Seeing the unwavering expression on Bai Ye's face, a hint of unpleasantness flashed in the heart of the huge skeleton. I saw that he hurriedly raised his palms and rushed towards Bai Ye not far away, and the space gushing out from Bai Ye's hands. A movement similar to the power suddenly appeared above Bai Ye's head.

In Bai Ye's line of sight, I saw a half-space blade mercilessly falling towards where I was.

"Use Sora in front of me, and it's a space blade of the magic department... You are really brave."

The look in Bai Ye's eyes suddenly became cold, and as he raised his hand, a silver-white brilliance that penetrated the sky shot out from his palm.

After directly smashing the falling space blade, Yu Wei directly broke through the thick black fog formed by the power of darkness! "What! It broke my power of space so easily!"

The gigantic Skeleton King seemed to have seen something incredible, and there was still a remnant of the space blade aura that he used to use his entire body of darkness to cast in the void.

The space blade that can kill most of the cadres and leaders in the dark realm with one blow can't even stop the human being's blow, and what is the super huge amount of time and space power spurting out of that guy's hands? "Is this the legendary second method of miracles...!"

The huge skeleton seemed to have suffered a huge blow, and the two candle flames in its eyes suddenly fell silent after they burst into flames.

"What you think is not wrong, it's just that the name of the second method is very famous in your dark realm, and even a little scoundrel like you can actually hear the name of the root magic... ..."

Bai Ye saw through the inner world of the huge skeleton in an instant, and was obviously a little surprised that this weak guy in front of him actually knew the information about the root magic.

"You can read the mind and read the mind of an undead... Human Mage, you're surprising me more and more!"

The huge skeleton trembled, and a large amount of dark power spurted out in an instant, wrapping the many skeleton soldiers around him in it, and he was corroded by the extremely high concentration of dark power without even a scream!" I'm asking questions, forget it..."

An indifferent look flashed in Bai Ye's eyes.

"Anyway... Killing you directly, taking out the source of your soul and observing it can also achieve my goal, so I won't waste time with you."

As if not seeing the huge skeleton that was about to show all the power of darkness and fight to the death, Bai Ye slowly raised his right hand against the strong power of darkness.

"The Supreme Spell Rotates the World."

Om! Under the magical effect of Bai Ye, the huge skeleton and many skeleton soldiers have been absorbed into the void by a translucent vortex that suddenly appeared before they could react! "What the hell is this?! You Who is this guy who can play with time and space, I have never heard of such a human being—!!”

Amid the screams of the huge Skeleton King, countless skeleton soldiers and guys from the dark realm were absorbed by the vortex in the void, and disappeared without a trace in just three breaths.

And a small ball emitting a faint silver-white brilliance is like a glass bead, and it is quickly approaching Bai Ye under Bai Ye's casual move.

Taking over the small world of time and space, it is like a small world sealed by a small glass bead. Bai Ye's sight can easily see the number of sealed numbers through the transparent shell of the glass bead. Ten Thousand Skeleton Soldiers and the Giant Skeleton King.

"Since these little bastards have been cleaned up, why are the others hiding?"

Bai Ye's indifferent gaze slowly lifted from the small glass ball in his hand and looked towards a certain space!

Chapter 466 Conquering the Black Death

And the small world in his fingers was in a crisp sound, turned into a mass of foam between Bai Ye's fingers and disappeared into the void! Tens of thousands of dark domain monsters sealed in the small world and the ...It seems that the majestic and majestic Skeleton King cannot be spared. At the moment when the small world is broken, the soul fluctuations in it also disappear at the same time! It can be seen that this is the case, in this space and time where only Bai Ye is left alone, No sound came out to respond to Bai Ye.

"Humph! If you don't come out, you won't have a chance."

Bai Ye snorted coldly, his sharp and deep gaze glared at the space he was looking at before, and a stream of light flashed through the space at that time.

Under the coercion of his eyes, a figure slowly emerged from the time and space, and the thick pitch-black mist that had been left in the time and space also swarmed towards the figure as if it had found its owner! "It's really a heroic boy, I didn't expect that after so many years, a supreme being like you would actually be born among the small and fragile human beings, what a huge joke of fate!"

The figure that just emerged seemed to be very curious about Bai Ye, and his dark eyes did not conceal his temptation.

It's a pity that Bai Ye didn't pay attention to the guy who just appeared, but turned his eyes sharper and full of coercion in the direction he was looking at before! "I gave you a chance before, even if you think about it now, it's already gone. late!"

At the moment when Bai Ye's voice fell, a silver-white brilliance shot out from his eyes. It was the supreme magic rotation world that sealed tens of thousands of monsters in the dark realm with one move! "What! Except me Besides, there are actually other people in this space-time!"

The dark figure that had just appeared turned pale in shock, and he also turned his eyes to the void caused by Baiye's attack. When he thought that he was hiding under another guy's eyelids before, he felt a tremor in his heart. .

And the characters hidden in the void were also suspicious of Bai Ye's attack. He didn't know if Bai Ye was deliberately bombing him, after all, he had always been very confident in his concealment methods.

I saw that he hesitated for a while after Bai Ye's attack, and then rushed towards the other direction of the sub-chronology, but he was thinking of a plan.

It's a pity that he didn't know that his behavior was like a mouse crossing the street in Bai Ye's eyes, and there was no concealment at all.

With the slight movement of Bai Ye's fingers, the silver-white means that was hitting into the void instantly changed direction, and rushed towards the position where the hidden figure fled! "Why does this human mage really see his position? !"


The character hidden in the sub-time and space has some strength, and he reacted in time when Bai Ye changed the direction of the attack, but unfortunately, the action was fast, Bai Ye's attack! Rumbling rumbling!! The energy suddenly disappeared in a silver light at a distance of less than ten meters away.

And in the next instant, the void more than ten meters away was like a... a mirror that was suddenly shattered! "I didn't expect that the attack of this human mage could travel through time and space, and strike precisely enough to hide in another Time and space guy, such a method is incredible!"

The expression of the black-clothed old man who appeared in the morning suddenly changed, but he clearly understood the difficulty of Bai Ye's one-handed attack. Don't look at that attack just traveled a dozen meters away in time and space and concentrated on that one... Hiding in it the guy.

But the distance of more than ten meters is only the distance that emerges in the real world. No one knows how much the silver-white brilliance has crossed in an instant after it traveled to time and space... Wanli hides it in time and space. The guy in the middle was smashed into a lump of flesh! And the shock wave that suddenly exploded in the real world was extremely powerful, even the black-clothed old man who appeared at the beginning took the boss's efforts to resist it.

As for that... the guy who was hit by the silver-white horse training, I am afraid that at this moment he has turned into a ball in the void and smashed it... After Bai Ye eliminated that... the nasty guy who had been hiding in the dark, He also slowly looked at the embarrassed old man in black.

How could the old man dare to speak casually after seeing the power of Bai Ye, for a while, the huge void was terrifyingly depressing.

Can't afford it! This seemingly young human boy is definitely not someone he can afford to offend! The old man in black will judge the current form clearly in an instant, and the only thought that rings in his mind at this moment is how to do it. Run away alive from the hands of this human kid! It's not that he didn't think about running away in chaos when Bai Ye and that guy who was hiding in the void were fighting.

But who would have thought that... the seemingly powerful one was hiding, but he couldn't even take a single move in Bai Ye's hands, and was directly bombarded and killed! Know who...the guy whose face has been deceived by himself! "It's can't beat it, and you can't run far, what's the deal?"

A trace of cold sweat slowly fell from the forehead of the black-clothed old man under Bai Ye's indifferent gaze, thinking of Bai Ye's strangulation: the ruthlessness and decisiveness of the monsters in the dark realm, and the superb space control ability.

The old man is very doubtful that if he turns around and runs now, can he hold on to Bai Ye's hands for ten seconds without being intercepted..." If you can't arouse my interest in what you are calling, then you will die together. ."

With a wave of Bai Ye's hand, he directly fixed the black-clothed old man on a pure white cross, and said slowly while the latter's face suddenly changed.

"My name is the Black Death! I own a whole dark empire, and I also have a huge Black Lantern Corps under my command. These... battle forces under my leadership will definitely be able to help You are a huge help!"

The Black Death Emperor never thought that Bai Ye's temper would be so bad. If he didn't agree, he would do it to himself. If he really didn't say a word, he would be a tough guy. The second one is the dead soul here! Hearing the humiliating words of the Emperor of the Black Death, Bai Ye frowned, and directly removed one of the Emperor's arms before raising his hand! Dare to play tricks, it seems that you are really not afraid of death."

Just when Bai Ye was about to raise his arm again, the Emperor of the Black Death cried out in cold sweat: "Sir! I can hand over all the Black Lantern Corps under my command to you, as long as you can let me go, I will listen to you as a cow or a horse. of!"

Chapter 467 The Heavenly God Invading Earth

The words of the Black Death made Bai Ye's raised arm pause for a moment, and a thoughtful look flashed away in Bai Ye's indifferent eyes.

Seeing that Bai Ye seemed to be moved, the Emperor of the Black Death forcibly suppressed the deep grief and anger and heartache in his heart, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said: "Sir! You don't know something, my Black Lantern Corps can say It is one of the best forces in the dark realm, as long as you control this power, it is almost equivalent to having the right to speak in the entire dark realm!"

"Everything is, you are... the supreme being of the dark side of the universe, and everyone must bow down under your power...!"

The Black Death Emperor originally wanted to blow it, but after Bai Ye's casual finger, his voice was silenced.

"Every one of you guys on the dark side has the same rhetoric, it's really noisy..."

A look of disdain flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, the combined strength of the Black Death Emperor's Black Lantern Corps was not enough for an Avengers Hammer, I'm afraid that even if the number of people doubled several times, they wouldn't be able to beat Asgard.

It's so embarrassing to say that you are the master of the dark side of the universe for this kind of waste The divine sense of the universe suddenly sent back a consciousness that made the movement in his hand suddenly stop.

"The earth is not without eyes and attacked the hillbilly who crawled out from which corner this time. Didn't he inquire about the earth that... covered it?"

A trace of irritability flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, and after he left a wound to vent his anger on the strong body of the Black Death Emperor, he released the shackles of the Black Death Emperor.

The poor Emperor of the Black Death vomited blood from Bai Ye's casual blow, but at the moment when he untied the bondage, he felt that Bai Ye was waiting in front of Bai Ye's hair.

"Do you know these guys?"

With Bai Ye's finger in front of him, time and space suddenly showed a picture like a mirror, and the picture was really those... the alien forces that were about to attack the earth.

"This is!"

The Emperor of the Black Death looked at the silver-white spaceship that was rushing through the universe with a look of surprise, and a deep fear flashed in his eyes.

"how do you know"

During Bai Ye's inquiry, the Black Death Emperor hurriedly raised his head and bowed respectfully towards Bai Ye.

"My lord, I have found some records of that spaceship in the ruins of some planets. It seems to be a race called the Celestial Race..."

The brilliance flashed across Bai Ye's eyes, but he didn't expect this little spaceship to have such a history... "The Celestial God Race... hum! It's really interesting, if you are looking for you, you are. ...appeared in front of my eyes first."

The Emperor of the Black Death stood aside with his head bowed in horror, Bai Ye spoke indifferently, but he seemed to hear a murderous taste in it.

The Black Death Emperor knew that Bai Ye was not easy to mess with him, so naturally he did not dare to let Bai Ye notice him at such a juncture.

Previously, Bai Ye had almost torn apart his body with a whip on his body to vent his anger, and even if she had the guts to do it again in front of Bai Ye.

"Listen, I'll give you a chance to live, you'll set off for Earth now, and bring your so-called invincible Black Lantern Corps to kill me this Raoshizi Celestial Clan, and don't allow any Earthlings to die in battle. "

"Ah... but that guy is from the Celestial Race, I'm afraid I am..."

Without waiting for the Black Death Emperor's face that suddenly became extremely ugly to appear in front of his eyes, Bai Ye's disgusted slap slapped the Black Death Emperor directly into a time-space portal.

"This mission is your only chance to survive. Don't think about running away. The power of consciousness that I have planted on you can make you die at any time if you want!"

"When you went this time, either the Celestial Clan died, died, so you can do it yourself."

After throwing a word to the Emperor of the Black Death, Bai Ye directly cut off the space-time channel linking this place and the solar system.

A dodge disappeared directly from the spot, and when it reappeared, it was already in the outer space of this planet.

"It seems that we need to hurry up and return to Earth after finishing the affairs here."

There was a hint of coldness in Bai Ye's eyes.

In order to cope with the crisis here, he drew out almost all the superheroes on the earth. Although the situation here was successfully ended, the earth that lost the guard of superheroes fell into the weakest stage of defense in history.

"Just being a Black Death Emperor may not be able to stop that... the old pervert of the Celestial Clan, and he has to return to Earth as soon as possible."

While Bai Ye meditated silently, he directly hit a certain corner of the planet.

After he left, many superheroes stayed at that place under his orders, and none of them got lost. This made Bai Ye quite satisfied, and at the same time eliminated some superheroes who could not help him at all. Busy disgust.

"Phase shift."

Bai Ye made a random move, and a huge magic circle appeared beside him. With the flash of silver-white brilliance, he was still there: the many superheroes on the ground appeared beside him without exception.

"Yeah! It's Mr. Bai Ye!"

"It seems that the crisis has been lifted? I am ready to devote myself to justice."

"Great, teacher, are you alright?"

As soon as the superhero appeared, he saw Bai Ye not far from him, and all of them laughed happily, and Diana and Carol, who were closely related to Bai Ye, also quickly approached.

"I'm fine, all the guys in the dark realm have been wiped out by me, as long as the mastermind behind this incident, the Black Death Emperor, has also been tamed by me, and has already taken the lead to go to Earth at this moment."

"What! The Black Death has gone to Earth"

Lei Shen stepped forward with an incredible look, and asked Bai Ye in a very exaggerated tone: "What do you mean by taming the Black Death Emperor, how could such a guy really surrender to a certain person? You know that this time Are people on Earth in a great crisis?"

Facing Thor's doubts, a cold light flashed in Bai Ye's eyes. His personality is relatively easy-going, but it doesn't mean that he can easily endure the doubts of others! Before Bai Ye spoke, Diana by his side had already taken a step forward. Go directly to Thor.

"Thor! Watch your tone!"


As if he just realized what he had done, Thor's aggressive aura suddenly stagnated, and he was quickly deflated under Diana's gaze, and his eyes did not dare to look at Bai Ye!

Chapter 468: Beyond Human Limits

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