Bai Ye thought of an action, the shape flashed, and the whole person directly entered the void and disappeared.

Soon after Bai Ye left, several uninvited guests appeared on the swamp.

"Failed again, Qinglian Jianzun also died, really, it was a waste!"

Chapter 530 Wait for this seat to come again?

Chapter 530 Waiting for this seat again? A child in a light blue robe, looking only 12 to 3 years old, with a blue ice and snow mark on his forehead, looking coldly at the... huge pit below.

"Didn't you say, wait for this seat again?"

"Xue Pioneer, it turned out that Brother Qinglian found the other party. He didn't do it immediately, but was going to wait for Brother Qinglian, maybe, the other party might have found them."

A Shining Armor entourage was full of unease, said.

As "Snow Eagle Army"

Captain of the Elite Guard, this... entourage knows that despite the boy in front of him looks like a child, he has a lot of power.

It's also one of the best when General Snow Eagle sits down, and most importantly he's short-tempered.

"If I look any further, I don't believe it anymore.

This son of a bitch can't fly."

Snow guides silent voices.

No one found it in the empty ground, a wisp of white dust fluttering fast in the air.

This is Xuejing Xianfu.

Bai Ye hid in the Xuejing Xianfu, Xuejing Xianfu turned into a piece of almost invisible dust, although Xianfu moved faster than the magic weapon of the spaceship, but it was better hidden.

A violent energy surged from afar.

Bai Ye thought of a move, only to see that in the vast land, a demon army and an immortal army were fighting frantically.

The battlefield lasted for dozens of miles.

There are many people on both sides, at least 3 people on both sides.

The two sides formed a large array, violent collision, numerous magical weapons, Mobao rushed to the sky, and every time they collided, there was a violent vibration under the earth.

"Six mango starlight array, black lotus extinction tens of thousands of fairy practitioners formed a huge team, although these... The individual power of the elves is at the bottom of purgatory, but in the united In the case of action, the force is afraid.

That power, Bai Ye thought, might not be able to carry even his Pangu real body.

2 miles away, I watched a black lotus platform of countless demons, its fury and constant pounding upon a hexagram array of nymph practitioners and myriad magical weapons.

In the sky, a demon with six sharp blue-knife weapons was battling two figures of the year in purple armor, one the enemy and the other two, but they prevailed.

However, the real danger is the Hexagram, which seems to be collapsing after the world is destroyed by the black lotus again and again.

"I can't take it anymore."

Bai's face changed slightly.

Once the big array can't hold up, the next situation is troublesome, once a rupture is formed, it collapses.

“Six stars, blow it up”

At this moment, in the sky, the fairy who seemed to be the leader of the year suddenly burst into cheers.

In the second minute, Bai Ye only felt that the starlight in front of him exploded, the bright starlight exploded, like a cosmic explosion, an explosion.

After the bright light flickered, two soldiers collapsed on the battlefield at the same time.

Thousands of demons and fairies fully mixed, magic weapons flying around, a chaotic war "but evil"

The knife devil rages in the sky, "Shameless human formation!"

Indeed, this six-pointed star array is a bit shameless. If the battle is not as good as the opponent's, then the explosion at the critical moment will also destroy the opponent's formation, and then drag the opponent into the battle and chaos.

Chapter 531 This is the real demon battlefield

Chapter 531 This is the real demon battlefield If this encounters other battles, then the demon side will definitely win a complete victory today, relying on large-scale, unilateral slaughter and killing.

But now, the battle has turned into a melee, and even if it were won, it would have to be a terrible victory.

"Meat grinder, if it's a meat grinder, this is the real demon battlefield."

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of immortal practitioners and demons died.

There are several gods that are clearly more powerful than their surrounding companions, but die much faster under the fire of dozens of strong men.

"Northern Law School"

The crowd saw a face in a long white dress, holding a magical flying sword in his hand, a ruthless sword given to his opponent, with a shocking scar on his back.


At this time, the North Diluoxue did not have a trace of weakness on his face, and some just failed to succeed and would become a benevolent decision.

"go, go"

It seemed that no matter where this beautiful woman was taken care of, she was always surrounded by several powerful fairies, several times of pain, several times of powerful snipers, which had been successfully dealt with by those people.

Although North Delo has not joined the team for a long time, she is generous, beautiful and has made many friends in a short period of time.

"I can't take it anymore, run away"

Just then, a huge golden hammer emerged from here.

The golden hammer was like a hill, when it fell, it easily flew more than a dozen magic weapons, and then fell to the top of Diluo Snow Mountain in the north.

"Damn, it's the owner of Dongdong, shameless,"

It turns out that this group of demon army is not only a master in the city, but this master is lurking in a huge array. Until now, let alone the existence of the void, that is, the existence of the void, cannot be Compare with her.

The snow in the north was wide open, and his eyes were full of golden hammers who didn't want to look at the top.

The golden hammer had not yet fallen, the strong force made it difficult for her to stand up, and her straight stripes bent slightly under the pressure of space.

At the last moment, she couldn't help but flash a wicked evil smile.


A trace of remorse swept across Bei Diluo's Xue Xin.

"Damn the son of a bitch"

On the battlefield, one of the two masters who were entangled by the sword demon also saw this scene, and his face suddenly changed a lot.

"it's a pity."

At this time, no one noticed that a figure had rushed into the battlefield.

Well, uh, uh.

Bei Di Luo Xue closed his eyes, however, the blow he was waiting for did not fall. After a sultry sound, Bei Di Luo opened his eyes and looked at the golden star hammer that fell above his head, then flew back and flew backwards , shrink rapidly.

A familiar, big bank figure is like a mountain in the north of the Dilo Snowfield.

Then I saw the guy turned his head and smiled at North Diloscher.


"Cloud Glass"

Northland Luo Xue for a while..."

This guy, still wearing "Master Maureen"

The iconic red robe with a smile like a white night on his face.

"Hey, hey, we meet again.

This is true destiny."

White night, hey, hey, smile.

"If you have a chance, you big head, be careful."

Chapter 532 It's not good for me, I'm dead

Chapter 532 It's not good for me. Bai Ye has a purple sword lamp on his back.

"Mole ants, so annoying"

Bai Ye's figure flashed out, immediately.

Out of a few dozen feet, a big hand dropped, just slapped the demon into a meat roll.

"You son of a bitch, it's not good for me, it's dead!"

A figure of eight heights, covered with a golden scale, with a blood horn on top of its head, holding two octagonal golden hammers in his hands, striding towards Bai Ye.

However, this demon's style is tough, and it's a direct horizontal sprint. In the front, whether it's a fairy or a demon, he was hit to a meteor-like inversion.

Then, the two hammers bombarded Bai Ye's head.

"harder than me"

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth twitched, and his feet stepped on, so there was no need for a magic sword.

Their feet, like windmills, kicked against the devil's twin hammers.


Quickly kicking, each foot carries the whole body's true essence and the strength of the body.

With the fall of each foot, the golden devil took a few steps back.

Crazy attack speed, smashed directly, and the golden devil came back all the way.

"Is this the... golden demon known for his power and outbursts"

Bai Ye smiled, and then, with a wave of his big hand, Jiu Yang split the sword from the sky in his hand.

"As soon as the flying sword formula in heaven was launched, the bright nine-color sword reached the sky and turned into thousands of ferocious swords, passing like raindrops.

This sword seems to have eyes.

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