This was given to him by Dormammu before. As long as he squeezed this crystal, he would be able to obtain the true power of the dark dimension, and he would also become a real dark magic, and obtain the source of black magic.

But the price is... sacrifice your own soul.

In the past, although Mordu knelt down to Domamu a lot in order to kill Gu Yi and Bai Ye, he always felt that this was just borrowing Doma Mu's power. As long as Gu Yi and Bai Ye died, he would inherit Karma. The position of the supreme mage of Taj, get Kama Taj's artifact, then he will not have to be afraid of Dormammu.

His own idea is to use Dormammu to kill Gu Ye, so as to achieve the means of becoming a supreme mage.

In this regard, when Dormammu gave him this crystal, he sneered in his heart and cared but now.

He had to give in, if so, he would have no way to get back his own power. "Hahaha, what about sacrificing souls, as long as you get the amount, as long as you can kill both of them."

Mo Du laughed loudly, his fingers like tree bark, directly pinched the black vigilant bang, and the crystal cracked, turning into a black mist that appeared in front of him.

Not long after, a door of space was opened, and there was no color in it, only an endless black, like a black hole, swallowing everything, even light.


Mo Du swallowed his saliva in his throat, and a stern look appeared in his eyes, and then the whole person walked directly into it. Not long after, the darkness directly swallowed Mo Du's body.

After half a sound, the door of space closed, and everything was calm.

at the same time.

In the dark dimension, Bai Ye and Gu Yi are on their way. They are in Dormammu's body.

At the same time, Bai Ye suddenly stopped his footsteps, turned his head and looked behind, a flash of color flashed in his eyes.

This guy, Mordo, even sacrificed his soul to Dormammu in the end. As a disciple of Kama Taj, this is a shame.

It's like a group of warriors are going to kill the evil dragon, but after seeing the evil dragon, they put down their thoughts and become a new evil dragon instead.

"I will kill you next time I see you.


Bai Ye turned his head and headed straight for the depths.

Because of Gu Yi, he had let Mordu go many times before, but now it's impossible.

Even his soul has taken refuge in Dormammu. If he doesn't kill her, Mordo will definitely become the murderer who destroys the earth in the future, and he is very familiar with... Kama Taj, if he attacks suddenly, it is very likely that Kama Taj will be killed Destroy it directly, therefore, it is impossible for Bai Ye to let Mordo go.

"what happened."

Gu Yi asked.

"Mordo sacrificed his soul to Dormammu." will definitely see Mo Du at that time, so Bai Ye didn't hide it, but it's useless to hide it, because sooner or later we will meet.

Gu Yi was silent.

For this news, although she was a little sentimental in her heart, she had no other feelings.

There are too many things in Mordue's way, and she has already tolerated it a little bit numbly.

"The moment he sacrificed his soul to Dormammu, he was no longer my student."

Gu Yi's voice came slowly, neither salty nor light, neither surprised nor happy.

At this moment, Kar Modu was expelled from Karma Taj.

As soon as this word comes out.

Bai Ye's figure paused for a while, and after a while, the voice came, "You should have done this long ago."

Gu Yi didn't answer, it was indeed overdue, but she didn't think about Calmodo, the student who had studied with her for so many years, would do such an outrageous thing.

It took about two hours and a long journey.

Bai Ye and Gu Yi finally met, the master of the dark dimension, Dormammu.

At this time, Dormammu was hanging high in the sky of the dark dimension, and a pair of huge eyes looked at Bai Ye and Gu Yi below without any emotion. "You guys are very courageous."


Chapter 7: Time and Space Domain [[-]]

"You are very brave."

This sound rang out, and wisps of fire rose around, and the fiery flames surrounded the surroundings, illuminating the dark dimension and directly mapping Dormammu's body.

Dormammu looks like a hill, at first glance, at least....... It looks like a hundred meters high, and at the same time, he is very burly, muscular, and wears a layer of armor. , It is estimated that the Hulk is coming. Compared with his figure, he is not weak, but in terms of strength, the Hulk may be more dominant.

After all, the characteristics of the Hulk are a bit terrifying, as long as the anger continues, the power will increase several times, and there is no limit.

"If you are hiding on Earth, I can't help you, but unfortunately you are too arrogant, you dare to come to my territory, in order to satisfy you, I will send you to hell.

"Dormammu lowered his head, his voice unusually loud.

The original plan failed, and Dormammu was planning to come back and plan the next attack on Earth.

But he didn't expect that Bai Ye and Gu Yi also came.

This surprised Dormammu, and at the same time was extremely excited.

Because for a long time, Gu Yi and Bai Ye rarely stepped into the dark dimension and basically fought in the two dimensions to resist his offensive.

Because once you enter the dark dimension, Dormammu's strength will double, and it's not a level at all.

In the past, at the center of the dimension, Gu Yi could still be stopped by the original stone of time, but when he entered the dark dimension, it was hard to say.

"Send us to hell, Dormammu, you don't have the qualifications yet."

Bai Ye smiled coldly.

Between the words, a ray of flame bounced out of Bai Ye's fingers.

In an instant, this ray of flame rose wildly, and it didn't take long for it to turn into a mass of flames that almost covered the surrounding space, wrapping directly around Dormammu's body, instantly burning Dormammu's entire body together.

In the beginning, Dormammu didn't pay too much attention to "a mere ray of fire"

But soon, Dormammu teamed up to make a big difference.

Because he found that this flame could not be directly extinguished by his power, like a maggot in the tarsus, as long as the power was extinguished a little, a new flame soon came out.

"Damn, what kind of flame is this."

Dormammu's panicked roar sounded.

"The Ring of Time."

At that moment in the middle of the white night, Gu Yi was not idle, he directly used the original time stone to display time magic and time ring.

I saw an incomparably huge magic circle appear, and strands of white light shot out, turning into white chains, directly measuring Domamu's body and binding them together.

At the end of the chain, there is a clock that keeps looping.

The clock is very fast, it is not an ordinary timetable, but a shape that represents infinity.

Like the image of the Ouroboros.

And this is the mystery of the ring of time. The head represents the meaning of infinity. If you fall into this magic, you will fall into the infinity. No matter what you do, you will return to the origin, as if it is a continuous cycle of electricity. , eternally unchanged.

A creature caught in this magic, if there is no way to break it, time will continue to consume his own life, and it will not end until his own death. It can be said that it is an extremely terrifying time demon.

On the other side, Bai Ye was not idle either. With a wave of his right hand, the endless power of the phoenix spewed out, and the fire burned, directly covering the entire surroundings, leaving no space for Dormammu to escape.

The power of the phoenix itself is domineering, he not only burns the body, but also has a certain effect on the mind and soul.

"Damn it, damn it.

"Dormammu shouted angrily. When he first encountered the power of the phoenix, there was nothing he could do, because the power of the phoenix was too domineering, it directly followed his body and burned his soul directly.

At the same time, the time magic of the ancient one followed, directly pulling Dormammu into the infinite loop of time magic.

This made Dormammu's already difficult situation even worse.


After a long time, Dormammu's screams gradually subsided, and it seemed that Bai Ye and Gu Yi had joined forces to kill him directly.


It didn't take long for Dormammu's body like a mountain to collapse directly, like a landslide, falling one after another, and soon Dormammu's broken body piled up in the air.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye and Gu Yi did not relax their vigilance. If Dormammu was really so easy to kill, then he would not be Dormammu anymore.


at the same time.

A whistling sound sounded, and a cold light passed through the layers of space, at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, towards Bai Ye's head, as if the next second, the picture that penetrated Bai Ye's head would be seen.


However, all this was useless, this cold light stopped directly in front of Bai Ye, it was a dagger, the body was white, and there were strands of cold light emitting.

"Your spatial ability is the most terrifying existence I've seen with so many people."

At the same time, a crack opened not far away, and a figure similar to the Ghost Rider walked out slowly, and beside him stood a person who Bai Ye was very familiar with.


At this time, Mordo was completely dark, and he looked like a wizard in the Middle Ages. He was full of evil spirits, which made people feel bad at first impression.

...and the figure like Ghost Rider is... Dormammu himself.

Dormammu was originally a wizard, because he happened to enter the dark dimension and became the overlord of the dark dimension. At the same time, his body was also destroyed and turned into a magical flame body, so his head was like a 1 burning Like a fireball, it's very weird.

"It's a pity you're going to die today."

A wicked smile appeared on Dormammu's face.

"You said this just now, and you didn't pay the price."

Bai Ye's face was calm, and he pointed to the pile of garbage not far away.

"Hahaha, it's just a layer of shell, how much more do I need here."

Dormammu sneered.

She doesn't know how much the body of this shell has been destroyed..., so he doesn't care at all, "Laugh more, wait: you have no chance, you know, wait: lying here is not your shell, but yourself."

Bai Ye's face was calm, and he stepped out step by step.

The original time stone in Gu Yi's hand radiated light and flew directly in front of Bai Ye. At the same time, the space Rubik's cube in Bai Ye's pocket also glowed, and the two rays of light were running.

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