In this case, there is no need to leave the complete Cup of Heaven to the heroes of the justice defense line, or even if it is more conducive to cosmic peace to completely destroy the Cup of Heaven at that time.

Bai Ye will completely destroy it without hesitation! But is it still too early to think about such a thing? Bai Ye sighed slightly, and re-threw the realization above the abyss to the ground, but this time it happened to see Giant Egg from A scene where a dazzling white beam of light erupted from the magma.

In just an instant, Bai Ye had obtained all the information he wanted through [Omniscient and Almighty], and the gaze that looked at Xuan Baiguangzhu also changed slightly at this moment: Sen was cold.

"Knowing that this planet is already my thing, I still dare to stretch my claws to the center of the earth to draw energy. Let me tell you whether you have a big heart or are you courting death."

As Bai Ye's voice just fell, there was a sudden burst of violent noise among the many superheroes. In their opinion, since this planet has been sent to a different time and space from the original galaxy by the Bai Ye Mage, it is their solar system. The property is gone. An unknown so-called god family can take such an important property from their hands. With Bai Ye's words, he directly mobilized the common enemies of many superheroes. Bai Ye himself did not think of it, but when he noticed it. In fact, there is no harm in doing this. After that, Bai Ye will let many superheroes make noise there.

"Since you dare to reach out, I will interrupt your hand!"

In a flash of golden light, the figure of the White Night Mage disappeared into the void, and the next moment was to travel directly from the surface of the planet for dozens of kilometers and directly to the giant Yigo who was trying to dig down. .

Just appeared, Bai Ye was rude and directly punched out, and in the dazzling splendor of the sky, the giant Yigo was directly killed by Bai Ye before he even had time to react! With a wave of his hand, that The giant Ego, who had turned into elementary particles, rolled up, turned into a streamer in a golden light package, and swept from the depths of dozens of kilometers deep into the ground to the surface in half a second.

Looking at the white night that suddenly appeared from the deep pit, Clark and Diana hurriedly stopped their behavior of constantly releasing attacks into the deep pit.

And Carol, who had been monitoring the planet in the sky, also turned into a golden flame and fell from the sky at this moment, and returned to everyone's side in a very short time.

"That's what you've been fighting against."

After returning to the ground, Bai Ye threw the powder wrapped in the golden glow in his hand into the magma in front of him with a cold face.

"Teacher, why did you show up? Didn't this guy say he was handed over to us to practice our hands?"

Diana dodged and came directly to Bai Ye's side, looking at the white powder in the magma with big eyes full of doubts.

"This guy wants to draw the core energy of this planet to supplement the consumption in the previous battle, but I stopped it."

Chapter 486 Hero Selection

"Why does this old man dare to make such a ghost idea, if it was not discovered by the teacher, I am afraid this guy has succeeded!"

After hearing Master Bai Ye's words, many superheroes, Diana, and others were filled with anger. After all, in everyone's hearts, this planet was Bai Ye's first gift to new humans.

Such a gift with such a strong symbolic meaning was almost destroyed by this old thing, which makes everyone not angry For the superheroes of the earth, after all, the resources in this planet are in the mouth of Bai Ye, but they are good gifts for the people of the earth.

And Egg actually dared to get his hands on such a gift, no wonder everyone was so indignant, "Although this guy is dead, the power in his body is indeed a rare opportunity, especially for... Is there anyone who can or the recognition of this power."

"I will use some means to give this power to you to use, how?"

Hearing Master Bai Ye's words, everyone's faces were startled and then a group of joy appeared on their faces. If this is really what Master Bai Ye said to gain the approval of this power, at least most of the companions can be left far away. !Ego's character has been stinky in the hearts of everyone, but the power he masters is a rare wealth for most superheroes.

Whoever gains this power will be able to have the strength to fight against Diana, Clark and his party, although this is still nothing in the eyes of Mage Bai Ye.

But with this power, you can really get a certain amount of attention and performance in front of Master Bai Ye, which is the most direct temptation for many superheroes who want to reciprocate.

Even superheroes like Diana and Carol who have already gained some of their power from White Night are heartbroken, and only honest people like Clark can feel that the power they have gained from White Night is strong enough and no longer necessary. Any other force will arm itself.

Seeing everyone's sudden excitement, Bai Ye smiled helplessly.

"Diana and Carol, you have already gained strength from me that is no weaker than Egg, this time let's give the opportunity to other comrades-in-arms."

Hearing Bai Ye's gentle tone, Diana and Carol both used magic and superpowers with blushing shyness and disappeared directly from everyone's gaze.

After seeing Diana and Carol leave, Clark nodded consciously and walked out of the crowd, but he was reluctant to leave, after all, although his power to embrace the night was no longer rare: the power of Egg.

But I'm still curious about... how the White Night Mage will be able to match Egg's strength.

Diana, who was also curious, didn't go too far, and was using magic to remotely observe the White Night Mage and others in the sky.

After seeing Diana, Carlock and others leave, the dozens of superheroes under them were also relieved, and with their strength, they wanted to be recognized by the White Night Mage in the presence of these three people. is hopeless.

At this moment, seeing Master Bai Ye's actions of letting the three of Diana leave after taking into account the strength of everyone, he was unanimously appreciated and respected by everyone.

Before the White Night Mage, where would there be big people who would care about the life and death of these weak superheroes, and it was not easy for them to hold back when they fought against evil.

And Master Bai Ye not only saved everyone's life from the hands of evil many times, but also always tried his best to enhance the strength of everyone. This kind of selfless behavior has not been seen in a strong man like Master Bai Ye for a long, long time. .

Even when everyone began to feel that no one would work hard for this kind of behavior, Master Bai Ye stood up, not only did he not get lost in the infinite respect that everyone had for him.

On the contrary, it is possible to learn about the unknown pain points of many superheroes without anyone mentioning it. It is no wonder that such a character would call Master Bai Ye the new god in private..." Come on, you don't need to look at me with those eyes, it's just my duty as a leader and a forerunner."

Looking at the eyes of many superheroes looking at him as if they were looking at God again, even Bai Ye felt amused and a slight touch rose from his heart.

"Maybe my efforts will eventually be remembered by people from generation to generation"

After this strange thought arose in his heart, Bai Fa opened his eyes again and looked at everyone, "Ego's strength is not the strongest, but it is enough to deal with most evil incidents and the invasion of the dark side, And if you use this power to do evil, it will also cause quite serious consequences."

After Bai Ye's eyes swept over everyone, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "So in this test, after all, I want to see your determination to need this strength to maintain justice."

"It is also necessary to see the sacrifices and efforts you can make for this power. This test is not only a test of strength, but also a test of whether you are qualified to protect the peace of the entire universe."

Under Bai Ye's gaze, everyone's eyes flickered slightly, and they were naturally thinking about the mystery contained in Bai Ye's words for the test of Bai Ye's mouth.

Seeing everyone pondering and worrying, Bai Ye smiled slightly, but focused his attention on some of the superheroes.

These people include Iron Man, Aquaman, Valkyrie, Doctor Strange, and even Thor, who had only seen a conflict in the white night not long ago.

There is a reason why Bai Ye pays extra attention to this group of people. When many superheroes are uneasy in their own tests, only these eyes are still as firm as ever.

It was as if the trial of the white night was not worth mentioning in front of these people. Although everyone's face was extremely solemn, there was not much joy, but everyone's eyes were firm as if they wanted to declare to the world that they were a symbol of justice.

Exuding an unmistakable brilliance of humanity, in the battlefield, this type of person may be the heroic image that the suffering people want to see.

Bai Ye's eyes were still as dull as before, but he recorded the appearance of these people in the dark.

Chapter 487 Ten Minutes of Backtracking

"The specific test content believes that some smart people have reacted by surprise."

With a mysterious smile, Bai Ye pointed his finger at the snow-white powder on the ground where the magma was burning violently in the curious eyes of everyone.

"Could it be that our test object is... that... the Celestial Race that was destroyed by the mage..."

Lei Shen frowned, his eyes fixed on the white powder on the ground that was about to be completely engulfed by magma, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Your guess is correct. After reaching a realm like mine, the so-called life and death is just a joke."

Under the horrified and inexplicable gazes of everyone, a milky white brilliance shot out from between the White Night Mage, directly shining on the powder that was about to be swallowed by the magma.

Under the wrapping of light, the white powder was quickly separated from the magma, just like time was holding down the back button, and the burned powder slowly appeared in everyone's field of vision in the retrograde of the curling blue smoke. among.

"This is the time-reversing magic of the White Night Mage, which is the legendary fifth method of miracles..."

The magic of time is displayed in front of everyone's eyes, but it is not affected by everyone's surprise and shock, but it is only a short three-breath time.

The snow-white powder that was about to be burned by the magma appeared again in everyone's field of vision, but this time everyone's shock was not over yet.

As Master Bai Ye raised his right hand, an emerald green brilliance appeared in the right hand of the Master, and Master Bai Ye slowly turned his wrist.

Countless pale white light spots suddenly burst out on everyone, everything was thinking about the previous trajectory, and the gas shot when everyone was breathing was also slowly under everyone's astonished gaze. back into his body.

With Bai Ye Mage officially launching the fifth method of miracles [Rewind in Time], many superheroes only feel that the scenery they see is thinking about the previous time and space and quickly rewinds.

The scene after that is that even the magicians like Diana and Doctor Strange who know a lot of magic can no longer see, and even after the consciousness is backtracked, everyone is "transmitted" by the magic of the white night without knowing it.

Ten minutes ago.......the first to wake up from the time magic are those......the heroes who have an excellent affinity for magic, first in the white night Diana, who has been around the longest, followed by Doctor Strange, who has graduated.

Then it was the strongest Carol and Clark who woke up from their confusion. They were not like Diana and Doctor Strange who could vaguely sense who initiated the time method.

After waking up, the two of them immediately changed their fighting state. They looked around with alertness and glanced around to confirm their position and teammates. They saw that Carroll and Clark could Acting like this, not only Diana and Doctor Strange, but also Bai Ye, who was reacting by the audience, secretly recognized the quick response of the two.

While Diana and Doctor Strange stepped forward directly to dispel Clark and Carroll's state of uncertainty, they also asked how to perceive the change of time without applying magic.

And White Night continued to observe the many remaining superheroes, but unexpectedly, except for Clark and Khalil, who had received the power of White Night's heroes.

He didn't have the slightest sense that he had traveled from the universe ten minutes later, and even his awkward posture didn't show many people's thoughts and doubts.

In the face of such a situation, Bai Ye's heart is......not disappointed. After all, it is required that a group of people who have not been exposed to magic can immediately perceive the time magic that they have released. It was an impossible thing.

But in the later training process, Bai Ye must train everyone to have the ability to perceive time and space changes. After all, this universe is not small at all, plus the existence of other parallel universes.

Baobuqi After he left this world, many superheroes who took over the burden of peace were easily defeated by the dark forces of time who could play freely, which was unacceptable to Baiye.

In addition, the source of one's own strength is magic. If you want to improve the strength of superheroes as soon as possible, you can only start from the magic aspect: but doing so will lead to some drawbacks.

The most important thing is... the situations that superheroes who can only deal with magic are relatively limited, and some dark forces with relatively high natural magic resistance will not let you go because you are only good at magic.

This is also the reason why Bai Ye is so persistent in giving Egg's power to superheroes who need power, when superheroes have more types of superpowers.

If the dark forces want to attack on a large scale, they must think carefully about whether they can find a breakthrough in the endless army of heroes.

Any type of dark forces can find objects that are easily defeated in superheroes, and can also be easily countered by the existence of some special abilities in superheroes.

Only this kind of balance can keep the ideal world in Bai Ye's hope! The reason why Bai Ye's backtracking time is exactly ten minutes is because at this time, Egg has not been punched to death by himself, in his perception.

The one at this time should have just drilled into the ground not long ago, and after about three seconds, the dazzling white beam of light that soared into the sky really erupted from the magma under the abyss.

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, Bai Ye stepped forward and directly removed the protective layer covering the abyss.

In an instant, a hurricane formed by a large amount of heat and violent energy rushed towards everyone from under the abyss.

And the dazzling white brilliance that soared into the sky, after mercilessly hitting the high altitude that was blocked before, actually soared directly into the sky, without the slightest hindrance in front of him.

Faced with this discovery, Egg, who had long been hidden in the dazzling white light beam, did not hesitate at all, and directly transformed into a pile of snow-white particles and flew out of the planet along the sky-high beam of light.

"Sure enough, this old thing first used the beam of light to confirm whether the obstacle above the planet still exists. If it doesn't exist, it will directly rise into the sky and escape from the planet at this moment."

"If the beam of light is blocked by you above the planet, you will give up the action of escaping, and directly turn the target to the ground penetrated by the beam of light, in order to absorb the core energy of the planet as the energy to let go..."

Chapter 488 The first test

Hearing Bai Ye's explanation, both Diana's trio and Egg's face, who was soaring in the beam of light, changed.

Just when Doctor Strange and Diana were about to use magic to attack Egg, who wanted to escape from the planet, a dazzling white streamer shot out from the beam of light, slashing towards Bai Ye's location.

"Sabotage my plan time and time again, you all be damned!!"

In the mad roar of Yigo, the streamer with a terrifying aura shot towards Bai Ye and the many superheroes behind him at a speed of [-] times the speed of sound.

And some superheroes who reacted quickly all rushed towards Bai Ye at the moment of Egg's shot, trying to block the attack before the streamer hit Bai Ye.

This includes Thor, Iron Man, Spider-Man and Doctor Strange. Their firm heroic beliefs make them have no extra time to think about whether the streamer can cause harm to Bai Ye.

It's too late for his own rescue, and even if he catches up, can he resist the majestic attack? Yu Soul has acted! Their actions have been watched by Bai Ye, who has been calmly observing. His so-called test has already begun. At this moment, in the first round of screening, it has been confirmed for him that the number of people with The hero of the true hero's soul.

Even if these... Heroes can't make good use of Egg's power in subsequent tests, but they will not use Egg's power to do something contrary to Just things.

This is especially important for... Bai Ye, even more important than the so-called ability of the hero himself! If peace can only be achieved by relying on absolute power, then there is still more powerful than Bai Ye in today's universe. Does it exist? The answer is no.

But now the universe is still peaceful, I am afraid not necessarily.

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