"Mage Bai Ye is good."

"I have seen Venerable Bai Ye."

"Can Venerable Bai Ye sign my name?"

Walking among the Kama Taj, many students and the magician among them looked over one after another.

Bai Ye is a legend at Kama Taj, but a legend.

However, very few people saw him, because after entering Kama Taj, Bai Ye entered into a state of crazy cultivation, and did not go out all the year round, and there were only a handful of people who saw him.

Although it has not come out very much, his image and prestige have been circulated.

After all, not long after learning magic, Bai Ye swept everyone in Kama Taj except Gu Yi.

Even a senior magician like Modu was swept out by Bai Ye.


Bai Ye nodded to the people around him.

Speaking of which, a lot of people are unfamiliar to him.

First time meeting.

Bai Ye sighed, now that Kama Taj's people, it is estimated that he really knows, there are not as many newcomers.

Because of his talent and the fact that he was a cultivator in the past, he didn't know many people.

It didn't take long to go.

Bai Ye came to a courtyard.

at this time.

In the courtyard, there is an acquaintance of him.

"Bai Ye, you actually came back."

Calmodo turned around, and when he saw that it was a white night, his face suddenly changed greatly, becoming a little gloomy, looking extremely terrifying, and behind him, there were wisps of almost invisible black smoke floating.

"Sure enough, I absorbed Dormammu's power, and it seems to have absorbed it for a long time. Unfortunately, I became a slave of this power."

That wisp of black smoke is a symbol of the power of the dark dimension, which is basically difficult for ordinary people to see.

Only those who also practice the dark dimension can see it.

Of course others can't see it, but Bai Ye can see it clearly, like smoke rising from Mordo's body.

In Kama Taj is forbidden to practice the power of the dark dimension.

Because this force is too erosive, without strong willpower, it will be directly controlled by the force, rather than the power itself.

It may even become a puppet of the dark power, so Kama Taj has always prohibited the practice of this power.

Of course, if you can control this power, Gu Yi will turn one eye and close one eye.

Because she has practiced herself.

"Why, Modu, don't you want to see me so much?"

Bai Ye grinned.

Moro's mouth twitched, and his eyes flickered.

Of course I don't want to see you.

These days, I don't know how comfortable I am without seeing you. This is the most comfortable time in the past few years.

"How is this possible? Didn't Venerable Gu Yi say that you went outside to relax? Why did you come back after relaxing?"

Mordo Road.

"Just come back to get something, and leave later, you are busy, I will go first."

Seeing Mo Du's fake smile, Bai Ye didn't stop here in his heart.

Leave this sentence and leave immediately.

Your account has been terminated.

After a long time, Mo Du's face gradually became hideous, and he smashed his fist directly on the ground.

Suddenly, the ground cracked.


Every time I see Bai Ye, Mordo feels very comfortable, as if this person was born to be his nemesis.

In fact, Bai Ye didn't do anything, because he had been cultivating since he entered Kama Taj, and he never had much contact with Mordo.

I just don't know why, Mo Du has been hating Bai Ye all the time, and he has been unhappy with Bai Ye.

"There are still a few days, Bai Ye enjoy the last few days alive."

Moro's eyes were gloomy and he said in a low voice.

The time is coming, and when Dormammu arrives, he will be able to gain power beyond the ancient one

At that time, he can directly crush Bai Ye, and since then, Bai Ye has become history, and he cannot be arrogant in front of him.

By that time, Kama Taj had made him king.


Not only Kama Taj, but the entire earth, he will rule.

Mordo is very ambitious. He not only wants to control Kama Taj and replace Gu Yi

He also wants to take over the entire planet.

However, he didn't know that all this had already been seen by Gu Yi and Bai Ye.

It was for this matter that I met Gu Yi in Bai Ye before.

I want to use Cal Modu to lead out Dormammu behind him. *

Chapter 5 What you see is the future [[-]]

Bai Ye didn't stay in Kama Taj for long. After walking around, he returned directly to the temple.

Returning to the temple, as before, he greeted Daniel to eat, and then the day passed slowly.


The next day.

Nick Fury is here, just a little early.

Came at nine in the morning.

Daniel opened the door and led Nick Fury into the hall.


Bai Ye pointed to the sofa opposite and said to Nick Fury.

Speaking of which, this is the first time he has met Nick Fury, the director of the famous S.H.I.E.L.D.

There are many comments on Nick Fury, but most of them are insidious types.

And now Nick Fury's face doesn't show his sinister side, but looks a little fierce and full of suffocation

Especially with a blindfold, his eyes are cold, it is estimated that ordinary children are scared to cry when they see it.

"First meeting, Mage White Night, my name is Nick Fury, you should have known about my identity long ago."

Nick Fury, holding out a hand, introduced.

The two shook hands and sat down

"The famous Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., naturally knows."

Bai Ye smiled.

"Since Master Bai Ye knows my name, I would like to ask if Master Bai Ye called me over today, what is there to discuss."

Bai Ye invited him over, he was very surprised at first

Some even don't want to come here, because as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., when others invite him, usually others come by themselves, and he personally delivers them to the door.

At this point, Nick Fury felt a little prickly, because it seemed that the initiative was not with him. ,

It was clear that the other party asked for him, but now he came over in person, but instead he was begging others, congenitally, and seemed to be a little shorter.

According to the negotiation, the momentum has been lost half.

However, with Bai Ye's identity and Black Widow's report, Nick Fury decided to come over.

Because he intuitively feels that if he doesn't come, he seems to regret it later

Although a bit nonsense, Nick Fury's intuition has always been very accurate.

"I want to borrow something from you."

Bai Ye was too lazy to be polite, and went straight to the point.

"What can make Master Bai Ye still be moved."

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

Bai Ye spat out a word.


Hearing this, Nick Fury didn't even think about it, and refused directly.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the container of the infinite gem space rough stone, has some abilities of the space rough stone, and at the same time, the energy it emits is also a very magical energy.

After obtaining the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been using it for research as a weapon, which is called the second plan.

It's just that the universe Rubik's cube is too mysterious, coupled with a hard body, the current technology of the earth has not completely broken him, so he can't see the reality.

It can be said that although S.H.I.E.L.D. has studied this thing for a long time, nothing has been researched. It can be regarded as a dispensable thing.

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