Tony said.

Good guy, still trying to surpass me.

Hearing this sentence, Bai Ye's heart blossomed. Although Tony was very good in front of him, he was still extremely proud in his heart.

I want to surpass him.

Feels like a daydream

PS: Ask for flowers, review tickets, and give some rewards, brothers*

Chapter 2: Ask Nick Fury to Come Over [[-]]

"Do you mean that you can surpass me by learning magic? Tony, you are crazy."

Bai Ye was going to die of laughter. He admitted Tony's talent. After all, he could become a supreme mage in the future.

The talent for magic must be very strong, even stronger than the rest of Gu Yi's disciples.

But it would be too crazy to say surpassing him.

After all, his cultivation speed, even Gu Yi and the eternity behind it are extremely amazing.

"No no, Master Bai Ye, you misunderstood, of course I didn't mean it"

"I just think that, according to the upper limit, technology may not be longer than magic, and after seeing the mysterious magic of Master Bai Ye, this idea is even more profound in my heart."

Tony quickly explained: "Of course I can learn magic, it may be one thing, but it is absolutely impossible to be stronger than Mage Bai Ye."

In order not to offend Bai Ye, Tony is rarely so arrogant, because Tony's character is very strange, probably because he has been high all the time, he has never liked anyone, and even rarely gives others face

And this time, in front of Bai Ye, Tony even threw away his own face, just for Bai Ye not to reject him.

"You can also learn magic. After a week, come here and I will take you to the place where you can learn magic, but I have a request that your scientific and technological research should not fall behind because of magic."

After thinking about it, Bai Ye agreed to Tony's request.

He doesn't doubt Tony's talent.

It's just that he wants to see what his future achievements will look like if Tony plays on both sides of technology and magic

Beyond the Supreme Mage, he still became a different Supreme Mage.

Looking forward to this night.

If he came and went as usual, it would be meaningless.

"Thank you, Master White Night.

With Bai Ye's approval, Tony breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while, and Tony left the temple.

"Come back in a week."

Bai Ye looked at Tony and said.

"Okay, I'll trouble you, Master Bai Ye."

Tony nodded, then turned to leave.

And at this moment, Black Widow came back from outside.

Seeing Tony who just left, a glint appeared in his eyes

"Tony Stark, why are you here?"

For Tony, Black Widow is naturally known, or it is difficult not to know.

Because a few days ago, Tony said that sentence in a high-profile on TV

"I am Iron Man."

As soon as this sentence came out, the world boiled.

Tony is like a big star, almost everyone who has seen the news knows about Iron Man and Tony.

But Black Widow doesn't understand how a mysterious magician living in New York is connected with a famous Iron Man.

And looking at the expressions of the two, it seems that the relationship is not bad.

"When did Tony Stark meet White Night"

Black Widow frowned, and things seemed to be out of her expectations.

Bai Ye is a bit too mysterious, like the tip of the iceberg, she has never been able to see everything.

"You're back."

"Well, master, I just went out to buy something and prepared snacks for tomorrow."

Black Widow lifted the bag in her hand, which was basically some snacks

Potato chips, ice cream or Fat House Happy Water.

Buying snacks was on the way, and reporting to Nick Fury was the real reason.

He didn't even need to turn on his abilities. He checked the past and knew what the Black Widow was doing.

But it doesn't matter.

"Come in, let me tell you something."

Leaving this sentence, Bai Ye walked in.

Black Widow didn't care either, thinking that it might be because Bai Ye wanted to eat food from other countries and wanted to buy the following in the past.

Because of this kind of thing, Bai Ye asked her many times.

She eats Huaxia for breakfast, as well as Chinese food. Sometimes she goes to France for dinner, and sometimes she goes to Italy to eat pizza, saying that only Italy is the authentic pizza.

All in all, this special ability of teleportation was used by Bai Ye to enjoy life.


Black Widow walked in and skillfully placed the ice cream in the refrigerator while placing the snacks on the table.

Then, she saw Bai Ye and said

"Master, I don't know what you are talking about. Are you planning to wait in Italy to buy pizza?"

"I don't need Natasha anymore."

Bai Ye shook his head.

As soon as these words came out, Black Widow's face froze.

How could Bai Ye know my name?

You know, she hides it very well, and basically there are not too many flaws.

"Master, who is Natasha."

However, as a top agent, Black Widow's determination is still strong

After being stunned for a while, he quickly returned to normal, and at the same time, he refused to admit it without changing his face.

Bai Ye smiled and then snapped his fingers.

with a snap.

In front of the two, a screen like a mirror appeared.

A video is playing on the screen.

Seeing this video, Black Widow was stunned.

Because this video was used not long ago when she was on the rooftop of the hotel, using a remote control plane to check Bai Ye's room.

"So you already knew that."

Black Widow looked at Bai Ye deeply and said in a deep voice.

At the same time, he smiled bitterly.

She thought that she was hiding well, and she was secretly happy during this time.

But I didn't expect that all of this would have been known to Bai Ye for a long time.

Everything she did was just acquiescence.

"Since you already knew my identity, why did you let me in here? There is no existence of you in the documents. Logically speaking, it is impossible for you to let others know."

Black Widow understands very well, now that Bai Ye knows her identity.

Why let her in here, this is the only thing she doesn't understand.

Logically speaking, if it is detected, it should be directly obliterated, and the traces should be wiped clean.

"It's just the lack of a maid, you just made up for it by coming here."

"And now, that person is back, and you can just leave. It's better to let you leave in good faith than to let you go secretly alone."

Bai Ye shrugged.

Just missing a maid to serve.

Black Widow's mouth twitched.

It was just such a simple reason.

It's just the lack of a maid to keep such a dangerous agent by her side.

This reason made Black Widow silent.

It turned out that she was so indifferent.

But thinking of Bai Ye's strength, Black Widow felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

She may be very threatening to ordinary people, but she doesn't seem to be a threat to Bai Ye.

"Master, are you telling me this now, just want me to leave decently?"

Black Widow asked.

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