Because he saw that Bai Ye was of Chinese descent, he thought it was very likely that the birthplace of magic was in China, so he asked Jarvis to search for it.

The news of magic is not collected, but I learned from some information that there are some mysterious power sects in Huaxia, and the number is very small, only a few people, even to only one person.

"Mage Bai Ye is good."

"Hello, Venerable Bai Ye."

When passing by, Kama Taj's mages stopped one after another and said hello to Bai Ye.

Seeing this scene, Tony thought to himself, "It seems that the White Night Mage is also a respected existence in Kama Taj, not an ordinary magician."

As the ruler of a large company, Tony can feel the respect of the people around him for Bai Ye at a glance, and even more respect for him than the senior officials of his company.

It took about ten minutes.

The two came to a portal, "It's my teacher and the owner here, she's called Gu Yi, so wait: when you see her, you'd better slow down, otherwise she doesn't want you, I It's useless to say anything, understand?"

Bai Ye stopped in front of the door, turned his head and said seriously to Tony.

Although Gu Yi couldn't refuse Tony, but according to Tony's character, he was a bit willful and arrogant. If he said something unsatisfactory, he might be thrown out directly by Gu Yi.

"Master Bai Ye, don't worry, I understand this."

Tony looked very serious and said in a deep voice.

His wish was only the last step left.

Naturally, he couldn't be as arrogant as before.

And through those things, he has matured a lot.

Clap la la.

Bai Ye opened the door directly, and saw the figure of the golden monk standing in the center.

The two walked in, Gu Yi also turned his head, Ni and Bai Ye were a little surprised.

When Bai Ye came back, she thought something was wrong.

I didn't expect to bring someone back.

"Bai Ye, this one is."

Gu Yi pointed at Tony and asked.

"This guy wants to learn magic, I think his talent should be good, so I brought it back."

Bai Ye shrugged.

In terms of talent, Tony's talent is estimated to be not bad. After all, if he can become a supreme mage, how could his talent be bad?

"Hello, Venerable Ancient One, my name is Tony Stark. Because I was fortunate to see the magic of magic, it made me feel the mystery of the world, so I asked Master Bai Ye to learn from it."

Tony's expression is very sincere, without any willfulness and arrogance as before.

It was completely as if they were two different types of people.

Gu Yi smiled and said, "You don't need to introduce, I know who you are talking about, but I'm just curious why you come to school for magic if you don't do it, is it really because of interest?"

For people who often peep at time, Gu Yi is naturally no stranger to Iron Man, after all, this guy will be... a protagonist in the future, it is difficult to know him.

It's just like what I said above, Tony wants to be a magician, this is something that Gu Yi didn't think of.

As she thought, Tony should put all his effort into researching new technologies.

"It was just an interest at first, but a sentence from Master Bai Ye woke me up and made me feel that I need to learn magic. Of course, I will not give up technology."

Hearing this, Gu glanced at Bai Ye and asked curiously, "What did Bai Ye say to you?"

It is actually quite difficult to get a senior scientist to come over to learn magic, and still have a firm will.

"Master Bai Ye, once said that the end of science is...theology, so I think if I study magic, it will also future technology, so I asked Master Bai Ye."

Facing Gu Yi, Tony thought of what Bai Ye said before opening the door, so Tony didn't hide it, and just said what he said in his heart.

Gu Yi took a deep look at Bai Ye.

The end of science is theology, but this sentence's not wrong at this universe.

"Since you are so determined and want to practice, then you can come to Kama Taj tomorrow to learn magic, but your technology should not fall behind. Gu Yi didn't say much, just agreed, just reminding Tony not to because Magic, thus making science fall, it may not be a good thing for him. If magic and science progress together, it may not be a good thing. Gu Yi also wants to see this scene, after all, no matter what things need to be reformed , and this time should be a good opportunity for magic reform.

"Thank you, Venerable Gu Yi."

Tony thanked him, but he was a little confused about the words behind Gu Yi.

Bai Ye told him that technology cannot be left behind, and Gu Yi also said that it cannot be left behind. His technological achievements are really not weaker than Bai Ye's. If Bai Ye knew what Tony said, he would probably die of laughter.

Tony's technology is good, but if he wants to surpass Bai Ye, it is impossible to give him a thousand years.

At the level of a single universe, the number of creatures in this realm is extremely rare in this universe.

What's more, Bai Ye, who controls the power of the phoenix and the power of time and space, is not an ordinary creature of the single universe level.


Chapter 3: A Journey That Says You Can Go [[-]]

Tony became an apprentice in Kama Taj as he wished, and from tomorrow he will learn magic in Kama Taj, but he is different from other apprentices, all other apprentices have to stay in Kama Taj. He can come to Kama Taj at any time. Bai Ye gave Tony a teleportation space ring. As long as he wants to come to Kama Taj, the teleportation magic of this ring will be activated and send him to Kama Taj too. It's very convenient to say.

Of course, although this thing is convenient, it also has drawbacks. Because it is too convenient, it will often make people lose their research on magic. To put it bluntly, because entering and exiting will lead to loss of original interest, naturally they will not take it seriously. learned.

Bai Ye has thought about this... but he feels that with Tony's mind, he shouldn't be so weak, and even if he really doesn't study, He doesn't do much harm either, although Tony is a part of his reformation of... technology and magic, but even if it can't be done, it can't be done anyway... This is just an idea out of interest.

Watching Tony leave, Gu Yi turned around, stared at Bai Ye and asked, "How long do you think he will last."

The meaning is very simple, Gu Yi is not very optimistic about the progress of Tony's school magic because she can see that Tony is studying magic, maybe he just saw the mystery of white night magic at first, so he wants to learn on a whim.

But magic is boring and takes a lot of time, even a genius needs a lot of time to get started.

Of course, Bai Ye does not belong to the ranks of geniuses. This is a rare monster that the earth has seen for thousands of years. He stepped into the magic doorway in one or two months, and one year exceeded most of the self-magic who had studied for decades. division.

In two years, he directly became the strongest under Gu Yi, and in three years his strength almost rivaled Gu Yi.

This growth rate is a bit too high, something Gu Yi has never seen before.

"I feel like he should persist for a long time, even to the end."

Compared with Gu Yi, who is not optimistic, because Bai Ye knew that in a certain parallel world, Iron Man became the Supreme Mage.

That shows that his magical talent is not bad, and even compared with Doctor Strange, it may not be far behind.

Otherwise, it is impossible to kick Doctor Strange down and become the Supreme Mage.

"And teacher, don't you think it's very interesting? If Tony's magic talent is not low, he will really be able to combine technology and magic in the future. At that time, Rubik's cube and technology may be... another way."

"Like some ancient texts or some magical items in novels, maybe they will also appear one by one."

Bai Ye said with a smile.

"For example, and you also said that his talent is good. If his talent is not good, everything you think will become an illusion."

"No, no, anyway... what do we have to lose, not to mention that Kama Taj will be born sooner or later. It's not much different to be exposed earlier and exposed later."

Bai Ye doesn't matter, it's just an attempt after all.

"It can be observed, and I also want to see if Tony can integrate magic with technology. If it succeeds, Earth's civilization will go further, and it may not be what it is now in the universe."

Although Gu Yi was not sure about Tony's talent, she really hoped that Tony could combine magic and technology as Bai Ye said. In this case, some other dimensions will be available in the future.

If aliens attack, the earth also has a chance to resist.

The existence of the Magic Temple is very simple. It protects the peace and defends against enemies in other dimensions. As for the Alien Magic Temple, there is no way to deal with it. After all, it was enough to face Dormammu before, and there are other things. There is time to face aliens, but it is different now. Domamu is not in any danger for the time being. In the future, although the Magic Temple will also defend against people from other dimensions, those enemies are more than Domamu. It's almost time to get up, maybe Bai Ye and Gu Yi don't need to take action anymore, some old men in the Magic Temple are enough to deal with.

"Let's wait and see, the unknown is the most anticipated feeling."

Bai Ye smiled.

Smiling very brightly.

At this time, Tony was on his way home, and he didn't know that he had been tricked by Bai Ye and Gu Yi.

He thought it would be a very difficult thing to learn magic.

Even paid a lot of money.

But these... all don't matter, because now Tony is very excited, because he can finally glimpse another corner of the world, which is undoubtedly a very good discovery for Tony to come to the book.

And even if he knew it, Tony didn't care, after all, this matter was brought up by him first, not by Bai Ye.

At the same time, Bai Ye never asked him anything, it was just Tony's own volition.

Bai Ye chatted with Gu Yi for a while, and then returned to the New York Temple. He seems to have not liked staying in Kama Taj very much recently.

............ Maybe it's the atmosphere, most of the people in Kama Taj are practicing magic, and not many people do anything else, so the atmosphere is not very good , a bit depressing and dull, not suitable for the white nights I want to relax now.

Back in the room, Bai Ye watched the drama for a while, then put down the phone, and started to think about what he was going to do for half an hour, he thought about it, it seems that there is nothing to do in the recent period, after all, he has some plans The time has not yet come, and it will take some time. As for travel to other places, after so many days, he has almost traveled to the famous places of the whole earth, and he doesn't really want to go.

"Maybe it's time to travel."

His time and space power can open the door to other universes, and although this ability is not too lethal, it is also very good.

When he got the power of time and space, he thought that if he was idle, he could spend some time. It would be a good choice to take a time and space trip to see other worlds. After all, he has reached his realm. If he wants to make a breakthrough, he must have a certain chance, otherwise, even if he cultivated for a thousand years, it is not as good as a good chance.

Without thinking too much, Bai Ye directly used the power of time and space to stop time, and a portal appeared in front of him, inside it was pitch-black as night, and the five-fingered person could not be seen.

Lu's novel

Chapter 4 Endless World, Time Travel [[-]]

"here we go."

Bai Ye muttered, his eyes were closed, and the vast spiritual power spurted out directly, as if it was like the starry sky in the universe, vast and boundless.

Spiritual power penetrated into the gate of time and space, Bai Ye felt that his consciousness was black, as if he was in the dark, and he was really in the dark.

"It seems that it is still a bit difficult to find a world. It is estimated that they have not left the edge of this universe."

As for these............, Bai Ye............ there is no surprise, although his power of time and space is very mysterious, but if you want to wear it in an instant It is still a little unrealistic to go through the Marvel Universe. If he reaches the realm of Life Court or Transcendence, there is still a possibility that he will immediately leave the Marvel Universe and lock in other universes.

At this time, Bai Ye's mental power is in the dark "four eight zero"

He didn't stop there, but moved forward, as if: looking for something.

I don't know how long it took, the darkness gradually dissipated, and he seemed to have left somewhere and came to a whole new world.

Here, as soon as the picture turned, countless light ions appeared in the darkness, as if like fireflies, scattered over this piece of heaven and earth "This should be the edge of the Marvel world, as long as you cross it, you can enter other worlds.

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