A figure appeared out of thin air.

Bai Ye looked at the violent flames not far away, and a glint flashed in his eyes.

"No wonder it's called the Xeon Power."*

Chapter 1 I like a good person like you [[-]]

Standing far away, Bai Ye could feel a burning sensation, as if his body was about to burn.

"It's no wonder that the power known as Xeon does have some ways."

Qin Ge Lei, the power of the phoenix, and the Scarlet Witch, the Chaos Magic, are both people who control the most powerful force in the universe.

The power of the two is extremely terrifying, but if you really want to distinguish which one is stronger, it is estimated that the Scarlet Witch is a little more terrifying. In the original book, the Scarlet Witch just said not to be mutants.

In an instant, millions of mutants were deleted.

Of course, this does not mean that the power of the phoenix is ​​ineffective.

Both are extremely terrifying, but the characteristics are different.

As far as Thanos is concerned, the strength of two people can hang Thanos, and it is still the kind of instant kill.

After thinking for a while, Bai Ye walked ahead and said to the students next to him.

"Go away, leave this to me."

As soon as these words came out, some students who did not know Bai Ye immediately said

"Who are you? This is not something you can deal with. If you don't want to die, leave quickly."

Bai Ye smiled and said nothing.

If he can't, it's useless for your principal to come.

"Listen to him and leave everyone."

The students don't know each other, but it's impossible not to know Psylocke and Storm.

The two immediately ordered and called the students to leave.

Although the two have not been here for a long time, they are teachers after all.

Although these students did not know what was going on, they hesitated for a while, but they still walked back one after another.

"Let me see how terrifying the power of the phoenix is."

Bai Ye's eyes flashed and he walked inside.

Suddenly, it seemed that the target had been discovered. The constant use of the terrifying power of the phoenix directly swept through the white night, as if to burn the white night and annihilate it directly.

The power of the phoenix is ​​very terrifying. Everywhere it goes, it is burned cleanly, the grass is instantly annihilated, and only the black land remains. Although it has not been touched, I have seen the horror of the power of the phoenix.

In this regard, Bai Ye's face did not change, and he was very calm.


I saw him wave his right hand, and one appeared in front of the palm of his hand, and the mysterious lines were densely covered, making people incomprehensible.

For a moment, it seemed that there was a wall, and the power of the phoenix was intercepted there instantly, and it did not rush over because of it.

This is a simple space magic, not too subtle.

As for the name, Bai Ye also forgot, it seems to be called a space barrier, which can form a space wall and block in front of him.


The power of the phoenix was intercepted, and the power of the phoenix was directly angry, as if it had been insulted. The terrifying power of the phoenix directly erupted several times of coercion. This majesty directly shrouded the school, as if the next moment, the entire school They must be directly swallowed up by the anger of the Phoenix Force.

"Even space can be burned, although the power of the phoenix is ​​terrifying."

At this time, the space barrier can no longer stop the power of the phoenix. It can be seen with the naked eye. The power of the phoenix is ​​moving forward. It is estimated that it will not take long to break through the defense of the space barrier, break it directly, and destroy everything around it. Burn and annihilate.

"This power is very good, but unfortunately the next moment belongs to me."

The reason why he didn't absorb the power of the phoenix was just to test the power of the phoenix to see if he could break the space.

Obviously, the power of the phoenix is ​​fully qualified.

"The system is working."

Bai Ye shouted in his heart: "Deduce the power of the phoenix for me, and absorb the power of the nearby phoenix for me at the same time."

His golden finger is very simple, it is a single function deduction.

You can deduce things to the extreme, and you can also deduce the abilities of others, as long as you succeed, you can get this ability.

"Ding, the power of phoenix deduction begins."

"Ding, find the special energy and start absorbing it."

Generally, his golden finger only uses one function, but now he uses it on both sides.

And what makes Bai Ye excited is that absorbing the power of the phoenix can not only get data points, but also get the power of the phoenix, and it can even be said that absorbing the power of the phoenix, in giving the power of the phoenix power, does not need itself at all data points.

It is even possible to deduce the power of the phoenix, and there may be more data points obtained by the power of the phoenix that he absorbed.

It can almost be said that he picked up a terrifying ability in vain, and also picked up a lot of money

And the price of getting all this, he only needs to stand in front of Qin Ge Lei and slowly absorb the power of the phoenix.

The phagocytosis function of the system is still extremely terrifying.

Like opening a black hole, the power of the phoenix was devoured frantically, and the flames of the power of the phoenix dissipated directly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just one minute, the power of the phoenix, which was originally like a little sun, suddenly shrunk dozens of times, and now you can see the appearance of Qin Ge Lei.

"Is that all?"

Seeing that the power of the phoenix was almost absorbed, Bai Ye was a little disappointed.

He wants to get a little more Phoenix power, and if nothing else, he has a lot of things to deduce, and this Phoenix power is simply not enough for him.

As if hearing Bai Ye's heartfelt voice, the power of the phoenix was directly furious, as if it had been provoked, and broke out again, and even the terrifying flame was several times more terrifying than when it was absorbed by Bai Ye before.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye smiled all over his face.

I like a generous person like you.

This is too generous, this is the most beautiful moment when Bai Ye came to this world and encountered it.

Not to mention getting data points, but also sending a top-notch power, this kind of good thing is not easy to come across.

At this time, Magneto, Professor X, and the three beasts also rushed over.

When they saw that the power of the phoenix was shrinking, they were all stunned.

PS: Ask for some flowers every day, evaluate tickets or something*

Chapter 2 I x Professor would like to call you the strongest 【[-]】

"Qin's power has been suppressed."

The beast exclaimed.

Seeing that the terrifying Phoenix power was directly suppressed and gradually dissipated, he saw Qin's figure.

According to their previous experience, it was Qin's power that was suppressed.

Soon, the piano will be back to normal.

Seeing this scene, Professor X showed a gratified smile. Qin can be said to be the earliest student in his school. After living together for so many years, he has long regarded Qin as his daughter, so seeing that Qin is fine this time, I feel a lot more at ease. .

"it's not finished yet."

Magneto said such a word out of nowhere

As soon as these words came out, it took time.

The violent power of the phoenix swept in at one time, and the scale of this time was far more terrifying. Under the night, the surrounding area was covered by the light of the power of the phoenix, as if it were in the daytime.

They even saw white clouds above the night sky.

Seeing that the power of the phoenix was erupting, and it was even more terrifying than before, both the Beast and Professor X clenched their fists and prayed in their hearts.

Don't let anything happen.

Qin must be safe.

The power of the phoenix burst out this time is too terrifying, it is several times or even ten times stronger than the power they burst out last time.

Under this pressure, everyone felt like an ant, looking up at the sky, extremely small.

"It should be fine. This force has erupted several times just now, but all of them were suppressed by Master Bai Ye."

Storm stared at the distant scene and said in a deep voice.

Although she said it was fine, Storm was still extremely worried.

Because the power of this outbreak is several times stronger than before.

In the past, Bai Ye could be suppressed, but now that it has doubled, it is hard to say.

Hearing this sentence, Professor X felt relieved, although the stone in his heart had not fallen.

But at least I heard that Bai Ye has suppressed it several times, which means that Bai Ye's strength is still extremely terrifying.

at the same time.

Bai Ye looked at Qin with a smile on his face.

"Go on, go on."

Compared with Professor X's worries and fears, Bai Ye's heart blossomed with joy, wishing that the power of the phoenix would explode a little more.

The more data points he gets, the more data points he gets.

Although it was not long, but after absorbing the power of the phoenix so many times, Bai Ye vaguely guessed that there were at least [-] or even hundreds of thousands of data points.

It can be said that the harvest is very large.

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