Ye's eyes are very sensitive, his eyes are like electricity, just more than ten miles away, two black figures suddenly appeared.

"Shadow Demon"

A man and a woman, handsome men, beautiful women, look no different from normal people, but when your knowledge scans, nothing is found.

Shadow Demon.

Bai Ye saw this thing when he was in Xianmen.

Comes and goes, without a trace, secret way, when shooting, even silence.

According to intelligence, more than half of the strong men of the Undead Alliance died from these evils.

Two shadow demons, not weak in strength, male alchemy stage, female alchemy first peak.

Such a group of combinations, even if they encounter the later human elf practitioners, they can be killed by their ghost methods.

"I don't know how such a fool can be trained to be vanity."

The male shadow Mojie smiled, "But this is the best way to learn martial arts."

"Did you get military merit for nothing?"

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth curved slightly.

The next moment, I could only see the figures of two shadow demons flickering slightly in the sky and disappearing.

"Shadow demons deserve to be shadow demons, but unfortunately, they met me."

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth curved slightly, and the golden light and hazy light in his eyes continued to flicker.

Under the eyes of the Torch Dragon God, the behavior of these two shadow demons looked very ridiculous. Seeing their cautious and victorious appearance, Bai Ye was a little speechless.

The Emperor's New Clothes.

"Isn't this kid stupid?"

Shadowman's shadow magic hand twisted a dark blue dagger and approached quietly.

The next moment, when his dagger was about to rise.

The space vibrated, bright sword light.

A sword goes through the chest.


The shadow demon looked at Bai Ye in horror, struggling with his entire body, however, before the sword, the terrifying phagocytosis frantically absorbed the essence of his body, the more he struggled, the more the essence passed away.


Pure gloom penetrated the body, as if the body had been put into an ice cellar on a hot day, very exciting.


The female shadow demon was startled, and subconsciously retreated dozens of feet, only to panic.

"Come on, run"

Chapter 517 Male Shadow Demon

Chapter 57 The male shadow demon banged, and the male shadow demon's body immediately.

turned into ashes.

The sword of Jiuyang splits the sky, and the dark blue pattern sparkles.

"Why, why didn't you see without the crystal?"

Bai Ye shook his head in surprise.

"Isn't it because of phagocytes?"

He waved his hand, rolled up the space ring and the dagger left by the shadow demon after his death, and chased to the left.

"How can you and who you are"

This female shadow demon was not lightly frightened, nor did it easily escape a distance, but she found that, in the blink of an eye, the other side in front of her was blocked.

I thought I found a fool, but I didn't expect it to be a steel plate.

There was a gleam of despair on the beautiful face of the shadow demon.

"I do not believe,"

The sharp dagger said, who came to attack Bai Ye in the chest.

"I want to see what the crystal looks like."

As soon as Bai Ye opened his mouth, he didn't flicker or dodge, just kicked the devil's drum in the chest.

Lightning attack speed.

The female shadow demon gritted her teeth and waved her dagger to resist, and at the same time, a black field fell down.

However, Bai Ye didn't make any additional movements and kicked his feet continuously.

Speed, Violence, Power Roll.

This was the third time in a row that a pair of ciliated female shadow demons broke free and stepped on the last foot.

The shadow devil's body exploded in the air, and then a sensitive, small, aqua blue crystal of black airflow appeared in front of Bai Ye.

"A thousand military exploits have been won."

Bai Ye has a corner of his mouth.

It seems that such military skills are not difficult to earn.

"After watching for so long, don't you want to go out?"

Bai Ye said, his eyes swept away.

Then, five 55 men and women dressed in different clothes emerged from the thin air, four men and one woman, each holding a delicate purple flower basket, looked at the white night uneasily.

The strength of these five people is good, the two tallest people are already in the early stage of lack, and the weakest woman is also the limit of God's existence.

However, Bai Ye's eyes did not stop on them, but fell on the flower basket with five hands.

"A flower, a forest, a world, the flower on the other side is open to see Bodhi, is your hand the spiritual arrangement on the other side of the flower lock?"

Bai Ye smiled and said: "Sima is born"

"Before, my ex was very discerning."

Xiuwei, the weakest woman, looked at Bai Ye uneasy, while the other four, holding flower baskets, looked at Bai Ye vigilantly.

Looking at this pose, it is obvious that this woman is the head of the group.

This group of people has been hiding here for a long time. When Bai Ye and the shadow demon were fighting, they saw the fluctuation of vitality, so they approached quietly with the help of the method of formation, as if they wanted to pick up cheap things, .

Unfortunately, the two shadow demons were terrified by White Night's heavy bombardment of them.

On the other side of the flower basket, this is the special magic weapon of Saint Sima. There are double flowers, three flowers, five flowers, and seven-color flowers. The enemy is the sharpest.

The five-person flower basket is the best quality magic weapon, and it is still the magic weapon to form the magic weapon.

These five people work together, and even with the later flaws, it's hard to survive.

This kind of formation magic weapon can generally only gain more status among the Sima saints.

Due to the relationship between fairies, Bai Ye did some work on the materials of the Sima Sheng ethnic group.

Chapter 518 Demon Battlefield

Chapter 58 Demon Battlefield "Meet your predecessor Sima Yi, the younger generation."

The woman looked at Bai Ye with unease and said, "The younger generation and others have no intention of offending, and asked the elders to rest and be angry."

No wonder Sima Yi was so nervous.

In this demon purgatory, there are many things to be set on fire.

They hold the secret treasure of Sima Mai in their hands.

This thing is a sharp weapon in purgatory, and many strong people will be jealous when they see it.

Bai Ye shook his head, turned his head and left.

"Sir, wait"

Seeing that Bai Ye would not embarrass himself, Sima Yi suddenly gathered up his courage and shouted at Bai Ye.

"What's wrong"

Bai Ye frowned.

"Old, me, I have something to ask my elders, you should be interested in the older generation."

Sima Yi said something uneasy.

Oh Ye smiled and said, "Can you ask me for something I'm interested in?"

Hehe, let's hear it."

"Older generation, let's leave here first, and then talk about it, the fluctuation of vitality just now will be..."

Bai Ye nodded, and his heart started.

It turned out that the battle of this demon battlefield is like this, not blatant murder, but quietly lurking, looking for opportunities.

Apparently, the surrounding area is not as peaceful as your eyes see, secretly there is no idea how many eyes are hidden.

"Okay, you'll lead the way."

Bai Ye smiled slightly.

"yes, senior"

Sima Yi nodded, waving at the four 44 strong men next to him at the same time.

Next, including Bai Ye, everyone disappeared.

“kind of fun”

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