It's life or death!"

A faint voice came.

"Also, it's time for me to summon the evil gods. It's time for them to keep their promises and let them kill Bai Ye. The entire Xue Ying Palace, and even Saint Sima, will be the only ones to follow!"

"Yes, General!"

The sound disappeared.

The ferocious color of the face of the Antelope Snowhawk rises.

"Hey son of a bitch, there's a way to heaven you don't go, and there's no way to hell, you go in! Don't you know it's in purgatory and the temple of evil."

Purgatory, Xuejing Xianfu, the open space in front of Baiye, is full of all kinds of luminous treasures, magic weapons, alchemy materials, spirit pills, spirit stones, Yuan Lingshi.

There are also various fairies.

"It's all good, but unfortunately, these things are more useless than me."

Bai Ye shook his head slightly, holding a 1-polygonal star diamond in his hand.

"Stones of starlight, oceans of nine stars and nine"

Nine Stars and Nine Seas are in purgatory, famous for many purgatory places.

Simayi said that the next time the Nine Stars and Nine Seas will be opened will take half a year.

At that time, demons, elf repairmen and demon families with starlight and sinking stone in their hands can all enter it.

It will be a gluttonous feast.

"For half a year, I don't know if I'll stay here for so long."

Bai Ye said that with a wave of his hand, many treasures in front of him were transferred to the specially opened treasure hall in Xuejing Xianfu.

In purgatory, in a stinking swamp, an extremely fierce battle is going on.

Surprisingly, the identity battle between the two sides, the humanist fairy on the one hand, and the combined power of the powerful demon Medusa and the human fairy on the other.

Demon and fairy practitioners unite, which is absolutely forbidden in purgatory.

Never been there.

But now it's true.

"Bai Ye, she!"

Chapter 528 You Are Dead

Chapter 58 is you dead Midusa, the devil in the man's head and the end of the snake, and her huge golden tail came to the white night.

At this time, Bai Ye's supernatural powers were fully opened, Pangu's real body was opened, and the dragon god was transformed into nine changes, just like an ancient god of war, his huge palm cut through the layers of space, and firmly grasped the tail of the devil Medusa. .

As she swung hard, Medusa's huge body slammed into the swamp.

"Mixed together, even colluded with demons."

Bai Ye's eyes are very sensitive, his gaze turned to the man in green clothes opposite, he saw this man stepping on the nine-pin green lotus platform, dozens of blue swords roaring and spinning around him.

"Hey, there is no way, who told the lord of the temple to pay special attention to you, we have to take... some unusual means."

The man in Tsing Yi laughed and said, "The younger generation can chase down my Qinglianjian father in person. In this life, you have not lived in vain, you have suffered to death."

As he spoke, he saw the boy point to a point, a fairy sword dashed towards a shooting star, swooping towards the white night.

"It's you who died"

Bai Ye smiled coldly, the keel was fan-shaped in his hand.

Growlers hate the past.

The emerald green Absolute Fairy's poisonous gas spread in an instant, and a dark red iron wire was rolled away.

The poison of the Absolute Fairy invaded, and the blood-colored poisonous threads directly penetrated into the nine pine lotus platform under the thief's feet, releasing the precious light that protects the body.

Screaming of sadness, Bai Ye's figure easily passed through the meteor bombardment of a fairy sword, and appeared in front of the Qinglian sword. The sword reverberates into a mashed flesh in the absolute struggle of the immortal poisonous gas.

"When it's empty, the sword of Qinglian"

Bai Ye raised the corner of his mouth, waved the corpse, and then strode to the distance.

"The barrier of sin, only the local hermits dare not show off in front of our house, die!"

The Jiuyang Divine Sword rose from the ground.

Open the sky! Suddenly, a sword slashed to the bottom of the seemingly empty mud.

The figure of the devil Midusa emerged from the mud, and the two black moths stood up wholeheartedly to meet the rapier.

Under a sword, Queen Medusa's Emei thorn only slightly resisted, and then the sword spirit passed through.

In the mud, there is a deep pit in the square. In the deep pit, Queen Medusa shivered, her whole body was bleeding into a river, her eyes flashed with blood red light, and she looked at the white night with despair.

"Blood pupil surgery no wonder you can find me."

A sneer came from the corner of Bai Ye's mouth.

"You, how can you, you're obviously only in the early stages of purification, how can you."

"Summer insects can't talk about ice, something can be understood by your evil shield."

Bai Ye has a corner of his mouth.

"Come on, why do you work with gods what do you have to do with evil temples"

How many demons are working for the evil temple"

"Do you want to know dreaming!"

Queen Medusa smiled sarcastically and said: "Son, even if you want to fight the evil temple, I advise you to surrender early, your resistance and provocation, because the evil temple is nothing but an ant that wants to shake the tree , add some laughter."

You will never understand the greatness of evil gods.

give up."

Speaking of evil gods, there is an almost mad adoration on the face of the devil.

"Oh, really"

Bai Ye smiled, holding the fairy sword in his hand, step by step in the air, approaching the past step by step.

Chapter 529 Sounds Good

Chapter 59 doesn't sound like "yes, the wicked Lord is the most merciful, and he is still interested in you.

As long as you are willing to join the evil temple and serve the evil god sincerely, your status will never be lower than Yang Xue Ying."

"Oh, that sounds good."

Bai Ye smiled and said, "It's a pity that your master has no right to let me serve him."

"Ants shake the sky and commit suicide!"

"it's a pity"

Bai Ye shook his head slightly, then, with a wave of his big hand, a layer of light blood, the clock flew out of his hand and flew to the top of the Medusa River.

"Damn, do you want to suppress me? Don't think about it."

This demon Midusa originally thought that Bai Ye wanted to commit suicide, but he had not reported any hope of escaping.

All of a sudden, I saw the Demon Medusa, he had three 3 tall men, soaring over her body.

"It's ridiculous"

A bunch of purple and gold sharp awns flashed from Bai Ye's eyes.

The eyes and soul of the candle dragon god.

Then the clock went off.

However, just as the clock was about to go down, the temporarily unconscious demon exploded.

Demons exploded in the early stages of the cave, creating a sudden attack, sweeping waves, blasting pits seven to eight miles in diameter in the stinking swamp.

Bai Ye's figure kept retreating more than [-] times, with the power equivalent to the body of a fairy, this self-explosion did great damage to Bai Ye, and it was easy to pass on.

"This is the second time."

Bai Ye shook his head, a bit changed his clothes, but was completely destroyed by the other side of the explosion, Bai Ye had to change a new set.

It has been twenty days since Sima Yi and I were separated from the other five.

Of course, this road is a protracted battle.

Some demons will kill demons, and from the transformation of the god king to the early days of the cave, demons were raised to find the whereabouts of the fairy master.

In purgatory, immortals kill immortals, which is actually not forbidden.

As long as you don't get caught with evidence and don't know about the Fairy Alliance, there will be no problem.

In fact, it is very common in purgatory for other families to recruit and kill each other.

Even if the devil's side... is the same, facing the same race, he will shoot without hesitation.

However, Bai Ye is different, as long as other fairy practitioners do not provoke themselves, Bai Ye will not take the initiative to provoke each other.

All the way down, Bai Ye didn't dare to support him, he was careful and sneaky, and at the same time, he used candle light and longan to explore the prey.

But just 9 days ago, Bai met a team fighting for him.

What Bai Ye can't imagine is that the other party can actually break his own hiding.

This team is the same as today, it is a fairy practitioner in the Ming Dynasty, and then cooperated with a Medusa demon to practice magic eye magic, and united to hang it.

"The ram snow eagle, the temple of evil, with long enough hands."

There was a sneer on Bai Ye's face.

Bai Ye didn't expect that the evil temple under this kind of purgatory power would be so great, even the people of the devil's side.

"The body is about to break through.

Get out of here and find a place where you can break through."

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