"But such an idea is extremely wrong. The stability of a system does not depend on how simple and efficient the connections in the system are. The more complex and chaotic the system, the more stable it is, and the less likely it is to receive the outside world. changes due to the interference of factors.”

"The change here is not just about wanting the good side... Change, everyone knows very well that magic is not unlimited, when everyone is immersed in the efficiency and maturity brought by magic, it is already The end of magical civilization is not far away."

Hearing Bai Ye's talk about the limit of magic, many superheroes and Moxing people are all refreshed, and what everyone cares most about is the reason why Bai Ye's magic is so powerful.

To be able to take the expansion and contraction of the entire universe as something that can be done easily, only the Bai Ye Mage who has cultivated magic to a realm unimaginable by ordinary people is qualified to say it.

As for the question of where is the limit of the magic system used by Bai Ye Mage, everyone is very interested... As if aware of the curiosity in everyone's heart, Bai Ye slowly spread out a palm, Show it to the crowd one finger at a time.

"There are actually only five types of magic I'm good at, and you can often see two of them."

Here it comes! Master Bai Ye finally publicly showed his detailed abilities in front of everyone! Including a large number of ordinary people who are tightly surrounded by dozens of superheroes, even dozens of superheroes are also Under the leadership of Diana, they all sat beside Bai Ye, and those fiery and ecstatic gazes seemed to be witnessing the birth of some kind of legend.

Let Bai Ye in it actually give birth to a kind of Taoist who is the one who spreads the three thousand avenues to the heavens and the world.

After a helpless self-deprecating smile, Bai Ye also raised his first finger to show it to everyone.

"The first is the so-called parallel world crossing, or superpowers such as space control."

A silver-white brilliance like liquid mercury appeared from Bai Ye's fingertips, and then pieces of pale silver brilliance emerged from Bai Ye's side like pieces of paper.

Every piece of Guanghua's "paper"

Above all depict the scene of everyone in the cabin!

Chapter 476 New Faith

What is amazing is that the scenes depicted on those...papers are vivid, as if the most subtle expressions and movements of everyone were recorded on the paper.

And even more incredible.

Superheroes with better eyes can even observe subtle details that they usually cannot observe through these pieces of paper.

"What is the picture recorded on these pieces of paper, teacher? Why does it look like the cabin we are in?"

Diana's voice just fell, and everyone's eyes were focused on Bai Ye Mage.

They were very clear in their hearts that Master Bai Ye decided to show everyone the mysteries of his magic. Naturally, it was impossible to be as ordinary as today.

There must be some amazing secrets hidden in these scraps of paper.

"These...the silver-white pieces of paper certainly have secrets hidden in them."

Bai Ye smiled slightly and threw an apple from his pocket.

Naturally, he didn't carry this apple with him all the time, but made it out of thin air using his ability to create.

Under the pursuit of everyone's eyes, the apple actually penetrated the... silver-white pieces of paper and fell into the world in the paper.

"What! The apple suddenly disappeared from my perception!"

In the exclamation of Superman, everyone turned their attention to Master Bai Ye again, hoping to get an explanation.

Bai Ye smiled without saying a word, quietly watching the crowd.

Until an apple suddenly fell from behind Batman "Oh my God, this apple just appeared out of nowhere"

Look at the people who suddenly panicked.

Bai Ye smiled but said nothing.

"Teacher, are those... the world in the pieces of paper real, and communicate with the real world we are now in?"

Diana's tone was full of wonder.

A pair of big eyes stared at his teacher, his expression full of indescribable awe.

As a mage, he naturally knew how terrifying the power of space that his teacher had just displayed.

And even more terrifying.

Another apple fell from the void and fell in front of everyone.

"Why is there a Bai Ye Mage who only threw out one apple, but now has two?"

Bai Ye looked at the wonderful expressions on everyone's faces, and suddenly burst into laughter.

"Did you think that's all there is to it? No! I just showed my first space magic today, one ten thousandth of a white, less than % of the power."

As Bai Ye's voice just fell, the fruit of numbers suddenly appeared from above the void.

They fell on the metal floor.

In less than a while, the huge cabin floor was covered with superheroes and ordinary people alike.

He stared at the scene in front of him in panic.

They could only see such a scene in stories, but now it really happened in front of them.

"Teacher, is the magic you set up...a ​​creation out of thin air?"

When everyone heard Diana's words, they actually took a deep breath.

Objects are created out of nothing without matter, without energy.

Has Master Bai Ye really reached the realm of God? "Although I can create things out of thin air as you said, the magic I show is not what kind of magic you said."

Bai Ye, as if tired of seeing everyone's frightened reaction, pointed his finger at the area in the air where the apple appeared.

"You should remember that I threw the apple into a certain piece of paper before. The place where I threw the apple is exactly where the apple appeared in the real world."

"By copying, pasting, and doubling time and space, it's easy to create all these miracles with time and space magic."

"Whether it exists in the real world or does not exist, as long as I can imagine its structure, it can be copied infinitely, and this is just the first method of root magic -- a small application of space magic."

Under the gazes of many superheroes and ordinary people who do not understand, Bai Ye snapped his fingers gently.

I saw the apples that originally covered the ground of the city disappeared in an instant.

And disappeared together with the cabin almost full of superheroes and many ordinary people without superpowers.

"My God, where is this place? Is this heaven!"

Everyone only felt a flower in front of them, but when they opened their eyes, they found that they were no longer in the spaceship.

Instead, it landed on a planet of birds and flowers.

As far as the eye can see, there are towering trees and flowers and weeds.

His ears were filled with the cheerful chirping of insects, fish, birds and beasts.

There is a vibrancy in the air.

In such an environment, many superheroes and ordinary people have not seen for a long, long time.

Humans on this planet have seriously damaged the ecological environment of this planet since the Black Death led the arrival of the Dark Domain.

If it wasn't for the White Night Mage bringing superheroes in time to drive away all the dark areas.

I am afraid that even the atmosphere on the planet for human breathing will be deprived of it.

But at this moment, with the help of Master Bai Ye, everyone came to this world full of vitality in an instant.

It's no wonder that those... ordinary people who have suffered from war and chaos will feel that they have come to heaven from the bottom of their hearts.

"You should like this world very much, right?"

Everyone's faces were startled, and they hurriedly looked towards the position where Bai Ye made the sound.

"Teacher, is this place very close to the previous planet? Why haven't we found such a place before?"

Bai Ye smiled slightly and said softly in the eyes of everyone, "This place does not exist in the real world, at least it did not exist before you came."

"Utilizing the first method of miracle magic - the power of space magic, I spent 12 seconds creating part of this planet."

"The part of the world you see is just a surface world that is less than 1% of the entire planet.

Creatures created using magic, air, sunlight and gravity, can perfectly simulate the real world."

Many superheroes and ordinary people, you look at me, I look at you, do not know how to describe the feat of the White Night Mage in words.

"You don't have to be so surprised. Sooner or later, human beings will grow into this realm. At that time, even a child can easily do a creation like the one in front of you."

After hearing Bai Ye's words, Superman slowly walked out of the team and suddenly fell to the ground on one knee, staring at Bai Ye frantically.

"It is a great honor for mankind to have a great leader like you as a leader! It is also an honor for the entire universe!"

"From today onwards, you are my only belief! This life will remain the same! I will never regret it for the rest of my life!"

Chapter 477: Transporting Planets

Seeing a large number of superhero hungry ordinary people kneeling to him under the leadership of Clark, Bai Ye frowned, but waved to everyone.

The pale white brilliance flashed by, but in the trance, everyone found that the movement of kneeling before was as if it existed in the imagination and did not take action.

"This is the fifth method of miracles that I want to show - time magic."

When everyone was puzzled, Bai Ye's plain and magical voice echoed in everyone's ears.

"Time magic, is it true that our hallucinations were real, but were the magicians used by Bai Ye to rewind time?"

Amidst Clark's unbelievable shouts, everyone's eyes turned to the unchanging white night, as if they were offering their reverence to some intangible existence.

Bai Ye nodded slightly, and admitted it to everyone's incredible eyes.

"Next, I want to show you the mystery of why I can be so powerful, and it is also the source of why I can continuously cast powerful magic!"

After Bai Ye's words recalled everyone's attention from the shock, he didn't waste any time directly waving at the space-time above his head.

A dark red light circle suddenly appeared from the void, attracting everyone's eyes to it, and under the control of Bai Ye, a colorful pure magic halo also spread out from the dark red hole.

Under the gaze of everyone, the dark red hole that seemed to be able to suck everyone's soul into it suddenly burst into endless energy, but in the perception of everyone, it was a manifestation of energy that was not at all noticeable.

"As if... it was air full of energy..."

After hearing Diana's unintentional sigh, Bai Ye said slowly with a smile: "Diana is indeed a magician who has studied with me for a while, and she can feel it at this age. Get endless root magic."

"Root magic..."

Everyone looked at each other, and finally chanted this unfamiliar word, but they couldn't help feeling sorry for their ignorance.

"Yes, it is... the second miracle magic - the root magic power, through the dark red hole that everyone sees, I can obtain the infinite magic power in the true sense"

"As we all know, magic is used to achieve what humans can achieve by spending time and money. That is to say, I can create any kind of miracle in this world just by relying on the root magic!"

Under the gaze of many superheroes in amazement, with a wave of his hand, the dark red hole shrouded in various color halos was hidden under the void and disappeared from everyone's sight.

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