"Director Nick, you don't have to refuse so quickly, I just borrowed this thing, and I'll give it back to you when I'm done."

"Mage Bai Ye, I have no right to decide this matter, let's change the topic."

Nick Fury is very determined and has no room for slowing down.

It's actually normal.

After all, when he met Bai Ye for the first time, he didn't have any friendship. How could he borrow the universe cube to go out?

After all, this thing is temporarily the most valuable thing in S.H.I.E.L.D.

And if he took away the universe Rubik's Cube, those scientists who study this thing would not agree [-]%, and there is also the official side, it is impossible to agree.

So Nickris never thought about lending the Rubik's Cube.

"Director Nick, don't say everything so resolutely, it's easy to discuss together."

"We can discuss other things, but the universe Rubik's Cube is absolutely impossible."

Nick Fury didn't give in, no matter what Bai Ye said, he didn't let go.

For a while, the two were at a deadlock.

"Why does Chief Nick do this, making our relationship so awkward."

Seeing Bai Ye sighing, Nick Fury twitched the corners of his mouth.

What's the matter with me, isn't it your problem?

The first time we met, we needed the universe Rubik's Cube and borrowed the most expensive thing from S.H.I.E.L.D.

This kind of request has been put forward. Do you still think that the relationship between us is okay?

Besides, we didn't have much relationship in the first place.

And if it is borrowed, the ghost knows whether it will be repaid.

Once this kind of thing is in the hands of others, it is really a sheep into the tiger's mouth, so don't even think about being able to come back.

The right was sent out.

"Master Bai Ye, I also want to have a good talk, but your request is too much, and it is impossible for me to agree to it."

Nick Fury sighed, pretending to be very difficult.

You can act, and so can I.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye's eyes jumped.

This old fox can really pretend.

If it were someone else, it is estimated that he would leave immediately after yelling.

It's Nick Fury, the old fox, who can still chat with him here.

Seeing Nick Fury, he still refused to give it.

Bai Ye was too lazy to continue talking, and directly showed up.

With a wave of his right hand, a ray of light flickered, and a magic circle appeared.

Immediately following, the surroundings seemed to freeze together, and the space turned into mirrors.

And on the mirror, there are videos one after another.

Inside, there is a dark breath spreading in the sky, directly covering the entire sky, as if to devour the entire sky.

At the same time, there was a blue-skinned person standing on the sky like a god. With a big wave of his hand, the ground collapsed and turned into dust.

Even a hole was opened in the sky, and countless alien warships fell from the sky.

Seeing these things, Nick Fury was stunned.

Because of these videos, it seems like the real thing

He even saw a familiar figure inside.

Team America.

At the same time, he also saw that the cube of the universe was robbed and became the culprit of the scourge of the earth.

"What are these."

Nick Fury said in a deep voice.

"These are the futures that will happen later."

Bai Ye looked indifferent and said softly. *

Chapter 6: Apocalypse is so weak [[-]]

All you see is the future?

Hearing this sentence, Nick Fury frowned, and his first reaction was that he didn't believe it.

But at the back, he had to believe it.

"This is the past."

I saw another video appearing in the air.

And this video is very peculiar. It is a woman wearing a blue battle uniform. Her body is like a rocket shooting towards the starry sky. It doesn't take long before she disappears in place.

And below, there is a figure standing.

And this figure, Nick Fury is no stranger

Because that is him.

Seeing this scene, Nick Fury believed a little.

Because of this scene, he made sure that no one knew.

"Mage Bai Ye, you let me see what these things are for."

Nick Fury said in a deep voice.

"I didn't do anything, I just wanted to tell you that the earth in the future will not be as simple as you think. Even if one is bad, the entire earth may not be destroyed."

Bai Ye's eyes flickered, and his tone was a little low.

"Are you trying to tell me that if you want to stop this, you must hand over the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to you?"

"That's what it means. In fact, even if you don't give it to me, the universe cube will be taken away by others sooner or later."

Bai Ye said lightly.

In fact, he also wanted to take it directly, but he felt that it was not in line with his identity to be sneaky.

just gave up.

Otherwise, with his ability, he can directly travel through the past, stop time, unlock various protections through space, and at the same time create a fake cosmic Rubik's Cube, put it in the original place, and then escape.

Even if the Avengers plot begins, after being robbed, these people will not find out.

Or not at all.

It's just that Bai Ye was too lazy to do that, and he was confident enough to let Nick Fury take out the universe cube obediently.

It's just a different way

The picture he showed Nick Fury to see, although it was a corner of the future, was actually nothing.

Because this scene can never happen in the future.

When he came to this world, it was doomed to not happen.

It can be said that even if Nick Fury sees it, it will not have any impact on the future.

"I remain skeptical about this future, and even if this is true, at least he was taken away, at least we may have predicted, but Master Bai Ye, you didn't tell me what you want the universe to do, I need The reason why you want the Universe Rubik's Cube, then I may decide to give it to you."

Nick Fury is not stupid, it is impossible to directly take out the universe cube because of these images.

If Nick Fury could speak in a few words, it would be impossible for him to sit in the position of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Hey, Nick Fury, I don't know if you're really stupid or pretending to be stupid."

Bai Ye sighed and said, "I want the universe Rubik's Cube, of course, through his energy to become stronger, otherwise, aliens will come in the future, what will the earth do to resist them, just rely on you people?"

"Don't dislike me for talking too much, don't talk about future aliens, even if I am now able to raze the country under my feet to the ground."

"The technology and weapons you rely on now are small toys that are not worth mentioning in the eyes of some special people."

"Let's not say anything else, the mutant chaos in the Pharaoh country not long ago, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., you should know?"

"Did you mean Apocalypse?"

Apocalypse he knows that some time ago, he was known as the first mutant, Apocalypse.

The creator gods and gods in mythology were born.

In the beginning, the apocalypse did cause a chaos, and it even took the entire planet by storm

It just didn't take long for Tianqi to suddenly disappear, as if it disappeared out of thin air, and there was no trace of it to be found.

They also speculated at the beginning whether Apocalypse left the earth or was killed by someone.

"Could it be that Apocalypse was taken by you."

In vain, with a flash of inspiration, Nick Fury thought of a possibility and exclaimed directly.

If Bai Ye really did it, then from this point you can directly see the depth of Bai Ye's strength.

Bai Ye didn't return, just snapped his fingers.

Another video surfaced in front of Nick Fury.

And this video is exactly the video of Bai Ye crushing Apocalypse.

"What kind of power is this?"

Nick Fury was full of shock when he saw Bai Ye crushing Apocalypse directly.

From this video, it can be seen that Tian Qi and Bai Ye are not at the same level.

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