Just as everyone watched the terrifying battle in the magma battlefield with relish, Clark pointed to Diana, who seemed to be terrified and wrapped around her ankles by the dazzling white light, and suddenly laughed out loud.

"Diana was caught by the old guy opposite, what's so funny about you"

Carroll frowned slightly beside Superman and kicked Clark secretly.

"Yeah, no... you listen to my explanation."

After Carroll's reminder, Clark realized that what he had just said had caused everyone's ambiguity.

"I also trapped Diana when I was training with Diana before. I was also deceived by the panicked expression on her face. When I was close to planning the final blow, Diana was almost there. With the sword of the god of fire, it was split in half with one face..."

Clark seemed to have thought of something, and there was a look of horror and unbearableness in his eyes.

Hearing Clark's explanation, not only Carol and the many superheroes around him laughed out loud, but even Bai Ye, who was always calm, showed a hint of humor.

"You guys don't make me embarrassed in front of Master Bai Ye, let's just concentrate on how Diana beats that bastard of the god family to the ground!"

Under Clark's call, everyone also put away their smiles, all focused on how the old man in white who suddenly appeared in front of Diana was going to face Diana's next killer move.

"I didn't expect Diana to grow like this when I didn't know it. Time flies so fast..."

Just as everyone was intently watching the battle that the old man in white clothes saw, Bai Ye in the crowd suddenly showed a smile, just watching the fierce battle that was about to break out in the abyss.

... rumbling rumbling!! Under the endless dazzling white radiance of the old man in white, the magma that was dozens of meters away immediately vaporized and disappeared into the void in the next instant.

The translucent high-temperature steam swept out directly into the abyss, and a large amount of energy also hit the many superheroes above the abyss in the reflection of the abyss.


With a cold snort in the white night, the rock vapor that rose into the sky seemed to have encountered an invisible obstacle and was directly blocked in the space-time not far from many superheroes.

"That guy's strength seems to be more difficult than I imagined..."

In the abyss, the white clothed old man just stepped on the flowing magma, his eyes fixed on the transparent shield that shrouded the entire abyss, and worries and thoughts appeared on his face.

In his vision, after killing Diana, he would kill many superheroes above the abyss, especially the human magician.

Egg fully cast most of the power in this attack to Bai Ye and the others above the abyss in a shapeless appearance, but as Egg saw, his attack method was fundamentally weak. did not take effect.

Those...the terrifying energy that was enough to destroy a city was blocked by an invisible energy shield that he swayed when he approached Bai Ye, so he could easily use his attack method. Completely blocked, such a state is somewhat unimaginable even for Egg.

Just when he was about to rise from the abyss to the same height as Bai Ye and start his next plan, a shock suddenly emerged from a lava not far away.

Egg frowned, his pale golden eyes fixed on the vibrating magma that became more and more violent.

"That little human girl isn't dead yet? How is this possible!"

A horror flashed in Egg's eyes, if he couldn't deal with that... The human mage who sent an entire planet into the warp would be fine, but why is this human being who is clearly only an ordinary life level? Able to survive his own attack! "No matter what cleverness you play, you have to die here today!"

Egg roared loudly, and a dazzling white brilliance suddenly burst out from the angry roar, directly submerging into the rising magma.

The bursting magma is like a sky full of red leaves being swept up into the sky by the autumn wind. Countless magma fragments and high temperature directly cover the sky, and the time and space in it are slightly distorted by the high temperature airflow! After this attack, Egg did not wait for Diana to reveal herself.

Instead, it flashed directly to the scene of the explosion in a white smooth, but after just a moment, Egg's complexion changed.

In this big explosion, he still hadn't noticed the breath of that little human girl, but in this attack of himself, the breath that could have been vaguely detected was completely invisible at this moment.

"Is it hidden in a different time and space?"

Just as this thought arose in Egg's heart, he cut it off fiercely.

"This is a different time and space. No matter how much time and space that little human mage travels, where can it go!"

A trace of doubt and surprise flickered in one's eyes.

If Diana really used space magic and other means to escape into other time and space in her own attack, it would be difficult for her own attack to cause any damage to him, but...

Chapter 481 Divine Power Shield

A sinister smile gradually appeared on Egg's face.

The little human mage probably doesn't know how terrifying the speed at which everyone travels through the sub-time and space at this moment. At this speed, there is only a dead end! Even if Egg does not travel through the sub-time and space at this speed. I have experienced the real world, but when I think of the speed ratio of the two worlds being close to a thousand times, Igo also felt a tingling in his scalp.

It's really because moving in sub-space-time can span hundreds of times the distance in the real world out of thin air, so Bai Ye will give priority to sub-space-time transportation when it will be necessary to transport a whole planet from two trillions of kilometers away.

But now that Bai Ye is urging acceleration with all his strength, this planet has already moved towards the earth at a speed far exceeding several times the speed of light in sub-space-time, and the speed of replacing it in the real world is simply unimaginable.

This is also the reason why Eggo guessed that Diana could not survive after crossing into the real world to avoid his attack. At such a high speed, even if Diana's body is not bad.

However, the quantum nature of the soul will still collapse instantly during the terrifying acceleration and deceleration when crossing the two worlds! And the person who noticed the spatial fluctuations that spread out in an instant when Diana avoided Egg's attack was not It's not just Egg alone, among the many superheroes above the abyss, there are also several who possess the means of magic.

They also sensed the fluctuations of time and space being traversed the moment Diana's breath disappeared! "White Night Mage! Did Diana really travel directly into the real world!"

Doctor Strange didn't care about etiquette and respect at the moment, and in extreme panic, he directly crossed the crowd and came to Bai Ye, but after seeing the indifference and calmness on Bai Ye's cheeks, his worried mood was also It disappeared instantly.

"I know what you are worried about, but who said that Diana's travel through different time and space will definitely be a realization world hundreds of times faster?"

Hearing the smile in Bai Ye's tone, Doctor Strange and the few superheroes with magic side methods changed their expressions, and returned to the edge of the abyss to concentrate on using all their mental power to perceive Diana's possible existence. trace.

After seeing the strange interaction between Doctor Strange and Mage White Night, many other superheroes also vaguely noticed something wrong, but because magic itself is a field that they have never set foot in.

So for a while, I could only follow Doctor Strange and look at the only old man in white left in the abyss.

Om! After a light sound, a figure that everyone is very familiar with once again appeared in everyone's field of vision. Diana was covered in scorching fire, and she was finished, like a flame emperor, from one to the red crack. Walk out slowly.

"The breath in that crack is the crimson domain!"

Some superheroes who saw that Diana came here cheered vigorously. After all, Diana's reappearance has shown everyone that she is not weaker than the gods.

"What is that space you just left!"

As soon as Egg saw that Diana walked out of the void unscathed, his face turned bright and red in shock, but his eyes were fixed on the red cracks that were missing behind Diana.

"Where is that where I'm going to tell you about this dying man?"

With a slight smile, Diana pulled it out directly from the void behind her... A long sword burning with flames, the velvet-colored blade was extremely terrifying as if it had just been pulled out of a furnace.

At the moment when the Sword of Vulcan appeared, the gradually solidified magma around Diana once again emitted a dazzling light, and a large amount of evaporated rock steam emerged from the depths of the magma into bubbles, and the hard ground seemed to be boiled at this moment. Like boiling water! "Humph! Do you think my previous attack is all my strength? Let me tell you what this arrogant human being is called a god!"

After Egg roared loudly, a large amount of dazzling white light emerged from his side, and then, with Egg's gestures, it was constructed in mid-air into a giant with a thick white halo all over his body.


After the sound as if a giant bell was struck, the huge dazzling white light giant directly reached out and sent Egg into his body.

Boom!! This time Diana didn't wait for Egg to shoot, but just raised the long sword in her hand and killed Egg the moment he disappeared into the giants.

Under the rapidity, a large amount of magma and high-temperature airflow spread behind Diana, closely following Diana's charging footsteps and rushing towards the glorious giant.

"go to hell!"

After swallowing Egg into his body, the giant could actually make a sound, and his face with only a piece of white light also showed the details of...Ego's face.

In the face of Diana who was charging, she didn't hesitate to wave her fist directly. The terrifying radiance spurted out from the fist peak, and in an instant, Diana was rushing fast and the huge sword that was burning with flames completely disappeared. Devour it! "Break it! Vulcan Sword!"

Under the scouring of the endless brilliance, Diana's pace was hindered for the first time, but in the shouting full of unyielding will, the long sword in her hand burst out in an instant, enough to compete with the dazzling white brilliance. Fire! And Diana also used the long sword of Li Yan that kept bursting out of her hand, and directly smashed the thorns in the scouring of Xuanbai's glory and smashed a bloody road to the giant Egg! "It's just you... ......The weak and ignorant ants dare to oppose the noble nature!"

In the face of Diana staring at the figure of the dazzling white light, the giant Egg seemed to be half offended, and a large number of dazzling white light shot out from the space-time around him, turned a corner in the mid-air and charged towards him. Diana in the middle fell fiercely! "Divine shield! Call me to help the road!"

Facing the menacing dazzling white brilliance spear, Diana finally changed her complexion, and being able to stare at the dazzling white brilliance was her limit.

At this moment, facing the blow of Giant Egg, she has no more means to protect her own safety, but even so, Diana still regards charging forward as a more important thing than protecting her own safety! In Diana's voice During the shouting, a pale white radiance suddenly emerged from the magma not far from Diana. It was the divine shield that was knocked down in the magma by Giant Egg before!

Chapter 482 Flame Dragon

The divine shield that shot out of the magma was protected by the pale white radiance, and it was able to stand firmly in the space-time between the two before a large number of dazzling white radiant spears fell from the sky and hit Diana. Boom boom!! The magma around Diana was blown away in the instant collision, and the violent shock wave swept out dozens of kilometers directly, and a large amount of magma and the ground were directly compressed by the shock wave.

During the confrontation between Diana and Giant Egg, the hard ground burst open like a water surface, and the tip rift with a width of several kilometers was also widened several times in this impact.

Even the many superheroes who stood on the sidelines above the rift were shocked when the shock wave came, but not all of them... all of them had the terrifying strength of Diana.

Under the impact of such a violent detonation wave, even the superheroes worshipped by everyone on the earth could not escape death! Fortunately, at the critical moment, Bai Ye took a step in front of everyone, just sticking out his own The right hand completely resisted the terrifying impact caused by the meteorite hitting the ground! When the huge explosion that was enough to shake time and space completely disappeared before everyone's eyes, the tragic scene presented to everyone still moved everyone.

Originally, under the treatment of White Night, the surface of this planet has been hardened and encrypted, so that when White Night sends the planet into the warp, it will not be crushed and damaged by the turbulent time-space turbulence.

But at this moment, on the surface of the hardened planet, there is a huge impact crater with a width of ten kilometers. flow back in.

But the two people who caused this big explosion still appeared in everyone's sight unharmed. Compared with the tattered and tattered giant Egg, Diana, who was covered by a set of simple armor, was Appeared on the lava lake unharmed! "Great, Diana didn't get hurt in the confrontation with that guy!"

"I have never seen Diana use that armor before. Could it be that in this huge explosion... that armor protected Diana?"

After hearing the conversation between Carol and Clark, everyone's attention was also focused on Diana's exquisite and quaint heavy armor.

Under the protection of the thick armor, Diana did not even expose a single strand of hair outside the armor, and was completely protected within it.

"This day's armor is the gift I gave Diana when he was a little magical."

Hearing Bai Ye's nostalgic tone, everyone looked at Diana with a deep sense of envy in their eyes.

You can get the armor sent by Master Bai Ye himself.

That suit of armor must have an unimaginable protective power on top of its protective ability.

Everyone was envious, but they didn't dare to look at Diana with jealousy and other negative emotions. Master Bai Ye was by his side. Anyone who had such a crooked mind might not be impatient.

Under everyone's attention, Diana in the impact pit pulled out the Vulcan Sword from the magma, drank the contaminated magma, and then moved towards the giant Ego not far away. Walk slowly.

"Old man, didn't you say that human beings are small and incompetent ants, are you a noble and powerful god? Are you looking like the power of the gods?"

Hearing the undisguised sarcasm in Diana's tone, Giant Egg struggled from the magma, thinking about the sky floating away, and the magma exuding thick blue smoke was vented along the dazzling white halo shell of Giant Egg. , a small pool of magma accumulated on the ground.

"You actually hurt the great gods, I will extract your soul and soak it in the magma hell, so that you can also feel the pain I received before!"

Giant Egg's complexion was as gloomy as water, and even under the cover of that dazzling white halo, he could easily sense that he was in a very bad mood at the moment.

But Diana, as if she didn't care whether someone was angry, held the long sword in her right hand directly behind her and walked towards Egg.

"I didn't even cut off your head with a sword before, and gave you a chance to chatter here, but I miscalculated!"

"Ignorant human beings, just take a good look at the strength of my celestial family!"

On the way of Diana charging with the long sword in her hand, Egg roared towards the sky, and a large amount of dazzling white light suddenly "seeded" from the space and time.

It came out and fell directly on the damaged body surface of Giant Egg.

In less than a moment, the giant that was originally destroyed by Diana's sword of Vulcan gradually became intact with the addition of brilliance, especially the huge size was undoubtedly a great deal compared to before. "Oh, I didn't expect you to hide a part of your strength, so let's show it now, or you'll never have this chance in a while!"

Seeing that Egg had recovered to this level in such a short period of time, Diana's eyes also flashed a gleam of light.

Just a few hundred meters away from Giant Egg, Diana suddenly swung the Vulcan Sword, which had been hanging in the magma behind her, at Giant Egg.

At the same time that the tiny magma shot out towards the giant Eagle flying sword, a roar suddenly came from the magma lake under the two of them! "Which is what method, I have never seen Diana attack so many times before! Way!"

In the void, many superheroes around Bai Ye looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

A giant dragon surrounded by flames suddenly soared into the sky from the depths of the magma, and after a roar, it slammed towards the giant Yigo not far away.

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