"You don't have to feel envious, this source of power is our inner world. As long as human beings can continue to move forward on the right path, one day everyone will be able to usher in a new world where everyone is like a dragon!"

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Bai smiled calmly. The previous words were naturally meant to comfort the crowd. If such a world is so easy to appear, why is the future that I see always ending? The doomsday scene and behavior change? "Even if you try your best, the day when everything will die? I'm really not reconciled..."

Bai Ye thought silently in his heart, but his face showed the same affinity as before, which made the voices of the crowd even louder. They were all deeply attracted and intoxicated by the new world depicted by Bai Ye.

It's not that Bai Ye wants to deliberately deceive them, as long as the fate that is doomed to end is too desperate, he can still rely on the system to continue a new life in other worlds, but these... ........What should the people who have spent a long time with me go from here? Bai Ye finally did not continue to think about it. Things like the fate of human beings are not what I should consider now, and human beings are far from being. It didn't take a step.

Quietly disappeared from the crowd, Bai Ye's figure had already arrived outside the huge interstellar immigrant spaceship when he first appeared, and after raising his hand to activate the energy port reserved early in the morning, a large number of blue magic circles appeared. The picture completely wraps the entire spaceship in it in an instant.

And everything in the spaceship seemed to stop in the silver-white brilliance that swept away in an instant, whether it was space or time, there was no difference in Bai Ye's hands.

After freezing the space-time inside the spaceship, Bai Ye waved his hand, and the spaceship, like a huge mountain peak, suddenly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the real space-time.

"Even if you want to move such a huge object with my power, it will probably take several months. During this time, you should rest well..."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he finally glanced at the void where the spaceship disappeared and turned his attention to the huge planet beside him.

"Next, it's your big guy's turn... I hope that when we arrive on Earth together, we can catch up with the decisive battle between the Black Death and the Celestial Race..."

Bai Ye looked at the huge blue planet in front of him, smiled slightly, and walked straight to the core of the planet.

"Come with me to the real settlement of human beings!"

In the roar of the white night, the dark red miracle magic - the root hole suddenly appeared in the liquid-like core, and a large amount of root magic erupted like a fountain in the extremely dense core. .

And these... The root magic power that is invisible to the naked eye spread rapidly with the help of Bai Ye's magic circle, and within a short while, it has erupted from the core of the earth, spreading towards the mantle. Go... When the entire planet was covered by the dark red brilliance, a bright golden luster flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, and huge dark cracks spread across the surface of the entire planet.

A large amount of matter was sucked into the dark crack, and the mass of the entire planet was rapidly reduced by the magic of the white night, and finally disappeared completely under the attraction of a huge black hole with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers. in cosmic space.

And it is also slowly disappearing in the ocean composed of the root magic that is thick and shimmering... If someone can look into it through the space filter of the real world, they will be able to find a An extremely huge planet is swept away from the center of the universe at an unimaginable speed.

And on that planet, a handsome and extraordinary man slowly floated in an extremely dazzling brilliance. . . . .

Chapter 478 Let's Save the World Together!

"I really didn't expect that one day I would be able to grow to such a state..."

In the white night that was swiftly swept away to the solar system in the sub-temporal space, at this moment, he was stroking the huge planet below him with emotion. Not long ago, this planet was only suspended in the void.

But at this moment, with the help of the ruthless and endless root magic, he has crossed the boundary between the real world and sub-space-time, and came to this space-time without the concept of speed.

Transfer an entire planet directly into the subspace for sign acceleration, rush to the space-time near the solar system within an extreme time, and then directly break the barriers between the subspace and the real world, so that this planet can Captured by the gravity of the sun.

This is White Night's planetary transfer plan.

After the success of this plan, not only human beings on the earth have a larger living space, but also various organizations and countries on the earth can temporarily stop internal friction and devote more energy to the development of outer space on the road.

Bai Ye knows very well that only by setting eyes on the boundless universe overhead can human beings be able to liberate the soul bound by gravity from the endless competition for interests, and only in this way can the future of mankind be filled with hope and happiness. Peace! "Although I don't know what kind of intention you have been following me, how about asking you to come out and meet me?"

Suddenly, Bai Ye swept his gaze to a certain position in the mid-air in front of him. Under the background of the different time and space, both Bai Ye and this lonely flying planet seemed to be dyed with a layer of camouflage. .

Shooting down Bai Ye's gaze, a starlight appeared in the void very suddenly, and then a brilliance bloomed in the sound of glass breaking.

"Hahahahaha! I didn't expect that this last journey was actually discovered by you."

Under Bai Ye's gaze, an old man dressed in a white robe and full of white beard slowly walked out of the soft brilliance, and in an instant, he crossed a distance of dozens of meters and fell directly in front of Bai Ye. on the ground.

The aura emanating from the old man was like a supernova that had just been born, and the ground several meters away from the two of them seemed to have suffered several meters and its terrible impact, and it collapsed directly to the ground for hundreds of years. Mickey stopped.

"How difficult is it to find your whereabouts? Do you think I only found you not long ago?"

Bai Ye did not react at all to the aura that erupted after the old man appeared. In his perception, he could naturally detect whether the sudden appearance of the old man was intentional.

"Seeing that you are not surprised at all, I am a little surprised. Did you guess my identity?"

The old man seemed to be very interested in Bai Ye, and just wanted to walk towards Bai Ye, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, but he slowly retracted his protruding right leg under Bai Ye's gaze.

"Isn't your identity the so-called Celestial Clan? This kind of thing is hard to guess"

"What! Where did you see it! The old man in white seemed to hear something unbelievable. He only stepped back a few steps from the figure he had approached once, and his eyes were even more dull. A sense of vigilance.

"You don't have to worry about how I know about it. Likewise, I'm not obliged to tell you who you are. You should still have a dead heart."

In Bai Ye's indifferent tone, the old man Bai Ye stared at Bai Ye with frowning.

"I didn't expect you to actually know such means as mind reading, but do you think the small skills of human mages can affect an existence like me?"

After finishing speaking, the old man directly burst into a large amount of brilliance in a drink and wrapped himself up.

Seeing the behavior of the white clothed old man, a trace of disdain flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, and then he didn't bother to talk nonsense with him and directly raised his hand and swept the land around him.

Om! Under the watchful gaze of the white-clothed old man, one after another silhouette suddenly appeared on the ground of the different time and space planet.

"Huh? Is it a small method that humans use to manipulate time and space? It seems that you should be the magician in human legends."

The white-clothed old man turned his attention away after swept over the figures... who appeared. Although the human beings who... appeared, each of them possessed a different The same energy, but never thought of threatening its own existence.

"What's the matter with your high-spirited tone?"

Before Bai Ye opened his mouth, it was "thawed" from the spacecraft by Bai Ye's means.

Diana, who was teleported, stepped forward from the team and shouted to the old man in white with a displeased expression.

And the rest of the summoned superheroes also came to Bai Ye's side at the same time, a pair of eyes full of vigilance and hostility stared at the white-clothed old man through time and space.

"Well, I didn't expect a strong person like you to need help?"

The old man in white was also slightly taken aback when he saw the large number of human heroes gathered around Bai Ye, but after thinking for a moment, he smiled with relief: "Is it because of the reason to stabilize this planet? I'll just say it, Such a huge object travels through different time and space, and it has not disintegrated in an instant."

"I didn't expect that the reason why you won't disintegrate is that you have been using your own power to maintain the shape of this planet? This is an incredible power!"

The eyes of the old man in white suddenly became hot, and the eyes that were staring at Bai Ye seemed to have found something extremely delicious! "These.... little brother! No I know if you are interested in saving the world with an old man like me."

Hearing the words of the white-clothed old man, an extremely strange expression flashed on the faces of everyone, and the white-clothed old man also looked strangely at the strange behavior of everyone's sudden change of color.

"You want to save the world too..."

In the end, Diana, who was still standing at the front of the crowd, broke the eerie silence, but the doubt and slight disdain in her tone directly angered the glowing white-clothed old man not far away.

"Little girl! What's your tone of voice? Do you think my strength and qualifications are not enough to save the world? Also!"

The white-clothed old man's eyebrows were almost pressed together, his slightly cloudy eyes stared at everyone's expressions and said, "The "also" in your mouth

What's going on, are your ambitions also to save the world..."


Hearing the words of the white-clothed old man, many superheroes and Bai Ye couldn't hold back the rising laughter, and Diana was even more... taboo bursting out in the white-clothed old man's fire-breathing gaze.

Chapter 479

"You guys are so deceiving! I just say anything and you keep laughing and never stop!"

The old man in white had endured a lot of wanton ridicule from what he saw as nothing more than a child, and the white light shrouded in anger was slowly changing.

"We are all superheroes, trained so hard that we can't laugh even when we're funny, but for the enemy, we can laugh as much as we want, you don't care!"

Just after Diana said this nonchalantly, the dazzling white Guanghua surrounding the old man in white slashed towards everyone in an instant, and Diana, who was standing in front of everyone, was the first to be enveloped by the attack range. Human! "Humph! Sure enough, the fox's tail is exposed!"

In the sudden attack of the white clothed old man, Diana seemed to have expected it long ago, and the long whip in her hand shot out in an instant, hitting the dazzling white light! responsiveness!"

The old man in white did not expect that Diana would react so quickly to his sudden attack. What surprised him most was that none of the many superheroes, including Diana, were surprised by his sudden attack! "Is that... one of the methods of the black-haired guy! Damn guy!"

In the hasty glance, the most memorable thing in the old man in white is Bai Ye's dull gaze from beginning to end, it is like watching the contemptuous look of the clown jumping beam, and the anger of the old man in white is completely ignited in an instant! The dazzling white light towards Diana also suddenly became stronger in an instant, and the dazzling brilliance just shone on the ground and then ignited thick blue smoke. It is conceivable that the dazzling brilliance contained in it was terrifying. strength.

But even so, Diana threw out the wrist that was holding the long whip without fear, and a dark green brilliance flashed from Diana's wrist along the long whip.

In the next instant, a bright and shocking flash burst out from the place where the whip and the streamer came into contact, and a large amount of dazzling white smoothness visible to the naked eye sputtered like bullets.

Seeing this scene, Diana still didn't change her face, put the shield behind me directly in my left hand, and slammed it into the ground in front of me! "Divine shield!"

In Diana's loud roar, the small round shield with a diameter of only half a meter suddenly burst into an extremely splendid energy shield, and the translucent energy shield with a full tens of centimeters behind is like the Great Wall. Diana rose to the sky.

Those...the dazzling white brilliance with a power comparable to a missile had a second violent explosion the moment it touched the energy shield, and the dazzling flashes of small suns spread out in an instant. .

The power of the explosion not only directly vaporized the soil within a few kilometers outside the shield of divine power, but also a large amount of magma melted by the flash shot up into the sky, towards Bai.

The ground on which it was located was severely depressed! "Vulcan Sword!"

Under Diana's order, a flaming ancient sword suddenly shot out from the void and shot towards Diana! Diana took a step back, then pulled her right arm, and the long whip was there. Under the traction of his body, he jumped high towards the huge impact crater that had turned into a magma hell in front of him.

Om! The Diana man then moved his arm in midair, and the blazing long sword fell directly into Diana's palm as if it had eyes.

"Damn human boy, you all have to die here today!"

Under the cover of endless flames and magma, the ghostly figure of the old man in white came from under the ground, and the next moment, a column of magma surrounded by dazzling white brilliance slammed into Diana's place.

"Hmph! Bug carving trick!"

Under the gaze of Bai Ye and many superheroes, Diana stared and disappeared in mid-air in an emerald green brilliance, and the magma beam that shot up into the sky also lost its target in an instant.

It can only shoot hundreds of meters into the sky and then explode! And the next moment, Diana, who was shining with emerald green brilliance, has raised her sword and fell directly into the endless magma! Boom! In a dull and violent impact Among them, a large amount of magma was directly lifted by Diana, and a magma tsunami with a height of tens of meters spread around with Diana's drop point as the center! The trick!"

At the moment when Diana hadn't stood up from the magma with her long sword, an extremely fast pure white brilliance quickly approached Diana under the cover of the magma. wrapped around Diana's ankle.

In panic, Diana wanted to use magic to free herself from the entanglement of pure white brilliance, but the emerald green brilliance just appeared in her eyes, and the next second it changed into fragments and disappeared into the hot air.

At this moment, the white clothed old man whose half body was covered with magma appeared on the magma again, and in his hand was holding a sharp blade made of pure white Guanghua tightly.

Under Diana's terrified gaze, the old man in white disappeared into the magma in the sky when the magma burst, like a pale white afterimage, and came to Diana almost instantly.

"I just wanted to see you this time? Can a human trick still save your life!"

Just as the sharp blade in the hands of the white-robed old man was about to penetrate Diana, a translucent energy shield that fell from the sky instantly inserted into the narrow space between the two.

Not only did it block the sharp blade in the hands of the white-clothed old man, but even under the action of a huge impact, he directly pressed one leg of the white-clothed old man into the deep lava words! "The person who was caught was actually It's you! This time I see how you can be a mouse hiding in the air!"

Under the incredible gaze of the white clothed old man, the fear and panic that spread over Diana's face disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by the long sword that was burning with blazing flames that she had raised above her head long ago! "Do you think scrap iron like this can hurt me! Do you think that I and you....bacteria-like inferior creatures live in the same world!!"

In the roar of the white clothed old man, a large amount of dazzling white light erupted from his body, but in just a short moment, the thick magma that was dozens of meters deep around him was swept away.

And the figure of Diana holding up the long sword gradually disappeared in the burst of light...

Chapter 480 Mantis Catching Cicadas

Above the abyss, Bai Ye and many summoned superheroes eagerly watched the battlefield in the abyss like a magma hell.

Although there was a trace of tension in the expressions of everyone, no one had the slightest concern that Diana might be injured in the battle of the white-robed old man.

Everyone is very clear in their hearts that for the... Bai Ye Mage who has become a god in reality, as long as he wants, he can easily crush the white clothed old man of the so-called Heavenly God family to death.

As for Diana, who is the only disciple of Mage White Night, it will make people laugh even more, not to mention that Diana has learned a lot in the hands of Mage White Night over the years.

In terms of strength, even if the vast majority of superheroes go together, I am afraid there is no good way to take Diana. Although everyone will not lose or be suppressed by Diana alone, it is impossible to easily make Diana surrender in battle. It's an impossible thing! That... Although the old things of the Tianshen family seem to be really powerful, it is difficult to decide the winner in a short period of time.

Besides, with the teacher Bai Ye Mage standing by her side, even if Diana wanted to deliberately die and want to be injured, it would be a fool's dream! "Haha, that old guy is dead!"

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