It's like a fitness athlete fighting a primary school student. He was beaten all the way, and there was no chance of winning.

"Is Apocalypse so weak?"

Seeing that Apocalypse was so lame, Nick Fury couldn't help it and spoke directly;

Because from the video, it seems that Apocalypse is really not good, and it is not as scary as the rumors say.

What kind of gods in the Bible, what God of Creation and so on.

It looks like a primary school student, without a trace of threat.

Bai Ye's mouth twitched.

Apocalypse weak?

This Nick Fury is also embarrassed to say.

If he hadn't killed Apocalypse, with Apocalypse's ability, he would have swept over directly, not to mention S.H.I.E.L.D., except for the ancient one on this planet, all of them would be wiped out.

Because in a certain parallel universe, the earth was ruled by the apocalypse. *

Chapter 3 The student of the warrior, the slave of the dragon 【[-]】

"The single universe level, the power of time and space, this deduction is worth it."

Bai Ye used his mental power to feel the body, and found that his bones, blood, internal organs, etc., all exuded an extraordinary feeling from before, like a diamond, shining with eternal light.

As I said before, the magicians in this world are different from the magicians in normal Western mythology. They also temper their bodies, and even have magic that specializes in cultivating their bodies. Bone, flesh that cannot be hit by ordinary bullets.

There are many such magicians in Kama Taj, but generally they are all ascetic, and they stay in Kama Taj and cannot come out.

And now, Bai Ye found that his body had been tempered again, and it was estimated that the missiles could not penetrate his body, although it might not be as good as Thanos... a few "five-nine-zero"

The physical body is almost immortal, but it is also a very terrifying existence in this universe.

And this is just a small tempering of the power of time and space, it is nothing.

The real brilliance is that his physical body can sneak into the space, which means that the space is his physical body. As long as the space is not destroyed, no one can hurt him, unless some rules and other things can directly erase him.

For example, Thanos of the Infinite Gloves can wipe him out with a snap of his fingers.

After all, it is the power of rules, and the ability of the infinite gloves is too terrifying, like Thanos with infinite gloves, directly from the sub-tianfa to the powerhouse of the multiverse level, it can almost be said that he acts arbitrarily in the universe, and he can do whatever he wants. .

However, the power of the infinite gloves is amazing, but it cannot kill Bai Ye directly, because the power of time and space can make his soul live in the long river of time and space, even if it is destroyed by the infinite gloves, he can still be resurrected from the river .

This is the most terrifying point of the power of time and space. As long as time is immortal, he will be immortal, almost similar to the rule of immortality and immortality.

terribly terrifying.

"The power of time and space is really terrifying."

Bai Ye pressed his hand slightly in the air, and the time and space shattered, just like glass, it shattered directly.

Small cracks appeared directly in his eyes.

It is a space crack, and without special power, it cannot be created at all.

"It is estimated that I am now encountering Apocalypse, and it is really possible to crush him with one finger."

When he killed Apocalypse before, although he didn't use all his strength, he couldn't really crush him with one finger.

But now, with the power of time and space, he can crush as many opponents as Apocalypse, directly blasting the space, directly from the space.

There is no room for escape at all.

"The soul of time and space gives me an immortal soul. The power of time and space allows me to control all spaces. As for the gate of time and space, it is... allowing me to wander in the long river of time and space, and travel in time, whether it is the past or the The future can go directly, and the gate of time and space can open the door to other universes, this ability is estimated that the transcendence and the court of life do not have."

The power of time and space has many uses, and the gate of time and space is estimated to be the most powerful one, which can traverse the long river of time and space without damage, and can also lead to other universes.

This universe is not the Marvel universe, but other worlds, places before crossing, or anime and movies.

However, he still does not have enough control over the power of time and space, and he cannot choose the world he traverses, because there are so many families, which can almost be described as trillions. Under this amount, it is like finding the only one among all the sands of the earth. Sand, it's just too hard.

"After you're done with Dormammu, maybe you can try it."

Although he had crossed once before, Bai Ye still wanted to try it. After all, he used to pass through passively, but this time it was an active one.

The senses of the two are different, and the feeling is also very different. the same time.

Kama Taj in a certain house price.

Carmodo stood in front of an altar in a robe.

He stared intently at the altar, very nervous.

The altar in front of him is the key to his future surpassing Gu Yi, and it is also the key to hanging Bai Ye.

If this time fails, it will be difficult for him to turn around and deal with Bai Ye in the future.

At least....... in its view, there is no chance.

Because once they fail, Gu Yi and Bai Ye will find out... After a long time, under the gaze of Mordo, a black light rose from the small altar, like smoke, lingering in the in mid-air.

Soon, these... The smoke formed a strange face in the air, like a skeleton, looking full of evil spirits, like an evil spirit coming out of hell.

Very vicious.

"Lord Dormammu, when will you act?"

Seeing the black misty face in front of him, Mo Du lowered his body and said very humbly.

It hurts to say that, in order to resist Dormammu, Gu Yi has never left Kama Taj, and her disciple, Carmodo, in order to gain strength, directly put down his dignity and succumbed to Dormammu.

The student of the brave, became the slave of the dragon, I have to say.

This thing is really ironic.

"Don't worry, my clone still needs some strength to come to this world. In three days at most, my clone's strength is condensed, and it can naturally move."

Dormammu's voice was eerie and intimidating.

However, Modu seemed to be used to it, and his face did not change at all.

"Three days should be enough."

"By the way, I just got the news that Gu Yi handed over Kama Taj's long-lasting treasure to Bai Ye for safekeeping. Now she doesn't have that... treasure to protect."

An hour ago, when Modu met with Gu Yi, he saw that there was no necklace with the original time stone on Gu Yi's neck, so he asked directly and did not think of Gu Yi.

7 Tell him directly that Bai Ye wanted to study that thing, so he gave it directly to Bai Ye, saying that he might have to study it for a week. When he heard the news, Mo Du was almost furious. When he wanted to study this necklace, Gu Yi never gave it to him. However, Bai Ye said that he gave it directly, and also gave it for a week on the spot where Moro almost had a seizure. The difference in treatment between the two was simply too great, just like the mother and stepmother raised.

"That's great, without that... treasure protection, Gu Yi is nothing at all. With my clone and your sneak attack, Gu Yi can be killed directly."

Hearing that the ancient one had no time stone, Dormammu was full of excitement.

: For the time being, I will go to the third watch. When I wake up, I will continue. The tenth watch will definitely not be in arrears... I will go to bed first, I am a little sleepy, it is already three in the morning.

Lu's novel

Chapter 4 You are too naive [[-]]

"Without that... treasure, Gu Yi would surely die in front of me."

Dormammu is very confident. Although the ancient one has kept him in the dark dimension, he has not been allowed to enter the earth. It is not because of the ancient one's own strength that he can stop him from the earth, but because of the ancient one's time. The original stone, this 1-time rough stone indirectly enhanced Gu Yi's strength, allowing him to compete with Dormammu. At the same time, Dormammu's power comes from the dark dimension, which is the dark dimension. In the dark dimension, Dormammu is almost invincible. Existence, his power is endless, like the entire dark dimension is his source of power, in this case love, Dormammu's strength may have reached the level of a single universe, or even a multiverse, but it is also successful. In the dark dimension, defeat is also the dark dimension. In the dark dimension, although Dormammu is invincible, once he leaves the dark dimension, his own strength will drop by a level.

That's why Gu Yi, who owns the original stone of time, directly blocks Dormammu from the earth. Otherwise, if he ignores the space, even if the ancient one has the original stone of time and space, facing Dormammu with the dark dimension, it will be unbearable. hit.

Of course, in this world, Dormammu is even worse, because of the existence of Bai Ye, almost as soon as he left the dark dimension, he was joined by Bai 15 Ye and Gu Yi. But now, Bai Ye is not in Kama Taj, and Gu Yi has no time stone. As long as his clone is strong enough, plus the main body, and Mordo's raid, he has a [-]% certainty that Gu Yi will give Gu Yi in an instant. Instant kill.

"Lord Dormammu, this time we join forces, there is a good chance of killing Gu Yi directly"

Mordo is very nervous, this time the plan cannot fail.

Because once it fails and Gu Yi is not killed directly, then Bai Ye's reinforcements will basically arrive instantly.

Bai Ye, who possesses deep space magic, doesn't need to hurry. When he realizes it, he can open the door of space and come to the scene in an instant.

At that time, once Bai Ye, who had the original stone of time, became angry, Dormammu could leave, but he would not be able to leave. Basically, Bai Ye arrived at the scene, and he was basically no different from death.

But if Gu Yi died, then the outcome of everything would be different. Dormammu could let the main body come directly, as long as he and Dormammu joined forces, there was a high probability that he could kill Bai Ye.

"[-]%, as long as my clone is strong enough, Gu Yi can be killed in an instant, but I still need a few days to gather the power of the clone."

Now, although Dormammu's clone has come to Kama Taj through Mordo, its strength is not very strong, and it is estimated that it is not enough to deal with the ancient one.

So Dormammu wants to stay for a few days to condense the power of his clone to the extreme, then at that time, he can kill the ancient one in one fell swoop, Lord Dormammu, for a few days.

""Three days at most."

Three days were not long, and it passed in a blink of an eye, so Mordo didn't say much.

It's just that the dark power on the altar gradually thickened.

at the same time.

In a mysterious space in Kama Taj.

In front of Gu Yi, the conversation between Mordo and Dormam was playing, and Gu Yi could see it clearly from beginning to end.

Mordo and Dormam are actually very well hidden. They feel that Gu Yi, who has no time stone, can't detect them at all, so they can chat unscrupulously in the room, but they don't know that Gu Yi has received darkness. Dimensional power, learned dark magic, and is extremely sensitive to... Dormammu's power.

So as soon as Dormammu came, Gu Jue arrived. Although Mordo had set up a lot of magic circles in the room, these...... were all useless.

"Hey, I finally walked this way."

Gu Yi sighed slightly, although he knew that Modu's betrayal would be sooner or later.

But I really saw Mordo colluding with Dormam with my own eyes, intending to kill her directly, and at the same time, I repeatedly confirmed with Dormammu whether he could kill her directly, as if he regarded Gu Yi as his father's enemy. of guilt.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yi is very complicated. She treats Mo Du with sincerity, and almost gave all of what she has learned to Mo Du. She does not need Mo Du in return. Du actually repaid her in this way.

Even though there are some ancient ones who have the mentality of the Virgin Mary, the state of mind is a little unsustainable.

Time flies, and soon three days have passed.

Mordo's room.

"My avatar's strength is almost condensed, and it can exert one-third of my body's power. As long as you wait and directly attack Gu Yi and let her be caught off guard, I will do it directly, plus The main body, there is also a shot, three-pronged approach, even if Gu Yi has a great ability, he will not be able to escape this time.

Dormammu's clone is very confident.

With a three-pronged approach, let alone a talent-level powerhouse, even a single-universal-level powerhouse is likely to be instantly killed. After all, it is sneak attacked by the closest person. Very messy, once messed up, you will lose your judgment, and at the same time, the control of... power will not be as good as usual.

"it is good"

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