Although the night is unpredictable, he can't understand

But he is very proud of technology.

"how to use?"

Bai Ye asked.

In advanced functions, he also does not need.

The reason why I want Jarvis is that when I have watched Iron Man, I like this artificial intelligence, because it has the feeling of a housekeeper, which is quite good.

So when I rescued Iron Man, I asked for an artificial intelligence by the way. I thought it would be good for Tony to make a copy for him.

Unexpectedly, this guy gave him an upgraded version directly.

"It's very simple, just plug it in where there is a connection to the network, and you can activate it."

"By the way, do you have a computer here?"

"This is still there, come here."

Although this place is quite old, the computer thing was made when Bai Ye just settled down.

Bai Ye brought Tony to the computer.

Tony didn't even bother to look at it, he directly opened the black box, which was similar to a case.

He pulled out a connector directly from below and inserted it directly into the interface of the main computer.

Immediately, the black box exuded a colorful light, and a mechanical sound sounded at the same time.

"Mr. Bai Ye, please give me my name."

Hearing this, Bai Ye turned to look at Tony? ?

"I have set you as his master, and it is still the highest authority. He only recognizes you, and even I can't command him."

"By the way, give him a name so he can run perfectly."

Bai Ye touched his chin and asked for a name?

This is a problem.

Because he is a little difficult to name, this once he created some magic, just because the name is not good, even Gu Yi complained a few times.

After thinking about it, Bai Ye really thought about what it would look like, and said directly.

"Let's call it Xiao Hei, I think it's a good name."

"Ding, name admission"?"

"Hello sir, Xiao Hei is here for you."

Hearing this voice, Bai Ye nodded in satisfaction

The name is really good, it's not bad that I chose it.

And Tony's face was weird, he really wanted to complain about the name.

Just seeing Bai Ye's satisfied look, he swallowed it directly without saying it. *

Chapter 1 Tony: White Night Mage, I want to learn magic [[-]]

in the hall.

"Mage Bai Ye, this is a small intention, I hope you can be satisfied."

Bai Ye took it, glanced at it, and a light flashed in his eyes.

This is no ordinary thing, but the stock of Stark Corporation.

You must know that, as the largest weapons company, Stark's stock is not an ordinary price, and even the annual dividend is sky-high.

And this time Tony really bleeds a lot. In addition to a stock, there is a billion dollars, which is stored on this card and can be used at any time.

"Really ruthless, things are really different for the rich."

Although he is not short of money now, or he doesn't need money, he is also taken aback by Tony's arrogance. The stock plus cash is estimated to be around [-] billion US dollars, which is equivalent to more than [-] billion yuan in RMB.

More than [-] billion will be given.

Such arrogance, Bai Ye is not surprised.

Tony looked at Bai Ye nervously.

He had been thinking about this gift for a long time, thinking about sending beautiful women, or something else.

But in the end, he still planned to send money directly to pull it down.

Although money is not a panacea, most of them are the pass for everything, and few people will not dislike money.

And considering Bai Ye's identity, he bleeds heavily.

Because he didn't want to give too little, which made Bai Ye unhappy

After all, Bai Ye doesn't look like an ordinary person, and the house under his feet doesn't belong to an ordinary person, so in order to avoid this problem, he bleeds heavily.

He is now praying in his heart that Bai Ye can like it, and everything is negotiable in this case.

At the same time, I am most afraid that Bai Ye is not interested in this thing, then everything will be difficult to say.

In fact, Bai Ye doesn't have much interest in all of this because he has passed the stage of needing money.

If he wants money, he can turn stone into gold.

Not to mention gold, even if it is diamonds, he can make a few meals in a short time, black diamonds, pink diamonds, colored diamonds, just pick.

But although he didn't need it, he was also a little surprised by Tony's atmosphere.

"Are you going to give this to me?" Bai Ye said.

"Master Bai Ye, you saved my life that day. You really helped me a lot. If it weren't for you, I would have been buried in the soil now, so in return, I prepared this gift. I don't know if Master Bai Ye can do it. satisfy."

Tony said quickly

"At that time, I just helped you casually, and I also wanted revenge, and you gave it to me, so there is no need to add these."

Bai Ye put down the things in his hand, took a sip of tea, and said lightly.

Tony waved his hand and said seriously

"Master Bai Ye may not care, but I have to care, and I think my life is more expensive than this, and the artificial intelligence you want is not a valuable thing, so I added this thing. , I originally wanted to prepare other things for Master Bai Ye, but I didn't know what you liked, so I can only give you these vulgar gifts."

Is artificial intelligence worthless?

how can that be.

It is estimated that Xiao Hei will be thrown out and sold for tens of billions of dollars. People who want it will flock to it, and it is estimated that countless people will fight for it.

After all, as the top artificial intelligence on the planet, the value of Xiao Hei, for some technology companies, is estimated to be worth hundreds of billions, not to mention that it was created by Tony, the value is estimated to be even more terrifying

It's just that Tony thinks it's worthless. If other technology companies know about it, it's probably a pain in his heart, and it's self-willed to scold the rich at the same time.

"Since what you said is so sincere, then I will accept it."

He was too lazy to refuse. Since it was delivered, just accept it. Just in time to travel in the future, you can buy a house or something in some good places, so as not to go to the hotel.

Seeing Bai Ye accept it, Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Bai Ye accepts it, it will be easy to talk about in the future.

And with such an almost divine existence, he is not afraid of others harming him in the future.

"It's not too early, Master Bai Ye, you have a rest, I'll go back first, I haven't rested for so many days, the game is tired."

Immediately, Tony didn't talk too much nonsense, packed his things and prepared to go back.

Although he has requirements, as a wise man, he understands very well that now is not the time, and there will be time in the future.

After all, if he wants to seek it now, he will have no reason to ask Bai Ye for a request in the future.

Because he gave the money and Bai Ye also helped him, the two were cleared.

But in the future, if you slowly get along well with Bai Ye and become friends, there will be more opportunities to ask Bai Ye for help.

see Tony leaving

Bai Ye smiled.

Tony this guy is still cunning.

Just a pity.

Bai Ye put down the teacup and said lightly

"Say your request, you paid so much, I'm too embarrassed to accept it directly."

As soon as these words came out, Tony's face froze, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

This Bai Ye Mage is really powerful, and his wisdom and experience are somewhat inconsistent with his age.

After thinking about it, Tony simply didn't leave and just sat there.

And straight to the point, without too much nonsense.

"Since Master Bai Ye said so, I won't hide it anymore."

Having said this, Tony's eyes were condensed and he said in a deep voice.

"Mage Bai Ye, you should have known before that my situation is very threatening, and people are attacking me all the time. Although I have a steel battle suit, I still feel unsafe."

"So I want to learn magic from you."

Saying that, Tony looked at Bai Ye seriously

"Are you sure you want to learn this thing? I think your steel suit will be no worse than a magician in the future."

Tony wants to learn magic, this white night is expected, but also unexpected.

In itself, Tony is the Supreme Mage in a parallel world, taking over the position of Doctor Strange

Moreover, Tony's wisdom is superior, and his talent for learning magic is also extremely amazing. It can be said that he can get twice the result with half the effort.

"If I continue to study the steel suit, I estimate that I can't surpass the White Night Mage in my lifetime, but the magic will not be certain."

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