For example, isn't the spaceship of the Celestial Clan that is heading for the earth just for enslavement and persecution? Could it be that the Celestial Clan in the spaceship is going to Earth to find its own son? In the pursuit of weak people from generation to generation, they have lost the awe of life, and in their eyes, there is no need for equal dialogue for humans who are weaker than themselves. Don't stand up, use the fists of human beings to step on the guys who have been pushed to the altar by human beings one by one! Let human beings truly detach from the spirit of all things, and be dignified in Among the trillions of races in the heavens, they can straighten their backs and shout proudly: "I am a human being!"

It is for this purpose that Bai Ye chose to stand here instead of wasting his life in various scenic spots and tourist attractions in the universe.

During the period of time he has not left this world, Bai Ye hopes to use his own power to set up a flag of hope that will never be buried for the world after he leaves! And at this moment, Bai Ye has seen those... ...a partner who is willing to accompany us towards this goal..."Broken."

In Bai Ye's plain and calm tone, the dazzling white streamer that shot towards the crowd shattered in an instant, and then disappeared under the attraction of the shattered space-time cracks.

And Egg, who was hiding in the beam of light and fled to the outside of the planet, also changed his face at the moment when he felt that his attack was shattered, and he was hit by an unstoppable force directly from the beam of light before he even had time to react. It blasted out! And the huge beam of light that reached the ground was also ruthlessly smashed by an invisible big hand in this short period of time, turning into debris and disappearing into the sky.

"You...what are you, it is absolutely impossible for humans to give birth to an existence like you...!"

Egg, who was shot down to the ground, no longer had the arrogance and fluke he had before. In the repeated blows of the white night, even he, who was as arrogant as the gods, understood a truth.

The more you indulge and fight against Bai Ye, the more you will find your own powerlessness and weakness, and if you want to leave a small life in front of Bai Ye's incomprehensible terrifying power, you can only..."This little brother! I won't be a so-called god, please spare my life!"

Looking at Egg whose attitude changed so quickly, even Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, and then there was a hint of cold light in his pale golden eyes.

"Teacher, don't listen to this old bastard's nonsense, he must be lying to you, and when you relax your vigilance, you will be gone!"

Diana flashed directly to Bai Ye's side from mid-air, her azure blue eyes staring at Egg, who was lying on the ground with a face full of prayer, her tone was full of slow alertness.

"That's right, Master Bai Ye, this old man didn't have the slightest sense of keeping his hands in the previous battle. Every attack is aimed at taking other people's lives, and it's definitely not good."

After hearing Carroll's words, Diana hurriedly nodded in agreement with Carroll's opinion.

At this time, Egg, who was lying on the ground, secretly turned his gaze towards Carol, who had just landed not far away, and a dazzling white light emerged from the palm hidden under his body.

But no one noticed this under the cover of his huge robe...Boom! Just as he was about to attack, a figure descended from the sky suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and he fell to the ground. The position was exactly where Egg was lying on the ground before... Faced with the sudden appearance of Clark, both Diana and Carol were shocked. Treat the enemy like this.

But under the gazes of everyone, Clark not only did not walk away from the one under him, but still: Bai Ye's approving eyes stomped on Egg's arm hidden under his robe. "Ahhhh!! Damn humans, you guys actually..."

Under Clark's heavy blow, how could Egg endure it, directly hugging his broken arm and disappearing from under Clark's body in a blink of an eye.

But in just a split second, Bai Ye's arm was swept out from the other time and space and smashed on the ground.

Until this time, everyone saw the dazzling white spikes penetrating the guy's palm, and if Clark hadn't shot in time, I'm afraid everyone would have been overshadowed by this old thing again! Seeing the vicious and angry eyes of everyone watching, I was immediately scared and backed away.

"Calm down, everyone must calm down!"

Chapter 489 Interrogation

"Is it too late to beg us to calm down now?"

Seeing the speed at which Igor's expression changed, the many superheroes who surrounded him also showed a trace of disdain.

Under the gaze of everyone, even if the thought of wanting to live in Egg's heart was burning wildly, he still couldn't hide the anger on his face.

"Humph! Actually, this guy is not soft at all. I don't think everyone needs to waste time on this guy. It's better to kill this old thing as soon as possible, so as not to let him harm other planets."

In the simple communication between Bai Ye and Yi Ge, everyone also knew that the so-called gods are nothing more than parasites that absorb the vitality of the planet. It is no exaggeration for such a guy to say that he is a pest of the universe.

Even the most unwilling mantis to cause murder, looked at Egg with disgust and hatred in his eyes.

Along the way of Egg, who had become a vermin in the universe in the blink of an eye, Bai Ye stepped forward and stomped him hard.

"I'm giving you a chance now to tell your body, and I don't have to kill you myself."

"You...what are you talking about! I don't understand what you are...aaaah!"

Bai Ye didn't pay attention to Egg's flustered explanation at all. The lightning that stepped on Egg's right foot could turn mountains and rivers into nothingness, and directly turned the right half of one's body into coke.

"Do you remember now, or do you still think you don't understand what I said?"

Under Bai Ye's indifferent tone, that one couldn't get up after all, and could only struggle to speak slowly.

"You can't even try to find our body, and you can't completely defeat the gods. When you go against me, your tragic fate is already doomed, hehehe..."

Seeing the blood oozing from the corner of his mouth but still refusing to answer the question, Bai Ye waved his hand in disdain, and directly slapped the only half of his body out.

"Since the negotiation is over, there is nothing to say. This guy will be handed over to you now. Whoever can defeat this guy will be able to gain his power."

Bai Ye slowly raised his right index finger under the puzzled gazes of many superheroes, and in a sound of finger snaps resounding like a planet, the memories of many superheroes who traveled through time and space instantly returned to their bodies.

"Yeah! I just went back to the past ten minutes later, isn't it... Did my soul travel to the future?"

In a series of exclamations, a large number of superheroes retrieved their memories ten minutes later, and they naturally knew that the test that Master Bai Ye said had begun! He also raised his head in shock at the snap of his fingers that resounded through the planet, and he was smashed to scum by Bai Ye in the previous universe.

Under Bai Ye's attack, he didn't even react at all, so naturally there would be no footage of his death.

But with Bai Ye's help, he was able to clearly see that his ashes were thrown into the magma by Bai Ye, accompanied by the gradually sinking snow-white powder drifting smoke...Ego hit him hard. Chills, a strong regret quickly surged from his heart, after seeing Bai Ye's ability, he really felt fear and despair in his heart, but before he could shout a word of begging for mercy, a light burst from Bai Ye's fingertips. The golden brilliance directly wrapped him in it.

Under Guanghua's package, his body that was smashed to half by Bai Ye's kick actually recovered as quickly as time went backwards! "What is this human mage planning to do to me? If he wants to kill me, why should he save me?" Me, but if you don't want me to die, then... what's the matter with the test!"

Under the golden brilliance, even if Egg wanted to speak, he couldn't do it.

Time and space seemed to be frozen. In this, Egg did not speak, even turning his eyeballs and blinking his eyelids required almost all of his divine power to be able to do it.

In this state, even if a person wants to commit suicide, he needs to do his best, and deep despair floods into Egg's eyes... And the many superheroes watching the recovery process of Egg's onlookers are Unanimously, he turned his attention from Yigo to Bai Ye.

In the back of this man, everyone felt a strong sense of intimacy, even those who were not superheroes from the earth.

It was also while staring at Bai Ye's back that he suddenly remembered a familiar figure.

The strength and hope contained in the back is like the kind of people who followed their fathers when they were young...a wonderful feeling. On the backs of the endless avenues, everyone's father seems to have A sense of responsibility and tolerance like Bai Ye... Many superheroes moved their lips, but no one could understand the one they were describing in different languages... What the words mean. ......Om! After a strange whistle ended, Bai Ye's right hand, which was emitting a pale golden light, was also slowly put down.

Seeing that Master Bai Ye's magic was over, everyone panicked and turned their attention to Egg, who was surrounded by magic.

I saw that Egg at this moment was like a doll that lost his soul, kneeling in the barren soil with blank eyes, facing the gazes of many superheroes without the slightest reaction.

"Teacher, what's wrong with this guy.

You're not playing some tricks again, are you?"

Diana approached Bai Ye uneasy, her eyes looking at Egg's body like a corpse, her eyes were full of disgust and hatred.

"This guy is just accepting his fate, but in such a state there is no way to deal with the next training. It seems that he can only recover completely."

Seeing Egg's ghostly appearance, Bai Ye also frowned slightly, how could he imagine that Egg would become so autistic under his own magic blow.

"You don't cherish the opportunity given to you. If you don't want to live in the future, then go back."

In Bai Ye's extremely indifferent tone, a dark golden brilliance shot out from Bai Ye's eyes, and he directly put one in it and quickly disappeared.

Before Diana and the others let out a scream, a golden light reappeared where Egg disappeared, under the gaze of everyone.

Egg, dressed in a white robe with a dazed face, appeared in front of everyone again.

Chapter 490 Trial Battlefield

Under the bewildered gazes of many superheroes, the newly-appeared Egg looks more surprised and flustered than everyone else.

He was originally still: hiding his figure in the void, intending to take a good look at these... The human beings who appeared in the different time and space, but he did not expect that when he planned to show up.

A dark golden brilliance suddenly appeared in the void and brought him to this place. Although the surrounding environment was still the planet of the original time and space in his observation, but... "Why did I appear in this place? , is the ripple that erupted in time and space your hands and feet?"

Looking at Igor's completely different attitude, the expressions of many superheroes changed, especially the magicians like Diana and Doctor Strange.

Almost instantly, the two of them realized what the magic that Bai Ye had cast before.

"Second Method of Miracles - [Multiverse Space]!"

The exclamations of Diana and Doctor Strange alarmed many superheroes, and before they could ask questions, Bai Ye walked directly towards Egg from the crowd.

Seeing Master Bai Ye walking around, and still walking towards an evil existence like Yi Ge, everyone hurriedly followed behind Bai Ye, and a pair of extremely vigilant eyes stared at Yi Ge's every move.

"Welcome to this time and space, Egg."

Hearing Bai Ye's answer, Egg's pupils shrank suddenly, and his feet retreated extremely quickly.

But after Bai Ye raised his right hand, all of Egg's struggles were meaningless.

Surrounded by a silver-white brilliance that was like mercury, no matter how he used his divine power, Egg couldn't leave the place.

Seeing the white night getting closer and closer, Egg finally panicked, and the arrogance hidden in his blood burst out in an instant! "You human ants! Do you know what the existence standing in front of you is? Treated like this..."

Bai Ye's raised palm clenched slightly, directly blocking the curses and roars that Egg was about to blurt out in his throat.

"This guy has no cure, and even if he is resurrected, he still has the usual bad breath!"

Hearing the deep disgust in Diana's tone, many superheroes nodded in agreement.

Looking at a ferocious complexion with an indescribable expression, Bai Ye directly slammed his right palm shrouded in silver-white brilliance.

In a flash of white light, Egg's head was directly slapped by Bai Ye's slap!... Everyone looked at Bai Ye's actions and stood on the ground in fright.

Everyone watched with disbelief as Egg disappeared in the rich white light after being blown up.

Although there was no bloody and dirty flesh splashing out, it still left a strong shock in the hearts of everyone.

"This is your test.

Whoever can kill this guy can gain this guy's power."

After clapping his hands, Bai Ye turned around and smiled at everyone as if he had just killed a fly.

After that, at the moment when everyone thought that Egg was dead, a silver lustre color appeared again from the void, directly swallowing the headless Egg into it.

When the silver light flickered here, the brand-new Egg appeared in front of everyone again...... From the white night, he brought everyone into a different time and space and officially set foot home. It's been half a month since the journey, and everyone except Diana, Clark, Carroll and Bai Ye are very busy.

As long as there is a moment, many superheroes will enter a silver-white space-time channel, and there is an assessment site specially opened by Bai Ye.

It is said to be an assessment site, but it is actually... a battlefield where the environment will be randomly switched.

After Bai Ye announced that he had entered the assessment period, many superheroes entered the battlefield from one place to another as if they had been beaten, and challenged the assessment target - Egg.

In the white night, with the help of the almighty magic, even if the superhero who enters the battlefield will be killed by Egg in an instant, it will be restored to the level when he entered the battlefield by the magic in the next instant. state.

And Egg in the assessment venue will be magically restored to his heyday state after every battle with superheroes. Both his soul and body have become infinite reincarnation in the magic of the white night. part of the examination.

And Bai Ye uses the fifth method of root magic [Time Magic] to speed up the flow of time in the battlefield ten million times, so that every superhero can challenge Egg according to his own fighting style after entering the proving ground.

Even if you plan to use wandering and strategy to deal with Egg, you can have enough time in the battlefield without disturbing other superheroes waiting outside.

Under the influence of the terrifying flow of time, every superhero who entered the battlefield could not last a thousandth of a second under Egg's pursuit.

It will be teleported directly to the outside of the battlefield by magic, including Batman, Iron Man and Doctor Strange that Bai Ye has seen relatively.

Among them, Doctor Strange lasted the longest, and stayed in the trial battlefield: only two thousandths of a second was blasted by Egg with one punch and teleported to many superheroes by magic.

It was precisely when he was killed in the hands of Egg again and again that many superheroes worshipped a white night that could easily pinched to death to an unimaginable height.

After all, everyone really can't imagine what kind of height Bai Ye's strength and realm have reached. After all, Egg in the trial battlefield is already a god-like role in everyone's experience.

And such a "God"

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