the light of fireflies, although it looks small, Bai Ye understands that this thing is just too far away, just like looking up at the stars on the earth, those... ......The huge stars look tiny, like sand.

But the real distance, it is estimated that mathematics is difficult to measure, it all starts at the speed of light, and it is like a trillion.

Bai Ye didn't directly enter a light particle because he hasn't really left the Marvel universe yet, but just out of the edge of the Marvel universe. To go directly across the Marvel universe and into other worlds, he still needs to go out directly. Driving the spiritual force, he went straight forward and rushed forward.

Not long after, he suddenly felt a repulsive force burst out from the outside, as if he was going to be bounced out directly, not letting him pass. disappear.

This is the real magic of the power of time and space. Although it does not have the ability to destroy the sky and the earth, it can directly pass through the boundaries of the universe and descend into another universe, and it will not be rejected.

If it were other people, it is estimated that this repulsive force would directly crush others into pieces, and the soul would not be able to recover.


It didn't take long for Bai Ye's spiritual power to travel directly across the Marvel Universe and directly to a whole new world.

In front of him, huge planets appeared in front of him.

These planets lingered with colorful rays of light, and the scene inside seemed to be blocked. Moreover, he found that the size of the planets here was different. Even the same light, some planets were so huge that they directly occupied the entire edge, thousands of them. Hundreds of stars are not on these.... However, this kind of planetary body is relatively small, only a few, directly across the sky, high above, majestic... ...invasion

Planets are big, small, and small: like an Egyptian, if there is not a ray of light, Bai Ye would not have noticed it, and Bai Ye turned back and saw that he was also one behind him.

And this should be the Marvel Universe.

The rest of the surrounding planets should also be... a world or a universe.

"This should be the difference between the Great Thousand Worlds. Those......the incomparably huge planets should be the top worlds, and those......look like dust. Planets should be some worlds that may collapse and die."

The world is not eternal, it will also die, but the time of death is not unimaginable for normal creatures.

The survival world of the world, it is estimated that it is not a trillion to describe, it is estimated that it is another calculation method.

After watching for a while, Bai Ye began to scan the surrounding planets, looking for a place to enter.

This time, he is trying to travel, and he is going to travel to other worlds to take a look. Maybe he can get some opportunities, such as a lot of data points. After all, there are quite a lot of treasures in other worlds. If you absorb it, you may be able to grow a lot.

"That's it."

After searching for a long time, Bai Ye didn't know how to choose, so he chose the planet next to the Marvel Universe that was similar to his. After all, he didn't know which world these planets were, so he could only choose one... Bai Ye did not break through directly, but locked the planet with the power of time and space, and directly set up a magic array of time and space transmission. Will is noticed.

Because this ability is universal, no matter which world you go to, it will be regarded as a creature of this world by the will of the world.

After finishing the teleportation formation, Bai Ye didn't stay there any longer, but went back to the original path. Compared with the previous exploration, this time the speed of going back was extremely fast, and he went straight in. Anyway... the road is similar.

I don't know how long it took, Bai Ye's mental power passed through the gate of time and space and returned directly to his body.

"It turned out that a day has passed, and it turns out that the time is the same."

Looking at the time, Bai Ye realized that only one day had passed, which was actually a short period of time. If it was calculated according to the time inside, it was estimated that several years or even decades would be normal.

Afterwards, Bai Ye went out and told Daniel that he was going to travel recently, and before he came back, he didn't need to bring him any breakfast or anything, just eat it by himself.

After speaking, Bai Ye went back to his room.

Double 5.

The 3 hands were raised, and the power of time and space poured out instantly. In front of him, a huge and complex magic circle was formed. This magic circle has almost countless textures. I don't know because it's so mysterious.

"Hope you don't let me down, this time travel."

Bai Ye opened his eyes and thought for a moment in his heart, the magic circle opened, and a huge incomparable force swept away, directly running through the sky, covering the entire earth. At this moment, almost all creatures felt a supreme power. Under this coercion, they were like ants looking up to the sky, leaving only a deep sense of powerlessness.

No matter who, no matter what kind of creature.


Chapter 5 Wonder Woman Diana [[-]]

The power of time and space spreads, suppressing the world.

At this time, Xavier Junior Gifted School.

The principal's office, the professor, the beast and Magneto felt this power, and stood up instantly, there was only one look in their eyes, that is shock.

Even a little horrified.

Because this force made him feel too violent, since they were born, they have never felt such a terrifying pressure.

Under this coercion, they felt a sense of insignificance, like a small boat in the sea.

"Eric, does this force feel familiar to you?"

Shu turned around and looked at Magneto next to him and said with a trembling tone.

"It's really familiar, as if I've felt it there"

Magneto's face was serious, his eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice.

This coercion was so terrifying that a fear was born in the heart of Magneto, a rebellious man, as if: under this force, he would be crushed to death, just like he was This is the 15 strange feeling that is very powerless to deal with some ordinary people.

"It's impossible. We don't have many powerhouses in contact with, and there are not many powerhouses left on the earth. Except... Baiye Mage, it can give us a sense of oppression."

It's not a blow. Under the circumstance that the ancient one was not born, there are really few people on earth who can bring them a sense of danger.

And even if it was a white night, it didn't give them much feeling.

As for the others, they are almost dead.

Just like the apocalypse not long ago, it has long been annihilated.

As soon as these words came out, Magneto thought for a moment, and said faintly, "Maybe this is the breath of Master Bai Ye."

Although it is a bit unbelievable, but Magneto felt a breath of Bai Ye from this coercion. Although it was very weak, it was indeed Bai Ye's breath.

"Master Bai Ye? I said, why are you so familiar? It turns out to be the breath of Master Bai Ye."

Compared with Magneto's seriousness, the beast took a sigh of relief. If it was Bai Ye Mage, it would be easier to handle. They didn't need to worry about anything. After all, if it was someone else's, it might not be a good thing for them. There may be conflicts, or other people will have bad thoughts about him.

But not at night.

"It should be the breath of Master Bai Ye. Although this breath is a little different from before, it still feels similar."

The professor sighed: 'Bai Ye Mage has become: more and more powerful, it is estimated that facing the apocalypse now, he can be in seconds.

"When facing Apocalypse in the past, Master Bai Ye was also casual.

The beast muttered silently in his heart.

Magneto was a little irritable, and he didn't reply to the professor's words. Compared with the other two, he and Bai Ye had a good relationship.

And he was planning to escape, get out of here.

Well now, Bai Ye has become stronger, and if he leaves now, it is estimated that facing Bai Ye, he can only go directly to see the god of death.

Stop wanting freedom.

Compared with the conversation of a few people, the rest of the major places issued orders one after another.

To search for the source of this momentum, we must investigate clearly.

Because for those in power, the owner of this breath is a bit of a threat.




....Here, Nick Fury received a notice that they should immediately send troops to investigate the reality of this aura.

Nick Fury also knows the seriousness of the matter.

Immediately ordered high-level agents to dispatch, they went to all parts of the world, began to collect information, and investigated the next one.

Karma Taj.

The moment when the power of time and space came over, Gu's eyes showed a strange color, "Bai Ye, this boy has become stronger again." Feeling this coercion, Gu was able to recognize Bai Ye's breath in an instant. At the same time, she found that Bai Ye seemed to have changed. is stronger, far stronger than when dealing with Dormammu.

"No, why is Bai Ye not on Earth?"

Gu Yi's mental power was covered, and when she was about to find Bai Ye, she found that there was no breath of Bai Ye in the whole earth.

You must know that with Bai Ye's strength, let alone the earth, there are not many Naihe people in the universe.

But now Bai Ye's aura is gone for no reason, plus the aura that just erupted, Gu Yi always feels a little bad.


Gu Yi opened the door of space and came directly to the New York Temple. The person who came in front of him was... Daniel saw Gu Yi, and Daniel quickly said respectfully, "I have seen the ancient one."

Hearing this, Gu Yi hurriedly asked, "Where are the others in Bai Ye?"

Daniel was stunned for a moment and said, "Mage Bai Ye was in the room just now, but he told me that he seemed to be going on a trip, and now he is probably gone, and he may even be in another country."

In other countries, they are no longer on earth.

But hearing that Bai Ye was only going on a trip, Gu was relieved for a while.

This guy should have gone to the cosmos and left the earth. It is estimated that he wants to go to other planets to take a look and relax.

After thinking about it, Gu Yi was also at peace, and opened the door of space directly and returned to Kama Taj.

With Bai Ye's strength, Gu Yi is not worried that someone can threaten Bai Ye, after all, his strength is there.

And see the ancient one back.

Daniel scratched his head, very puzzled, what happened to Venerable Gu Yi, why did he just leave when he heard that Master Bai Ye was going on a tour.

Isn't there something to find Master Bai Ye? Daniel mumbled for a while, and then went to do his own business.

Amazon Paradise Island.

Diana was sitting on the edge of the cliff with a bit of depression. Today, she learned the art of fighting, and was discovered by her mother, and then she was scolded again. At the same time, she also implicated the Amazon's general.

"Why didn't my mother let me learn martial arts"

Diana really didn't understand that everyone on the island had to learn martial arts, but she couldn't. Could it be because she was a princess, but even so, as a princess, shouldn't she set an example.

"Wait... what is that"

Diana raised her head and found that on the edge of the sky, something like a meteor fell directly, and it fell on the coast not far away.

Seeing this scene, Diana got up directly and walked towards the target.

Lu's novel

Chapter 1 Time Traveler [[-]]

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