Hearing this sentence, Mo Du nodded, a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

Gu Yi, don't blame me for being ruthless, blame you for being too selfish, if I had given me the profound magic earlier, I wouldn't have done anything to you, it's all because of your selfishness.

Up to now, Mo Du is still very dissatisfied with Gu Yi, because he really can't understand, why Bai Ye, who started a long time later than him, can surpass him in a year or two. Neither believe it.

According to the plan, Mordo brought Dormammu's distraction to find the ancient one.

"What's the matter, Mordo."

9 Gu Yi's face was gentle, looking at Mo Du with a slight smile, but a hint of distress and confusion flashed in his eyes.

And all of this, Mordo didn't see it, because all his thoughts were on killing the ancient one.

"Teacher Gu Yi, I recently learned a new magic, and I want to see you."

"You cast."

"Teacher looks good."

Moro smiled slightly, his right hand stretched out, and a black magic circle appeared following Moro's face: it twisted, and his voice was full of coldness and resentment, "Go to hell and watch, Gu Yi."

Between the words, endless darkness spewed out, directly shrouding the surroundings, as if falling into darkness, "Gu Yi, you never wanted to fight, your students will betray you."

At the same time, Dormammu also appeared, and there was an endless stream of laughter.

With a three-pronged approach, Mordo, Dormammu's clone, will go to Dormammu's body, directly across the barrier of the dimension, and bombarded directly at Gu Yi, only to see three black forces with lightning speed. The momentum instantly covered the surroundings, directly shrouding Gu Yi, as if to swallow Gu Yi directly.


When the three forces were about to bombard Gu Yi, the three forces suddenly stopped, as if the space had frozen for a while, and they were directly stuck around.

"You are too naive to think."


The space cracked open, and an icy voice suddenly sounded.


Chapter 5 Dark Roar [[-]]

The space split open, and a figure slowly walked out.

This person is Bai Ye.

I saw Bai Ye walking out of the gate of space, standing directly beside Gu Yi, and glanced at the surroundings, especially Mo Du, who gave him a meaningful glance.

Immediately, he gently spit out the word "broken."

Wow la la.

As soon as these words came out, it seemed like a god, and the words followed the law, and the power of darkness around them, like glass, shattered one after another, and it didn't take long.

This time, the mysterious space returned to its normal appearance.

"It's impossible, why are you here in the white night."

Mo Du roared loudly with a look of disbelief. He had confirmed that Bai Ye was not in Kama Taj, so he dared to do it.

And the timing was also very good. Basically, there was no chance for Gu Yi to ask for help. In an instant, they started.

But why, Bai Ye was able to rescue Modu in time, he didn't understand.

This is why Mingming's plan is so good, and basically Gu Yi has no room for escape.

And what Modu thinks the most incredible is that Gu Yi hasn't been injured yet, which is the worst result.

If Gu Yi was severely damaged, there may still be a chance, but now Gu Yi is intact, what can be used to fight.

"Impossible, what's impossible, do you think your plan is perfect, directly join forces with Dormammu, kill the teacher, and then join forces to kill me, right?"

Mo Du's face was gloomy, his plan was indeed the same, and if he followed his plan, Gu Yi, who had no time for the original stone, could escape even with his great skills.

But now Gu Yi is standing there intact, all this is incredible.

Even if Bai Ye's support was timely, it couldn't be so fast.

Unless, he stayed here and thought of this from the beginning, Moro's face darkened, and he said in a deep voice: "From the very beginning, you will go straight to my plan."

"It seems that you are not stupid, you reacted so quickly.

Bai Ye shrugged, looking at Moro with great surprise, as if to say, you make me a little impressed, not as stupid as I thought before.


Mo Du cursed in his heart, and Bai Ye humiliated him in person.

"What if you come, both of you are going to die today.

Dormammu didn't say too much nonsense. Although the attack just now was stopped, it was not something to see. The originally solidified dark power, like a raging ocean wave, continuously spewed out from the surrounding area, and instantly covered the surrounding area. It was as if it were dark night.

At first glance, it was pitch black, and at the same time there was a strange power.

As if the whispers of countless undead, people shudder.

"Dormammu, if you are in the main body of the dark dimension, come, maybe I am a little bit afraid, just a clone, you also want to make waves"

"It's naive, and you think you can use the power of the dark dimension."

Bai Ye sneered and said slowly, "Dark Roar."

As soon as the words fell, a black magic circle appeared in front of Bai Ye. At that moment, the terrifying dark energy rushed out wildly, as if like a river, it swept the surrounding directly, and Dormammu's dark power, In front of this force, it was directly swallowed up.

As if this is the master of darkness, the real power of darkness, not the dark dimension controlled by Dormammu.

dark magic.

Magic originating from the dark dimension, this kind of magic is aggressive and extremely difficult to deal with. It is even more terrifying than ordinary magic. However, because the power of the dark dimension is too erosive, without enough mood, it will become a slave of black magic. , so all the time Gu Yi did not let the people below learn black magic because he was afraid that people with unstable minds would directly become slaves of black magic, and became helpers for the dark dimension to attack the earth, so he has always been forbidden. Of course, if the mind Firm, like Bai Ye, she doesn't care, because to him there is no justice in power, only those who use it are truly evil and good.

Boom boom boom.

Violent explosions sounded endlessly, and the power of Dormammu's clone was vulnerable in front of Bai Ye, and was directly swallowed up by the power of Dark Roar.

Even the power from the dark dimension itself is devoured.

As a result, Dormammu couldn't help but leave directly and returned to the dark dimension because he had already seen the depth of Bai Ye's strength, which was definitely a strength that he did not have before.

And he suspects that if he doesn't go back to the dark dimension now, maybe wait a moment and obliterate his distraction, there will be enough power to obliterate him.

"Vientiane Tianyin."

Bai Ye stretched out his right hand and snorted a terrifying gravitational force, which directly absorbed Moro.

Grabbing Mordo's neck, another sound of Bai Ye's direct hits on Moro's body sounded, and Moro's soul was directly beaten out by Bai Ye.

This is a kind of soul magic that can extract the human soul from the body without damage. When the Avengers IV, Gu Yi once played out the soul of the Hulk like this, making the Hulk helpless, even though he had a whole body. Top-notch brute force, but nothing against... Gu Yi.



At the moment when his soul came out of his body, Bai Ye threw Mordu's body out, grabbed it with one hand, and pulled out Dormammu's avatar directly, "Bai Ye, you are the most terrifying opponent I have ever seen, you are indeed better than Mordu's. Trash is stronger.

"After Dormammu's avatar was caught by Bai Ye, he didn't say anything threatening, but rather complimented Bai Ye.

Because he knew that if his avatar fell into Bai Ye's hands, he would definitely die.

At the same time, I feel very angry about the distraction of Mordo and Dormammu. This trash can do anything, and it is impossible for Bai Ye to support him in an instant.

Who would have thought that their plans had long been known to Bai Ye, and everything they did was just like the clowns on the street, a little funny.

"A lot of nonsense."

Bai Ye looked calm, and directly crushed Domano, Qian Zhaomu's distraction sounded like the sound of glass falling on the ground, Dormammu's distraction exploded directly, turning into wisps of black smoke, and it didn't take long for it to crack directly. .

Resolving Dormammu's distraction, Bai Ye's eyes fell on Mordo, "Leave him a life, just abolish his magic."

Gu Yi's voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing this, Bai Ye took a deep look at Gu Yi, and then directly punched Mordu's soul into his body.

Immediately, a finger appeared glossy and touched Mordo's forehead ornament, "He has already been abolished by me, wait: come back, I am asking people to throw others out."

Saying that, Bai Ye opened the door of space and went directly in. Their plan has not been completed yet. They just destroyed a clone of Dormammu, but they were not satisfied.

"Do it yourself."

Gu Yi took a deep look at Mo Du, then followed Bai Ye's footsteps and entered the door of space.

Lu's novel

Chapter 6 You are very courageous [[-]]

"My strength is gone."

Mo Du felt himself and found that whether it was the magic power in his body or his spirit, everything was gone, as if he had returned to the moment when he worshipped the ancient one.

"It's really gone."

Moro knelt on the ground in despair, his face covered with dead ashes, like a terminally ill patient, suddenly aged by several decades, even his hair began to turn gray, and wrinkles appeared on his face.

It didn't take long for Mordo to change from a middle-aged man to an old man who looked like he was in his [-]s or [-]s, with frosty white hair and wrinkles on his face, wrinkled together like tree bark.

The magic of this world has the effect of health preservation. Generally, learning to a profound realm can prolong the lifespan. It seems that the ancient one looks only thirty or forty years old, but the ancient one is actually hundreds of years old.

And Mo Du is not too young. It is estimated that he looks like a hundred years old because he is too old, and Bai Ye has only come in for a year or two, and he has directly surpassed him, causing Mo Du to think that Gu Yi is hiding a profound Magic, not given to him.

So after Bai Ye came in Kama Taj, Modu has been hostile to Gu Yi and Bai Ye 890 just because of this problem. He knows that the magic that Gu Yi taught Bai Ye is probably not as much as what Gu Yi taught him.

The ancient one was to bring Bai Ye into the door, but to really get to this point, he still relies on Bai Ye himself.

Due to the system, Bai Ye is often able to draw inferences from one case because of a single magic, thus quickly mastering this type of magic top magic, so it took Bai Ye a year or two, which directly exceeded decades, and even Hundreds of years of practice.

However, all this is nothing.

Without the blessing of magic, even if Mordo is not killed, he is not far from death. With his current vitality, he will live for a few years at most, and he will go to the end of his life like an ordinary old man.

For a magician, or a magician who has practiced for hundreds of years, losing his strength is like the death of an old man. This is the ultimate torture, especially from a prosperous middle-aged person to an old man in a short period of time. This kind of taste is not Common people can experience it.

"No no, I can't go on like this."

Mordo held his head and shouted loudly, his face was full of fear. He didn't want to leave as an old man. He would rather be killed than watch his life pass day by day.

"You forced me to."

Mordo showed a ruthless color, and then took out a black crystal, the crystal was rhombus-shaped, exuding a black color of light.

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