It is the top of the ability accumulated over thousands of years of Apocalypse.

In addition, Apocalypse is a one-time use, and Qin's Phoenix power can also be absorbed in cycles.


Although the power of the phoenix is ​​terrifying, facing the absorption of the black hole of the system, after a few times, the power of the phoenix has nothing to do.

It is also very helpless, and it has no force, but unfortunately all of it hit the cotton, and it can't cause any damage to the enemy at all.

The power of the phoenix returned to Qin's body, and Qin's body slowly fell from the air, but at the end of the moment, Bai Ye waved his right hand, a magic circle appeared, and Qin was directly stuck in the air.

"Vientiane Tianyin."

Bai Yezhong shouted, and a suction force was generated from his palm, directly sucking the piano in the air.

In fact, this is just a very ordinary gravitational magic, but Bai Ye thinks that the ability is very similar to the ability of the reincarnation eye of the Naruto world, so he directly becomes the Vientiane Tianyin, and there is no difference in ability, even if it is called, it seems to be similar, after all, they are all the same ability .

It's just that he doesn't have a reincarnation eye, but it's almost the same.

"It's finally over. Fortunately, Master Bai Ye has been invited, otherwise the school will not be guaranteed tonight."

The Beast patted his chest and took a breath.

Judging from the outbreak of the power of the phoenix just now, it has exceeded his expectations. If it wasn't for Bai Ye's ability to suppress it, it is estimated that they would all be ashes now.

In fact, he didn't know that the reason why the power of the phoenix broke out so terrifying this time was because of Bai Ye.

The power of the phoenix itself is not conscious, it just consciously wields its own energy, as long as the excess energy is volatilized out, it will be fine.

I just didn't expect that Bai Ye would absorb its energy as soon as he came, and suddenly the power of the phoenix was irritated, and the energy exploded.

In this regard, the scene of the power of the phoenix wave after wave has just been created, and the energy of each burst is extremely terrifying.

"Master Bai Ye, thank you so much, if you weren't here today, Qin's power would be out of control, and those of us could only stare blankly, your strength is so terrifying, you are the strongest person I have ever seen in my life.

After the Phoenix Force's loss of control ended, the stone in Professor X's heart fell, pushing the wheelchair, and said to Bai Ye with excitement.

He couldn't imagine what the consequences would be like if they didn't have White Night.

Supposed to be pretty bad.

In fact, he didn't expect Bai Ye's strength to be so terrifying, although when he dealt with Apocalypse before, he knew that Bai Ye's strength was unfathomable.

But in the face of the violent phoenix power in Qin's body, Bai Ye solved it lightly. This concentration instantly made Professor X's evaluation of Bai Ye's heart to a higher level.

If Apocalypse used to claim to be a god, then he felt that Apocalypse was just a false god, and only Bai Ye could be the true god.

"Is it the strongest series in life? I, Professor X, admit that you are the strongest?"

Hearing Professor X's words, Bai Ye suddenly sounded, a classic line from a certain anime villain. *

Chapter 3: Too Much Debt Does Not Overcome [[-]]

"Fortunately, I rang Master Bai Ye and contacted him directly."

the beast said happily

When the three of them were discussing just now, the other two had no choice, and the other one still took the risk and wanted to use extreme methods.

Only he thought of the best way, found Bai Ye, and solved the matter directly and perfectly, not only solved the problem of Qin, but also solved the worries of the school in the future.

The instability of Qin's power has always been a big concern for several of them. In order to solve the problem of Qin, they spent a lot of brain cells, just to allow Qin to control their own power.

Magneto glanced at the beast, snorted coldly, and stood there with clasped fists.

However, he was still extremely panicked about Bai Ye in his heart.

Because he once again saw the terrifying level of Bai Ye's strength, which was definitely several times stronger than when he dealt with Apocalypse.

Not to mention anything else, Qin's power broke out, and he guessed that Tianqi was resurrected, and he was not an opponent.

And Bai Ye's understatement is solved. From this, you can see the depth of Bai Ye's strength.

At the same time, he thought of the magic that Bai Ye gave him before.

Magneto was full of helplessness in his heart.

Bai Ye is so strong, it is impossible for him to escape.

Unless Bai Ye died that day, or he could defeat Bai Ye, he could not leave here.

"Let's go back first, there are many people here."

Bai Ye glanced at the students not far away, turned his head and said something to Professor X.

Immediately at the feet of several of them, a magic circle was formed.


Several people disappeared directly in place.

"Magic is really a good ability, go there wherever you want."

Looking at the place where several people stood in Bai Ye not long ago, Storm Girl sighed.

Although her ability is not bad, it is far worse than Bai Ye's magic.

At least the ability to teleport in space is not something she can match. Coupled with the degree of damage to space ability, her ability to control the wind seems to have become even weaker.

"It's really a good ability, I kind of want to learn magic."

Lingdie hesitated for a while and said with a sigh.

I haven't been exposed to magic before, so I don't care.

But now seeing Bai Ye's ability, Lingdie's thoughts moved.

She really wanted to learn, but she was afraid of being rejected, so she didn't dare to mention it.

After all, the status is not very good. In the past, I used to be abusive with Tianqi to help Zhou, so it would be good if Bai Ye didn't kill them.

How could it be possible to teach them magic.


come back to the office.

Bai Ye put Qin Ge Lei on the sofa

Then he sat aside and said

"This time, the power of the phoenix was suppressed by me, and it is estimated that it will not erupt in a short time."

He guessed that it would not break out for at least half a year.

Because the power of the phoenix absorbed this time is really a bit much, it is estimated that it is much more than the power of the phoenix that Qin had erupted before.

"Master Bai Ye, thank you so much. To be honest, I don't even know how to thank you now."

Professor X wanted to express his gratitude to Bai Ye with words of praise, and even wanted to thank Bai Ye with material

But when he thought about it carefully, Bai Ye didn't seem to lack any words of praise. When he thought about it, his head short-circuited.

Anyway, Professor X is now infinitely grateful to Bai Ye, but he doesn't know how to say it, so there is only gratitude left in his mouth.

"Don't worry about the little things."

Bai Ye waved his hand, his expression indifferent.

He felt that it didn't matter, because he helped X teach them twice, and got a lot of gains.

He will not talk about the data points of Apocalypse. Hundreds of thousands of data points are something that cannot be earned in a short time.

As for the fact that the power of the phoenix was out of control this time, he didn't care even more.

Because the harvest this time may be greater than that of Apocalypse, he got a lot of data points, and the power of the phoenix

These two things are not easy to obtain, especially the power of the phoenix.

Speaking of which, Bai Ye doesn't mind coming here a few more times for this kind of help, or

How many times have you come.

"No no, Master Bai Ye, you have helped us too much, we are a little embarrassed, so let's do it, we can help you with what you want."

Really can't think of how to repay Bai Ye, Professor X simply told Bai Ye himself, although they owe Bai Ye a little bit more.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the debt is not overwhelmed.

Can still be a little bit.

"You can't get what I want, and I don't need what you have. I'll talk about this later."

Bai Ye smiled.

He also knew about Professor X's background. He was considered rich, but not too rich. What he wanted was not enough for Professor X's family background.

After all, those things cannot be bought with money.

Professor X scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

It seems to be the same thing, because judging from Bai Ye's strength, if he wants to in this world, it is estimated that no one can stop him.

"Magneto, how are you doing when you come back here?"

Seeing that Magneto had been sitting there with a cold face, like a statue, Bai Ye said hello.


Lao Wan is still indifferent, cold, and it has not changed because it is Bai Ye.

Bai Ye shrugged and didn't care at all, it was just a greeting anyway.

Then he said goodbye, the thing was done, and he was too lazy to stay here.

He still has to go back, thinking about what he has harvested.

"Okay, it's getting late, I'll go back first, and I'll contact you in the future."

Leaving such a sentence, Bai Ye directly opened the teleportation, and the whole person disappeared directly in place.

"The ability of Master Bai Ye is still terrifying, no matter what I can't see through."

The Beast shook his head and sighed.

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