"Mr. Bai Ye, Thor didn't deliberately question your actions, he was too worried about whether the Black Death would really keep his promise..."

"I know."

The cold light in Bai Ye's eyes slowly receded, and he raised his hand to stop Carol's persuasion.

"Fortunately I know, otherwise if I do it, you will be sad."

Under Bai Ye's indifferent tone and gaze, even Carol couldn't help but tremble slightly, and her worried face instantly turned pale.

And Thor, who was specifically targeted by Bai Ye, was even more uncomfortable at this time. Although Bai Ye did not take any means or small actions against him, Thor felt like falling into an ice cave at this moment.

If it weren't for the many superheroes around him to support him, I'm afraid they would have fallen to the ground.

Seeing Thor's dejected appearance, some heroes who originally planned to question Bai Ye's actions to return the Black Death to Earth also tightly closed their mouths.

They think that Thor is already the best among many superheroes, the first superhero after Superman, but they are still shivering like a harmless kitten in front of the white night.

These heroes who are not strong and who have no sense of existence in Bai Ye's eyes, how can they dare to speak up? Bai Ye can let Thor go. What do you do sometimes when you are courting death? Even if everyone doesn't say it, their hearts are raised. .Unjust! This point is well known in the hearts of many superheroes, and the reason why they didn't show it is because they don't want to become a meaningless victim in the face of absolute power.

Even Carol, who has a very close relationship with Bai Ye, now looks at Bai Ye with a hint of strangeness and disappointment in his eyes.

In his eyes, Bai Ye's act of releasing the Black Death has nothing to do with justice... Bai Ye, whose inner world can almost be reflected in the real world, is naturally able to pass through the real world. to discern the complex inner world of many superheroes.

Although he can tell everyone the real reason why he sent the Black Death to the earth, is that... necessary? In the white night, when he returns from the world of consciousness, the last flaw in his state of mind has disappeared. At this moment, he has been with the real There is no difference between the gods of the gods, and from the above, he and humans are no longer the same species! Facing some "compatriots" who have not yet evolved

Does Bai Ye really have to explain it again? Is it really necessary to play a heroic drama with everyone? After Bai Ye has the most powerful power in this world, he has also lost all the passion to fight for it. In front of his creator-like means is a pile of energy and matter that can be infinitely regenerated.

"I didn't expect that one day I would become: like Dr. Manhattan...Is this the price of absolute power? It's really sad..."

As if he didn't notice the subtle changes of the many superheroes, Bai Ye turned his head to himself, and waved gently at the huge spaceship that was quietly floating in outer space.

Invisible energy fluctuations dissipated in an instant, and in a flash, the interstellar space immigration spacecraft, which was tens of millions of tons, was a behemoth that would take hours to turn in one direction in space. !Even if a superhero with the strength of Superman wants to move a spaceship of this level, it will take constant time to charge up to do it.

But in Bai Ye's hands, the huge alien spaceship is like a paper ship made of paper, which can be easily taken off.

Under the terrified gazes of everyone, the spaceship that could not see the end came to everyone in the blink of an eye from tens of thousands of kilometers away at an unimaginable speed.

After a snap of fingers in Bai Ye, the hard shell of the spaceship that was several meters away suddenly softened like plasticine, and then a huge hatch with a width of dozens of meters appeared in the metal deformation. before.

The ordinary people working in the spaceship looked outside the spaceship as if they had seen a ghost. There were dozens of superheroes suspended in the cosmic vacuum without wearing any outer space life support equipment.

After a shrill alarm sounded, many ordinary people suddenly remembered that the spaceship they were in had broken a terrifying hole tens of meters in size! But everyone was desperately evacuating towards the nearest escape point. It was really surprising to find that even though the spacecraft broke a huge hole, there was no explosion or gas loss.

Even the large amount of ordinary people and matter closest to the void was not sucked away by the vacuum environment outside the spaceship, and even after the void appeared, there was not even a slight breeze.

It was as if the tens of meters of huge hatches that suddenly appeared were hallucinations... Bai Ye didn't pay any attention to whether his sudden behavior would scare the ordinary people living and working in the spaceship, after all, even A spaceship is designed and built by oneself.

Every cabin, every screw, and every ammunition in it is derived from the synthesis of materials and substances that he has ingested from the void. Even the electronic operating system of this spaceship, which is comparable to Ultron, is his own in his spare time. The idea of ​​the time.

Since it was his own thing, Bai Ye didn't pay any attention to the ordinary people in the spaceship who were in a mess because of a little change in the spaceship, but waved at the dozens of superheroes behind him.

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, they were sent directly to the spaceship before they even had time to react, and the hatch created by Bai Ye to save trouble disappeared in an instant.

"You... are you God?"

After seeing the thick wall of the spaceship that can be unscathed even by an asteroid's frontal impact, in Bai Ye's hands, it was like a miracle of a mass of air kneading at will, and ordinary people on many planets fell to their knees with adoration and awe. On the ground, they buried their heads deeply towards Bai Ye.

Facing the worship of hundreds of ordinary people, the expressions of dozens of superheroes behind Bai Ye also changed, but Bai Ye never put his energy on the ordinary people who were kneeling in front of him from beginning to end.

Chapter 469 The Dead Universe

Long before Bai Ye entered the spaceship, he had already observed himself and many superheroes after entering the spaceship through the [Fifth Miracle Method], as if everything was destined.

When Bai Ye entered this realm, all the surprises and shocks had completely disappeared from him, and this was the result of Bai Ye's efforts to suppress his ability to observe the future universe all the time.

If Bai Ye released the... restrictions, it would only take one millionth of 0,% of a second, and he would be able to understand all the scenes in the world that he was currently in [-] million years later.

All the details, all the contradictions, all the accidents... The unimaginable amount of information was completely learned by Bai Ye in this short period of time, and there is no accident that Bai Ye needs to avoid, because it is not just in front of the eyes of this world.

Even if Bai Ye intends to change the future that has been observed, with the help of the [Second Miracle Method], all parallel worlds that can be observed will also be destroyed by Bai Ye in the next instant of 0/[-]th of a second. know.

"There is no miracle or hope in this world. In other words... this universe is no different from death in my eyes."

When Bai Ye heard this sentence a long time ago, he didn't know the meaning of this sentence, but at this moment, he finally knew it, although after knowing the true meaning of this sentence, Bai Ye didn't have anything in his heart. mood swings.

Just when Bai Ye was indifferently and icy suspended in the air, the many superheroes behind him floated towards the ordinary people kneeling in the huge spaceship cabin under the leadership of Diana.

"Get up, we are all compatriots, not some god!"

Both Diana and Clark looked uneasy in the adoration of ordinary people who could not see the end, and hurriedly lifted one after another from the floor.

And those ordinary people are also in the exchange of superheroes who show strong goodwill, from the initial fear and awe to gratitude and love, especially some women like Diana and Carol in the team, It is even more unimaginable in the crowd.

But to say that the most awe-inspiring object in the eyes of everyone is that... Bai Ye, who had been quietly suspended in mid-air from the beginning without moving a single bit.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the means of using metal to play tricks is much more shocking than Superheroes such as Superman and Iron Man... gimmicky superheroes.

Under the gazes of many superheroes and ordinary people, Bai Ye's calmness was like a pool of stagnant water, his eyes finally fluctuated, and his figure slowly drifted towards the position where everyone was.

Even on his face, there was a hint of a smile, as gentle and sunny as the unsuspecting big brother next door.

Perhaps it was because they sensed the change in Bai Ye's face, many superheroes finally breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone thought that Thor's offensive words before Bai Ye would rule it out. Now it seems that people with high strength are more powerful than their hearts. Others are much broader! To say that the most relaxed after seeing Bai Ye's smile in the field are those ordinary people who are incompetent. Although they do not have superpowers, they are all Humans of normal intelligence.

Naturally, it is also known who has dragged on his life to save it, so everyone is full of indescribable gratitude to Bai Ye! It is different from everyone's kindness and gentleness. The worship and love displayed by Bai Ye , Carol, who was standing quietly at the side, stared at Bai Ye's face with a worried look on her face.

"White Night Mage..."

"If you're so worried about Teacher Bai Ye, it's better to find a private opportunity to talk to the teacher alone."

"Yeah! Diana...you freak me out..."

Looking at Diana who suddenly appeared beside her, Carol was startled and hurriedly raised her hand and patted her chest.

"You're acting very strange. It's clear that we won a perfect victory under the leadership of Teacher Bai Ye. It's not okay to sigh like you!"

Diana didn't know where it came from. In the short period of time when many superheroes were still communicating with those... ordinary workers, they had already held one in one hand. Only the ice cream is enjoying the food.

"Come on, this is yours."

Having said that, Diana ignored Carroll's refusal, directly stuffed the ice cream into her hand, and even held Carroll's soft little hand and ran out of the crowd.

"Hey, wait..., Diana, where are we going? If Mage Bai Ye has important arrangements for a while, we may not be able to catch up."

Carol let out an exclamation, while looking at Master Bai Ye, who was still having a good time with many superheroes, while casting a slight smile at the dense crowd around him, in order to maintain the good image of the hero in people's minds.

It's a pity that Carroll cared about the so-called hero image and was "crooked" by Bai Ye

The old Diana doesn't care about her image in the eyes of others, as long as she doesn't make mistakes on some principled issues, Bai Ye always indulges her disciples to show their individuality.

"Tsk! Why are there more and more people..."

Seeing that there were more and more ordinary people around who wanted to admire the heroic appearance of superheroes and saviors, Diana's eyes flashed a hint of impatience, and she raised her arm and drew a small picture in front of her. small circle.

In a sudden spark, the figures of Diana and Carol suddenly disappeared from the crowd, and when they appeared, they had already changed into another low-key outfit.

Under the cover of standard space work protective clothing, even if Diana and Carol, who are closely attached to each other, do not speak, it may be difficult to confirm the location and identity of each other.

"Huh! Finally squeezed out of the crowd!"

Diana looked at the cosmos landscape that was finally empty beside her. She breathed a sigh of relief, but also took off the translucent helmet on her head and threw it aside. She took Carroll's arm and found a bench. Ass sat up.

"Is this also a kind of magic? It's an extremely convenient ability..."

Beside Diana, Carol looked curiously at the space operation equipment on her body, and in her tone, she was amazed at the magic of Diana's dressing-up magic.

Chapter 470 The Pain of Bai Ye

"These...the magical magic was taught to me by Teacher Bai Ye. If Carol wants to learn, she can go to the teacher. If it is you, the teacher will teach it herself. Any magic you want to learn!"

"Dinana is really confident in me. I don't know where you got the confidence to think that the relationship between me and Master Bai Ye will be so good..."

Carol blushed a little under Diana's gaze, and wanted to refute the so-called relationship between herself and Bai Ye, but after feeling the increasingly intense gaze, her tone became: uncertain.

In response to Carol's defense, she gently pressed her back to the huge porthole behind her with a tender smile with a trace of memory.

"The first time I met Teacher Bai Ye, it was an accident that you can't even imagine. At that time, the teacher fell from the sky like a meteorite and smashed directly on my secluded island... .."

Carroll's expression changed, but she didn't make a sound to disturb Diana's memories. Her eyes seemed to be relaxed when she saw the soft smile on Diana's lips.

"The years I spent with Teacher Bai Ye at that time were the happiest times in my life. Not only was there no threat from all kinds of dark forces, but there was not only Teacher Bai Ye, but also a strict mother who was respectable. The Valkyrie Warriors..."

"But, all this is in the past..."

Under Carroll's astonished gaze, Diana's expression suddenly changed: she was depressed, as if thinking of something unpleasant, and she didn't wait for Carroll to ask.

"It's alright, I was just a little sad when I thought that the good times were gone forever."

"Gone forever has Diana's hometown been harmed by the attack of the dark world?"

When he saw Diana's undisguised sad look, even Carol flashed a hint of anxiety and worry. After all, Diana was the closest superhero to him besides White Night Mage and Clark! As soon as he saw his own How could he just sit back and ignore the sad expression on his face? Even Carroll had already made up her mind that if Diana was sad because her hometown was invaded by dark forces, she would be hurt. The price must also save Diana's hometown from the minions of the dark forces! But Carol's inquiry caused Diana's deeper grief and sadness.

"Carol... I am very grateful for your kindness, but the reason why I say that I didn't go back to the past is not because my hometown was hurt, and the teacher taught me Marfa in the white night. After that, no one with malice will be able to approach Paradise Island..."

"If that's the case, then you'll feel hurt..."

Looking at Diana's increasingly...sad look, Carol's eyes had a hint of unease, as if what Diana said next would bring great pain.

"Please forgive my selfishness, but I really can't bear this secret alone..."

In Diana's choked tone, Carroll's eyes gradually expanded uncontrollably, and his guess seemed to come true..." Carol knows, Teacher Bai Ye's strength has grown to a level At a height unimaginable by human beings, I am afraid that there will never be a creature stronger than Teacher Bai Ye in this universe."

"But it is precisely because of this power that Bai Ye teacher will be bound in a lonely prison with no time limit. As long as human beings still need Bai Ye teacher one day, Bai Ye teacher will never be able to give up the guardian of the universe. The power of life..."

In Diana's sobbing tone, Carroll's eyes flashed a hint of horror.

"Do you mean to say that we humans kidnapped Mr. Bai Ye's freedom?"

"That's it, even if Teacher Bai Ye didn't tell us anything, I can still feel the pain of Teacher Bai Ye with the same magic that I share with Teacher Bai Ye."

Carol's eyes flashed with surprise and confusion.

"Since Master Bai Ye feels pain and loneliness because of his own power, why not seal the excess power that affects life for a short time? You can wait until the evil forces come to the door to unlock the sealed power. seal up......"

Halfway through speaking, Carroll closed her mouth while Diana shook her head. Since she could come to a conclusion even after thinking about it, how could Mage White Night and Diana not try it?" Carol Er, my idea was exactly the same as yours at first, but you don't know Teacher Bai Ye, in order to avoid being unable to reduce the casualties before the attack of the underworld forces to zero in advance.

Teacher Bai Ye would rather suffer the curse of power forever than shrink the cordon that covers almost half of the universe..."

Under Carroll's unbelievable gaze, Diana said slowly: "Mr. Bai Ye, he really loves kind creatures too deeply, and he is reluctant to let any human being be hurt by the dark side due to his negligence. .

Such a gentle person is suffering from loneliness all the time because of the power that monitors half of the universe all the time. ..."

Hearing Diana's explanation, even Carol couldn't help taking a deep breath. After all, in everyone's eyes, the White Night Mage represents... absolute power and hope.

As long as the White Night Mage can still open his eyes, any dark force that dares to threaten human beings will never have the courage to appear in the White Night Mage's field of vision.

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