"Jiuyang Sword Formation, it's not bad, it didn't disappoint me."

Waving at night.

Put away the space ring left by Bethan and the spear fairy, look back, and look at Jay, the ram struggling in the sword formation.

Bai Ye, miscellaneous items, you wait, your whereabouts, I have reported to General Xue Ying, you wait, I will wait for you at Huangquan Road.

"Oh, Gongyang Xueying, I'm afraid he won't come."

Bai Ye smiled, and his right hand touched a finger.

Sword lines close up in a split sky.

Countless ferocious silk lights passed by.

Male Yang Jie! "The sword in the sky didn't let me down.

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth curved slightly, and a satisfied expression appeared on his face.

One of his big hands waved, leaving many treasures in the palm of the posthumous Gong Yangjie.

Just not far away, holding a flower basket in his hand, with a look of astonishment and joy on his face.

What is surprising is the power and joy of the white night, but because of the location of the white night.

It can be seen that this powerful monster does not deal with Ram Snow Eagle, and can even be called an enemy.

If there is such an existence, it must be the Ram Snow Eagle that will not be easy.

"Thank you, my elders, for their help, young generation."

"Well, don't call my ex too."

Bai Ye smiled and said, "Do you know Yingxue?"

"English Studies"

Sima Yi was puzzled at first, then his eyes lit up, and then he said excitedly: "You are talking about Princess Yingxue, aren't you?"

Do you know where she is? How is she doing now?"

"Who are you"

Bai Ye was curious.

"I, I am her little aunt."

Sima Yi hurriedly said: "You must know Yingxue in the senior year, she, is she okay now?"

"I feel it's ok."

Bai Ye smiled.

The little sister of the fairy master, what a coincidence.

"Well, as long as she is a good person, there is hope for us saints of Simma."

Sima Yi said excitedly: "At that time, the holy people were in great trouble. Everyone thought that the little princess had fallen. Unexpectedly, she was still alive."

It's just a pity."

After a short burst of excitement, Simai's face looked a little sad.

"Too bad for what"

Bai Ye frowned.

"Unfortunately, if Xue'er is outside, it is impossible for her to participate in the baptism of the ancestral hall, and her talents cannot be fully utilized, and Ram Xueying must not allow another evil genius to appear among our Sima Hui saints ."

Chapter 526 She is my master

Chapter 56 She's My Man "Don't Worry"

Bai Yeliang said with a smile, "Even without the baptism of the ancestral hall, the ram snow eagle will not grow."

Sima Yi nodded and said, "What relationship do you have with Xueer?"

"She is my master."

Bai Ye smiled.


Sima Yi opened his eyes and looked at Bai Ye in disbelief.

Can you be so fierce, disciple of Cherry? "Well, since you are a relative of Master, I won't take advantage of you.

Killing Gong Yangjie this time is our cooperation to kill the enemy."

Bai Ye smiled and said, "If you provide information, I will."

Well, these... trophies, what do you want"

Bai Ye said that the space ring Jie left after his death and the green belt cut off by his sword array were all taken out.

This strap: of good quality, especially the string of gold beads set on it, seems to be a fine treasure.

"Well, this belt was born by my brother. It is a treasure that Gong Yangjie took away. It is very important to me, can you?"

Sima Yi looked at Bai Ye in a dilemma.

Bai Ye smiled and returned the belt to Sima Yi.

"What a treasure"

"One breath, nine yuan beads,"

Sima Yilian said: "With this one, I have a greater chance to break through the emptiness, this treasure."

"Nine Yuanzhu in one breath"

Bai Ye smiled and read aloud, and Likonghuan left Gong Yangjie's exquisiteness, and God fell into it, "Oh, this is messy, and the wealth is not small. It seems that it has killed a lot of sheep."

Then, a thumb-sized, mist-covered mist of water is removed from the beads.

Small beads, very heavy at first.

"Okay, this is yours."

Bai Ye said, and handed the beads to Sima Yi.

This bead is useful for.. to break through the bottleneck of insufficient, but it is no longer useful for the white night.

"Thank you"

Sima Yi hurriedly gave Bai Ye a gift, "I can call you Bai Ye, right?"


Bai Ye said with a smile.

Sima Yi nodded and said: "Then Bai Ye, this man also took a treasure from our hands. This treasure was obtained by accident when we slashed a demon, which should be useful to you. "

"what is this"

"It's a star-studded stone!"

Sima Yilian said.

"Stars, Sunken Rocks Why I Haven't Heard of"

"Starlight sinking stone is an order to enter the Nine Stars Sea.

If you have this stone, you can enter it while waiting for the opening of the Nine Stars Sea.

If you have the chance, you can get a special fairy, or a top-tier fairy armor.

The ram snow eagle has a soul bell, which is produced by a sea of ​​nine stars."

Oh Ye's eyes lit up when he heard this.

A special fairy can be different from the average fairy.

In the past, in the age of the earth, Bai Ye was relatively superficial, and only regarded the soul clock as an ordinary and special fairy, but with the advancement of practice and the opening of vision, Bai Ye learned that the soul clock is actually precious, far higher than Normal fairy.

And fairy utensils also have good or bad texture and taste.

"Looks like my trip was worth it."

Bai Ye has a corner of his mouth.

The ancients did not deceive me by setting fire to gold.

Especially in such a purgatory place, people who can live for a long time must have a lot of wealth and wealth in their hands.

If such a person kills a few more people, he will get rich.

Chapter 527 Miscellaneous

Chapter 5 Miscellaneous space rings, a pile of various spiritual treasures, and a large number of demon crystals representing military achievements, Bai Ye found that his [-] military skills are enough, and there are many more.

Sima Yi warned at the right time: "Bai Ye, we should retreat.

Although there was a big blockade in the battle just now, we still can't escape the prying eyes of those... who want to do this."

Bai Ye nodded and said, "Okay, let's go."

"White night, miscellaneous!"

When Bai Ye hacked Gongyang Street to death, away from purgatory, Xue Ying City ram Xue Ying stood in the hall, the whole person was like an angry lion, roaring frantically.

"Damn, damn it!"

The small business of the Gongyang family is entirely supported by the person Gongyang Xueying, and Gongyangjie is also a small master, such as the existence of the Gongyang family is very rare, and was killed by Bai Ye.

Now, as long as the white night is mentioned, the ram snow eagle will be like a kind of reflexive madness.

Whenever he thinks of the white night, he feels suffocated.

Obviously just a little native, but able to play with applause, as well-known as a snow eagle, but now it has become a joke on the mainland.

The father and the little concubine were killed alive, but not even a piece of hair on the other side was obtained.

"Broken, you're dead Gongyang Xueying clenched his fists tightly, his silver teeth bit the blood," come on, give the order, let the Xuedan group go to purgatory, do everything for me to find the whereabouts of Bai Ye, Xuehun personally leads team, whatever...

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