In Bai Ye's hands, he is like a grandson, and if he can't hold on for a moment, he will be wiped out.

Many superheroes even boldly guessed that Bai Ye could wipe out tens of thousands of Eggs in an instant with just one look.

And after doing all this, I am afraid that the magic power of Bai Ye Mage will not be wasted.

The reason why everyone has such speculation is that the huge planet under everyone's feet is not just "waving their arms a few times" in the white night.

It was sent directly from the real world into a different time and space? In front of such a miracle, I am afraid that no matter how exaggerated the adjective is put on Bai Ye, it seems extremely pale.

Compared with many superheroes with relatively mediocre strength, demigods with strong strength such as Doctor Strange and Thor, can indeed feel the power of Bai Ye more truly and shockingly.

Chapter 491 Planet Transformation

In the long period of time when many superheroes have been testing, Diana, Clark, and Carol, led by Bai Ye, naturally will not be idle.

The space where everyone is now is actually still on the planet that is about to be transported to the solar system, but under the magical transformation of Bai Ye, the originally barren planet has undergone tremendous changes.

Not only has the seemingly dry surface been turned into a lush green planet by the means of the white night, but a large number of icy comets grabbed from the asteroid belt have brought extremely rich water resources to the planet.

The rich animals and plants that were directly imported from a large number of wild planets from different time and space also brought a lot of vitality to this green planet in a short period of time.

With the efforts of many superheroes, many humanistic buildings have also been erected, and a small city full of science fiction has been created in a short period of time.

Of course, the "living creatures" that live in them

The vast majority are still semi-artificial intelligence made with technology from Dr. Banner, Tony, and Dr. Strange.

Fortunately, with the help of Bai Ye, the tragedy that once met Ultron will not appear again, and even with the help of Bai Ye, a brand new race appeared on this planet.

At the moment when the mechanical family completely controlled by artificial intelligence was just born on this planet, even Bai Ye felt a long-lost throbbing in his heart.

This kind of emotion, like excitement, like moving, made Bai Ye deeply indulged in it at that time. As for Dr. Banner and his party who were developing and creating together, they were so happy that they almost fainted at the moment of success.

After all, creating a brand new race with one's own hands is a completely different sense of accomplishment from creating life.

And the naming rights of this new race finally fell to Bai Ye without any accident, although Bai Ye repeatedly stated that after all kinds of new mechanical beings can survive independently, they can change any traces left by the people on their own.

However, many superheroes are very clear in their hearts that the race that can be born from Bai Ye's hands will definitely become an advanced intelligent life that is no less than human. Such advanced civilization may be more aware of Bai Ye's favor and importance.

Maybe when this kind of intelligent life successfully rises, even if they are asked to modify their origin and racial title, I am afraid they will not get the corresponding... "The life of this type of intelligent race... .It's called the omnic family."

The shock created in just the short sentence of Bai Ye is a brilliance that can make the real supreme immortal in this world still feel fear and unattainable after hundreds of millions of years... As a new birth Today's omnics are still incomparably weak, but under the influence of the brilliance of the human nature of many superheroes, the omnic's camp tends to be lawful and kind after all... dumped away.

Human superheroes are naturally aware of the shadowy night of the omnics, but in the face of all these changes, he adopted a perfunctory attitude of turning a blind eye to the past.

After all, this is the intelligent group that Bai Ye has high hopes for, if they can protect the peace and justice of this universe with their human brothers after they leave this world.

Bai Ye is not rigid enough to think that the development of civilization cannot be intervened and guided by priority, especially since his little time left may not be enough for Bai Ye to exercise an excellent omnic civilization that is sufficiently independent.

Under such a premise, it is also an indispensable means to catalyze the omnic civilization to a certain extent.

After the transformation of this planet has been carried out to a certain extent, Bai Ye is also completely idle, after all, this planet has just recovered from the war.

Even with a new ecosystem and a new intelligent race of aborigines, it still takes a little time to adapt.

Bai Ye still understands the truth of overdoing it. If he unrestrained and let superheroes transform the planet recklessly, I am afraid that the vision of a new mechanical civilization in Bai Ye's heart will be shattered by another modern factory.

The civilization in the universe should definitely not be just human beings, but should look up to the sky full of stars, just looking up is enough to awaken the spirit of exploration of intelligent life hidden in the blood.

And the development and dissemination of human civilization should never be mere mechanical copying. If one's own attempts can make some useful enlightenment for human beings and other intelligent life, then their own efforts will be worth the money.

"Teacher, what is the origin of that guy who can follow us all the way to the different time and space..."

Diana would always bring a reluctant Carol to White Night's side after the boring training day after day.

Either ask questions about magic cultivation, or simply find a topic to chat with Bai Ye.

And today, Diana's purpose in finding Bai Ye is naturally to chat.

Bai Ye, who was sitting cross-legged in the alpine stone temple, slowly opened his eyes, and the scattered starlight seemed like an endless universe bred in those eyes.

After the vision in his body completely disappeared, Bai Ye moved his gaze downward, and suddenly saw Diana in metal armor and Carol in casual dress standing on the floating stone platform beside him. .

"Didn't Clark come with you?"

Bai Ye didn't answer Diana's question immediately, first smiled and nodded to Carol behind Diana, and then looked into the lightning storm outside the open-air temple.

However, it was discovered that Clark, who had practiced celestial magic in the storm before, had no idea where he was going, and there was nothing in the storm that flashed with brilliance and thunder, only the white clouds that were smashed.

"That guy told us that he was a small success in cultivation, and he planned to go to the trial battlefield to conduct special training for the devil."

In front of Bai Ye, Diana was not so particular about it. She rolled her eyes in the direction where Clark left, and then sat cross-legged on the stone platform that slowly revolved around Bai Ye.

And Carol, who was by Diana's side, naturally wouldn't be so rude in front of Bai Ye like Diana did.

While sitting down, Carol took out a metal block in the shape of a mobile phone from the small backpack she was carrying and sent it to Bai Ye.

Chapter 492 Dark Forest

"This is a general overview of all the dynamics on the planet today, as well as the next month's resource changes, species migration, production construction and ecological stability prediction models, and..."

In Carroll's almost non-stop report, Bai Ye was able to understand the latest developments and current situation of this artificial planet in a very short period of time.

At the same time, it can also put forward clear and effective improvement measures in the following and many superhero seminars.

This kind of thing is easy to say, but it takes a lot of time and magic to observe the future even by relying on the fifth root method—the prediction property of [Time Magic].

The White Night Club does not use precious magic power to directly observe everything. In general, it also gives everyone a direction for common progress and efforts, and gains everyone's wisdom in the process of participating in the discussion.

In the eyes of Bai Ye, there is no more fulfilling work than this, and similar ideas should be the same in the hearts of every hero involved in planet construction... "By the way, you asked Diana just now. My Egg's History"

After answering all Carol's questions, Bai Ye, who had completed his official duties, turned his attention to Diana beside him.

Diana, who was about to fall asleep beside her, suddenly woke up, looking at Carol and Bai Ye with some embarrassment, she just felt that it was really inappropriate for her to doze off on such an important occasion.

"Diana's character is really unrestrained, she can doze off in front of Master Bai Ye..."

In a helpless sigh, Carol stood up from the stone platform, and with a sigh, both hands lightly grabbed Diana's cheeks and stretched slightly.

"Even if you have the favor of Master Bai Ye, you can't be disrespectful on this occasion."

Diana, who was pinched by Carroll's face, was also slightly blushing and said: "I know, I will never dare next time!"

......Looking at the interaction between Diana and Carol in front of me, Bai Ye wouldn't leave without understanding the style, but started explaining the origin of Egg on his own.

"That guy was already on this planet when we fought the Black Death Emperor. According to the records in Time Magic, he should have arrived on this planet earlier than us."

"But until I subdued the Black Death Emperor, he still didn't want to show up. I thought Egg was just a passerby and ignored him."

"But when I dragged the planet from the present into another world, he suddenly appeared and tried to take this planet as his own..."

After hearing Bai Ye's speech, Diana and Carol also stood up on the stone platform with a solemn expression and stood respectfully aside.

Bai Ye slowly opened his eyes and smiled at the two of them: "I gave him a chance before, but he didn't know how to snatch our property. Isn't this courting death?"

After speaking, Bai Ye also stood up from the temple, and with a wave of his hand, he took the two women by his side and shot out of the temple, flying towards the only city on this planet.

Following behind Bai Ye, Diana and Carol didn't say a word. After all, Bai Ye was by his side, and they didn't know what to say for a while. Since they didn't know, it would be better not to speak... ..."You know what I've been thinking about since I got involved in the construction of this planet."

Bai Ye, who was leading the way in front of the two, suddenly spoke, and Carol's eyes flashed with a flash of light as Bai Ye's voice spread.

Before that, Bai Ye used magic directly wherever he went, but today he did use "flying"

With this slow and ancient way of moving, ambition, Carol was wondering if Bai Ye wanted to say something to the two of them on the way to the city.

Now Carol's doubts are finally dispelled, because Bai Ye really wants to talk to the two of them.

"Is there any question in this world that requires the White Night Mage to spend time thinking about it?"

Carroll slowly accelerated from Diana's side to Bai Ye's side with a slight smile, those light gray eyes seemed to be unintentional but secretly noticed the smile on Bai Ye's face.

After Diana also flew to the side, Bai Ye slowly opened his mouth and said: "You guys think of me too high, this feeling makes me feel lonely, but also forces us to have a unknowingly. intense feeling."

"Mage Bai Ye, please forgive my rudeness..."

Facing Carol's somewhat disturbed apology, Bai Ye smiled and shook his head.

"I've been thinking about this kind of problem, after all, only after this type of problem that goes straight to the root can be solved, can I guide you to control the world."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Diana and Carol frowned, and asked Bai Ye with a hint of concern and uneasiness: "Mage Bai Ye, are you thinking about such a question too early? Just judging from the lifespan of an ordinary human being, you still have a lot of time to think and experiment."

"There is no need to rush to find answers for the continuation of humanity and the universe in a short period of time, right?"

After Carol spoke, Diana also said with a hint of distress: "My sister Carol and I have the same idea, Mr. Bai Ye, are you being too strict with yourself..."

"If you feel a little tired, even if you just take a break, you can take a vacation for yourself. During your vacation, Carol and I will be able to continue the peace of the universe! "

Hearing Diana's response, Bai Ye turned around and smiled at Carol.

"I know you are different now, whether it's Diana or Carol, or even those ordinary heroes... who couldn't even intervene in battles before."

"During this training, reborn changes will definitely take place, but your current strength is still weak, and it is not enough to deter those...things hidden in the dark side are born to make waves.. ..."

Bai Ye's response made Diana and Carol bow their heads in shame. Just like what Bai Ye said, the universe today is full of all kinds of unknowns, and some of them are enough to threaten human beings. Terrible existence of survival.

Even during their time with Bai Ye, Diana and Carroll have experienced many times the enemy that can directly threaten the peace of the universe, just like Egg after being harmless by Bai Ye.

Chapter 493 Troubled by the power of magic

If this guy hadn't been stopped by Bai Ye, if he fell on the earth, he could easily defeat all the heroes living in it, and the entire human beings on the earth would be decided by the hands of Egg.

Especially in the description of Bai Ye, the existences like Egg that can easily wipe out the entire human civilization are not those who are hidden in the dark...especially rare ones.

Even a guy like Egg is not even a low-level threat in front of a real demon.

In the depiction of the white night, the real universe is compared to the so-called "dark forest" in science fiction works.

Even more terrifying, every human being is a creator-like existence.

If these words were said by other people, a bunch of people would definitely regard that person as a lunatic, but after these words were said from the mouth of Master Bai Ye, the weight would naturally be different.

Bai Ye Mage, who has mastered the root magic of time and space magic, is no longer the same species as Bai Ye at the level of life. In the future that ordinary people can't see, advanced life forms like Bai Ye Mage can always detect disasters. Some harbingers before the coming.

That's why Diana and Carol didn't get angry when they heard Bai Ye say that they were not good enough, but just felt unwilling and frustrated.

It's not that he simply succumbs to the terrible power of Bai Ye, but the Master Bai Ye said that the two can't do it, that is, he has seen the future of the two of them working hard for the peace of the universe through time magic, and that future will definitely not be Diana and Diana. The future that Carroll both wanted to see.

It was also after the observation and judgment of Master Bai Ye that the two completely dispelled the arrogance and immaturity brought by the explosive growth of their strength during this period.

"You don't need to be too sad. The day when it's your turn to take over my current position, I can already see in the future of the universe, that day is very close to us."

After hearing Mage White Night's comfort, both Diana and Carol's eyes lit up. They would have good doubts about Mage White Night's words.

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