That... miraculous girl was also stunned by Bai Ye's reaction, and then returned to her delicate appearance, with a small hand waving, and a long pink whip with silver wings appeared in the palm of her hand.

"Come on, I'm very close to my sister.

If you can beat me, little sister, I'll be yours."

Witch said, whip.

For a moment, Bai Ye only felt that the scene in front of him had changed.

The next moment, all the while: a pink, warm, but notoriously itchy world, a pink fog unfolding, if there were no numbers, through the fog.

Chapter 543

Chapter 543 Autumn waves, veil and thin clothes, wonderful appearance, only see a magical girl, or veil rolling or scratching posture, all the voices in my mind The anger echoes in my mind invisible The realm is suppressed, it is wonderful.

This psychedelic state is not directly suppressing your practice, but a split of your will.

God swept the past, only to think that every magical girl is a real existence, but it doesn't seem to be real.

It is also unreal and real.

Bai Ye's sweep this time is full of the voices of 27 magical girls, holding long whips, with various styles and temperaments.

Brother Tieqing Tieyu was sweating in cold sweat, humming angrily, the two swords slammed together, the sword energy swept across, and the sword soul of dozens of feet swept across the void and hung madly.

The sword field, and within a few miles, the sword was cleared.

However, the edge of the sword spirit doesn't seem to affect this psychedelic field.

"Hey, you two, are you jealous? You are jealous that others only like your younger brother. What a stingy person.

Don't worry, when I comfort my brother, it will be your turn."

Giggling, the pink spiked whip spewed out like a long dragon.

The positions of the 2 characters are constantly changing, with a strange mystery, as if everyone is real.

However, Bai Ye is well aware that some attacks are wrong and can be ignored.

However, when you can't see the truth, you have to accept that every attack is real or you will die miserably.

"Very good, really good."

With the powerful knowledge of God, Bai Ye can only barely distinguish half of the true and false, but with this half probability, Bai Ye cannot bet.

Candle Dragon's eyes opened.

In an instant, everything is empty.

"Oh, great, three 3 real bodies! No wonder Tie Yu and Tie Lan are not rivals!"

Bai Ye's heart was clear, but he pretended to be confused, his eyes twinkling dimly.

"Miao Xian, don't let me catch you"

Jiuyang split the Divine Sword in his hand, Jian Feijian.

Sprinkle as much as you want...sprinkle as much..., Bai Ye, whether it is a real shadow attack or not, was hanged in the past.

The Nine Yang Heavenly Splitting Sword, which was transformed from Zhenyu, was like a burst of white sword energy, one by one, rushing towards the sky.

Then the body is open, no matter what...

Not a real body, wielding a sword to chase.

"Giggle, brother, you are strong, but the slave family likes it."

The charming woman pushes the work to the extreme, and the laughter of the silver bell echoes in the field.

"Brother Yun, calm down."

"Maureen, you are crazy, Tie Yu and Tie Lan joined forces to stop the witch's attack, and at the same time be careful to guard against the attack of the shadow demon.

At this moment, their hearts have reached the extreme.

But even so, their means suffer from charisma.

"This idiot, this idiot!"

Tie Yu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He did not expect that Bai Ye's fixed strength would be so poor, and he had given half of his mind in a single effort.

"Brother Tie, this beauty is mine.

I grab it, it's mine!"

Bai Ye smiled and flashed.

"Brother Yun, be careful."

"do it"

On the battlefield, the voice of a phantom girl suddenly came.


The six-pointed star formation and the Qinglian extermination formation unfolded at the same time, and tens of thousands of fairy practitioners from the two armies suddenly attacked each other.

"Maureen, wake up, hold your heart, don't mess with Fangcun, forget this wonderful fairy, the big man, the Northland Luo Xue I gave you."

Tie Yu's silver teeth were biting on his lips, and his mouth was full of blood.

"Come on, gather up, don't tell her we can't handle it!"

"What, Bedrosno, I don't want.

I like this amazing girl, the tone, the style, the fun, I like it."

Bai Ye almost frantically swings the formula of the sword, the sword spirit is vertical and horizontal, the body is amazingly fast, chasing those magic girls who don't know the truth and the false.

"Disorganized, these young masters, really."

Just then, three long pink dragons roared over the heads of the brothers of the two divisions.

With these three whips, Bai Ye saw the truth, and they were all true. After this killing, there was still a shadow demon to follow.

"Breaking Five, Moon Wind"

Tie Lan took a light drink, and the brothers tried their best to eat milk at the same time, revealing the last trick.

The bright sword light rose into the sky, the three pink barbed dragon whips rolled back, and the two brothers' coordinated bodies were finally hit by this blow.

The black dagger gleamed.

Bai Ye saw only a shadow pass through the iron blue body.


Tie Lan, go to hell! No whole body is dead.

"Iron Blue"

The shadow killer was cruel when he did it, he chose to do it when these two did their best but didn't have time for him to take care of it.

Make up your mind to kill every move.

Chapter 544 I Want To See How You Died

544 I want to see how he died When Tie Yu reacted, Tie Lan, who had fought with him for nearly a hundred years, had turned into a precarious rain of blood.

"Maureen, you idiot, you play slowly, I don't need to accompany you."

Tie Yu's anger, this damn pale little face, wasn't it because of his obstinate refusal to cooperate, how could Tie Lan die so quickly, it wouldn't be a problem for these three people to get together to protect their lives.

Now it's ready.

"You two bastards, if you want to die, you can't even handle it.

You can't even handle it, you can't even handle it!"

Bai Ye was also very rude and went back.

"Well, I want to see how you died."

Tie Yu was shaking with anger.

This is a matter of course.

I saw him holding a bright red flaming sword.

Then the figure disappeared from the thin air, and the red flame fairy sword lit up.

The ferocious sword intent swept across the entire psychedelic realm in an instant, and then, the sword light flickered in a strange arc, passing through the void and fleeing to the outside world.

This hand made Bai Ye look sideways.

Only by seeing the fusion of this human body and sword, its own breath is not at all, only the ubiquitous sword intent.

The red-flamed fairy sword flies through the psychedelic realm of Phantom Girl, and it's easy to avoid whiplash.

"You look down on you, son of a bitch"

"It is impossible without the shadow of the sword!"

The girl's face also changed, dozens of remaining phantom bodies attacked frantically, and the whipping instantly spread throughout the psychedelic field, as if they were trying to hit Bai Ye and Tie Yu together.

Unfortunately, the red sword shadow flickered, her whip blew down, and she couldn't catch one.

"It's all fantasy"

Bai Ye's eyes are sensitive, the candlelight flickers, instantly, locked if there is no sword shadow.

"Rebel, die for me"

Then, while the magical girl was bewildered and stunned, Bai Ye shot.

Jiuyang splits the Heavenly Sword and dances in full concentration.


The thousand-foot-high sword flew into the sky and blew empty sideways, the space like a spider web.

A character, it is difficult to be blown out by the sword of Bai Ye.

"Crappie, seeds, you buried me in the pit"

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