in a coma with a heavy gaze.

"Superman is now... already eroded by that kind of thing, even if he wakes up in the hands of the teacher, I am afraid that the superhuman power in the body will be greatly weakened, and it may even... disappear completely. …”

"My God...!"

Everyone exclaimed for a while. No wonder Mr. Bai Ye was portrayed as a monster specially designed to deal with superheroes. If a cup of contact can take away everyone's superpowers, how to fight such a monster is in everyone's contemplation. , Carol only felt darkness in front of her eyes, although her beloved is not a superman, but because the two have similar superpowers and fought side by side, it can be said that they are Carol's best friend besides Bai Ye.

Looking at Clark's face that was haunted by the deep pain, the tenderness in Carroll's eyes disappeared in an instant, and she quickly walked to Bai Ye's side, and said in a very sincere tone: "Mage Bai Ye, I hope you can Give Clark a hand, this favor..."

"I'll save you even if you don't tell me..."

A look of surprise flashed across Carol's face, and Bai Ye turned his head and lightly tapped his forehead with his fingers, revealing a mysterious smile to himself.

"But looking at your favor, I'll do everything in my power to save Clark."

After speaking, Bai Ye turned around, and with a wave of his hand, he instantly peeled off the dark substance that was sticky on Clark's body, and disappeared in a ray of brilliance shot from Bai Ye's fingertips.

In the gap when no one was paying attention, a blush rose quietly from Kroll's face, and the gaze that silently looked behind Bai Ye gradually softened...

Chapter 463 The Fifth Magic

After removing the dark material on Clark's body, Bai Ye stepped forward and directly crossed the distance of more than ten meters between the two to come to Superman.

"It seems to be hidden.... It's quite deep, but it's a pity that it's useless in front of me!"

Under Bai Ye's cold snort, a dazzling brilliance shot out from his eyes and penetrated deep into Clark's body, sending those... hidden in the superman's soul. That trace of anomaly was found! "Disperse!"

Under Bai Ye's order, the hidden deep evil power burst like a bubble in an instant.

And the many superheroes who were watching nervously on the side finally breathed a sigh of relief, because after Bai Ye's shot, the look on Clark's face finally eased, as if he was asleep.

After finishing the treatment of Superman, Bai Ye waved his hand and directly treated all the many dark wounds left in Clark's body.

After injecting a pure soul power, Clark woke up from the coma.

"Where am I? Have I not been swallowed..."

Clark opened his eyes and glanced around suspiciously, but it was the first time he saw Bai Ye beside him.

"Yeah! Master Bai Ye, did you save me!"

Afterwards, Clark apologized to Bai Ye like a kid who made a mistake and was caught by his teacher: "I'm really sorry, I wanted to do something for everyone, but it was in the dark realm of conspiracy. Lost consciousness...the people who are still implicated in the end..."

"Okay, your little injury is not a difficulty for me to be thankful for at all."

Seeing that Clark was no longer in serious trouble, Bai Ye took Superman directly and returned to the siege of many superheroes.

And Bai Ye himself simply told everyone to wait for a while, then changed into a stream of light and disappeared from everyone's field of vision.

"Could it be that the direction of Master Bai Ye's departure is... he intends to fight against those guys alone!"

In the exclamation of Superman, everyone also noticed the end of the trace left in the sky after Bai Ye left, it was the dark realm that quickly pressed towards everyone! "Oh, I haven't compared those guys' abilities and Insidiously tell Master Bai Ye, I am worried that he will suffer a loss if he rushes directly like this!"

Clark seemed to have just remembered it suddenly, and wanted to chase after the disappearing White Night Mage directly from the crowd, but when everyone thought of the tragic situation when Superman was rescued before, how could they dare to let him re-enter the area? In the dark realm, "You guys don't want to stay here and there, do you still want to get into trouble surrounded by those guys and let the White Night Mage be distracted to save you!"

Carroll stepped forward directly, and the right hand that burst out with golden flames directly pressed on Clark's impulsive shoulder, forcibly stabilized the somewhat anxious Clark.

"But Master Bai Ye has just saved my life, how can I just let Master Bai Ye rush into the siege of those guys! Staying here will make my conscience uneasy!"

Although Clark shouted that he wanted to rush out to help Master Bai Ye, his reason told him.

If I rush out now, I am afraid that it is really the same as what Carol said, and I will drag the White Night Mage to save myself once again! "Damn! If only my strength could be stronger!"

A trace of unwilling pain appeared on Clark's face. What he did not find was that in the spread of these words, many superheroes without exception showed a trace of unwillingness and sadness.

Can be any partner of Bai Ye, can become a hero in the people's mouth, which of them is not a person who hates evil and cherishes justice, and who doesn't want to follow Bai Ye's side to help justice and fight evil, but the cruel reality is to tell everyone that in the real big fear When it arrives, there may be a strong person who can stand up and not hold back Mage Bai Ye, but it is not any one of the people standing here at the moment... "Don't be angry! So being called a hero is not just a superpower in the body, as long as we can stick to the heart of justice, there must be something we can do!"

In the silence of many superheroes, Diana's voice was like a bolt of lightning across everyone's dark night-like state of mind, opening up a new world in the roar! "Yeah! The reason why we were determined to be a The hero who protects kindness and justice, is it because of the super power of flying and escaping? I didn't expect that we would be unknowingly sunk into power in the long battle against evil!"

Diana's voice was like a bright light lit in the hearts of everyone. The depression and unwillingness that had just shrouded everyone disappeared in an instant, and everyone's eyes were like bright stars lit up one by one, except... ............Doctor Strange...Seeing that many superheroes around him have become in a vague magical fluctuation: optimistic, Doctor Strange does not know whether he should This little magic of self-entertaining spiritual intervention should be exposed to everyone.

"Mage, this little spell is a booster that Mr. Bai Ye specially entrusted to me before, and I hope you can pretend that you didn't see it..."

Diana's eyes flashed with brilliance, and in the gap that everyone did not notice, she cast an inexplicable look at Doctor Strange in the crowd.

"If this is the order of Master Bai Ye, I should follow it carefully..."

Doctor Strange's eyes narrowed, and those slightly weird expressions disappeared quietly in Diana's smile.

"So all this was expected by that lord... As expected, it is the eyes of the owner who see through the past and the future..."

The shock in Doctor Strange's heart is indescribable, and at the same time, after touching the dim golden light in Diana's eyes, even as calm as Doctor Strange, he couldn't help but set off a huge wave in his heart! "That golden light... ...! Could it be that Mage Bai Ye has even the [Fifth Method of Miracles]...!"

Under the gaze of Doctor Strange's sudden change of expression, a frosty warning suddenly came from Diana's eyes. Under Diana's gaze, even Doctor Strange couldn't help shivering.

"Put away your surprise, this is not knowledge that we humans can reach, and I hope that the Master can speak carefully! Also, keep this secret in your stomach forever, otherwise those... will be hidden in the abyss. The magister in the mezzanine, but it is easy to find yours through the smell wandering in time and space..."

Chapter 464 Skull Emperor

After leaving from being surrounded by many superheroes, Bai Ye did not hesitate for a moment and plunged into the thick pitch-black cloud. Under the impact, the thick black cloud that seemed to be like ink burst open one after another.

But until Bai Ye slammed into it for a good kilometer, the only thing that caught the eye was the dark and evil power that was too thick to dissolve. Those skeleton soldiers in the report of Superman were half of them. Can't see.

"Humph! Do the mice hiding in the east really think that they can escape from my palm by hiding?"

A dark golden golden flower flashed in Bai Ye’s eyes, and the fifth miracle—the magic of time was activated instantly! In the blink of an eye, Bai Ye had traversed all possible paths in the thick black fog that could not see the boundary at all. The paths are all in sight, and the hidden guys are naturally unable to escape the eyes of Bai Ye! Boom! With a wave of Bai Ye, a large space-time several kilometers away is directly shattered like glass. , The skeleton soldiers who hide in it and report the whereabouts of the white night at any time are naturally inevitable.

Even before a scream was sent out, it turned into debris along with the shattered time and space, and was directly swallowed up by the turbulent currents that spread from the crack of time and space and disappeared.

The white night in the black fog also rushed towards the source of the black fog in a roar, and the stirred wind and clouds blew a typhoon of level [-] behind him, and the dark lightning was the power of darkness. The madness of the typhoon spreads out! If you can observe the planet in outer space, most of which is shrouded in black fog at this moment, you can clearly see the huge dark typhoon passing by a faint and invisible white light. It shattered abruptly.

On the way of the shuttle, the space magic shot from Bai Ye's hands has not been cut off, just like splashing water outward, strangling and smashing a skeleton soldier hidden in the dark! In the impact of Bai Ye Down, the huge amount of black fog that was rushing towards the heroes also slowed down quickly, and then, amid the surprises and cheers of many heroes, it rolled back like a tide in the opposite direction! Time and space shattered by the white night. The thunder that roared out during the healing also spread from the black fog, making many superheroes outside the black fog feel their blood boiling! And Bai Ye was too lazy to use each one after running for hundreds of kilometers all the way. The method of smashing time and space at a fixed point eliminates the huge skeleton soldiers. After directly estimating the approximate number of skeleton soldiers in a whole piece of time and space, a brilliance like silver flashed in the eyes!" Repeat the magic!"

Activate! As Bai Ye suddenly folded his palms together, Yi's brilliance rapidly expanded from his body, and in the blink of an eye, the thick black mist of half the planet was enveloped in "My God.. ....is this Shiro's strength? Could it be that he wants to completely wipe out the dark realm on this planet with one move! This is really crazy!"

Whether it is Iron Man or he has already arranged satellites on this planet, the scene from outer space at this moment is also displayed in front of all the superheroes in the instrument made by Iron Man with nanomachines.

In everyone's field of vision, the silver-white brilliance that contained half of the planet began to shrink in less than three seconds after unfolding, and the dark rain and fog on the way seemed to be swept away by Thomas. Empty dust generally disappears cleanly! "Oh my god..."

Diana and Doctor Strange, who were standing at the edge of the crowd, looked at the scenery in front of them in shock. In their field of vision, the dark realm that had already faded quickly still did not escape the coverage of the silver-white light.

Just like the satellite, the picture taken in outer space is exactly the same, the dark area covered by the silver-white brilliance is like the snow that has been poured with boiling water, and it quickly disappears.

Under the perception of Doctor Strange, who has a strong sense of space, the reason why those... pitch-black clouds are disappearing quickly is not because of the filtering and gathering of silver-white light.

It was that the silver-like brilliance suddenly gathered together in the place where the dark clouds and fog were densest. After a brilliance flashed, the surrounding space of nearly one kilometer in diameter seemed to be forcibly dug in half and suddenly disappeared! And the next moment , an identical space-time suddenly appeared in the space-time that was dug away, but the dark clouds and mist in that space were not left at all, and completely disappeared from everyone's perception.

"The magic that directly replaces time and space at this time, I didn't expect that Master Bai Ye had already penetrated the origin of magic at this age. It is truly unprecedented..."

In Doctor Strange's exclamations, everyone also turned their eyes to a large number of dark clouds that quickly melted away a few kilometers in front of them, although not everyone was able to comprehend the magic displayed in the white night.

However, everyone can still judge the pros and cons of Bai Ye Mage and those guys who come from the darkness through the aura of the rapidly disappearing dark realm.

Under the astonished gazes of everyone, Diana slowly walked out of the team and bowed deeply towards Bai Ye, who was fighting against the dark realm in the endless black fog.

"Thank you for your efforts!"

..."Humph! If you don't show up again, the troops you summoned from the dark world will disappear completely!"

Bai Ye coldly looked at a being hidden in the black mist in front of him, did that guy dare to show himself in front of him if he knew a little about space and other techniques? It's ridiculous! A cold light shot out from Bai Ye's eyes. Out, the sharp eyes contained great coercion, directly forcing the huge skeleton monster hidden in the void.

"Damn it! The Black Lantern Corps I worked so hard to summon from the dark world was destroyed by you! You should pay me so!"

A huge skeleton skeleton slowly emerged in the void, a large amount of pitch-black mist condensed like water mist, attached to the huge pale skeleton, and within the huge skeleton head, two faint blue rays of light condensed. The eye hole suddenly lit up! The magnificent and terrifying aura of death spewed out from the opening and closing of the white and red skulls, and swept away towards the white night hundreds of meters away! "It's you again, honestly in the dark world. In the middle of it, you have to provoke me if you think you will die!"

Bai Ye let out a cold snort, and the breath of death that swept over disappeared in an instant!

Chapter 465: Rotating the World

When the huge skeleton saw Bai Ye, he downplayed the power of death that he could inspire, and there was a hint of fear in the eyes of the gigantic skeleton.

Especially after seeing the terrifying magical effect that covered half of the planet in the white night, the two candlelights in the eyes of the roaming and huge skeleton began to violently turmoil! "Where did you come from, the strong man? I can feel the huge energy and vitality in your body, and I think you are not from my dark realm!"

Facing the question of the huge skeleton, Bai Ye's eyes flashed, but he cast his eyes into the deep space behind the skeleton.

Unconsciously, behind the huge skeleton, a huge teleportation circle was quietly unfolded.

From the dark space-time channel like a black hole, a large number of skeleton soldiers streamed out from it. Many skeleton soldiers with powerful breath have just appeared in this world and have been able to rely on the strong force of death in their bodies to float. in the void.

Seemingly aware of Bai Ye's gaze, the huge skeleton suddenly let out a shrill laughter, as if he was very interested in Bai Ye's reaction.

"How in the short period of time you and I talked, I have opened the passage to the dark world, and now even if you want to block me, it is already impossible to do!"

"My army of death will sweep through any corner of this planet in one day. Even if your strength is very strong, how many times can you cast the same magic as before hahahahaha!"

"I won this time! Human mage!"

After the huge skeleton laughed arrogantly, he slammed his palm down in the direction of Bai Ye, and the countless power of darkness spewed out from the time and space around Bai Ye like a fountain. Surrounding! Boom! The soldiers behind the huge skeleton also swarmed towards the white night with strange screams in an instant, and the huge sickle with the skeleton soldier in my hand was surrounded by the power of darkness Bai Ye chopped it off! "Is this really disappointing..."

Suddenly, Bai Ye's unwavering tone spread from the power of darkness.

A look of fear suddenly flashed in the eyes of the huge skeleton, before he could react.

The power of darkness that surrounded Bai Ye burst apart, and countless silver-white brilliance flowed out of Bai Ye's hands, directly smashing the swarming large number of skeleton soldiers together with their scythe weapons! "You! Didn't you ask me before, how many times can the magic that enveloped half of the planet be used?"

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