On weekdays, I don't have the energy to look at the thick manuals written by Dr. Banner and the pioneers after summarizing them together.

But this does not mean that Bai Ye is really unaware of the development of the mechanical pioneer family.

After all, Mage Bai Ye's [Omniscient and Almighty] is not something that you can close if you want to... Facing Bai Ye's questioning, the Mechanical Pioneer is... extraordinarily free and easy, without the slightest Resist the technology developed by your own group and tell everyone to hear it.

The dozens of metal ring fragments surrounding the mechanical pioneer's head, after the slight flickering, emit a faint blue brilliance.

The light rippling in the air was only attracted by the dozens of fragments.

In less than a moment, the connected brilliance was like a blue halo under the link of dozens of fragments, quietly suspended above the head of the mechanical pioneer.

Under the gaze of Bai Ye, the many pioneer clansmen behind the mechanical pioneers were also in a blue ocean, and a large number of halos rose into the sky.

"Is this the art of the pioneers... so beautiful..."

In Carol's murmured words, the pioneer shrouded in the blue halo slowly opened his eyes, and the light of wisdom flashed out in an instant, even in the white night, it was visible to the naked eye. "wisdom"

Quite intoxicated.

"It's an incredible technology, are you... Sensing the coming illusory thing through the detection mechanism developed for [Intelligence]?"

"Yes, Your Majesty Bai Ye."

Numerous pioneer clans bent down in the direction of Bai Ye, and the arms of the environmental protection on the chest were obviously... the most respected etiquette among the omnic clan in the mouth of the pioneers before.

"Thank you for adding wisdom to me and the clan, Hui, the mechanical pioneer family will never forget!"

Facing the gratitude of the pioneer family, Carol seemed a little unreasonable and had a conversation with Bai Ye.

See Carol's somewhat puzzled look.

Bai Ye turned around and pointed to a certain direction in the starry sky.

"In that position, there is a group of intelligent life with intelligence and collective action is rapidly approaching our planet."

"But the other party has no physical existence in my perception at all, and its body is invisible and intangible, like a mass of air."

"But it is such an existence, but the pioneer family was able to find the trace of each other at a similar time as me."

Facing Bai Ye's explanation, Carol asked in confusion.

"Since the other party is invisible and invisible to the naked eye, how do the White Night Mage and the mechanical pioneers send their existence to the other party?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know that I can't sense that something is approaching the planet now. How did you do it?"

After Carlo asked, Diana, who flew into the sky to explore the creations of the pioneer family, also slowly landed from mid-air.

"Where did you go before, do you know that before the White Night Mage speaks, it is absolutely not allowed to walk around in the territory of the mechanical pioneer..."

Seeing Diana's somewhat embarrassed look descending from the sky, Carroll was also a little angry and preached to Diana.

"No, the mechanical pioneers have never had their own territory. Where the human race is, is where my family is, and where my family is, where all living beings are. Miss Diana and Miss Carroll don't need to have any constrained thoughts here."

In the face of Carol's somewhat strict dogma, the mechanical pioneers don't know if they were born long enough, or if they really don't care about human beings walking around in the mechanical proliferation city.

Seeing that Diana also returned to his side, Bai Ye slowly began to explain: "The pioneer family's research on...wisdom is probably far more advanced than what we have learned."

"For example, the existence of those... nothingness was detected in advance this time, using a detection mechanism that can perceive wisdom, a method I have never seen on earth. "

"The breakthroughs and achievements you have made in commanding this time are astonishing."

In Bai Ye's undisguised praise, the pioneer family showed incomparable humility.

"If it wasn't for the dedication of the supreme Lord Bai Ye, how could there be a group of mechanic pioneers in the recent days? All these achievements should be attributed to Lord Bai Ye..."

"No, these technologies and achievements are the hard work of your mechanical pioneer family. Even a creator like me can't erase your efforts and hard work for this."

In the affirmation of the white night, many mechanical pioneers are all happy, and under the light of the blue halo, they are like angels who are about to ascend to heaven.

"Now those...things of unknown origin are coming to this planet, how are you going to deal with them?"

Taking advantage of the approach of this uninvited guest, Bai Ye wanted to examine how everyone responded to crises and risks.

Under Bai Ye's gaze, both Carol and the life forms of the mechanical pioneers all had a calm expression on their faces.

Obviously, measures have been prepared in advance for the various situations of alien visitors.

Diana, who was in the crowd, still had a frowning expression on her face. She was obviously a little caught off guard by Bai Ye's sudden question.

Bai Ye, who took everyone's reaction into his heart, also made his own judgment in secret.

Pointing to a mechanical pioneer clan behind.

"It's up to you to talk about... those unknown things...that are about to come into contact, how should you respond to ensure the peace of this planet."

"And, you can also have valuable exchanges and contacts with each other without paying a huge price."

Chapter 500 Contact or Counterattack

The Mechanical Pioneers who were named by Bai Ye didn't look astonished. After all, the wisdom and thoughts of all the Mechanical Pioneers are connected and superimposed on each other.

Even if the distance between the two tribes is thousands of miles, as long as they can perceive the existence of each other, they can communicate with each other's sea of ​​consciousness in a short period of time.

And Bai Ye naturally knew this, but in order to be able to observe the form of the sea of ​​consciousness of the pioneer family at close range.

Bai Ye still chose to raise a topic among the neatly lined Pioneer tribes not far away, and randomly selected a seemingly inconspicuous tribesman.

I intend to see what kind of means the mechanical pioneers use to exchange information.

Come to analyze and conceive answers to the questions asked by Bai Ye.

Under the gaze of the dark golden eyes in the white night, the change on the bright side of the pioneer tribe being questioned was that the signal light above the forehead began to flicker.

In just three hundredths of a second, the frantically flashing signal light has flashed no less than billions of times.

Such intense flickering made the signal light in front of the pioneer's forehead seem to ordinary people as if it were always on.

Only a character like Bai Ye can rush into the most common phenomenon and perceive the changes in the thinking of the pioneer family.

Bai Ye quickly looked at the other mechanical pioneers on the side, and found that almost all the pioneers had all kinds of signal lights flashing frantically.

But these...the phenomena that only appear on the surface are naturally not all that can be observed in the white night.

In Bai Ye's perception, when the mechanical pioneer family began to think and act, the environment around everyone changed slightly... Countless tiny mechanical structures that could not be seen were in the air. Floating around, with the perception of the white night, countless energy fluctuations are constantly being transmitted.

"Is this the so-called surprise calculation and transmission of information through the use of everything in the world? Such technology was developed in less than two months."

"Should it be said that it is the crystallization of wisdom that has been designed by all the strongest human brains?"

Just when in the darkness of the night, I was happy that I had created such an efficient and powerful intelligent race.

The Pioneer who was named by Bai Ye came to his own answer after only thinking about [-]%% of a second.

"The supreme creator, if the mechanical pioneer family is to carry out the next planetary defense mission."

"We will try our best to show the powerful strength of humans and omnics before the other party starts concrete actions."

"If the other party's intention is not right, they can use the power of deployment to intercept or counterattack the next possible attack."

Speaking of which, the omnic first looked at the crowd and then spoke slowly.

"No matter what the other party's intention is, there is always nothing wrong with preparation..."

Hearing the omnic's speech, Carol and Diana also nodded and agreed with each other's actions.

"Since you already have the corresponding countermeasures, let me see it."

Bai Ye looked at the race he created with interest, and hoped that they would be able to show enough strength and talent to deal with the invasion of alien invasive species this time.

It's not like creating such an excellent race by yourself... just let them live under the protection of humans, if they can't adapt to the new world together with humans.

I am afraid that those old humans... who are still on the earth will not choose to accept the participation of the omnic family.

"I'm really looking forward to what kind of miracle our confetti will show..."

With a smile, Carol slowly flew to Bai Ye's side with Diana.

Although the eyes looking at the mechanical pioneers are full of goodwill, there is also a hint of competitiveness in the tone.

After all, before the mechanical pioneers took over the great responsibility of planetary safety control from Bai Ye, it was all human beings who organized their own strength to protect their homeland.

Although Carol's heart is very clear, under the premise of White Night Mage's endorsement, the rise of the omnic clan will most likely not fail.

But as a human being, she has to worry and question the great responsibility of planetary security control.

After all, it is not just the omnics that live and survive on this planet.

Humans, demihumans, human beings in the new world, and many rare species that have been found from all corners of the universe.

In the ecological circle that has been established with great effort, there are a large number of animal and plant species collected by many superheroes for half a year, as well as many other precious substances.

Many of these species have completely migrated to the planet's ecosystem for a small number of species after being based on ecological protection.

If those strange lifeforms that didn't come here are indeed malicious towards this planet.

And whether the omnic clan has... enough strength to reach the region beyond the planetary vigilance circle, no one can say for sure.

In the two months since the birth of the mechanical pioneer, many superheroes even included the creator himself.

As for the degree of subjective initiative that this type of brand-new mechanical intelligent life body can exert, there is no systematic test at all.

After all, no one would have imagined that, less than two months after the birth of the pioneer family, something had already rushed towards the planet.

What was even more unexpected was that the White Night Mage would actually ask a mechanical pioneer family who had just been born for less than two months to serve as the main object of this defense plan.

In fact, as early as Bai Ye brought many superheroes and humans on the giant immigrant spaceship to this planet.

Everyone has a more or less hunch in their hearts that this planet is likely to bind everyone's future together.

And this has also led to the fact that when everyone participates in the first step in transforming the planet, it is often... to build an effective planetary defense system in advance.

And many superheroes do this, and many superheroes headed by Iron Man and Batman are almost on the ground.

It has already used the basic equipment obtained from Baiye to create the most advanced automatic defense system of mankind.

The satellites,,,, enemy situation identification system, enemy situation warning system, outer space automatic defense weapons, etc.

It was already less than ten days after everyone landed on the planet, and the densely packed thousands of outer space probes not only monitored any disturbances on the planet.

In addition, huge celestial bodies with a diameter of nearly five trillion kilometers in outer space are also included in the monitoring range.

Chapter 501 A flash of blush (please subscribe)

Fang Tianxian chose to ignore it, Laodao laughed a few times with him, Leng Puding said: "The Yuanmen has the support of the little master, and the Laodao alliance to the Langya Alliance to save the previous generation of the Yuanzhu has the Laozheng alliance to help.

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