With a trace of anxiety and panic, Carol only felt a strong sense of being seen through under the gaze of Bai Ye's eyes.

"No, you know, I never use this ability against my partner, even when I'm by your side, I need to spend dozens of times of energy to suppress the side effects of omniscience and omnipotence."

After getting Bai Ye's explanation, Carol finally breathed a sigh of relief, and before she was about to put this matter aside, she saw Bai Ye stepped forward with a smile and grabbed her waist directly.

"Yeah! Hmm..."

......Om! After a subtle sound of space-time tearing, Bai Ye walked out of the crack in time and space with a gentle smile, while Carol seemed to have lost three souls and six souls in the white night. Hand in hand followed closely.

"You are finally back. All the surviving humans on this planet have agreed to the decision to go to their new home, and the preparations were done when Mr. Bai Ye left."

Clark didn't seem to see Carol's blushing face behind Bai Ye. He took a few steps forward and briefly reported the work that was arranged before Bai Ye left, and then returned to the team of many superheroes.

"Everyone has worked hard, let's start preparing to go home!"


Under Bai Ye's order, many superheroes cheered and cheered, and the restless and cheerful atmosphere instantly diluted the silence and depression brought by Bai Ye.

"Mr. Bai Ye, your smile..."

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Diana stepped forward with a hint of joy, looking at the passing smile that filled Bai Ye's face, a bright teardrop slowly faded from her eyes.

"It doesn't matter, it's just mere full ability. If it makes people who love me worry, don't worry."

With a gentle smile, Bai Ye raised his hand to remove the tears from the corner of Diana's eyes, and the pale golden brilliance disappeared from his eyes a little bit, and in a short while, the dark and translucent color reappeared in Bai Ye's eyes. among.

"Teacher Bai Ye's consciousness is... Have you given up the ability to know everything!"

Under Diana's incredible look, Bai Ye slowly shook his head.

"How could you have such an idea? This is the ability that you, teacher, I spent a lot of... hard work to get. I just temporarily sealed it because I didn't want this ability to affect my life."

Bai Ye rubbed his palm on top of Diana's head in a funny way, and in the latter's somewhat embarrassed look, he also pulled her little hand in his hand and walked towards the many superheroes.

And everyone who was caught in the surprise of returning home also closed their mouths after seeing Bai Ye holding Carol and Diana in one hand. Everyone knew that Bai Ye would show such an image in front of the public. has a specific meaning.


Under the leadership of Clark, many superheroes raised their palms like waking up from a dream.

Clap! Clap! Clap!... The applause filled with joy and excitement like a tidal wave echoed in the empty cabin like a tsunami. Slowly towards Bai Ye who was walking towards the crowd.

Under the gazes of everyone's strong emotions, Bai Ye's face was still calm, but Diana and Carol, who were following him, suddenly blushed, and hurriedly hid their blushing faces in Bai Ye's. behind.

Perhaps realizing that the two beauties behind him couldn't bear the eager gazes of everyone, Bai Ye glanced at everyone, and the soft but irresistible soul power surged out and swept over everyone in an instant.

Feeling that the sound of congratulations around them disappeared, Diana and Carol also took the opportunity to escape from Bai Ye's side and into the crowd.

After seeing everyone calm down, Bai Ye slowly floated from the ground to the sky, and in the light of his fingers, laser beams shot out from the corners of the huge cabin. The high-tech holographic projection 33 was specially arranged when the giant immigration spacecraft.

The bright laser beams drew an extremely huge star map within a short while in the wide space of the cabin.

Many superheroes are quite familiar with this high-tech product. After a short period of surprise, they quieted down and focused on the huge star map that represented various words and records.

"This is the universe we live in. Although it is constantly expanding, this star map is the largest range I can perceive. Even if there are still some planets that are not marked by me in this map, they are all It's some inconsequential fringe."

Hearing Bai Ye's calm tone, expressions of shock flashed across everyone's faces.

The universe is so vast that even the races with the most advanced technology can't answer where the boundaries of the universe are, but now Bai Ye has even drawn a map of the entire universe... "You don't have to be so surprised. Sooner or later, human beings will be able to reach this state, you just haven't grown up yet."

Bai Ye's words are not only for many superheroes, but also for many ordinary people in the cabin who have not left. Sooner or later, he will leave this world, and the peace he has won will require human beings. Protect yourself.

The role of oneself in this world is more like a guide, only need to lead mankind to the right path, the next journey still needs the support of the whole mankind to go to the future together.

Bai Ye can feel that when he is taking a step towards the unknown realm, he will go on his own journey to the new world in the exclusion of this universe.

He had a hunch about this day. He didn't expect his progress to be so fast. Now it's too late even if he wants to slow down the speed of evolution...

Chapter 474: A Dead End

"Forget it, I don't want to do so much anymore, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, with my strength and talent, and with the help of the possessed system, even if I am now transported to an unfamiliar world, I can grow up quickly. !"

Bai Ye waved at the huge star map in front of him, and the two dimly lit dots among the many stars suddenly burst into bright light.

"See these two brightened galaxies. The one that is closer to me is the galaxy we are currently in, and the one that is farther from me is... Earth."

Under Bai Ye's explanation, many superheroes and civilians realized that the distance between the two planets was an astronomical figure, and it seemed that the distance between the two planets was only a dozen meters apart.

In fact, everyone is very clear in their hearts that if they want to send their interstellar spacecraft to the earth, I am afraid that the time and resources required are too many to bear.

But the people in the huge cabin are not worried about ordinary people who don't know how powerful the power of the white night is, and many superheroes, including Clark, are not worried about the relationship between the two places. The long distance has caused the slightest concern.

Back then, they had been surprised once when they had already teleported them to this planet in the white night. Faced with the journey back home now, it was natural how they came and went back.

Sure enough, after simply describing the distance between the two planets, Bai Ye fell to the ground and said to everyone: "Sending everyone back to the earth is not a problem, but I want to send such a large number of human beings to the earth. Anywhere on Earth is the big question."

As soon as Bai Ye's words fell, Clark stood up from the team: "Everyone is an intelligent being, and can feel love and justice. All of you are... compatriots who are close to brothers and sisters"

Clark showed a look of surprise under Bai Ye's slight nod and turned to face the many superheroes.

"Anyone on this planet can find their own residence on the earth, and no one will have any discrimination and prejudice against your sister because you are the origin of alien immigrants."

"So I am also here to appeal to all the superheroes, and I also hope that after returning to your own country, you can make a request to the local government to contain these... innocent people, for... us As far as superheroes are concerned, rescue and justice have always only been rescued in the end, not halfway!"

"As a representative, I promise to persuade my homeland to take in at least half of the population after returning to Earth!"

Under the watchful eyes of many superheroes, Clark smiled sincerely and confidently, obviously having unparalleled confidence in his ability to fulfill this oath.

After Karak's example, many superheroes from all corners of the earth have stood up and swore that they will be brothers and sisters of the human beings on this planet, and will never give up.

Bai Ye looked at the group of superheroes who came out of the ball in front of him with a hint of relief. They were undoubtedly the "heroes" that Bai Ye had been looking for who could continue to guard the world after he left.

"Since you've all made up your mind, let me reveal a little secret to you."

Under the gazes of many super heroes, Bai Ye raised his hand and swept over the huge star map above his head.

As the picture quickly drew closer, the planet where everyone was located appeared in everyone's field of vision. This time, it was no longer another small spot of light used to mark the approximate location, but a full four or five meters in diameter. Virtual projection.

Sharp-eyed superheroes can also find a spaceship with a diameter of only the size of a soybean on the outer orbit of the planet, doing a simple circular circular motion around the planet.

"I intend to send this spacecraft carrying all human beings into Earth's orbit along with this planet that has been severely eroded by dark forces."

As soon as Bai Ye's voice fell, there was an uproar in the huge cabin. This time, Bai Ye did not stop the low-pitched communication of the superheroes, but quietly waited for everyone's voices to gradually subside before speaking slowly.

"I know that there are many doubts in everyone's heart, but please believe me, the reason why I do this is so that the human beings on earth can obtain the material basis to liberate all human beings from the bondage of gravity."

"Everyone knows that after entering the 21st century, the human science and technology circle has been severely stagnant, and major research discoveries of epoch-making significance have not appeared for more than a hundred years."

"If it continues like this, I am afraid that in a hundred years, a thousand years, and ten thousand years, human beings can only be bound to a small earth. This is what I can endure as a person on earth."

In Bai Ye's words, many superheroes fell silent one after another. Most of them came from the earth. Naturally, they didn't want the technological level of the people on earth to lag far behind other advanced civilizations.


A voice rang out from the crowd, and everyone turned their heads to look, but Carol had been hiding in the crowd. At this moment, she had already concealed the shyness on her cheeks.

Under Bai Ye's gaze, Carol walked out of the crowd without any hesitation.

"If we just want people living on the earth to enjoy the progress of science and technology, we don't need to go to the distance and let the people of the earth master from scratch. Why can't we let people with advanced culture teach us science and technology?"

Immediately after Carroll's words fell, many superheroes also flashed a sense of acquaintance, and it was clear that Carroll's words were more in line with their desire to directly acquire the science and technology of other highly civilized humans.

But unexpectedly, Bai Ye slowly shook his head in response to Carol's suggestion.

"I know that most of you feel that as long as the high-level science and technology are brought directly to the earth, a perfect and advanced world can be created for human beings."

"But you are all wrong."

There was a trace of sadness and helplessness in Bai Ye's eyes.

"Before I mastered the [Fifth Miracle Method] - time, I had the same idea as yours. I simply felt that as long as we have alien technology, we can make our own scientific civilization develop by leaps and bounds."

"But after I put this idea into action in the thousands of worlds created by time magic, I got the exact opposite result."

"If all civilizations in this universe adopt the doctrine of borrowing, then there will be only a dead end to welcome the entire human civilization!"

Chapter 475 The limit of magic

"What! Will it actually lead to really serious consequences?"

After hearing Bai Ye's sad explanation, the expressions of many superheroes and the gathering of more and more Moxing people changed, and they discussed with the surrounding human beings one after another.

"I know that this conclusion surprised you. At the time, I was equally at a loss for the result of this deduction. I thought it was an unknown error in the use of magic."

"But after I checked all the possible mistakes, I didn't find the problem at all. After I conducted a related experiment and deduction, the result I got was no difference at all."

Under Bai Ye's eyes full of wisdom, many superheroes and Moxing people who were whispering gradually calmed down, all looking forward to the redemption method that was about to be revealed from Bai Ye's mouth.

In the expectation of everyone, Bai Ye said with a wry smile: "I know that you all hope that I can change the ending of that life's annihilation, but on the basis of not changing the spread of civilization, no variable can change this. ending."

Then, Bai Ye came to a conclusion that shocked many superheroes and some people.

"You're afraid that I did my best to stop it in the doomed ending, but the established facts can't be changed after being delayed for hundreds of trillions of years."

Seeing Bai Ye shaking his head and sighing, many superheroes and Moxing people fell silent.

They were not shocked because Bai Ye's terrifying strength could not change the annihilation ending of human beings, but the shock and the originally destined annihilation ending.

Actually, with the intervention of the White Night Mage, the existence of human beings has been extended for hundreds of trillions of years... If it is said from the White Night Mage that the human race will continue for tens of thousands of years, millions of time, everyone Although I am surprised, I still don't feel much... Surprised, after all, today's Bai Ye is... in the eyes of everyone... as a person on the same level as the Creator and God.

But when Bai Ye spat out the unit of hundreds of trillions of years, everyone was dumbfounded.

"I don't care whether human beings can survive until that time, and is there really hundreds of trillions of years left in the lifespan of the universe as a whole?"

In the silence of everyone, Di Annie stuttered and said the doubts in everyone's heart to Bai Ye.

"Is it really difficult to extend the lifespan of the universe for hundreds of trillions of years with my intervention? Just keep shrinking the expanding universe, and then repeating this process can greatly extend the lifespan of the universe."

Listening to the relaxed tone in Bai Ye's mouth, which seemed to treat the shrinking universe as opening the drawer and taking out something before closing the drawer, all human beings, including Diana, twitched their eyelids and stopped talking.

Diana didn't bother to ask Bai Ye again to "shrink back the expanding universe"

With such a question, he asked his teacher with a trace of fear: "Then Mr. Bai Ye, is there any connection between what you said and the choice of route for skill level development?"

"There is a connection, of course."

Bai Ye watched everyone regain their focus, cleared his throat and said solemnly, "If I indulge Earth's human beings to use alien technology right away, it will be a devastating blow to the exploration heart of Earth's human beings."

"It's like the magic I taught Diana, if you realize that the power and convenience of magic is far more than that of the fighters that you learn and practice hard every day on Paradise Island, everyone will spend time on the original training. "

"Probably not..."

Diana stared at Bai Ye with some uncertainty, but her fingers were entangled in a guilty conscience. Since she learned magic from Bai Ye, Diana has not contacted the combat skills taught by Paradise Island for a long time.

During the interaction between Bai Ye and Diana, some superheroes with agile minds seemed to have guessed something, and their eyes slowly changed from the original puzzlement. In less than a moment, these... .... looking at Bai Ye's eyes full of shock and gratitude! "I know everyone will say that magic itself is so beautiful, such an advanced tool, since there are already perfect tools, even if it will lag behind. It is not difficult to accept the complete abandonment of science and technology.”

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