Nick Fury said: "I really want the data of the Rubik's Cube. These things are too important to us. We have studied the Rubik's Cube for many years, but we haven't got a substantial breakthrough, so I want to get the data from the White Night Master, you here. get something."

Nick Fury didn't say too much, just got straight to the point, and simply stated his thoughts. In fact, he.... also wanted to use negotiation methods, but in the face of Bai Ye, these methods Undoubtedly useless.

And talking too much will make Bai Ye upset.

It's better to say your thoughts directly, simply and clearly, in this way, you can get something.

Bai Ye said: "Don't think about it, I don't have this stuff either.

"Although he did absorb the energy of the Rubik's Cube in the universe, but you let him use the data to come out, it's a bit of a white night.

It's not that he can't make data, it's just that it's too troublesome, and Bai Ye is too lazy to do it.

And even if they get it out, it won't help them much:.

The universe cube itself is a kind of energy in space, and it has a part of the energy of the original space stone.

Even if he gave Nick Fury the energy data now, they couldn't get it out.

Because the technology of the earth as a whole is too low.

"Mage Bai Ye, I know that it is not easy for you to study these data, but I still want to beg Mage Bai Ye to give us the data of the universe Rubik's Cube, and you also know that the earth will be plagued with disasters in the future, if the earth is not strengthened, the future will only repeat the same mistakes.

"Nick Fury looked serious, stared at Bai Ye and said that without the data, he couldn't believe it. After all, Bai Ye took a lot of trouble to take the universe cube from him. There must be a way to unlock the energy of the universe cube, otherwise it would be impossible. Take it away from him, and deliberately open up the future to him.



.... I have been studying the Rubik's Cube for too long. In order to solve the puzzle of the Rubik's Cube, it has taken almost several decades to solve the puzzle of the Rubik's Cube 880. Now there may be some people who can solve the Rubik's Cube. How could Nick Fury let go when people exist.

"Director Nick, don't think too much, I can't solve the cosmic cube, or I won't give it back to you"

Bai Ye shrugged and said: "Originally, I wanted to use the energy of the universe cube to see if I could enhance my space magic, but after so many days of research, I didn't make any progress, so I gave up, and what do you think? If mine can solve the secret of the Rubik's Cube, will I return it to you so quickly? At least it will take a long time, and it will take years. "

Nick Fury stared at Bai Ye, as if he wanted to see Bai Ye's heart through Bai Ye's expression. However, Bai Ye has experienced so much, and his heart has long been different from ordinary people, and even a mutant with such a super spiritual system would be ignorant in front of Bai Ye. There is no way, for an ordinary person like Nick Fury, even more helpless.

After a while, Nick Fury gave up.

Although he intuitively felt that things were not as simple as Bai Ye said, but if he wanted to believe that Bai Ye had solved the puzzle of the Rubik's Cube in a few days, he also didn't believe it, after all, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... It took so long, and so many researchers, to crack it, how could Bai Ye crack it?


Chapter 1 Iron Man who wants to become a magician [[-]]

"Well, since you can't do anything about Master Bai Ye, it can only be said that this cosmic Rubik's Cube is not something we can crack for the time being."

Seeing that there is always only one answer in the white night, Nick Fury shrugged and had no choice but to give up.

If he doesn't give up, what else can he do? It's impossible to capture Bai Ye back, that's impossible.

Not to mention whether they can be caught or not, even if they are caught, there is no way to get the words out of Bai Ye's mouth.

After all, the Rubik's Cube, this thing they still know little about.

Or let the professor come over, there are some possibilities that just after searching the information these days, Nick Fury found out that the professor is... Bai Ye's good friend, and he met with the professor. When the professor knew that he wanted to understand the white night, Almost all of them are compliments to Bai Ye, and they also said that on this planet, no one is Bai Ye's opponent.

Even if a country is dispatched, it will be flattened by Bai Ye.

At first, Nick Fury didn't care about this sentence, but when he heard that Magneto was obediently still in Xavier's school by Bai Ye, he had to believe it.

Even the rebellious Magneto was stunned by Bai Ye and could hardly go out.

With, could it be a threat to... White Night? For this, Nick Fury's feelings about... White Night are very complicated.

I only have good friends in my heart, and I don't want to use tactics to accomplish my task, or a completely direct goal, as I used to face others.

It's not that he didn't think of a strategy to threaten Bai Ye, but he gave up later.

Because I don't dare.

"Director Nick, the energy of the universe cube is very special. If you prepare more people, you may be able to crack it. If you can apply the energy of the universe cube to the weapon, perhaps the technology of the earth can be at a higher level.

' Bai Ye smiled.

It is very simple to say, in fact, if you really want to do it, it is impossible on the earth now, except in a few years.

Perhaps at that time, there is still a glimmer of hope to hear this, Nick Fury's eyes flashed a gleam, and he said in a deep voice, "Mage Baiye, do you know something."

Bai Ye smiled mysteriously: "Who knows, human beings are a miraculous species, some things that seem impossible to be like miracles can often be seen in history.

"As soon as these words came out, Nick Fury's pupils shrank, and the aura of his head flickered.

Is Bai Ye trying to tell me that in the future we will be able to decipher the energy of the universe Rubik's Cube, or is it just a comforting word?

No, there is a high probability of the former. The future must be obtained because we have seen the future. We have analyzed the Rubik's Cube of the universe, so that we can say such words so that Bai Ye's superficial meaning is somewhat straightforward, and they use miracles as a metaphor. , Nick Fury instantly thought that there will be a new process, or even a milestone process, in the research of the universe Rubik's Cube in the future.

"I understand Bai Ye Mage, we will continue the research on the universe Rubik's Cube and will not put it down because of this."

Nick Fury said in a low voice.

He can almost confirm that Bai Ye is reminding him that the universe will not be stuck in their difficulties after the Rubik's Cube.

"keep it up.

' Bai Ye said lightly, with a very calm expression on his face.

The calmer he was, the more Nick Fury felt right about his guess.

"Unfortunately, everything is in vain."

Hearing Nick Fury's words, Bai Ye knew that this guy was just as she expected, because the universe Rubik's Cube will be resolved in the future, but how does Nick Fury know? success.

Although miracles can be seen often in history, they are not necessarily in this period of history.

"Finally gone."

After more than an hour, this group of people repeatedly tested the universe Rubik's Cube, and they did not know how many times they tested it, and finally confirmed the universe Rubik's Cube, and Nick Fury left with these researchers.

Lie on the sofa in the night, feeling relaxed.

These days, in order to deal with Dormammu, most of the time is immersed in the development of abilities, which is really tired.

But one was sent away, and the other came again.

I saw Daniel come over and said, "Mage White Night, there is another person outside, who seems to be named Tony Stark."

"Let him in."

Hearing Tony coming, Bai Ye helplessly got up from the sofa.

The timing of these guys' arrival is also really anxious, one after another, I don't know if Nick Fury had seen Iron Man when he left.

If you see it, it will be fun.

He vaguely remembered that during this time period, Nick Fury should have invited Tony as a member of the Avengers.

It's just that I didn't know if I agreed or Bai Ye was invited, but he refused. Nick Fury seemed to know that it was not possible, so he probably just tried it. After saying it once, he didn't mention it.


Master Bai Ye, I am familiar with those people just now."

Tony came over and sat on the sofa beside him very familiarly, "You said that bald head just now, that person you know, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....s head."

"Nick Fury how did he get here."

Hearing that it was Nick Fury coming, Tony exclaimed.

He is no stranger to... Nick Fury, after all, S.H.I.E.L.D.


...however, it was created by his father.

Get Zhao Zhao for .. S.H.I.E.L.D.


...still heard a bit.

"Come here to do something"

"Okay, let's not talk about this, are you sure you want to learn magic today?"

Bai Ye looked serious, stared at Tony and said.

Gu Jian Gu "Yes, Master Bai Ye, I have been thinking about it for a long time and finally decided to learn the Rubik's Cube, and I won't back down because of it."

Tony looked very determined.

After seeing Bai Ye's ability that... science can't explain, Tony's thoughts about... magic have never been eliminated, but have become more... violent.

"Since you're sure, then I'll take you to a place where someone will teach you magic, but let me remind you that your technology research in the future is not much worse than magic."

Between the words, Bai Ye waved a door of space with his right hand, and inside was Kama Taj.

Lu's novel

Chapter 2 Technology and Magic, a brand new reform [[-]]

"White Night Mage, here is there"

Passing through the gate of space, Tony followed Bai Ye to Kama Taj. He saw a group of people around him wearing robes, waving their hands, and golden rays of light rose up, condensing into a magic circle, and Tony was shocked, and his eyes showed strangeness. 's eyes.

Is this the place to learn magic? "This is of course the place for school magic. This place is called Kama Taj. It is the only holy place on earth where magic exists. Basically, magicians on earth are from out here”

Bai Ye rolled his eyes, didn't he know that he asked you to learn magic, so obviously this is the place to learn magic.

"Mage Bai Ye, I now know that this is the place where the school of magic is, but why are there so many people studying magic here? Normally, isn't there only a few people?"

Tony said.

Bai Ye stopped, looked at Tony and said, "Who told you that only a few people can do magic."

"Uh, I guessed that."

Tony was in a cold sweat, he wouldn't tell Bai Ye, it was because he searched for Huaxia's novels through Jarvis, and learned from 993.

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