In the vast sea, at a glance, there is only the sea and the blue sky, and nothing else.

At the same time, a portal opened wide in the air, and Bai Ye walked out directly.


Facing the sea below, Bai Ye directly ejected a ray of phoenix power and flew over.


Like a bullet burst, the power of the phoenix instantly disappeared into the air and landed directly on the sea.


It didn't take long for a raging fire to rise from the sea. This flame swept everything and enveloped the surrounding area. The amount of water in the sea was not annihilated by it.

On the contrary, the seawater that should be restrained by the flames became the fuel for this flame, and the fire gradually expanded, and the speed of expansion became more pleasant.

ten meters.

thirty meters

fifty meters

two hundred meters

It didn't take long for the entire flame to expand by hundreds of meters. Although it was still a little small compared to the vast sea, at this speed, it seemed impossible to swallow the sea.

"The power is not bad, it seems that this time I made a lot of money.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows lightly, his right hand grabbed it directly, and the flames on the sea below were directly sucked in, then turned into a flame and jumped in his palm.

"No wonder it is called the power of the strongest, and the ability is indeed a bit terrifying."

The flame of the Phoenix Power is like a maggot in the tarsus. It is difficult to destroy it under normal circumstances, and its growth rate is too high. Once it is given a little time, it is estimated that no matter what it is, it will be swallowed up, even the space is the same.

However, this is only a part of its ability, not all of its abilities. If all of its abilities break out, it is estimated that it will be even more terrifying.

Just a simple example, if Thanos came to Earth now, Bai Ye didn't need to use other abilities, the power of the phoenix would be enough to deal with Thanos.

Moreover, the invincible body that Thanos relies on to survive will also be broken open by the power of the phoenix. This is the most important thing.

Thanos is very strong, but more of his body is very terrifying. His body is almost indestructible, and any attribute attacks and poisons cannot cause any damage to him.

It can be said that in this world, his body is similar to the indestructible body of King Kong in fantasy, and it can hardly be destroyed.

In the movie, most of the reason why Thor was hacked to death was caused by the backlash of the Infinity Stones in order to destroy the Infinity Stones.

Otherwise, with Thor's axe, it would be impossible to easily cut off Thanos' body.

"By the way, how many data points have the system just got me."

He almost forgot about data points.

He had absorbed a lot of phoenix power before, and there should be a lot of data points. His estimate is at least more than [-].

"Ding, get a total of 286550"

Nearly [-] data points, a good harvest.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows lightly, almost reaching half of Tian Qi's head.

You must know that the ability of an ordinary mutant is only more than [-], and the expensive one is only tens of thousands. However, an old guy like Tianqi has nearly hundreds or even thousands of mutant abilities, and only [-]. look,

As for the power of the phoenix, he just absorbed it, and he got [-] points, and the absorption of this energy is not like the ability of mutants and the apocalypse. If you directly absorb it, there will be no next time, but it can be produced, although it is not I know how many times I can absorb it, but at least the number of times is not too small.

Absorb it a few more times, and it will be more than a million.

"Qin only got a part of the power of the phoenix, and the value is so high. If it is a real phoenix, wouldn't it be a sky-high price?"

Bai Ye's eyes flickered. If there is a chance in the future, maybe he can capture the phoenix, and then let it provide it with a steady stream of phoenix power.

Anyway, the power of the phoenix is ​​too much to die, and it is better to absorb it directly if it can be possessed by people in the universe.

at the same time.

In the depths of the universe, in a certain area.

An earth-shattering roar resounded throughout the interstellar space. Countless planets collapsed because of this sound, and even the galaxies that illuminated the darkness directly dimmed.

Phoenix was very irritable, and it felt that someone had thought about it.

And evil thoughts.

In the past, it would not care too much, because in its eyes, those creatures with evil thoughts are extremely small, and they can be pinched to death.

Only, this time it felt a sense of danger, as if that person could really threaten it.

"Who is it?"

The phoenix roared angrily, and the surrounding galaxies kept collapsing. In an instant, it was unimaginable that the galaxies fell directly, and an infinite area turned directly into darkness, and only a flame rose from the depths. *

Chapter 6 The Birth of Xiao Hei [[-]]

Bai Ye never thought that his sudden idea made the phoenix in the depths of the universe directly aware of it, and even became furious because of it, leading to the destruction of countless galaxies.

After mastering the power of the phoenix for a while, Bai Ye was no longer in the sky, he opened the door of space and returned to the temple.

And the traces caused by the power of the phoenix were also directly filled in by the vast sea, and it didn't take long.

The sea returned to calm, except for a burnt smell, there was not a trace of it. Not long ago, there was a terrifying fire here.

Bai Ye returned to the temple and checked it spiritually. The temple was empty and empty.

Black Widow probably took the time he left and went straight out, probably to report to Nick Fury.

There is no one in the temple, I watched it in Bai Ye, and I don't even bother to watch TV dramas.

Get ready to go back to your room and start deducing the path behind you.

With millions of data points, it should be enough to break through his realm to the level of a single universe.

In fact, his strength has completely reached the level of a single universe, but his mood has not kept up, so Bai Ye has been distressed.

For him, the realm of the soul is linked to his own strength, and he must advance at the same time.

Because he has seen too many times, because the state of mind is not as good as controlling his own power, which has caused him to lose control, and even lose his personality and become a brand new soul and a brand new personality.

It can be said that invisibly, he killed himself, caused by his own power.

dong dong dong,.

Just before Bai Ye stepped into his room, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Could it be the Black Widow?"

Bai Ye's heart moved, a mirror appeared in front of him, and the scenes in front of the gate were displayed one by one in front of him.

Not Black Widow, but someone he knew very well.

Wearing a black suit and carrying a box, he looked a little embarrassed, with dark circles under his eyes, and at first glance, he hadn't heard from him for a long time.

This person is very familiar to Bai Ye, who has only met before.

Iron Man, Tony Stark.

"What is he doing, is he going to give me artificial intelligence?"

Thinking about it, Bai Ye stepped on his footsteps.

The next moment, before the gate

Opened the door directly, and immediately saw Tony with heavy dark circles under his eyes.

"You finally opened the door. I've been knocking on the door for half an hour here, but I can't see you."

Seeing the white night in front of him, Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

He hasn't rested for a few days. In order to catch up with the artificial intelligence he wanted before Bai Ye, after a few words he went back and put his energy into it.

Of course, if it's a copy, it doesn't take that long. He made the artificial intelligence an upgraded version of Jarvis,

"You should call me,"

Bai Ye was a little surprised, because he didn't expect Tony to wait here for so long.

"I called you, but I haven't been in the service area."


Bai Ye took out his mobile phone and called Tony directly.

It didn't take long for a bell to ring in Tony's pocket.

Taking out his phone, Tony touched his head with a questioning expression on his face

"Impossible. I just called you. If you don't believe me, look at the call log."

Saying that, Tony put the phone in front of Bai Ye

At this time, there are indeed several call records displayed on the screen, and the time interval is not long. ,

Seeing this call record, Bai Ye suddenly remembered.

Just now, he came back from the Pacific Ocean.

Probably Tony called him when he was testing the Phoenix Force in the Pacific

"It seems that the service provider has nothing to say except for the problem. Come in."

Bai Ye smiled.

Then he took Tony to the hall.

Poured Tony a cup of tea directly.

"Have you done what I want?"

Bai Ye asked.

Tony took a sip of tea and hurried over, and after shouting at the door for a long time, his throat was dry.

"It has been done, this is the artificial intelligence you want, his ability is stronger than Jarvis, it can be said to be an upgraded version of Jarvis, and you are the first to use it, the most advanced technology on this earth. , you must know that as a research and development personnel, there is no such opportunity."

Tony put the box in his hand on the table, pointed to the black box and said proudly.

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