As long as the White Night Mage can stand up, no creature can surpass the peak represented by the White Night Mage. As long as the White Night Mage can still breathe, there will be no sinful aura that can invade the human world... that is such a person The patron saint that people long for and believe in is actually surrounded by endless loneliness in a corner that no one knows about. This is too incredible.

Even if Carol has faintly noticed the abnormality of the White Night Mage, but there is no such divergent imagination to imagine that the source of Bai Ye's pain is... the human beings he has worked hard to protect.

It was... that terrifying mighty force that was enough to deter the entire universe... Looking at Diana with a dim and guilty expression beside her, Carroll felt a pain in her heart and took her directly into her arms.

"This kind of secret has been squeezed in my heart, you must be under a lot of pressure, it's really hard for you..."

Chapter 471 The New God

At this moment, Bai Ye, who was conducting friendly exchanges with many superheroes and ordinary people, was suddenly stunned, and then slowly said to Clark who was beside him under the strange gazes of many superheroes: "The next big situation is up to you to preside over, I need a little time for some personal affairs, and when I get back, I will go straight to Earth."

"It's all up to you, by the way..."

Clark agreed with a solemn expression, then looked around again and then leaned over to Bai Ye and whispered, "I saw Carol and Diana leave the crowd before, can you go look for them?"

"Both Carol and Diana have been very worried about you during this period of time, and they have been guarding you until you arrive safely, but until now they have not created a private environment for you. …”

"I'm so sorry!"

After speaking, Clark smiled bitterly at Bai Ye with an apologetic face.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the Black Death led the guys from the dark realm to invade this planet, Superman would have thought of a way to get many superheroes away from Bai Ye.

After all, Bai Ye's contribution to the survival of human beings has been too great for a period of time. No one has the qualifications to wear the laurel crown for Master Bai Ye with such achievements and achievements.

Clark's heart of gratitude can only create a alone environment for Diana and Carol, who love Bai Ye deeply, in the hope that Diana and Carroll can offer their common "reward" to Bai Ye.

and "thank you"

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven. After Bai Ye arranged all the people of this planet into the spaceship, they all fell into a deep sleep in the conspiracy of Mobius, allowing them to use all kinds of evil methods. It is impossible to wake Bai Ye from his slumber.

During that time, many superheroes didn't know how much they were worried about this matter... Brain cells, among them Diana and Carroll's sadness and worry aggravated the feeling of indebtedness in everyone's heart.

Fortunately, the White Night Mage has woken up now, and even the Black Death Emperor, who easily swallowed the entire planet, has become a cannon fodder guard guarding the safety of the earth in the hands of the White Night Mage.

The achievements of Yizhuangzhuang can be said to make many superheroes feel indescribable gratitude. At the same time, they also deeply feel the heavy weight of Baiye Mage for the peace of the entire universe.

A deep debt and gratitude slowly disappeared in Clark's eyes. On the eve of going home, what everyone needs is laughter and carnival, not a celebration full of sadness.

"I know, when I come back, I will bring Diana and Carol back together, and this place will be handed over to you. I will definitely get those hundreds... who have been rescued as soon as possible. Wan ordinary people should be appeased and not interfere with the subsequent immigration itinerary."

Regarding Clark's psychology, Bai Ye, who moved his palms, nodded slowly and agreed with Superman's suggestion. At the same time, he also announced the next stage of tasks to many superheroes. "Please rest assured, we are here to take care of it, and there will be no trouble. Yes, before we come, we will be able to calm down the restlessness and anxiety of many people, which will cause trouble for the immigration plan."

Among the promises of many superheroes, Bai Ye nodded with a smile, and finally waved to the fanatical crowd that could not see the end, and disappeared in a brilliance of color.

After seeing Bai Ye leave, Thor slowly moved to Superman's side.

"What Bai Ye Mage said... It takes a lot of time to arrange the task of comforting people's hearts. Are you really sure that you will complete this task before Bai Ye Mage returns?"

Looking at the anxiety and fear on Thor's face, Superman smiled slightly: "You can rest assured, the reason why I respond so decisively to the task of the White Night Mage is because I have the confidence of the owner to complete this task."

Superman's bright and optimistic smile more or less made Thor feel better, but he was still full of doubts staring at Superman and the many superheroes with mysterious smiles around him.

"Although I don't know why you have such optimistic confidence, I choose to believe in you."

After Thor expressed his thoughts, he also looked at Clark with a solemn face.

"Please tell me what I should do. In order to make up for the crime of offending the White Night Mage, I am willing to give everything for this task!"

"Oh! Please relax, Lord Thor."

Seeing Thor's solemn expression, he shocked everyone including Superman.

"The reason why we have the confidence to complete the task before the White Night Mage comes back is not because we have some magical superpowers in soothing people's hearts, but we have a high degree of confidence to speculate that it may take a while for the White Night Mage to return. a lot of time."

While explaining, Clark also exchanged an inexplicable smile with the many male heroes around him.

"...returning will take no short time your consciousness means..."

Thor looked at everyone's strange expressions with a veiled face, and became even more puzzled.

"You also know that the reason why the White Night Mage left was to bring Diana and Carol back! And even you know a thing or two about the delicate relationship between them."

Under Clark's explanation, Thor finally nodded his head as if he had reacted to something! "It seems that you also understand the source of our confidence, so let's join the team to appease the hearts of the people, with you. The speed of joining us can also be faster.”

At Clark's invitation, Thor joined Superman's team without thinking.

"Also, don't worry about the mistakes that have offended Mage Bai Ye before. We all know very well in our hearts that Mage Bai Ye will never make mistakes, and even if you offend him like this, he will still be in his realm. Never take your offense to heart."

Hearing Superman's persuasion, Thor's face suddenly turned to one side, but under the solemn gaze of many superheroes, he could only nod his head.

"Now that you understand it, don't have any conflicts with Master Bai Ye again. That man is an indispensable existence for... us human beings, and even the peace and order of the entire universe."

"It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the savior and God of the new era of mankind!"

Hearing Superman's extremely serious words, the expressions of many superheroes, including Thor, all changed, but there was no refutation or strangeness in the pair of shocked eyes.

It's as if White Night really became everyone's... God...

Chapter 472 Contact

After leaving the side of many superheroes and civilians, Bai Ye in the different time and space found Diana and Carol directly in his eyes.

As Bai Ye waved his hand gently, his strong body slowly appeared in the space-time not far from Diana and was surrounded by a pure white brilliance.

Under the influence of Bai Ye's interference in the spiritual power, which has reached its peak, no one other than Diana and Carroll noticed the sudden arrival of Bai Ye.

"You don't need to panic, and you don't need to salute me, just keep quiet."

Bai Ye raised his hand to stop the two women from hurriedly standing up from the bench because of their sudden arrival.

With a light wave of the palm, the metal ground not far from Diana and Carroll suddenly turned into a silver-white liquid, and slowly rose from the ground with Bai Ye's waving fingers.

Under the astonished gazes of Diana and Carroll, the metallic fluid soon formed a brand new bench.

And as Bai Ye slowly sat down, a wood-like texture and material quickly spread from the position that touched Bai Ye to the rest of the metal bench.

In less than a moment, the metal bench under the white night seat was transformed into an antique wooden bench.

"Even though I have reached this level, I still want to live a little nostalgic life, such as this fragile but simple material, I like it very much, I hope you don't mind."

In Bai Ye's gentle smile, both the energetic Diana and the calm Carol blushed and looked away in embarrassment.

Looking at the energetic and shy appearances of the two girls, Bai Ye, who had restrained the [Fifth Method of Miracles] to the limit, finally revealed a smile of joy from his heart.

In order to avoid that when he was in contact with Diana and Carol, because of the terrifying ability of [The Fifth Method of Miracles] to perceive the future all the time, it affected him to predict all the reactions and behaviors of the two women in advance.

It can be said that Bai Ye has tried his best to limit the terrifying perception ability outside the spaceship. The short time with Diana and Carol at the moment is already one of the few Bai Ye who can temporarily release from the omniscient hell. Out of the "air time"


After a brief silence, the more mature Carol came back to her senses from the sweet and sour shyness, her pale golden eyes stunned with a hint of sadness. Watching the relief spread on Bai Ye's face.

A piercing pain suddenly appeared in her heart.

"If... your pain can be suppressed with the help of Diana and I, as long as you call, Diana and I are willing to rush to your side no matter when and where... ..."

Under Bai Ye's somewhat surprised gaze, Carol lowered her head slightly, but her pale golden eyes were staring at the slight change in Bai Ye's face.


After Bai Ye called out in a low voice, a hint of warmth suddenly appeared on his face.

"Teacher, if I can help, please take me with you!"

After Bai Ye, who was beside Carol, expressed his position, he also spoke eagerly to show his inner world of worrying about Bai Ye.

"I know, so don't think about it randomly, okay? Although I can't completely give up that omnipotent and omnipotent ability, I will completely grasp him as soon as possible."

"I won't let this ability become the source of my pain and loneliness anymore, you can rest easy."

Seeing Bai Ye's heartfelt smile, both Diana and Carol jumped up from the bench with a happy smile and rushed towards Bai Ye who was not far from the opposite side.

"Teacher Bai Ye!"

"Mr. White Night!"

Facing the woman's warm embrace, Bai Ye also stood up from the bench, then opened his arms and embraced the two beauties in his arms, wrapped them around them and spun them in front of the bench before putting them down. .

"Two little fools, it's not that you don't know what kind of character I am, and how can you lose yourself in the ability of omniscience and omnipotence?"

Carol hugged Bai Ye tightly and didn't let go, with a firm look on her face except for the shy blush.

"Even if it's just for me and Diana, when you choose between self and omnipotence, keep self as the only choice..."

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly under the nervous gazes of Diana and Carol.

"I know how to choose, you can rest assured!"

Bai Ye put his foreheads on the foreheads of the two girls affectionately, feeling the warm touch of the two girls and the faint fragrance filling his nose. When he came back to his senses, he had no idea how long he had been addicted to it. .

Bai Ye opened his eyes and looked, but found that Diana and Carol were also indulging in this brief and precious contact.

"Okay, there is still a lot of time to spend together in the future, so don't keep me dead."

In Bai Ye's teasing tone, both Diana and Carol slowly loosened their arms with a shy look on their faces... but Diana was the only one struggling to wrap the loosened hands around again. On Bai Ye's neck, "Diana..."

Bai Ye looked at Diana who was approaching quickly and wanted to stop it. With his strength, even if Diana's speed was hundreds of times faster, it was still difficult to break through Bai Ye's deliberate alienation.

However, when Bai Ye noticed the strong determination and pleading in Diana's eyes, Bai Ye's inner world, which was like a pool of cold springs, was suddenly shocked! "Mmm..."

Under Carroll's shocked expression as she covered her mouth with her fingertips, Diana's soft lips touched Bai Ye's cheeks like dragonflies, even the mighty Carroll didn't know the two. Is there any momentary contact between people...really "touch"

Together... "Mr. Bai Ye, I hope you can keep your promise to us in your heart... I will always be waiting for you..."

Diana seemed to be drunk, a blush appeared on her white face, and her blurred eyes deeply took Bai Ye's still calm face into her heart, and then she turned and ran into the crowd not far away.


Looking at the back that seemed to be fleeing, Bai Ye's expression remained indifferent, and there was a hint of disappointment in his dark golden eyes.

And Carol, who was still stunned beside him, also slowly put his fingers down from his soft lips at this moment, and a panicked and full of some emotion expression shot from his eyes to the white night who was standing with his back to him. .....

Chapter 473 Cosmic Boundary

"My disciple made you laugh, but it's a pity that I haven't put too much attention on my student in order to completely expel the dark side guys from the scope of human life these years..."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Carol put his arms behind his back in a panic, and nodded with a blushing face, not knowing what to think.

"Diana is too young, maybe she doesn't have much experience with things like this..."

Hearing Carol's unexplained answer, Bai Ye turned his head in surprise and confusion, but at this moment, his pale golden eyes were like two rounds of scorching sun, clearly seeing what Carol was thinking.

"Mr. Bai Ye, did you use... mind reading on me?"

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