Bai Ye raised the corners of his mouth and looked at the surrounding environment, only to see bright petals blooming in the array space one after another, and the outside environment was translucent.

The formation of the five 55 flower baskets is like a transparent fish, quickly passing through the vast wilderness, without even a single ripple.

"What a good concealment."

"Oh, these five 55 flower baskets are my father's value on the other side.

If it weren't for the help of the other four 44 brothers, the younger generation would have died more than a hundred times over the past few decades."

Sima Yi looked at Bai Ye respectfully and said.

"No matter how good this method is, it is not as good as the senior's, because he can see through our actions at a glance, and even the shadow demons that make up the void can't escape the eyes of their elders."

"The other generations are not seniors. In fact, I, like them, are really only in the early stages of alchemy."

Bai Ye smiled.

"How is it possible"

"Yes, that is impossible."

The four defenders also looked at Bai Ye with disbelieving faces.

"Am I going to lie to you?"

Bai Ye smiled.

"It doesn't seem necessary."

Sima Yi looked at Bai Ye dejectedly.

"However, in any case, you are indeed powerful enough to be our predecessor."


The four 44 guards said unanimously.

Bai Ye looked back and found that the four 44 guards, although they were different in body shape, had different clothes.

But their faces look alike, almost like their own brothers.

"Spirit Beast"

White Night is amazed by the different ways.

"These four brothers are indeed monsters, but they are not anyone's spirit animals.

They were raised by my father, who volunteered to stay by my side to protect me in honor of my father's kindness."

When they were talking, the party came to a small valley, and then the five 55 flower baskets on the other side were scattered in the five 55 directions, forming a magical array, and the white night was protected by them.

Chapter 519 Purgatory

Chapter 59 Purgatory "What Can I Do for You"

"I want to have the courage to ask your ex to kill for me."

Sima Yi looked at Bai Ye uneasily.

"what are you doing"

Bai Ye frowned and said, "are you kidding me, do you think I'm a killer?"

Help you on the battlefield of the devil."

"Sir, this is what happened.

This man has robbed us of a fortune that is hard to come by!"

Sima Yi hurriedly explained: "Moreover, he also killed my brother, I want to avenge my brother, of course, this matter is not in vain, I can provide the exact location of this person, if the senior kills him, you can Get another fortune from him!"

When Sima Yi spoke, his eyes were already full of hatred.

Bai Ye smiled slightly, with a curious look on his face: "Who is the other party, it's worth thinking so much for you"

"Gong Yangjie!"

Sima Yi murmured.

"That ram it's a snow eagle.

who is it"

White night has two eyes and a minute.

"Gong Yang Jie, is the same race of the Ram Xue Ying, this Gong Yang family used to be just a little known family, but since the rise of the Gong Yang Xue Ying, his people have also been dyed into a mess. One by one they rose into the sky."

Sima Yi sneered: "This... Gongyangjie's status in the Gongyang family is not bad, especially after the Sima Sheng family has suffered great changes, after a large number of powerful falls, this person's status has exceeded a day. , the status of the ram family has become more and more prominent."

Twenty years ago, male Yang Jie went into purgatory with a group of us.

But unexpectedly, after entering purgatory, Yang Jie's wolf ambition gradually revealed.

He used conspiracy and tricks, and even colluded with outsiders, robbed treasures, and killed our peers.

Even my younger brother died at their hands, and I, if I hadn't seen the opportunity sooner, plus four 44 brothers came to the rescue, my father left me a magic weapon, I'm afraid I'd die too."

"I understand"

A sneer flashed across Bai Ye's face.

"Over the years, after the disciples of the Sima Sheng clan entered purgatory, they would invite some inexplicable assassinations, and they would not even dare to go to a few big cities."

Sima Yi was very sad and angry.

"Don't even dare to go to the main city"

Bai Ye was a little surprised, the main city, is not the so-called safe zone "Yes, because in recent years, there is a mysterious power to the children of our Sima saints, even in the main city, we are often assassinated."

"What is Ram Snow Eagle's ability?"

Bai Ye frowned.

The power structure of the purgatory battlefield is different from that of the Jiuding Continent. Even the star pavilion in Kyushu is not enough to kill those who want to kill in purgatory.

"This is not Ram Snow Eagle"

Sima Yi shook his head.

"In fact, the assassination of the Sima Sheng clan was carried out before Ram Xueying came to power, but it has become more rampant in recent years.

Now, our Sima Tu's situation is very difficult, a large number of senior strongmen have died, and the test of the younger generation entering major danger has been repeatedly suppressed, I don't know how long we can last."

"Oh, the younger generation has been out of order for a while, and the ancestors aren't in order.

These are all household chores for Saint Sima."

Sima Yi reacted to this just now, what he said seemed to be a bit off topic, after all, people may not be very interested in the Sima Sheng ethnic group when they meet by chance.

Chapter 520: The Ram Family

Chapter 50 The Rams Family "It's Okay"

Bai Ye smiled slightly.

"You just tell me, that ram Jie."

"The power of Ram Jie is considered to be the platoon of existence in the Ram family."

"The highest number of people in the row"

Bai Ye's eyes are a little sensitive.

"Twenty years ago, as the captain of the guard of a group of disciples of Sima Sima, he led a group of guards into purgatory with us.

At that point, he was in the late stages of his practice, and it wasn't long before his practice bar broke the hole."

"In the early days of Dongxu, even platoons were not counted, so the Gongyang family wouldn't be that many."

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth curved slightly.

"After all, this is a kind of upstart with a lack of information.

The Ram family who can row on the mainland is the only one who can support the Ram Xue Ying, and the whole family depends on him for support."

Sima Yi explained.

"Besides... male Yang Jie, there are two strong people under him. They are both from the early days of Dongxu, and both of them are the claws of Gongyang Xueying."

"Three 3 holes were empty early on."

Night nodded.

"I want to know why you invited me, purgatory, there should be more power than me"

"Because, you didn't embarrass us and other masters just now, if we see the treasure in the flower basket, most of them are malicious.

So I trust the older generation."

Sima Yi looked at Bai Ye seriously and said.

"Are you sure I can handle Yang Jie?"

"Yes, we can see that if both, few people can do this purgatory, I'm afraid,"

He says.

"Yes, we see.

If the elders can't kill these two sub-demons, we can see that very few of them can."

Bai Ye said with a smile: "Keep the fart, then kiss it, you have a rest, I want to practice, about the man Yang Jie, wait for me to go out and say it again!"

If this... Sima Yi volunteered to kill, Bai Ye might not agree.

But the Yang Xueying family, let alone hit it, even if it didn't hit it, they could find a beacon to kill it.

Unfortunately, Wei Sheng's incomparable Sima saints were brought down to such a point that they were oppressed by the family ministers and could not hold their heads up.

"Ah, did you say yes to your ex?"

Sima Yi was ecstatic, and unexpectedly, Bai Ye promised to be so happy.


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