"Damn, it's really not that simple to travel across.

"Bai Ye's consciousness began to wake up, and he suddenly felt a little pain in his head, as if he had hit something, and he felt a bit of shock.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful woman looking at him.

The woman, who looks only in her early twenties, has long hair, her eyes are like, formed, sparkling, and her skin has a healthy complexion. Although it is not very white, she looks very sunny and healthy.

"Wonder Woman"

Seeing the woman in front of him, Bai Ye was stunned for a moment.

He originally just wanted to find a random world and try to travel, but he didn't expect to come directly to Marvel's nemesis. In the universe, Wonder Woman is also the head of the universe and has a very high reputation. Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Bai Ye not to know .

"You're awake, are you alright?"

Seeing Bai Ye wake up, a surprise appeared on Wonder Woman Diana's face.

"Can you help me a little bit?"

This time, his consciousness has completely returned, and Bai Ye also remembered what just happened. When he crossed the boundary between two worlds, he was a little unskilled because of the first time crossing the world. The force of the world's jaw collided, and then lost consciousness.

Then... the whole person came to the earth of the world, but he was not conscious, just like a falling meteorite, he fell directly. Fortunately, his physical fitness was also extremely terrifying. Although he fell from a high altitude, but There was not much damage in Bai Ye, but I felt that my body was a little hot, which was a sequelae of severe friction.

"I'll wait, I'll help you."

Diana hurriedly helped Bai Ye up, and then lay down on the huge stone beside the beach.

"how do you feel."

Diana looked at Bai Ye and said with concern.

If it was according to other female warriors on Paradise Island, they would be very vigilant when they saw the white night fall.

After all, he fell from such a high place without being hurt. This kind of person is by no means an ordinary person, and he may even be a dangerous person, who can be reported to the leader of Paradise Island.

But because Diana was a little too kind, she didn't have this idea, she just thought she wanted to save Bai Ye.

"I'm fine, but I'm more comfortable now."

Lying on the stone, Bai Ye felt a little more relaxed, and there was no previous discomfort.

Although there was a car accident.

But Bai Ye... Nothing happened, his own power is still there, and although his power comes from the Marvel Universe, it can also be used in the universe, and its power is not diminished.

"Speaking of who are you, are you from the outside world? It's okay for you to fall from the sky."

Diana blinked, looking at the white night very innocently.

Since he has been staying on Paradise Island, Diana is very curious to the outside world, but she has no way to go out and see the outside world, so after seeing the white night, Diana's heart couldn't help it.

Looking at Diana's innocent appearance, she looked very cute, Bai Ye couldn't help reaching out, touching Diana's hair, and starting: it was very smooth and the touch was very good.

When Diana saw Bai Ye's move, her pupils froze, and she couldn't help but want to take action, but she didn't know what was going on, and the vigilance in her heart was put down. .she doesn't have any bad intentions.

"It feels good."

Bai Ye sighed in his heart, then looked at Diana and said, "If someone like me wants to touch your hair in the future, you must refuse, no matter who it is, as long as it is a man."

Such a pure person, Bai Ye will not allow others to defile him.

And although Diana is very smart, her personality is a little innocent and she is not familiar with the world. Bai Ye is a little worried that she has been deceived when she left Paradise Island.

"Then why do you want to touch my hair, isn't it that men can't touch it?"

"I'm different, just now I was teaching you.


Bai Ye's face did not change, and he said righteously.

Diana's pupils flickered, as if it sounded right, but why did she feel weird.

Seeing Diana's expression of hesitating to speak, Bai Ye opened the topic directly, "By the way, my name is Bai Ye, you can also call me a time traveler, your name, a beautiful and powerful female warrior."

Bai Ye smiled slightly.

"My name is Diana Prince, you can call me Diana."

The ignorant Diana answered Bai Ye very innocently.

Although Bai Ye knew Diana's name for a long time, he still pretended to appreciate it almost "Diana is a good name."

"It looks good in there.

"Because it's smooth."

Diana couldn't help showing a black line, although she was simple, she was not stupid.

Obviously, Bai Ye couldn't think of a good place there, so he just said a few words.

But these......, Diana then forgot about it, anyway... it's not a big deal and she is more interested in... Bai Ye's identity "Bai Ye, Time and Space What is a traveler, or are you just an ordinary adventurer."

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth twitched an ordinary adventurer. An ordinary adventurer could fall from a height of tens of thousands of meters without dying. Isn't this nonsense? Not to mention tens of thousands of meters. If you fall from tens of meters, everyone will need it.

"See what you think, if you think I'm an adventurer, it's actually.

'Speaking of which, he is really an adventurer, after all, coming from another world to another world is not an adventure, what is this.

"I feel like you don't" "Why do you feel that way"

Diana showed a smile like a smile and said, "My intuition has always been accurate."

"Then your intuition may be wrong. I am indeed an adventurer."

"But not ordinary, right?"

Diana replied: 'We were talking about ordinary adventurers, that is ordinary people, and you don't look like ordinary people no matter how you look at them.

"Bai Ye looked at himself, except that his clothes were not rotten, his face looked no different from ordinary people. "You are sure you guessed right, and your mother has come to see you."

Bai Ye smiled and gave Diana a wink.

In an instant, Diana turned around and saw that her mother seemed to be bringing the troops from Paradise Island.

Chapter [-] The Lasso of Mantra

"It seems that something is wrong, and your mother looks a little angry.

Bai Ye looked at the menacing Paradise Island Amazon troops in front of him, his face was very relaxed, and he did not change color because of the troops in front of him.

In fact, he really doesn't care much about Amazon's troops, it looks very imposing, but the combat effectiveness is a little anxious.

It is estimated that it is a little stronger than ordinary people, but it is not counted as these...... Extremely terrifying troops at least...... In Bai Ye's view, these ............It's nothing, just reach out and shoot it out.

"Oops, my mother must have found out that I was with you, so she brought people here."

Diana looked at her mother with a cold face, and suddenly felt a little anxious.

Hearing this sentence with you, Bai Ye's face showed a strange look, little beauty, your words are somewhat different, we have just met, how could it be possible that we are already together.

"Do you not welcome people from the outside world in your island?"

asked the night.

He vaguely remembered that in the movie, the people of Paradise Island seemed to be less hostile to the outside world.

Could it be because of Diana, maybe.

Bai Ye guessed that he was furious when he saw that he and Diana were somewhat intimate.

You must know that Diana's mother, the queen of the Amazons, is so painful for... Diana.


Diana shook her head, although Paradise Island has always been isolated from the outside world, but because of the enchantment, they have been living on the island. There is no clear rule that outsiders are not allowed in.

It's just that Amazon's current situation seems to be going to war, so does Diana have any confidence in her heart?

Subconsciously, Diana touched Bai Ye's hand.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

"Let's go, let's go, it's just a misunderstanding, I'm sure your people will understand."

Seeing Diana's hesitant expression, Bai Ye smiled, "You don't need to worry about anything, it's all a misunderstanding, make it clear and you'll be fine.

"Seeing Bai Ye's affirmation, Diana could only nod her head.

Immediately, Diana dragged Bai Ye slowly towards the Amazon army.

When the queen of the Amazon, that is, Diana's mother, listened to Bai Ye and Diana's narration.

His eyes were faint, hovering over the two of them, and then he said in a cold voice, "Take it back and talk."

: She can't tell the difference now, the two are true and false, but it'll be......after returning.

Amazon has a rope that makes people unable to lie, and as long as others are tied, the truth can be told.

on the Amazon's Great Hall.

Everything is full of vicissitudes of life, as if there are traces left here.

Bai Ye stood in the center, Queen Hippolyta, Diana's mother, at the top, and next to him her sister, Antiope, the Amazon's general, and Diana, although not as bad as Bai Ye, was still in the same position. Stand aside.

"Diana, put the mantra on him."

Queen Hippolyta didn't talk nonsense and started to work directly. She was not Diana, but a queen with rich experience. Naturally, it was impossible to directly believe Bai Ye's words.

Hearing this, Diana hesitated for a while, then immediately trapped the mantra lasso directly on Bai Ye's body.

At the moment when the rope got close, Bai Ye felt an inexplicable force trying to get into his body, but he was instantly bounced back by his own strength.

Although it is a divine weapon, it is really difficult to have an effect on him.

Seeing the mantra lasso condom on Bai Ye's body, Queen Hippolyta stared at Bai Ye and said in a deep voice, "Tell me your origin and name."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ye looked calm and said slowly, "My name is Bai Ye, I am an adventurer, and I come from China."

It is basically impossible to say that he is from another world.

After all, the water in the world is still very deep, and the background of the Amazon is the gods. If those... gods know his identity, they will probably do some bad things.

"Adventurers can fall from the sky without hurting at all. You are fooling us in Bai Ye."

Hippolyta was directly enraged, these... plan how she could possibly believe.

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