
Tie-woo's face became: uglier, he wanted to show the general's power.

Unexpectedly, the woman's skin didn't show her face as it used to.

This is not the first time.

From the day when Di Luoxue from the North entered the Purple Jade Army, Tie Yuren had a distorted idea about her, and they entangled her several times without success.

And Beidi Luo Xue is not an ordinary person, how worried he is.

Although the man said that he was not afraid of the Northern Emperor's family, he was actually a little afraid.

"Fairy Luo Xue, are you sure?"

Tie Yu only glanced at it, then looked at Di Luoxue in the north: "You don't regret it!"

"General, please rest assured, Luo Xue will never regret what he did."

Beidi Luoxue is neither soft nor hard.

"Oh shit!"

Tieyu Continent, in this army for a long time, his body has been infected with many violent factors.

"Bedrosno, are you brazen?"

Tie Yu finally couldn't take it anymore and broke out.

"General Iron, what do you want?"

Bei Di Luo looked at Tie Yu, his eyes were dead.

"Do you want to do this to me in this barracks?"

Well, you have to be clear that military rules are ruthless, and even if you're a general, you can't do anything to me for no reason, right?"

"Then, Northland Luo Xue, this is what you asked for.

Next time, you will be in charge of the blades of the hexagram."

Tie Yu's cold voice, "Go out."

"Oh, do you think I will surrender, Tie Yu, just wait!"

He turned his head away with a cold snort from North Dilo.

"Bitch, man, crazy, humiliating and humiliating!"

Tie Yuqi's mouth twitched, "Sooner or later, let you come and beg me, Matt, in front of Lao Tzu, pretend to be a pure jade girl."

"Oh, Brother Tie, you're impatient, itchy, and lack of treatment, right?"

There was a hint of irony at the corner of Bai Ye's mouth.

"Well, Maureen, don't stand up and talk without hurting your back.

If you spend a hundred years in purgatory every day, dealing with death every day, you are just like me."

Tie Yu said brazenly, "I've seen this kind of woman many times, and I've cleaned it up several times. I don't want to recommend a good pillow table. After all, it's not all special."

"What happened to the Liumang sword?"

Bai Ye was curious.

"Brother Yun, you don't know yet, there are six, six, thirty-six, six hehe said with a smile:"

Don't look at the big explosions on both sides, in fact, even if it is an exploratory attack, you want to die."

It's up to the generals to decide who's on duty on the fringes of stars.

To avoid this drudgery, many prefer to display the wealth they have won, and of course beautiful women prefer to entrust themselves to generals for protection.

"I understand."

Bai Ye smiled calmly.

"So Brother Tieyu likes beautiful women."

What do you like"


Tie Lan smiled.

Suddenly, Bai Ye felt that his grandson looked at him a little more obscene.

"you don't like men"

Chapter 538 This brother is a bit special

Chapter 538 This brother is so cold in the white night, looking back at the room, there is a man and a woman, two waiters, the woman is delicate, standing behind Tie Yu, while the man looks white and pure, with a peach blossom His face stood behind Tie Lan.

"Senior Brother Lin, my brother is a bit special"

Tie Yu smiled.

"I gotta go"

Bai Ye felt goosebumps all over his body.

These two scumbags, really "Come on, you two, take your time.

I'm going to practice, so I won't be with you."

"No, Brother Lin."

Tie Yu said with a smile: "Since you agreed to join our Purple Jade Corps, we will report to the headquarters immediately. They did not ask you to give you another military position."

We have to discuss it next."

"very good,"

Bai Yeqiang endured the cold and sat down.

"That's what I thought.

Brother Lin's strength is very strong.

In my opinion, some demons of the Void are not necessarily his opponents.

Senior Brother Lin is here, let's cast a big vote."

Tie Yu said with a look of anticipation.

"Find a hard bone to bite it and destroy some of his legions. As long as we have enough combat skills, we can enter the Shuluo Legion."

Iron Blue is also an exciting echo.

"Go to the Shoulu Legion"

Bai Ye's eyes and eyes are sensitive: "How to promote the method"

What is this concubine?"

"Senior Brother Lin, your purgatory is really strange."

Tie Lan said with a smile: "The Immortal Alliance is divided into three types, one is the ordinary legion, such as our Purple Jade Legion, the ordinary legion has a maximum of [-] people, and generally only [-]."

The most important is the Legion of Thor, which has jurisdiction over as many as 10 soldiers.

The generals and status of Shuluo's army are much higher than ours.

Once he becomes General Shura, there will be unexpected benefits.

Even if he retires in the future and returns to the major forces, he will definitely exist at the service level."

"The way to go to Shura is simple.

If you destroy five 55 ordinary demon legions in a row and win five demon-made giant warships, one legion can be promoted to the Shiro Legion."

"If we didn't even think about it in the past, it's been over thirty years since we've been promoted to generals, we've never wiped out an army of demons in our entirety, and today we even thought about it for the first time, the two of us It has been more than [-] years since I was promoted to the position of general, and now that Senior Brother Lin has joined us, we have hope."

Tie Yu smiled.

"Oh, that's interesting."

Bai Ye smiled and said, "If Master Ben has such experience, he can name General Solo and go back, and he may make a difference."

"Well, our next target is"

Tie Lan looked at his younger brother Tie Yu curiously.

"How about a strong, dark army"

Tie Yu, hey, hey, said with a smile.

"Dark Legion, should we be conservative?"


"Why, this dark army is good"

Bai Ye was curious.

"Yes, we have fought with them before. If it weren't for the support around us, the Purple Jade Legion would not have purgatory."

Tie Lan Lian said: "The leader of the Dark Phantom Legion is a kind of magic. Most of the soldiers he commands are mainly demons and shadow demons. We are not the enemy of that... magic."

Their strength in the Jianglan Hanhai region is at least among the top ten."

Chapter 539 Call me after you leave

Chapter 539 Call me after leaving "Only the top ten"

Bai Ye smiled contemptuously.

"Well, what's wrong with the top ten, you know, the top seven are all sushi legions!"

Tie Lan widened his eyes, looking very angry.

"In this case, the Shadow Legion will be fine."

Bai Ye smiled.

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