"Well, from now on you will know."

Tie Yu smiled smugly.

"Ready, we're going to do it."

Just a few thousand miles away, a dark green, phoenix-shaped, gigantic warship with wings quickly approached this side.

Although Tie Yu said earlier that he was relaxed, at this moment, his face became: sensitive and heavy.

"There are enemy invaders, whole army and army!"

A drink resounded from the purple jade vessel.

Then, nearly 6 immortals flew out of the ship like locusts, moving in an orderly manner in the air, with only two or three breaths of effort, forming a huge six-star six-star war, slowly suspended in the air.

When the ship was on this side, the opposite ship was also parked in the distance, and then countless demons flew out of the battleship, forming a dark green nine lotus formation in a blink of an eye.

Then, slowly roll this way.

The lotus flower is in the sky, a long black skirt, the shape is very similar to the normal human body, but there is a beautiful blue crystal woman between the eyebrows, slowly flying towards this road.

In the air, her flesh was like soft noodles, twisted in the wind.

It's like there are no bones.

Tie Lan hurriedly warned: "Brother Yun is very careful, this magic method is very special, her power is definitely no less than the ordinary Void Age, especially her magic kung fu, it is very difficult to deal with.

Don't get lost in your mind later."

"It's okay, Pediatrics"

With a mocking sneer on Bai Ye's face.

Subconsciously, Bai Ye felt his eyelids beating.

This happened many times during the night.

Candle dragon's eyes are practiced to a certain extent, if it encounters danger, it is difficult to break things, and the double eyelids will stir.

This is a hint.

Immediately, Bai Ye opened Candlelight Shenlong's eyes without hesitation.

Eyes, golden light.

Soon, lock in one, if not a remnant.

"A group of evil ghosts, buried in the hands of darkness."

Bai Yexin sneered, but did not remind Tie Lan and Tie Yu of the two kinds of slag.

It's timely, worrying about how to kill them, and it's the best way to save me.

"Oh my God, it's the Dark Demon, the two generals.

Is this crazy? Dare to challenge the dark demon army, did they forget what was almost destroyed last time?"

The six-pointed star also began to feel uneasy.

In this army, almost half of the people have seen the ferocious army of dark demons.

During that war, 3 Purple Jade troops were destroyed in nearly half the time.

Almost even the corps system was canceled, and during World War I, wounded and carrying bones, had to return to the city to replenish the staff.

Many people are still afraid of that war.

"What you're afraid of and what's different from the past is that you don't see your ex.

He's here and we can't lose.

The last time was so dangerous, the two big hole virtual demons, in front of this predecessor, didn't even have the ability to resist, this time, it's the same."

"that's it"

"I heard that this senior is the young master of Xingxing Pavilion in Kyushu, what about Lord Morin?"

"No wonder Kyushu Star Pavilion is the core existence of the alliance."

What Bai Ye didn't expect was that he lived in purgatory for a while, but brought Yun Li a lot of fame.

So, after the cloud glass entered purgatory, it was inexplicably appreciated for a period of time.

",It's you little bastards, I can see from a distance that our dark army doesn't run with a tail?"

The battle drew nearer and nearer, until at last they stopped ten miles apart.

The soft face, with a look of contempt, the eyes with water flowed through Tie Yu, Tie Lan, and finally landed on Bai Ye.

"It turns out that there are helpers to join us."

That... the little brother with the handsome face, the knife shadow and the golden watch died in your hands, isn't it good, sister.

This is what I like about you.

Handsome and powerful man."

The charming woman said, looking at the autumn waves, the watery eyes rolled over, which can almost arouse people's hearts.

"Otherwise, little brother, if you come to my side, the deputy leader of the dark demon will give it to you, and the slave family can also give it to you."

As he spoke, if the scrawny little waist rod twisted and made a fatal arc, most importantly, her clothes, with the appearance of the pendulum, became: more and more vague.

The printed graphics, the perfect shape, and the attractive arc, every wonderful thing is not easy to repeat.

Chapter 542 The method of casting a spell

Chapter 542 Fang who cast the spell "Brother Yun, be careful, this is the way to cast the spell, don't cross the road."

Tillandsia warning.

"Hey, beauty, why didn't you come, you are the general of the Purple Jade Army, I can give it to you too."

Bai Ye, hey, a smile, more eyes with a hint of fascination, but flowers and flowers on the mouth.

This charming girl does know that with every move, there are five souls and seven bodies of people at a glance.

When Bai Ye was on his side, he found that even the dead gay and gay Tie Lan had a trace of confusion in his eyes.

When it's really scary, it's obvious that the other side used witchcraft, but when it's appropriate, it's still confusing one or two, in which case 10% strength can be used 80% is good.

But that... Tie Yu, made Bai Ye look at each other in surprise. This man's eyes were clear and his murderous face was not affected at all.

Of course, with Bai Ye's thoughts, and Bai Ye's experience of so many sins, facing this charming girl, will not be fascinated by the past.

However, Bai Ye now has to find a chance to kill Tie Yu Tie Lan.

Fortunately, these six stars have the effect of suppressing the mind and isolating magic, otherwise there would be no need...to fight in this war.

This...attractive woman is sure to be distracted by the army in front of her as long as she wears two small waistlines and two winks.

"Giggle, okay, I'm here, right?"

The charming eyes passed through a smile, and then, the soft, hollow cat came step by step, step by step, to Bai Ye and Tie Qing.

The closer the distance, the stronger the charm.

For a while, Bai Ye wondered if he had caught the monster, and then.



"Be careful"

Tie Yu took a sip calmly, and after Bai Ye glanced at him, he saw that Tie Yu was sweating coldly on his forehead, and there was a faint blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

I thought this guy was so determined that he even got his tongue bitten, and probably used some other method.

"I don't know if the fairy can reach this level now."

Bai Yexin thought to himself, but the eyes circulated in this elf's body, admiring this figure, it was almost fatal.

"Come on, brother, I will be yours in the future."

The charming girl said that the numbers slowly slid towards this moment, and an invisible figure appeared beside Bai Ye.

"Idiot, how do you choose me!"

Bai Ye was a little speechless, the demon hiding in the shadows, it was obvious that Bai Ye was the key to the outcome, and this... demon and monster, one by one, light and dark, attacked herself first.

The Shadow Demon's iconic black short-sided demon warrior came out of the void for a moment... and Bai Ye did it.


The black knife appeared in the first three inches of Bai Ye's neck, and the sharp blade accelerated instantly.

At this time, Bai Ye could already see the abusive smile of the Shadow Demon hiding in the void.

With a punch from his right hand, a roar hit the shadow devil's place.

The fist broke the void.

A dark shadow was shot directly from the void, blood splashed, and the shape of the body was deflected.

"Shadow Demon!"

Until now, some frustrated General Tie Qing Tie Yu did not respond, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Luckily if the Shadow Demons were targeting any of them, they'd be dead by now.

The charm of the Phantom Girl, combined with the assassination of the sneaky shadow demon, is perfect for this magical girl's world of witchcraft, plus the assassination of the ghostly, shadow demon! "Abominable"

The shadow demon couldn't be hit, and the number exploded to half, completely hidden in the void, and disappeared again.

"Shameless Evil, Undercover Attack"

Tie Yu's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

The existence of the shadow demon, like a sword of punishment, hangs in his heart, he has no ability to break, if their brother encounters this shadow demon, joint defense, it will not lose, but now, the other side also has A good soul, and the magical woman is among them.

"Be careful not to give the shadow devil a chance to find out"

Tie Lan said, waving a big hand, and a red flaming sword appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Giggle, little brother, it's really violent, it's really powerful, even nine 9 babies can't catch you, it's really powerful, but little sister, I'm a capable man like you"

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