Because the realm between Master Bai Ye and the two has reached an incomprehensible level, under such a huge gap, Master Bai Ye has no reason to lie to the two at all.

Bai Ye said that the day will come when the two of them can be on their own, and Diana and Carol will be able to believe in it and fight for it, waiting for that day to come.

Master Bai Ye said that the peace and justice of the universe need to be guarded by themselves sooner or later, and that day will come sooner or later, although a strong uneasiness has arisen in their hearts by coincidence.

"The teacher has been saying things more strangely these days. He often stands alone and looks at someone from a high place. His eyes look like he's going to someone who can't keep up with anyone."

"And including this conversation, the teacher has signaled that he is about to travel far too many times. Does the teacher really want to leave us to play the end that no one can reach..."

Unexpectedly, there was not much sadness in Diana's heart that Bai Ye was destined to leave. Perhaps during this time of getting along, Diana had deeply realized that the level of life that Bai Ye and human beings only saw was being enlarged by the naked eye. .

The divinity radiated from Bai Ye's body made Diana feel at a loss, and at the same time, it also increased the awareness of the two types of people in the subconscious that no one was aware of.

The ultimate consequences of this subconscious alienation are invisible to Diana, invisible to Carroll, and even invisible to Doctor Strange, who is of the same origin as the teacher from White Night.

But in Bai Ye, who has mastered the five root magic, he can easily know everything from the future time and space... This includes the fact that he has been maintaining a state of detachment and subconsciously alienating everyone. As a result, he knew that if he continued to show the gesture of wanting to leave, sooner or later the two sides would have different fates.

But this is what Bai Ye expects in his heart, he will not stay in the Marvel world alone, as long as there is a day to leave, that sad ignorance will inevitably come one day.

Bai Ye doesn't want his existence to become a new obstacle for his successor. If his disciples still live in his shadow after he leaves, then all the efforts Bai Ye has made during this period will be in vain.

Just when Bai Ye was chatting with Diana and Carol, the only human city on this planet had seen the boundary line.

"Is it finally here? If it wasn't for the teacher who wanted to fly today, I'm afraid even I myself would have forgotten the feeling of flying in the sky."

After Diana complained like a joke, Carol also slowly accelerated from Bai Ye's side to Diana's vicinity.

"Yeah, even I rarely use my power to fly after accepting the power of the White Night Mage, and even during this period of time I have less and less time to train my original power, I am worried that it will be more and more Soon, I will completely give up the original power..."

"I actually feel very complicated about my own power now. Although this is only my power, the power gained from the White Night Mage is indeed far more than this."

"If possible, I don't want my power to disappear completely due to lack of training, but in order to adapt to the power passed on to me by Master Bai Ye, the power is getting stronger and stronger with time, I have to spend more time on it. Practicing the power of magic..."

Amidst Carol's worries, Bai Ye nodded knowingly. The troubles like Carroll's were actually already expected by Bai Ye. As his power became more and more dispersed, it could be said There will only be more and more superheroes of their own power.

When faced with the choice of how to confront that kind of power, they would fall into the same predicament as Carol.

After all, compared to the magical power bestowed by the White Night Mage, neither Clark's superhuman bloodline nor the Zeus bloodline in Diana's body are actually worth mentioning.

This is the same conclusion that any superhero who has personally experienced magical powers will come to the same conclusion.

Even Doctor Strange, who also practiced magic, had to admit that the magic power contained in Bai Ye's body was no longer the same as the magic he knew.

After Carol raised her doubts, Diana also looked at Bai Ye with worried eyes. As a member of Paradise Island, she followed Bai Ye the longest and received the most power from Bai Ye. Super hero.

Chapter 494 Planned Vacation

"I guessed what you were worried about a long time ago"

"At that time, I repeatedly confirmed to you whether I wanted to accept my power. After I got your affirmative answer, I gave you the power of magic too much."

"It's really too late for you to start regretting now, after gaining the power and convenience of magic power"

"Even if you want to regain your original strength, it will be difficult to reach the current state."

In Diana and Carol's somewhat embarrassed wry smiles, Bai Ye didn't give the answer they wanted to hear.

Once when Diana and Carol found themselves wanting to gain power from themselves, he made it clear that his power was too strong, if he completely accepted the past.

It will soon cause those who use this power to lose interest in the strength that they have worked hard at first, and the confidence to continue to practice hard.

At this moment, Diana and Carol, as expected, realized that they were completely addicted to the power of magic.

It is almost impossible to quit the convenience and power brought by the power of magic.

Nothing is more addictive and addicting than a powerful force in which one cannot extricate oneself.

After all, you only need to swear to be loyal to justice and life under the gaze of Bai Ye to gain such a powerful force for nothing.

The price that needs to be paid is almost nothing for everyone who is originally a superhero, which is why after forming a team in Baiye.

The specific reason why the team's overall strength can be increased several times in a short period of time is that Bai Ye's strength is simply too powerful.

Especially under the nearly infinite supply of magic gifts released by the third method of the root - [Cup of Heaven].

Even the white night is more than enough for the seven billion humans who want to distribute their power to the earth.

But this idea Bai Ye has never been moved by, considering the current level of human life and the level of spiritual civilization construction.

If you distribute all your own power, you will only create seven billion bastards with superhuman strength.

Even if it is a powerful living deity like Bai Ye, the human heart is still an existence that cannot be seen for a long time, even if there is no need to use time magic to peep into the future.

In Bai Ye's heart, he also knew very well what would happen if he gave powerful power to a human who had no preparation at all.

At least at this moment, Bai Ye still doesn't have the idea of ​​turning the earth into hell.

In the same way, many superheroes who walk on the edge of the human heart are also very aware of Bai Ye's worries, so they have never actively asked Bai Ye for more powerful power.

The more people who revere the power of Master Bai Ye, dare not easily ask Master Bai Ye for the power to protect justice and life when they are not fully prepared.

Only Diana and Carol have been through the white night for a long time.

It is determined that these people are the real heroes who can stand up even when the sky is overturned and black and white are reversed.

Bai Ye will give "rewards" to this type of real heroes who care about human beings under strict control and harmony.

Bai Ye's eyes moved slightly, and when he saw the guilt and self-reproach of the two girls beside him, he said again: "You don't need to be discouraged now.

When we're all back on Earth, I'll build a unified training center."

"At that time, whether it is the martial skills of Paradise Island or Carol's fighting skills, they will be able to receive intensive training in the training center specially built to train heroes' own superpowers."

"As long as you can persevere and keep holding the determination to climb up and go to the sky, the results after training will not let you down."

Hearing Bai Ye's assurance, both Diana and Carol were happy.

They never doubted what Master Bai Ye had said, just as they never doubted their choice for... Bai Ye.

"And your problems can also be magnified to the entire human race, the entire civilization."

Under the puzzled gazes of Diana and Carroll, Bai Ye smiled slightly.

"Do you remember the idea I described earlier about the direction of human civilization afterward?"

Carroll thought for a while and said: "Does the White Night Master say that human civilization should not fully accept the advanced civilization of alien galaxies, and regard the civilization of other alien galaxies as its own development goal?"

Bai Ye nodded slightly.

"The development of civilization is actually similar to the troubles you are receiving at the moment. If you blindly accept the charity of others, you will soon be helpless in the face of oncoming development obstacles."

"In order to avoid the dilemma of being unable to advance or retreat, I have repeatedly emphasized that human beings need to save themselves, to self-renovate, and to find their own way out."

"Instead of blindly copying the development path of other advanced civilizations, then you will always be able to follow others' ass, and one day you will hit a dead end."

Bai Ye's eyes shifted, seeing Diana and Carol beside him with a look of thought, and Bai Ye showed a satisfied smile in the silence.

The reason why Bai Ye worked so hard to train Diana and Carol to a level beyond ordinary people.

It is... I hope that one day when deciding the fate of the universe, I will not be the only one standing alone in the "high place"

Moreover, there are seven billion people on the earth, and how to arrange everything in an orderly manner by themselves, at this time, it is very necessary to decentralize and divide the management area.

That is to say, only a man with strength and prestige like Bai Ye could make such a feat. After all, it is something that no one in the world has done to settle the disputes that have been raging for billions of years on the earth.

But Bai Ye is such a man, who can easily do things that other people can't do! "Mr. Bai Ye, we have been taught this class, and I will convey your teachings to other companions when I return to the team. ."

After hearing Carol's response, Bai Ye nodded. With Carol and Diana taking care of them, the little things in life no longer need to worry about Bai Ye.

And after training, Carol is mature enough to handle some official work for Bai Ye, and I believe that he will be able to withdraw from the front line soon.

During this period of time, Bai Ye has done his best to help many superheroes grow up. Although the results are quite remarkable now, Bai Ye is already too tired.

"It seems that after I go home, I won't be in a hurry to preside over the justice line of defense. Let's take a leave of absence for a while..."

Chapter 495 Two Magic Books

Just when Bai Ye planned to return to Earth and asked for a place to rest.

Carroll suddenly pointed her finger at a certain hill in front of her.

"Mage Bai Ye, look!"

Amidst Carol's cry of surprise, Bai Ye looked up.

However, on the lush hill, a robot covered in metal armor was pruning the branches and leaves.

"That robot is... the life that Dr. Banner and I created together before, it seems to be running very well..."

A happy smile finally appeared on Bai Ye's face, after all, he watched his race and life live freely in this world.

Such an experience is novel and moving enough even for Bai Ye.

"Anyway... There's still a lot of time this time, so I'm not in a hurry to inspect the mechanical city, we just want to see these... The life that has just been born."

Under Bai Ye's suggestion, the two women naturally wouldn't have any of them, closely following Bai Ye's flight path toward the small mountain.

Feel the humid and fresh air in the air.

Bai Ye began to be glad that he finally chose to stand with life and abandoned the icy temple created by divinity.

If only Diana and Carol were not around.

It is possible that he really lost all interest in facing the world under the influence of [Omniscient and Almighty].

Ultimately the outburst of divinity is shaped into a ruthless deity that balances all things in the universe.

Bai Ye slowly stretched out his hands to the sides of his body, feeling the moist water vapor and the energy of the planet full of vitality slowly passing between his fingers.

"The planet transformation during this period should have wasted a lot of your time and energy. You have done a very good job."

In Bai Ye's affirmative tone, both Diana and Carol shrank their eyes, and a blush of excitement climbed to their cheeks while they were shocked.

"All this is the achievement of Master Bai Ye, we just made some small efforts under your leadership."

"If it weren't for your detailed flow chart and relevant knowledge and experience, I am afraid that even if you gather all the scientists on the earth, you would never be able to restore the vitality of this planet in such a short period of time."

Facing Carol's sincere thanks, Diana nodded excitedly.

God knew that when she read the planetary transformation plan and implementation regulations that Bai Ye handed over to everyone, the words were as high as several people. When it was recorded, Diana's magic-enhanced head almost crashed on the spot.

But even this point has already been tested by Master Bai Ye, and everyone does not need to read all the heavy materials before they can start to transform the planet.

It is only necessary to open the heavy book and follow the hundreds of thousands of catalogues one by one to do the work one by one, and then this planet full of life can be achieved.

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