If we do develop into a war, it's out of our control, and if we lose, even those of us......the emptiness and the mighty might not survive.

So, under normal circumstances, we don't want this to happen!"

Sure enough, the huge warship stopped a few hundred miles away, turned in one direction, and left at a faster speed.

"This demon battlefield is really meaningful."

Bai Ye's mouth tilted slightly.

When the general spoke, he turned his hand and threw out a purple jade ship, which instantly turned into a huge warship in the wind.

"This Taoist friend, why don't you go in and sit down?"

The army gathered together, and nearly 3 immortals swarmed in.

Although some people lost their hands at the beginning of the game, the second half of the game was a one-sided slaughter, so the loss on the Ziyu Army side was not huge.

In the first half, nearly [-] people fell and nearly [-] people were killed. Although some people lost their hands at the beginning of the game, the second half was a one-sided slaughter. Therefore, the loss of the Ziyu Legion was not great.

Chapter 535 How easy is this?

Chapter 535 How much can this fit in a huge battleship, in the luxurious hall, the two generals respectfully introduced Bai Ye to the upper seat.

"Go to the table and have a good meal.

In addition, let Beidi Luo Xue pour a bar for this Taoist friend."

After the three of them sat down, General Tie Yu broke his neck and proudly ordered his soldiers.

"Yun Daoyou, let me tell you,"

You are lucky this time.

Northern Emperor Luo Xue is the best little princess in the Northern Emperor family, and there is no woman more beautiful than her on this battlefield."

"Oh, really"

Bai Ye's eyes flashed a little cold.

"Of course, alas, if such a woman is outside, it's really not easy to get."

There was an obscene sway on Tie Yu's face, ripples rippling, "But, in this purgatory, hehe."

That would be much easier."

"How easy it is"

Bai Ye pretended to be curious and looked at Tie Yu.

This old man has poor strength, but he doesn't dare to be small, even the little princess of the Northern Emperor family dares to covet.

"Hey, if it is in the outside world, as a little princess of the northern emperor family, such as mine, although it is much stronger than others, it is impossible to enter the eyes of others in purgatory and the army, the so-called princess , is not an ordinary member and may die at any time."

Purgatory is indeed the death of a powerful existence, the identity and background are all useless, the magic weapon of the flying sword is cut on the body, even the daughter of the Jade Emperor wants to die.


"Of course, like Brother Yun, you are also different.

You have both body and strength.

Kyushu Xingchen Pavilion's little owner, Kyushu Xingchen Pavilion, is not small in purgatory.

If the answer, you can attract a lot of strong people."

Tie Lan couldn't help looking at Bai Ye with envy.

"Brother blue, you shouldn't envy others, we, the main valley led by Throwing Sword Valley, have good prospects in the future."

Tie Yu said proudly.

Bai Ye has been in contact with Bai Ye, this force is different from other forces, they rise rapidly, the so-called "King of the Valley"

From the human world, with high prestige.

Whenever the Master of the Valley is mentioned, the disciples of the Valley of Swords will send out a sincere respect.

This is very similar to Bai Ye's own Snow Feather Gate.

In Xueyumen, Bai Ye is not responsible, but is definitely the spiritual pillar of everyone.

The brother of the master of Jiangu died in the hands of Bai Ye, it was doomed, Bai Ye and this mysterious master forging Jiangu would never be good.

"Look at what Brother Tieyu means, are you very interested in this little princess of the northern emperor's family?"

Bai Ye asked with a smile.

That said, in this dizzying purgatory, anything can happen, I don't know if I'll be able to live to complete the task, with such a beautiful person, of course, have a good grasp of getting a good Hand, a good comfort, can also soothe the mind.

If you don't die in the future, if you go out to cook rice, you don't have to admit that my cheap son-in-law is a cheap son-in-law, ""Are you going to use the Qiang people?"

Bai Ye then asked: "I don't think Beidi Luoxue can easily stick back."

"Be strong, even if it is strong.

It's just a hidden rule."

Tie Yu sneered and said, "I am the general of the Ziyu Army, there are many ways to subdue her."

What a young lady, when he came to Lao Tzu's camp, he must be obedient.

Chapter 536 Beauty is automatically delivered to the door

Chapter 536 The beauty comes to the door automatically If she dare not follow, when I pour some water in the war, she will die.

When he died on the battlefield, the Emperor of the North could not find me at night."

Bai Ye looked at this person with weak eyes, but his heart killed the chance to stop.

"Senior Brother Yun, it's really interesting to be a general with you."

Tie Yu still didn't know that he violated the god of death, and still said proudly: "Why don't you join our Ziyu, the three of us will be generals together, Brother Yun will join you, Jianglan Hanhai area, our The strength is enough to get into the top three, and by then, the army will be swept away, and there will be countless treasures and endless military skills."

Moreover, there are also beautiful women automatically delivered to the door, how fast!"

"Yes, if you join our team, Brother Yun, the Ziyu Army can challenge the Shouluo Army.

At that time, the reputation of the legion will disappear, and there will be many excellent female practitioners who will come to the door automatically."

Tie Lan was also fascinated.

"Oh, if that's the case, I can think about it."

As soon as Bai Ye opened his mouth, he was thinking about how to deal with these two scumbags.

Obviously, in purgatory, what Tie Yu and Tie Lan said were not uncommon.

Strong people are respected, today I don't know how to die tomorrow.

Who cares what background you have, but strength is respected.

The strong can have beautiful fairy horns: they are automatically delivered to the door, while the weak should only be used as cannon fodder.

The other legions, Bai Ye can't control, but Tie Lan and Tie Yu, now that they have met, it will be slaughtered.

However, this is not a single team.

If Bai Ye suddenly exploded at this time and killed these two people, he would be a traitor, unless Bai Ye could kill Ziyu's people in one go.

If the news is leaked, it will become the enemy of the Immortal Alliance, I am afraid that even Kyushu Xingchen Pavilion will help.

Because this is a military rule, an iron law.

At the end of the day, it's still a battle between fairies and demons for the survival of species and racial groups, and there's a lot of right and wrong.

If you want to kill them, you have to do something.

"Senior Brother Tieyu, why don't you give me Luoxue in the North? I'll stay."

Bai Ye smiled and asked the corner of his mouth.


Tie Yu was stunned, his face sank, "I can't, I've been staring at this Bei Diluoxue for a long time, that body, that face, even if I have less than a hundred years of life, I want to get her , Brother Yun, if you like women, this group, except... Luo Xue, let you choose, if you are not satisfied, next time we will add newlyweds and choose a few beautiful women.

If it doesn't work, the charm of a rare family of demons."

"Brother Tie Yu seems to be determined to get this Northland Luo Xue.

Anyway, I'm not going to push people, but I can say that next time you have a beautiful woman, you have to catch me first."

Bai Ye said with a smile.

"Did Brother Yun agree?"

Both of their faces showed joy at the same time.

The power of the night, they saw it.

If Bai Ye can join the Purple Jade Corps, it will be much easier to obtain military exploits and wealth in the future.


White night, hey, hey, smile.


At this moment, Bedrosno, in silver-white armor, wisely entered.

Those beautiful eyes looked at Bai Ye, then stood stiffly at the door and didn't come in: "I wonder if it's important for the general to call me?"

Chapter 537 Sit next to me!

Chapter 537 Sit next to me! "What are you doing here, sit next to me!"

Tie Yu smiled, he stood up and went to grab Beidi Luoxue's little hand, but was given to him by northern Diluoxue.

Tie Yu's face turned slightly: "Luo Xue, come and drink with Brother Yun, Brother Ma Lin is the young master of Xingchen Pavilion in Kyushu, how can you not give this face?"

"No, I have to practice."

North Dilo returned lifeless.

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