Even with the addition and enhancement of the dazzling white and smooth, the giant Egg at this moment is only tens of meters high.

But the flaming dragon that soared into the sky was hundreds of meters in diameter with just one dragon head. If the giant Ego fell into the giant dragon's mouth, it might not even be the size of a tooth. "Damn little girl! Do you think brushing these little tricks in front of the great inborn can make a difference!"

Egg stared at Diana after the fire dragon with an angry look on his face, for this act of summoning a creature larger than himself in front of the real nature, Egg's bizarre anger.

After all, the most awe-inspiring gigantic thing in the world is...they are gods! Nothing else!

Chapter 483 Bleeding Together

"Oh, that guy looks like he's going crazy, is this the so-called power of the gods? It's really pitiful."

Looking at the angry white-haired Egg in the arena, Bai Ye didn't care at all that the latter stared at him with anger and laughed outright.

"Damn human, you have the guts to free me from this abyss! I will definitely block it, the glory of the gods will let you feel the wrath of the creator!"

Egg, who was shrouded in the dazzling white radiant giant, was full of hatred and anger, and stared at the people in the white night above the abyss. He knew that the reason why he was reduced to confrontation with a human girl.

It's completely the bad taste of that human mage! As the only survivor of the gods, he will never allow anyone to despise his glory and power, but Bai Ye's way of locking himself in the abyss and fighting people is like putting himself It's like an animal in a zoo! This makes Egg, who has always regarded himself as a god, quite unacceptable! If it weren't for his inferior skills and the deep fear of the human mage, I'm afraid Egg would have long since recovered from this abyss. He rose into the sky and killed the human mage.

But he didn't do much. He used to shoot his most powerful energy beam towards Bai Ye's direction when he fought with Diana before.

However, when there were still dozens of meters away from Bai Ye and others, the beam of light was blocked by an invisible barrier out of thin air! That was a blow from Egg, and he couldn't test Bai Ye's attack with all his strength. The bottom line is also that the courage in Egg's heart has been wiped out a little bit.

Moreover, the target of the battle that he regards as a shame, that is... the little girl who uses a long sword and a shield, why does his attack hit her every time, but can't cause any damage? It didn't make Egg feel scared, but in his own perception, he clearly noticed that the little girl turned into nothingness without any reaction time under her own attack.

But when he concentrates and concentrates on dealing with Bai Ye, the little human girl will reappear in front of him in a way that he can't imagine at all.

"The first time was from a space full of high-temperature flames, the second time was from the magma at the bottom of the foot, and the third time this human privilege came out of where..."

Looking at Diana who couldn't be beaten to death, Egg had a strong sense of irritability in his heart, why did his terrifying power of picking up the stars and taking the moon in front of these human beings just... went to work? "Humph! Do you still have the mind to look around? !"

In the void not far from Giant Egg, Diana stepped on a semi-circular emerald green magic circle and floated in the air, and the sword of Vulcan clenched in her hand slowly ignited different flames.

Just now, Diana was instructed by Bai Ye, to fight quickly and stop playing.

"Hehe, the strength of the master is really strong, and it can be seen that I have not exerted all my strength. I have never shown these methods in front of the teacher before..."

Among the many superheroes in the abyss, the most representative ones, Clark and Carroll, slowly walked out of the team and stood on both sides of the white night.

"Master Bai Ye, you are looking for us"

Hearing Clark's respectful voice behind him, Bai Ye turned his head to the two and said, "Have you mastered all the knowledge I transmitted to your minds before?"

Clark and Carol looked at each other, didn't dare to neglect and hurriedly replied: "I have mastered it all, but without the support of practical experience, I am worried that it will be difficult to use these... powerful forces to be effective. Play it out..."

"Don't worry, isn't that the best person to practice with?"

Under the indication of Bai Ye's eyes, the two of them turned their eyes towards the abyss, but they realized Bai Ye's consciousness in an instant.

"Mage Bai Ye, the knowledge you have imparted is extremely powerful. While we are grateful, we are also worried about whether we will be injured in the battle and need to trouble you to take care of them. Will this affect your plan..."

Carroll hesitated to say what the two were worried about. Naturally, they would not be the kind of... who would be worried about being injured on the battlefield, but if it was because of their own reasons, they had to bother Bai Ye to take action in person. If so, neither of them could bear such a heavy kindness in their hearts.

"No matter what you do, it's harder to get hurt than to go to the sky with me here. Besides, in order to move this planet back to the solar system, it will take half a month at the earliest. Within this half month, the two of you will It is extremely fast to grasp all the knowledge I have imparted.”

Bai Ye was facing the two of them, and his eyes were still randomly scattered on Diana and Giant Egg, who were fighting each other. No one could detect his thoughts from Bai Ye's performance.

"Follow your orders! Thank you Mage for giving us this opportunity!"

After Karak got Bai Ye's promise, he was ecstatic, and almost immediately after the words fell, it turned into an afterimage and swooped down from the abyss, killing the giant Egg, who was fighting with Diana.

And Carol slowly floated to Bai Ye's side, she knew that Bai Ye had something to say to her.

"You are different from Karak. If you don't want to experience war and bloodshed, I can allow you to stay by my side. As long as you still have my presence in your vision, no one in this world can hurt you. ."

Bai Ye turned his head in Carroll's slightly reddish look and smiled gently.

"Are you planning to cultivate me into a vase, then you are wrong..."

Under Bai Ye's gaze, Carol took a deep breath and regained her usual calmness and indifference.

"I am a soldier, and I will always be a soldier. Since I am a soldier, I should fight bravely on the battlefield to kill the enemy without flinching.

Bloodshed and war are my Carol's life and destiny!"

"Thank you for your kindness, but I choose to bleed with my comrades."

A dazzling brilliance appeared on Carol's face, and he nodded slightly to Bai Ye, and then turned into a golden flame that fell from the sky to slay the giant Ego in the abyss! Seeing Carol's resolute attitude , Bai Ye did not feel angry at all, and even a hint of surprise broke out in those pale golden eyes.

"Is this the path you chose then let me see..."

"Are you suitable to stay by my side, or more suitable to stay on the battlefield!"

Chapter 484

"Damn human ants! You are challenging the bottom line of my gods!"

After a confrontation with Diana, the two suddenly popped several kilometers away. When Giant Egg turned his attention to Diana, he found that two more humans came straight from the abyss and attacked. This kind of behavior without the slightest bit of taboo directly made the giant of Yigo angry, which is not to give him the face of the gods, this is to tear his face directly! But Clark who rushed over But Carol and Carol didn't have any taboos at all, I saw two scorching red beams falling from the sky, removing one of Giant Egg's arms in an instant! The moment he shot it, he made a blocking action, otherwise it would not be an arm but his head that was cut off by the beam of light! "What is going on with this beam of light and why is it so fast!"

A look of horror flashed on Giant Egg's face. In the previous attack, she never thought that there were any other attack methods in this world that could make a straightener feel unprepared! But just now, from that... The laser shot from the eyes of the human man who came, shone directly on his body as if he had traveled through time and space, and the terrifying high temperature cut his body as easily as a hot knife cut butter.

Before approaching, the dazzling white brilliance that constituted Giant Egg began to disintegrate. When the laser had just cut through the arm of Giant Egg, the high temperature contained in it had actually destroyed the remaining half of the arm. Immediately evaporated! "This new human being is so powerful and terrifying! Such a guy could be a mere human, it's impossible! It's impossible!!"

The roar of the giant Egg mixed with anger and terror echoed in the abyss, and his body was smashed into the magma by a figure burning with golden flames in the next instant! "Humph! The White Night Mage also shouted. Let's be careful with a guy like you, I think it only takes me alone to clean you up."

Carroll's figure slowly emerged from the golden flame, and Clark also traveled several kilometers and came directly to Carroll's side at the moment when a turbulent time and space rippled.

"Mage Bai Ye said before that although this guy's strength is not good, but all kinds of people are insidious and cunning..."

After Clark appeared beside Carroll, he fixed his eyes on the giant Egg sunk in the magma.

"Hey! How did you two come down? The teacher clearly said that this old guy was handed over to me to deal with."

It was only then that Diana appeared beside the two of them in the emerald green brilliance. It was the time-space transfer magic she learned from Bai Ye.

Hearing Diana's complaints, Ke Carroll all looked at each other and smiled.

Carol slowly approached Diane with a golden flame, with a gentle smile on her face: "Diana, from today onwards, we are all your junior brothers and sisters."


Diana had an incredible smile on Clark and Carroll, and their eyes were full of incredible looks.

"That's right, it's... as you think, because the universe is too vast, Master Bai Ye plans to recruit disciples from today, and distribute his power to all intelligent beings who sincerely serve humanity or peace. "

"Afterwards, these...people who have gained the power of the White Night Mage will build a line of justice that spreads throughout the universe!"

Hearing Clark and Carroll's explanation, Diana's eyes were full of amazement.

"The line of justice that spreads across the universe... The teacher's ideas are always so amazing..."

Carol also said slowly with deep admiration: "Yeah, Master Bai Ye never talks nonsense or does useless things. If the line of justice this time is successful, it must be enough to change the entire human race. …”

"If this matter is successful, not to mention that the entire human society can benefit endlessly, and even all other intelligent life within the line of justice can enjoy near-permanent peace!"

When Carol said these words, her eyes were also raised subconsciously, and she looked at the figure of a lonely man above the abyss.

"Although it's a disappointment for me to say that, but that guy is about to come up, everyone be careful."

With a chuckle, Clark dodged and landed directly on top of the magma on the ground, his slightly red eyes staring at a fast-swimming bulge in the magma.

"It's not you who's spoiling the mood, Clark.

It's that... idiot Egg who calls himself a god but never does anything."

Carol, whose interest was spoiled by Egg's sudden appearance, let out a rare swear word, and a golden flame enveloped her slender body in an instant.

In those golden eyes that shone brightly, there was an icy impression that was opposite to the flame.

Seeing Carol's unusually cold breath, both Diana and Carol on the magma surface showed a gloating look.

"Looks like a big guy is going to be unlucky."

At the same time as Diana and Clark looked at each other and smiled, a dazzling white beam of light shot up from the depths of the magma, and in a short period of time, it had risen to where Bai Ye and many other superheroes were.

Countless magma and high-temperature gas seemed to have encountered a big explosion, desperately fleeing from the vicinity of the dazzling white beam of light, and even the rigid ground where the magma had been lifted was torn apart by the bombardment of the beam of light. "That guy didn't come to attack us, those rays of light seem to be leading into the ground, what is that guy trying to do?"

At the same moment when Diana let out a cry of exclamation, a dull sound of violent tremors suddenly came from the ground, as if the earth was crying, a terrifying whimper spread from the position of everyone to the surface of the entire planet in an instant. .

"Whatever old thing wants to do, we have to stop him!"

Clark took the lead in flashing out of the spot, and the next moment he appeared in front of the huge dazzling white light beam, and his fist wrapped in translucent energy beat the dazzling white light without hesitation.

A ripple that shook even time and space spread to the depths of the ground in an instant, and the terrifying beam of light that penetrated the sky and seemed to be standing still in ancient times exploded in the shock! Diana and Carol It was also at the same time that he dodged directly from the ground and came to Clark's side.

Chapter 485: Plundering Planetary Energy

"Has that guy's methods been terminated, but why didn't he appear from the ground?"

Looking at the huge hole left on the ground after the beam of light disappeared, Diana directly used magic to create a magma giant covered in flames and threw it directly into the hole.

Clark, on the other hand, rose directly above the void. After the red light in his eyes flickered, a large number of intermittent red lasers shot out from his eyes towards the void.

After seeing the means of Clark and Diana, Carroll went to the higher sky. In the higher sky, Carroll's good vision can become: better, and at the same time it is easier for the family Observe what happens to this planet in the means of Giant Egg.

The secret behind the three-person cooperation and division of labor is the silent effort in the white night above the abyss.

A pale yellow magic circle slowly rotates in front of Bai Ye, from Diana's green circle, Clark's red circle, and Carroll's orange circle in the yellow general circle.

Through this array, any member of the Justice Defense Line who uses the White Night Magic System can communicate and communicate regardless of distance, no longer needing language, etc... A backward and time-consuming communication method.

Just one thought can be instantly transmitted to the hearts of many comrades who need to communicate, and this is just a little magic developed by Bai Ye's boring knowledge.

He can develop as many small magics as this is useless to... Bai Ye, but it is the burden of maintaining peace in order for the members of the Justice Defense Line to continue after he leaves.

This is the most Bai Ye can do. If everything is waiting for Bai Ye to settle, then there is no need for such an army to exist.

After all, what Bai Ye needs is an army that can still manage the overall situation even after he leaves this world, can experience the test of events, and can still grow tenaciously under the blow of various evils.

Bai Ye didn't know how much time and support it would take to cultivate such an army, but at this moment, Bai Ye had already started to prepare for such a legendary army.

With the help of his own time magic and space magic, no matter what kind of training grounds can be produced, and his own miracle second method - the cup of heaven can continuously contribute a steady stream of magic power.

These....magic powers are only the icing on the cake for... Bai Ye, but for... those around.... For superheroes with basic superpowers, that is the most powerful weapon.

Although there is no way for everyone to master the Cup of Miracle Second Method, after all, in Bai Ye's repeated analysis, he found that there is only one in this world.

But Bai Ye can keep the Cup of Heaven in this world. After all, his strength and realm are all derived from the system. As long as he still has the system, even if the power and realm are instantly dissipated, Bai Ye is not worried at all. .

At that time, the unique Tianzhihui is the supreme treasure that caused the melee at the cosmic level after the departure of the white night. In order to avoid the peaceful world that I finally built up, it was destroyed by the greed of several human beings.

Bai Ye needs to prepare the cup early and deal with it after leaving, after all, no matter handing over this endless energy source to anyone, it cannot guarantee the continuation of the peaceful and prosperous world.

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