"Of course not. Go back and tell Nick Fury to let him come here tomorrow. I have something to discuss with him. Presumably he is also interested in me, but remind him that after tomorrow, I may not be here."

Bai Ye said lightly. *

Chapter [-] The Virgin of the Ancient One

"This is his original words, let you go to him tomorrow and say whatever you want to ask, he can tell you everything."

Black Widow changed back to her usual clothes and was walking down the street talking to Nick Fury on the phone.

Bai Ye didn't have to talk to her for long, and let her go directly.

For this, Black Widow was very resentful.

At the same time, she is also a little helpless. This mission is probably the most unsuccessful mission in her life.

He was held in his hands from beginning to end, like a marionette, and he didn't know anything at all.

"As the first magician we know so far, I am really interested in him, but Natasha, do you know what he has to do with me?"

A deep voice came from the phone.

Nick Fury also had a lot of headaches. Even if he met mutants before, he never had such a headache.

That's because as the largest country in the past, they controlled a lot of intelligence and information, so they knew a lot about mutants

But they knew nothing about Bai Ye, and Bai Ye knew everything about them.

The positions of the two sides are different, before they were in the dark, but now they are in the light.

"I don't know about this. He didn't reveal much, and I reported to you before."

Speaking of this, the black widow's face showed a strange look: "Mage Bai Ye, I don't see any ethereal temperament as recorded in the novels and books. He looks like an ordinary person. People are no different."

"That would be troublesome."

Nick Fury sighed.

The more he does, the more troublesome he feels.

A person who can know that they are together, and who controls their unpredictable abilities, could be an ordinary person?

Black Widow was silent.

Her mission is over, though success or failure is unknown.

According to the task at the beginning, you only need to check the depth inside.

In a sense, Black Widow did get a lot of things during the days of lurking in the temple, and it can be considered to help SHIELD get some of the reality of the temple.

Those things were probably exposed directly by Bai Ye, and he probably didn't care about them.

Black Widow sighed in her heart, and was a little irritable at the same time.

"Natasha, your mission is here for the time being"

Nick Fury said in a deep voice: "Since he wants me to go there in person, then I will go there tomorrow, and I also want to see the depth of Master Bai Ye.

The sound fell.


The call was immediately hung up.

Black Widow didn't care, she put it in her pocket, and then disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people.


at the same time.

in the temple.

A ray of light rose, and Daniel, who had not seen him for a long time, returned.

"Master Bai Ye, Venerable Gu Yi said that he wants you to go back to Kama Taj."

Daniel said to Bai Ye.

"I know this"

Bai Ye's face did not fluctuate, as if he had known it for a long time, he directly opened the door of space and left the place.

Seeing the disappearing figure, Daniel circled his head

"The Venerable Gu Yi is really predictable, and she was really right."

On the way back, Gu Yi asked Daniel to come over, as if he asked Bai Ye to come back.

Daniel subconsciously asked, what's the matter.

However, Gu Yi smiled mysteriously and said that you can just tell Bai Ye, he himself knows what it is.

But now that he came back, Bai Ye was really just like what Gu Yi said, he didn't ask anything and just left.

No wonder they all said that the realm of the ancient one is not something we can covet.

Daniel sighed, then shook his head and began to clean up the things in the temple.

He hasn't come back for many days, he misses the temple monster.

After all, I have been here for a long time.

Your account has been terminated.

at the same time. ,

At Kama Taj, a mysterious space.

Gu Yi is like a flat ground, sitting directly in the sky, holding a book in his hand and studying hard.

"You're back."

As soon as these words came out, a ray of light appeared in the space, and Bai Ye walked directly out of it.

Looking at Gu Yi sitting high in the sky, Bai Ye was a little excited and said

"Teacher, have you finally made up your mind?"

Seeing Bai Ye's excited look, Gu's eyes flashed with helplessness.

As a disciple of her, everything is good, whether it is talent or personality, it is extremely good.

The only bad thing is that he is extremely belligerent, especially for things that interest him.

"You have asked me so many times before. As a teacher, I should also give you an answer. I agreed with the plan you said before, but I have a request."

Bai Ye's expression froze, and he sighed: "Actually, you don't need to do that. Even if you save him, he won't accept your love, why bother, teacher."

"I don't care if he admits it or not, but in the end, he is my student. I brought him in. There is no reason to watch him die, and maybe I shouldn't have brought him in here in the first place."

Ancient one.

"I don't know what you think. He colluded with Dormammu and wanted to send Dormammu directly from the dark dimension to the earth. This kind of crime is committed when the two countries are at war, and it is a traitor. Such a person, you still want to save him."

"He is my student after all, and also your senior brother."

Gu Yi said seriously.

No compromise on this point.

"I want a senior brother, but unfortunately that guy stared at me when I came in, but he never gave me a good look."

Bai Ye glanced at Gu Yi and saw that his face was not very good, and he felt a little irritable.

"Forget it, I can save his life, but I can't guarantee his life or death. After all, Dormammu's power is not vegetarian."

Gu Yi is all good, just a little bit of the Virgin

Especially for his own disciples.

Whether it was Carmodo or Casillas behind, Gu Yi clearly knew that these two people had murderous intentions towards her.

But let it go again and again.

This heart is really the softest I have ever seen in Bai Ye. *

Chapter 4 Dormammu [[-]]

In fact, Bai Ye has never understood why Gu Yi let Mordu and the two of them go again and again.

According to common sense, the two have already been charged with unforgivable crimes and should be executed.

But the ancient one still regarded it as invisible again and again.

"With your words, that's enough."

Gu Yi sighed, turned his back to Bai Ye, looked at the snow scene in front of him, and said in a deep voice

"If it can be saved and Mordo's magic is abolished, then he will not be able to pose any threat to you."

"up to you."

Leaving this sentence, Bai Ye directly opens the door of space and prepares to leave

And at this moment, Gu Yi stopped him.

"Wait, take this thing."

I saw that Gu Yi directly threw something over, and the golden glitter seemed to be a gem.

Bai Ye took it, glanced at it, and a strange color suddenly appeared in his eyes.

time gem.

The most valuable thing in Kama Taj.

Bai Ye glanced at Gu Yi, then put away the time gem, then waved his right hand, opened the door of space directly, walked in, and left.

Get out of that space.

Bai Ye did not leave Kama Taj because of this, but stayed at Kama Taj

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