In those two heavy books, a superfluous nonsense, every useless punctuation mark.

Even the words used to record knowledge in the books are all new carriers created by Bai Ye after a lot of magic experiments.

As long as it is an intelligent life whose mind can be verified by the magic book, it can obtain the knowledge that it wants from the words that any living creature can understand.

This is a very important point for the superhero motley army with complex personnel composition and inefficient execution, although it is following the white night.

Troubled by communication problems, many superheroes turned to Iron Man, who had the highest level of technology at the time, and Doctor Strange, who had the highest level of magic.

The two superheroes with excellent IQ also lived up to expectations, and invented high-tech equipment that can communicate without barriers for many superheroes.

But only this level of invention has no effect on a whole huge planetary transformation project. There are too many high-tech tools and on-site, and the measurement and calculation cannot tolerate a little error.

Just relying on a tool to open up many superhero languages ​​is simply not enough to support this huge project.

But the two magic books given by Bai Ye completely solved the problem of how to work together between different races.

Anyone can open the thick magic book with their own hands.

With the help of magic, you can directly present all the knowledge recorded in it with an optimal solution that you can understand.

And it's that kind of...the degree to which every little movement of every move is fully explained, no matter how sophisticated equipment or measurement engineering is involved.

Under the influence of magic, the immersive experience will be firmly anchored in the mind of the audience subconsciously.

And the best part is that among the hundreds of thousands of task steps in transforming the planet, each superhero can choose the tasks he is good at and wants to complete.

After being selected, the task will be completely bound to this superhero, and according to the arrangement of the real-world planet transformation process in the magic book, the person in charge of the step or link will be regularly notified to the scene to carry out the work.

The magic of these two magic books is far more than that.... Their role is not just the achievement of transforming an entire planet into a fairyland on earth.

In the long years that followed, these two magic books have almost become the most accomplished magical creations in human society, and the various knowledge they contain has become the most precious wealth in this world.

And neither Bai Ye, the creator of the magic book, nor Carol, the closest assistant by his side, knew nothing of this.

Even those superheroes who...distributed all over the planet under the command of the magic book, also participated in this innovative myth like Genesis without realizing it.

Whoosh! In the white night, Diana and Carroll flew extremely fast, and a large amount of moist air formed three huge white fog rings in the flight of the three-three-three, and followed closely behind the three-three-three.

And the target of everyone, the mechanical intelligence on the hill, also received a signal from the satellite a moment later.

After confirming that the object rushing towards him was his creator and the second person in charge of the planetary transformation project, he quickly put the huge scissors in his hand in the huge buckle behind him.

With a slight movement of his feet, he has used tens of thousands of tiny high-speed nozzles to adjust his posture and slowly rise towards the sky.

At the same time, the communication device behind the mechanical lifeform's brain also began to flicker at the same time.

Figures exuding the flames of the vents slowly drifted from all corners of the forest towards the mechanical lifeform that most wanted to ascend into the sky.

Chapter 496 Mechanical Pioneer

"It seems that they have sensed our approach."

Under Bai Ye's gaze, a large number of mechanical lifeforms slowly lifted into the sky from the dense forest, and Diana and Carol also turned their eyes away from Bai Ye.

They were all slightly surprised when they saw the number of mechanical lifeforms in their eyes.

"I didn't expect them to have created such a huge population in such a short period of time."

"Yeah, I remember that these lifeforms were just born last month. Why did they develop so many numbers in one month?"

Facing the doubts of Diana and Carol, Bai Ye also shook his head slightly.

"I don't know the specific reason. After participating in the creation of this type of life, I only completed a trivial part."

Understanding Bai Ye's response, Carol twitched the corners of his mouth and cast his gaze to the Bai Ye Mage beside him with some uncertainty.

"That small contribution you made...wouldn't it be a trapped design drawing and construction process..."

Hearing Carol's words full of inexplicable emotions, even Diana cast an incredible gaze on the White Night Mage beside her.

"It's just some blueprints. Without the cooperation of Dr. Banner and the others, I alone would not have been able to create a brand new intelligent race in such a short period of time."

"So the biggest credit for this matter is not my provider of design ideas, but Dr. Banner's amazing action and wisdom..."

Diana and Carol both twitched their mouths and didn't know how to respond to Master Bai Ye's "self-effacing"

If these words are said in other people's mouths, they will inevitably have some obvious connotations.

But after saying it in the mouth of Master Bai Ye, it is convincing and at the same time it makes life not much... disgusting... Just when the two women are still: when they are tangled, everyone has come to take the right. In front of mechanical intelligent life.

"Great creator, we have been waiting here for a long time."

Under Bai Ye's somewhat surprised gaze, the intelligent beings who took over and unloaded in front of them stretched out their palms towards the three of them.

It crossed his chest as if he was waving it lightly like a prayer.

For this interesting scene in front of me, Bai Ye also learned to do the same actions as many mechanical intelligent beings.

After seeing the action of the White Night Mage, Diana and Carol also took the same pose.

Facing the actions of the three of them in the white night, those mechanical intelligent beings, who numbered close to one hundred, all clapped excitedly after the initial surprise.

"This etiquette is the oldest we can find in the history of mankind, and the etiquette that best expresses our reverence, thanks to the approval of the creator..."

Facing the many mechanical intelligent lifeforms of Machine Soul Joy, Bai Ye nodded indifferently.

"Let me see what kind of capabilities you have as advanced intelligent lifeforms that have progressed together."

While Bai Ye was talking, he also brought the latter Diana and Carol to slowly approach the many mechanical intelligent lifeforms.

When they got close, Bai Ye discovered these... The overall shape of the mechanical intelligence was designed to imitate the appearance of human beings.

Looking at Bai Ye, who is quite similar to him, there is a good feeling in his heart.

Even if he has entered a realm that mortals cannot reach, Bai Ye still forces himself to show a touch of humanity as much as possible.

When facing this kind of mechanical intelligent creation in front of him, that proud and joyful excited expression finally affected Bai Ye.

But Bai Ye did not reject such a feeling.

"Please also come with us to the city of mechanical proliferation, where we will show you our strength and wisdom."

In the face of Bai Ye's question, the mechanical intelligent lifeform is.... without wasting any time, he immediately followed Bai Ye's footsteps and pointed to the faintly visible metal city not far away.

"Then you will lead the way."


......After a simple exchange on the way, Bai Ye finally learned the name of the leader of the mechanical intelligence body around him.

- Mechanical Pioneer.

And Bai Ye also obtained a brief overview of the mechanical city and the mechanical intelligent life form through the exchange.

In this gigantic city created in just one month, the proportion of construction made of metal materials can reach almost [-]%.

That is to say, in the use of metal materials, this group of mechanically intelligent lifeforms, who have just been born for less than two months, have already walked in the forefront of the vast majority of human beings.

"Did you build such a magnificent city yourself using metal materials?"

During the flight, Bai Ye also expressed a little admiration for this giant metal city that stretches for dozens of kilometers.

After hearing Bai Ye's admiration, the mechanical pioneer hurriedly chased after Bai Ye.

"What is all this in the face of the miracles you have created?"

Bai Ye turned his head to look at the position where the mechanical pioneer's finger was pointing, and also showed a knowing smile.

The direction that the mechanical pioneers are pointing is exactly the planet where many are located, as well as the different time and space nights that not only pass through the starry sky.

"Although a project like moving the planet may seem grand, it shouldn't be impossible in front of your analytical power."

When asked by the formation Bai Ye, the Mechanical Pioneer nodded unreservedly.

"My lord, we can indeed carry out a huge project such as planet immigration after analyzing this world."

"But the time and energy required for it are probably orders of magnitude different from yours."

"And some of the key technologies, even if my tribe is expanding hundreds of times, I am afraid that they still do not have that level of analytical power."

Facing the honest confession from the mechanical pioneer, Bai Ye smiled and shook his head.

"You're still too self-effacing. Since you can't do it now, it doesn't mean you can't do it in the future."

"Since expanding the number of clan members by hundreds of times cannot achieve the computational power of analysis, can it still not be resolved even if it is expanded by a million times?"

Bai Ye's words seemed unintentional, but they blurted out.

Whether it's Carol or those... the many mechanical pioneers who follow them are all stunned.

After a short silence, even Diana, who was not interested in these things, gradually recalled it in Bai Ye's words.

"What does Teacher Bai Ye's words mean?"

"Increasing the population of mechanical intelligent life by millions of times is a reminder to the mechanical pioneer family, or a warning to us humans..."

Diana's face was a little ugly, but she still tried her best to hide her unease.

In the silence, his eyes turned to Bai Ye who was beside him...

Chapter 497 Engineering Miracle

Even the mechanical pioneer beside Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, and then cast his mechanical eyes at Bai Ye.

"You guys, don't know what you are afraid of."

"Since I have undertaken your birth, I naturally want to ensure your development space."

"Do you think I will discriminate against humans and omnics unequally just because the two of us are made up of flesh and blood and machines?"

Facing Bai Ye's questioning, the mechanical pioneer hurriedly waved his hand to apologize.

"We will never dare to use such a concept to speculate on the thoughts of adults..."

Bai Ye turned his eyes from the Mechanical Herald to Carol and Diana beside him.

"You don't have to think blindly. We will be partners in the construction of the universe's justice defense line in the future. Our consciousness should never be the only one, right?"

Facing Bai Ye's gentle and tolerant gaze, whether it was Diana or Carol.

I just felt that the uneasiness in my heart disappeared little by little under the gaze of the warm eyes like the sun... Seeing the uneasiness on the faces of the two women slowly dissipating, Bai Ye also turned his eyes to the body again. In the former huge steel city.

Although the smile on Bai Ye's face was still peaceful, his heart was filled with waves in a sigh.

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