"It's funny, isn't it"

Bai Ye raised the corner of his mouth, held his sword, and walked lazily.

"Go ahead, the other side of the flower is blooming!"

Chapter 523 This is the eye of candlelight

Chapter 53 This is Candle Eye Sima Yi saw Bai Ye was going to do this, and without hesitation, he launched a large number of cooperation, blood red petals, countless blood petals, magic weapons like sharp flying knives, spinning, to all parts of the world The Ram Jay and his two great guards bombarded the past.

At the same time, the two guards fired at the same time, and the vigorous True Essence Infusion Gun: In an instant, hundreds of sharp guns: swept across, and within a hundred feet, the flowers on the other side were all broken.

However, in the next instant, the smile on his face became very sensitive, and then.

A hundred flowers are blooming, and I have already seen a figure in front of the guards.

That speed is terrifying.

The sword came out, and the bright sword spirit flickered.

At the same time, the male Yang Jie clearly found that the purple light in the opponent's eyes flashed quickly, and the amazing light of God fixed his companion.


A short cry.

The sword lamp traverses a strange arc to avoid the guard's spear.

The blade is like chopping tofu blocks, cutting the magic weapon of armor, high-quality protective gear is placed on the guard, pierced through the chest, and passes through.

In the blink of an eye, the power is no longer under his own protection, and the master is skewered by others.

The sword passed, and the guard was not dead, but the frantic struggle twitched, and the light and vitality of his face quickly vanished.

"You, your evil deeds"

"This is the eye of candlelight, you are the white night."

Gongyangjie looked at the front angrily, unable to fight against the guard of the void.

"Be careful, there are candlelight dragons in his eyes, stay close to the mind, don't be distracted!"

"I can't believe you recognize it"

Bai Ye suddenly burst out laughing.

The quintessence of the pure life of the strong man first poured into the white night frantically through the Nine Suns Divine Sword, immediately.

Bai Ye will feel that the meridians of their whole body are full of rich and majestic things.

However, this kind of real Yuan Yeming is not uncommon at all: Why is the Jiuyang Sword just blood, and a wave of the left palm will swallow a real Yuan out of the body.

The bodyguard's body suddenly exploded from the thin air, turning into a massive rain of blood.

In front of the sword, blood dripped.

In order to achieve this goal, an act of eliminating the void is almost the limit of the white night.

In addition, it is attacked by the eyes of the candlelight dragon and the blade of divine knowledge, making the opponent a little absent-minded when shot, and then killing the enemy with a sword at super high speed.

Fast, accurate, fast-paced, this is Bai Ye's style.

"Bai Ye, are you really Bai Ye?"

Lan Jie angrily looked at the handsome, irritable young man in red in front of him. Although this was different from Bai Ye's message, Ram Jie subconsciously affirmed his judgment.

Bai Ye's news, the male Yang Jie has been in: concern, although he is in purgatory, he often returns to the main city, and his cousin Gongyang Xueying has also been summoned, making him pay close attention to the movements of him and several others.

"Yes, your grandfather.

I am Bai Ye."

Bai Ye smiled and said, "You don't want to scare me with Ram Xueying's name, do you?"

"Bai Ye, you are a bit dirty, but you can only kill my guards with sinister means. Now, your means have been exposed, do you think this place will still be afraid of you?"

The ram flickered with fear, but his mouth was hard.

Then, I saw his red flame fairy sword burst, and a sword roared towards the white night.

"Brother Berson, pick up the boy.

Your little family, our ram family, is in charge!"

Chapter 524 Want to run?

Chapter 54 Do you want to run "what"

The guard was startled, but still gritted his teeth and raised his flame gun to stab Bai Ye.


A sword was chopped out, and Gong Yangjie was standing with a big hand, and the three blood red beads roared to fly over in the white night, and at the same time flew back, as if they were running for their lives.

"Do you want to run? The blood-red beads exploded from the thin air, and three thunderbolts and blood light ripped through the gap and burned Bai Ye's head.

On one side... a small blood-red shield flew out and turned into a blood barrier on Bai Ye's head. At the same time, I saw the nine suns in Bai Ye's hand split the divine sword and shoot nine bright sword lights from the thin air. , tore open the empty space, and suddenly appeared beside the man.

Then the sword exploded and turned into a sharp golden sword.

Gongyangjie was taken aback: "Sword Formation"

The blood lightning fell, and the small shield above Bai Ye's head, only the small shield trembled wildly.


The fairy sword was out of control, Bai Ye's empty door was open, and the guard Payson's spear was like a dragon, roaring at Bai Ye.

The white night did not flicker, his hands flickered, the golden light flickered, a lightning claw, grasped the ferocious gun: qi, and then held the sharp point of the gun.

Pushing around, pulling the guard over, raising your leg is...kick.

Defender Besson tried to raise his left hand and touch Bai Ye hard.

The bodies of the two men flew back almost simultaneously.

"It's not very strong, haha."

A false alarm.

On the other hand, the attack gave the guards a heart.

As it turns out, the boy is just faster, with a little weirder means, an explosion of power that seems to be the emptiness of the initial stage.

It is true that Bai Ye's current flesh and true essence are only at the initial stage of lack of flesh. When the fleshly body bursts out, its attack power is equal to the limit of insufficient refining, while the true essence is only the limit of training and insufficient. The two can be combined to achieve The initial stages of refining and vacuuming are already noteworthy.

However, this is under the condition that Bai Ye did not break through Avatar's means! "Child, are you capable of this?"

Thinking of this, Guard Besen immediately.

He calmed down and regained his confidence: "Brother Ram, let's suppress this thief together and avenge my brother!"

"Bai Ye, today next year is the day you die."

The male Yang Jie also began to gain confidence.

Kill Bai Ye a lot of work.

This mess is broken, Xue Ying will vomit blood many times, if he can chop him up, then cousin Bai Ying will definitely be rewarded. Feeling a little ashamed on the outside, for a moment... losing his mind and being fooled by this little local.

"Ha, those... who don't know whether they are alive or dead."

Bai Ye smiled.

"Since you don't think our method is tough enough, let's add something to you, please."

"drink wine"

Then, I saw Bai Ye's figure soaring.

Pangu's real incarnation, now.

In an instant, Bai Ye turned into a giant six feet eight feet tall, and one of his big hands and a blood turtle shield flew down and turned into a huge shield.

"You, you are the golden man."

Feelings of joy and sorrow, I just mentioned a little bit of self-confidence, and defender Berson suddenly faced ashen.

Then, the blood shield roared and rolled across the ground.

A shield shot, the space is compressed layer by layer.

"Kowloon Soaring Clouds"

The guard Bai Sen gritted his teeth and tried his best to hit the blood shield.

Chapter 525 I'm afraid he won't come

Chapter 55 I'm afraid he won't come. The guns and shields are crossed, and the terrifying force has turned over. Besen only feels that his hand is crushed.

Under the intense pressure, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

After the first shield, without waiting for his breath, the second shield immediately.

turned over.

"Give me a son of a bitch"

It changed again, where did Lan Jie have the courage to fight again, holding the Red Flame Fairy Sword in his hand and waving frantically, cutting off the array of Heavenly Swords split by Jiuyang.

A thick golden sword, these...swords are very hard.

The general magic weapon of Feijian meets and breaks in an instant.

Countless sword silks, like a huge golden silkworm, spun gold silk, cutting space, and gradually crushing the sheep's heart.

A sharp sword.

Cut off a sharp sword silk, but there are more heavenly sword silks to make up.

Almost mentally, the Sword of Nine Suns Splitting God can completely crush a rooster without even needing a lot of effort from Bai Ye.

After the fifth shield in a row, the last shield fell, and in the desperate eyes of the guard, his body was compressed inch by inch, and finally turned into a puddle of flesh.

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