Although the universe cube is gone, the ability of the space rough stone is also good, but this is not very useful to Bai Ye, because he has the power of space and time, which is better than the space rough stone.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the space rough stone has no effect on him. The space rough stone can enhance his space ability, but the increase is not large, so Bai Ye doesn't care too much, just like the ancient one's time rough stone, if he wants time The original stone, Gu Yi will not refuse, it is estimated that he would like to keep holding the original stone of time...... In this case, Gu Yi has a reason to let him inherit the supreme The position of the sorcerer.

The six Infinity Gems are actually very powerful, but if they are separated, they are not very good, but if they are all gathered together, they are very powerful, and they can control the entire universe. .

But if you want to collect all the Infinity Gems, it's a bit difficult, because the Soul Gem level is probably stumped for countless people, including the Infinity Gloves.

"In the future, let the purple sweet potato essence be collected, and I will go and grab it.

As for .. Infinity Gloves and Infinity Stones, he would.... quite want, because he wants to analyze the secrets and abilities of Infinity Gauntlets and six Infinity Stones.

But if you want to collect it now, it is really difficult, because these things are distributed in the universe everywhere, and it is impossible to collect them without a few decades.

And soon, the purple sweet potato essence may be coming, and he also helped him to collect these things, so Bai Ye was not too anxious to collect infinite gems and infinite gloves because there were ready-made ones.

It is estimated that Thanos knew that Bai Ye had already made plans to rob him, and he was probably going to die of anger.

After the cosmic cube energy disappeared, the texture disappeared, and Bai Ye lost interest in playing. He called Nick Fury directly and asked him to come and collect this thing.

: Ask for some monthly pass flowers or something 2 [-]


Chapter 4: Nick Fury's Troubles 【[-]】

"Mage Bai Ye, what's the matter?"

Nick Fury was a little surprised when he received the call from Bai Ye.

Because he only met Bai Ye a few days ago.

Did you say something, or is it that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is going to be replaced? Nick Fury thinks the first possibility is more likely, because how could the Cosmic Rubik's Cube be returned so quickly? After researching the Rubik's Cube, it took a few days for Bai Ye to complete the universe Rubik's Cube, which is too incredible.

He felt that it should be Bai Ye who couldn't grasp the energy of the universe cube, so he was now asking them for research materials on the universe cube.

If you really want information.

Maybe I can make Bai Ye pay a little bit through this matter. Nick Fury has a wise light in his eyes, as if he is like an "eight three three"

An old fox with some conspiracies in his eyes.

As for Bai Ye, Nick Fury really wants to dig out something from him, such as the ability to see through the past and the future. If Bai Ye can help them see the one-sided future, then it will be of great help to them, even to the point of view of the future. Through this ability, they can directly arrest people they can't find, and even see through the future and see some future technologies. This is also a very powerful boost.

All in all, as long as they get the help of the ability of the white night, their image is very far-reaching, even Nick Fury thinks that this may be a very powerful reform, which may make the technology of the earth advance by leaps and bounds.

He has thought about it now, as if through the information of the cube of the universe, he is blackmailing Bai Ye. Anyway... what he wants is not much, and the price is not too big: just let Bai Ye use some small abilities. Fury concluded that White Night would not refuse.

However, Nick Fury never thought that the white night was really the second result, and the white night exceeded his expectations and broke the universe Rubik's cube.

"Come over tomorrow and take the universe cube away."

The voice of the night came.

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter Master Bai Ye, we have the research materials for the... Universe Rubik's Cube here..."

Nick Fury's face froze, and his voice suddenly stopped.

Watt, Bai Ye doesn't want the Cosmic Rubik's Cube anymore. Could it be that he has already studied the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, is the Cosmic Rubik's Cube useless to him? Nick Fury gasped, his face full of shock.

He didn't expect this result.

And this result completely disrupted his plan, or in other words, his plan died before it even started.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is useless for Bai Ye, so the data they have researched for decades is useless for... Bai Ye.

"What are you talking about, you don't have any information for me"

Bai Ye's face is a bit strange, Nick Fury, who usually has a bright head, why does he feel a little funny now.

Could it be that this guy thinks that I don't have the White Universe Rubik's Cube, and thinks that I'm calling him now to ask for their information? That should be it, or this guy, Ke Ludan, wouldn't say it without listening to me. Those words just now must have been because I felt that I had nothing to do with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, so I said those words after any thought.

Bai Ye secretly laughed at Nick Fury, an old fox, his IQ is not low, but he has overshadowed many people, and many people are scared to hear his name, because this guy is too sinister.

However, such an old fox actually fell down here, and it is not small.

"Sorry, Master Bai Ye, I heard it wrong, it's my fault, I'm sorry...

The embarrassment on Nick Fury's face is really typical of being smart.

Now let Bai Ye make a joke, and he is still very embarrassed.

For a moment, Nick Fury was ashamed that he had never made such a mistake in decades.

"By the way, Master Bai Ye, you just told me to let me go and get back the Cosmos Cube, don't you need the Cosmos Cube?" Nick Fury asked, although he knew it well.

After all, the Universe Rubik's Cube can be anything, and it is important, and it cannot be lost.

"Of course it's useless. Come and get it tomorrow, and it's better to have a special person come to check, otherwise, if you go back and say it's fake, it will be difficult for me to do it here.

"Mage White Night, you are slandering us, how could we do these things... Nick Fury protested.

"Have you ever done something you don't know about and S.H.I.E.L.D.


...What kind of collective, you, the director, know better than me."

Bai Ye sneered.

I don't know you yet, slandering and framing these things, you are playing the most 6 and dare to say it is impossible.

"Of course there is no White Night Mage for these things. You are too prejudiced against us. We are a good organization."

How could Nick Fury agree with what Bai Ye said and is that a framed plant? Is that a smear? It is for the peace of the world, it's just an excuse to eradicate evil forces.

"Okay, Director Nick, I have no prejudice against you. Since you think it's not, then it's not. You can come and let someone take it tomorrow. Anyway... things, here.

After saying that, Bai Ye immediately hung up.

Nick Fury put down his phone and rubbed his temples.

This Bai Ye is too difficult to deal with, so he has no choice at all. He has met a lot of people and will soon be able to come up with a plan. But this time, facing Bai Ye, he really has no choice at all. He was able to rely on force before. A pressure, but to face the white night by force.

I'm afraid it's not going to be razed to the ground.

"It may take a little more thought to deal with Bai Ye in the future."

Although the number of exchanges is not many, Nick Fury has regarded the white night as 1.

4 extremely difficult people because they have nothing to do with... Bai Ye, they are only passively chosen by Bai Ye.

the other side.

Around the White Night: Holding the Cosmos Cube, the right hand flashes a ray of light, and transports it directly towards the Cosmos Cube.

Soon, the universe Rubik's Cube gradually flickered, and returned to its previous appearance. "That's almost it."

Looking at the cosmic cube in front of him, Bai Ye is very satisfied. The energy of the cosmic cube is space energy, and he is not lacking, so he got a little in it. Although there is not as much energy as the previous cosmic cube, the power of the cosmic cube is still the same. , even if their professional personnel come to study.

It's impossible to see things, if he can be seen, he, the strongest mage, doesn't need to mess around.

Lu's novel

The fifty-eighth chapter is a watertight white night [5]

the next day.

Nick Fury came early with a group of researchers.

At the same time, they also brought a group of instruments there. What's more nonsense is that these people assembled the instruments directly in the temple. The instruments were so large that they couldn't fit in the room.

Out of desperation, Bai Ye directly asked them to assemble outside the yard.

These instruments can't be read in Bai Ye, but... they look a bit big.

After about half an hour, the instrument was finally assembled, and Bai Ye directly handed the universe cube to Nick Fury, "The universe cube is returned to you."

Nick Fury took the Rubik's Cube, took a few glances, and then handed it over to the researcher, whispering, "Check carefully to see if it's a Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

Nick Fury's voice was low, as if he didn't want Bai Ye to hear it.

However, no matter how low his voice was, he couldn't hide it from Bai Ye.

But Bai Ye is... It doesn't matter, just check, anyway, no matter how you check, you can't see the generalization of 15 Universe Rubik's Cube, and the final result is just the real Universe Rubik's Cube .

Nick Fury finished giving instructions to the researchers, and then faced Bai Ye with a smile and said, "Mage Bai Ye, the inspection is estimated to take some time, why don't we go inside and talk about it.

"it is good."

Bai Ye nodded, he also wanted to hear what Nick Fury wanted to talk to him about.

Back in the hall, the two of them sat on a sofa each.

At the same time, Daniel took twice the coffee and placed them in front of the two of them, looking at Daniel who was far away. Nick Fury was a little curious, "Mage White Night, just left that person."

"Don't guess, he is also a magician, and you don't need to speculate. I don't own magic alone. There are many people who can do magic, but it has never been shown, so you don't have any information."

"His name is Daniel, this is his name.

Bai Ye took a sip of coffee and looked very indifferent.

Kama Taj will be born sooner or later, there is not much difference between later and later, so now tell Nick Braised Egg, this old yin is nothing but this old coin will not dare to do anything to Kama Taj, unless I don't want to live anymore.

"It turns out that the magician is not an individual, but a group, and there may be a lot of people."

A glimmer of light flashed in Nick Fury's eyes. From Bai Ye's mouth, he roughly knew that although the number of magicians was small compared to others, there should be only a few, or dozens of them would certainly not be too many. It is estimated that there are a few. The appearance of a hundred people, or hundreds of people.

Not too many people, but not too few either.

At least......the estimated number of people is much larger than when they first learned about magic.

cough cough.

Nick Fury coughed a few times and said solemnly, "Mage Bai Ye, come here today, in fact, I have something to trouble you.

"Do you want the data of the universe cube?"

As soon as these words came out, Nick Fury's face suddenly stiffened.

I haven't even said it yet, you have just finished what I have said, what do you want me to say.

It seems like the chat can't go on.

He didn't speak, and Bai Ye guessed it.

Guessed it's nothing, because from a certain point of view, if the other side knew earlier, he could explain it clearly with less words. But, for Nick Fury, This is not a good thing.

Because the initiative is not with him at all, but has always been: Bai Ye has been in a passive state since he knew Bai Ye until now.

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