"Although I knew that conflicts between emerging races and humans were almost inevitable, I didn't expect this day to come so early."

"Is human beings really ready to live and share with strangers and friends?"

"In other words, my decision is still too advanced for human beings at the current level of civilization..."

In the silent flight, Bai Ye slowly turned his eyes to the mechanical pioneer who was leading the way.

"I have always placed the focus of my work on the side of the human camp according to inertia, but I don't know if there has been suspicion against humans among the omnics..."

Thinking of the difficulties he will face in the future, even a legendary mage like Bai Ye, who is calm and stable, is a little worried.

"There has been a big discrepancy in the observation of the dark border in the past few days. Obviously, there is an unknown existence that has detected the second and fifth method of observation magic."

"And the human beings who are still fighting alone want to rely on their own strength in a short period of time to grow into a civilization that is enough to defend itself in the universe, and the time is obviously far from enough..."

"Even if there are various problems, even if the vast majority of humans, including myself, are not ready for the omnic family..."

"But all the predicaments will not be broken until all preparations are made. That is not human personality at all, nor is it the creed of a brave man!"

"Although it is difficult, long pain is not as good as short pain. As long as it can be completed, whether it is for human beings."

"It's still good for... omnics!"

Bai Ye's eyes gradually became firmer, and the faint soul fluctuations spread out from him.

It was also unknowingly that it affected the two Dianas around them, as well as almost all the omnics.

Under the infection of the optimistic and tolerant soul fluctuations, both Carol and the omnic family sank the vague worries in their hearts... Under the infection of optimism, that The mechanical pioneer who suddenly fell silent suddenly pointed to a huge eggshell-shaped building not far away.

"My lord, that is the place where the pioneers conduct self-tests. If you want to understand the potential of the pioneers, this is the most suitable place."

Bai Ye nodded.

"Then go there."

......When everyone came to the huge eggshell-shaped building covering an area of ​​dozens of square kilometers.

In the white night, Diana and Carol 3 really felt the huge and complex building in front of them.

As if a little unbelievable, Diana slowly floated out of the queue and gently placed her palm on the surface of the giant metal building.

In Diana's touch, the metal component that exudes a slightly cold light is as smooth as a mirror, and under the sunlight, it can reflect her own appearance completely on the component.

Diana slowly raised her head and was surprised to find that this huge building with a surface area of ​​hundreds of kilometers, all surfaces have been polished so finely... "This is definitely something I have seen. The largest building, if it falls on the earth, I am afraid that its own weight will be enough to directly smash a large hole in the earth's crust..."

After Diana's heartfelt sigh, Carroll also opened her eyes and slowly looked up, "Yeah, such a huge building can still maintain its own stability, and at the same time install such a large number of giant machines on the surface, What an incredible engineering marvel..."

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment after hearing Carroll's praise, and then looked in the direction Carroll pointed.

Hundreds of meters above the ground, a giant block-shaped structure is tightly fixed to the surface of the eggshell structure.

In Bai Ye's estimation, the size of the square structure: more than [-] meters square, if there are a lot of metal components in it, it will at least weigh tens of thousands of tons.

But under Bai Ye's gaze, not only did the rectangular component show no signs of instability, but even the eggshell building that was connected to the rectangular structure was not damaged in the slightest.

What surprised Bai Ye even more was that in his magic detection, there were dozens of such structures, evenly distributed in every corner of the eggshell building.

"It's truly a marvel of engineering, and what interests me the most is... in such a gigantic building..."

"There is no trace of magic at all, which means that when you built this building, you didn't actually use the help of magic at all, right?"

Facing Bai Ye's inquiry, the mechanical pioneer bowed his head respectfully and said, "Yes, sir, it's not just this building, this entire city of mechanical proliferating has not been helped by any magic."

"It was completely built by the mechanical pioneers themselves."

Facing the mechanical pioneer's answer, Bai Ye was thoughtful, but...... Diana, who was beside the huge building, asked a little puzzled: "Why not use magic to build it? With the help of magic, you should be able to save a lot of time and manpower when building such a huge structure."

Facing Diana's question, the mechanical pioneer looked at Bai Ye nervously, but fell silent for a while.

Chapter 498 Another Invasion?

Facing the silence of the Mechanical Pioneer, Carol's expression changed beside Diana, and she slowly floated to Bai Ye's side to stare at the Mechanical Pioneer.

"The reason why you don't use magic to build is because someone is making things difficult for you"

"It's not that you don't want to use it, it's just that you can't get help from the human magician, right?"

Hearing Carol's questioning, Bai Ye's expression changed. If he really knew what Carol said, someone among the human beings was deliberately making things difficult for the omnic clan... Maybe he noticed it. With a hint of displeasure from Mage Bai Ye, the expression of the leader of the omnic clan also changed.

But beyond Bai Ye and Carol's expectations, the omnics shook their heads in response to the questioning.

"Whether it is in the construction of the previous mechanical proliferation city, or in the planetary transformation plan during this period of time, there is no problem that human mages estimate to make things difficult."

Hearing the mechanical pioneer's response, Diana asked in a puzzled way: "Then why don't you use more convenient and effective magic to help with construction?"

Facing the puzzled eyes of Diana and everyone, the mechanical pioneer looked at Mage Bai Ye a little embarrassed.

"All of this is just to use my own power to prove to everyone that the strength of the mechanical pioneer family is definitely a power that is not weaker than magic."

"After all, our mechanical pioneer family has just been born for less than two months, and we are eager to find some ways to show the strength of our mechanical pioneer family."

"And in our calculations, building a complete mechanical proliferation city is the best way."

"Which is also the reason, we will refuse all external forces except mechanical knowledge..."

After hearing the mechanical pioneer's explanation, Bai Ye and Carol also knew that they had misunderstood the omnics.

Bai Ye can understand the rhetoric of the mechanical pioneer, and he is not willing to interfere too much with the internal affairs of the omnic family.

After all, in Bai Ye's field of vision, the omnics really used their strength to show everyone their extraordinary creative ability.

"We understand...your appeal, but we also hope that in the future cooperation, we can make contact with other forces of different systems as much as possible."

Carol slowly floated out from Bai Ye's side, and preached his ideas to the clansmen of the many mechanical pioneers.

Or in other words, the rules of coexistence between different races created under the guidance of Bai Ye.

"After all, in the long years to come, no matter what, the fate of humans and the omnics is firmly tied together."

"Only by getting along and communicating with each other can we eliminate barriers and prejudice, and only in this way can we concentrate all the forces that can be fully resolved."

"Only in this way will it be possible to successfully expand everyone's future into a brighter future in the long and full of threats..."

Regarding... Carroll's declaration, many mechanical pioneers didn't dare.... they dared to neglect, and they all came close.

After all, it can be said that Carol's identity is very special in the wisdom they share, as the first executive by Bai Ye's side.

Such a title and status has been taken by everyone...respectfully.

On the other hand, Diana, on the other hand, was very concerned about these... The so-called "intelligent life destiny body"

Interested in vocabulary such as.

It was long before everyone was still there: looking forward to the future, it flew towards the giant round shell building.

And Bai Ye's eyes had been diverted long ago during the preaching. In the eyes of everyone, it was just that the great creator was appreciating the magnificent creation of the pioneer family.

But in fact, Bai Ye's attention was no longer on the planet at this moment.

With the help of his [Omniscient and Almighty] ability, he can always detect some approaching threats.

Although for Bai Ye's current strength, the real threat has never been able to threaten him, but the boundless troubles like flies are still quite disgusting for Bai Ye.

"What kind of guy is rushing over to die this time?"

In the perception of the white night, a large number of energy bodies that cannot be observed by the naked eye are rapidly approaching the planet at a speed of one tenth and 10% of the speed of light.

"Is it a broken item that flows out of the dark side?"

Even though they are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, Bai Ye can still use the magic particles scattered in the wide area of ​​space to accurately see any vector matter that is close or far away.

Even in Bai Ye's perception, those... a large number of incorporeal beings flying towards the planet have been unable to escape from Bai Ye's magical detection for a long time.

And this time, I am not the only intelligent being who sensed something approaching... Bai Ye looked at the mechanical pioneer who was concentrating in Carroll's explanation with an inexplicable smile. Under the gaze of his eyes, the mechanical pioneer trembled slightly.

Then, under Carol's astonished gaze, he slowly raised his right hand and slowly took off the hood covering his head.

"Well, there seems to be something on top of your head..."

Carroll watched with a hint of amazement as a small metal ring slowly rose above the mechanical pioneer's head.

"The field of perception expands, identification code:...!"

"Sharing done!"

Under Carroll's puzzled gaze, the pioneer's mechanical body slowly emitted a azure blue light in a flash of electric light.

Especially the small metal ring suspended above the pioneer's head neatly unfolded into dozens of segments with a light sound.

But in a short period of time, the nearly one hundred mechanical pioneers who were surrounded by everyone all made similar changes to him.

Carol, who didn't get an explanation from the mechanical pioneer, slowly leaned towards Bai Ye's direction with a slight unease.

"Bai Ye Mage, the mechanical pioneer family looks a little weird, please be careful..."

I heard the warning sound from Carroll secretly, and the golden flame that gradually lit up from Carroll's eyes.

Bai Ye's colleague who smiled helplessly slowly drifted out from Carol's side.

"It seems that you have also discovered the arrival of those...uninvited guests..."

Under Bai Ye's questioning, the pioneers who turned into steel warriors in an instant formed a neat queue on the opposite side of Bai Ye.

The pioneers are still in the front and the closest to the white night.

"Lord Bai Ye, we just discovered the traces of those guys thirteen seconds ago, but we are still not sure what they are."

Bai Ye nodded slowly, and with a wave of his right hand, the pattern formed by a light curtain was displayed in front of everyone.

"Yeah! What are those guys!"

Chapter 499 Assessment

At this time, even Carol was reminiscing about it, and his eyes were staring at the unbelievably fast illusory entity in the light curtain, which was rapidly approaching the planet where everyone was.

Bai Yebi didn't answer immediately, but turned his attention to the mechanical pioneer beside him.

"Since you can detect their existence so quickly, it must be some composition of these guys that triggered your detection mechanism, right?"

Just like a photosensitive switch can detect changes in light, a temperature-controlled switch can detect changes in temperature.

Since the mechanical pioneer family can sense the visits of those...uninvited guests within the same time as themselves, it must be that the actions of those guys triggered some kind of detection mechanism of the mechanical pioneer family.

Although Bai Ye is the creator of the mechanical pioneer family, he is not very clear about the functional composition of the mechanical pioneer family.

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