Falling from the sky and not dying, it was just a joke by an ordinary adventurer. At the same time, she had a doubt in her heart, because now Bai Ye has put on the nostalgic lasso, what she said is basically true, and it is impossible to lie.

"Because I am an ancient Chinese cultivator, I have the power that ordinary people do not have, so I can fall from a high altitude without dying, of course, it is not very high, it is estimated that it is only two or three hundred meters.

"The corner of Queen Hippolyta's mouth twitched, and it is estimated that it is only two or three hundred meters. At such a height, even their elite Amazon warriors would be smashed if they fell directly.

"How did you fall from the sky."

"It's maddening to say that I was thrown from the plane. Originally, I paid him to take me to a place, and then this guy threw me off halfway."

Speaking of this, Bai Ye looked angry, as if he was very angry with... the person who threw him off the plane.

Hearing this, Hippolyta basically determined Bai Ye's identity.

It is an ascetic from China. She has seen such ancient cultivators before, but in fact, he has an ability that ordinary people do not have, and Hippolyta also has the ability of... ascetic. I'm very interested because in the white night they fall from a height of hundreds of meters without dying. If I teach them the method of his cultivation, then the Amazon warriors will rise to a higher level.

Thinking of how to get the cultivation method from him, Queen Hippolyta said: "When are you going to leave?"

"It probably won't work now, because I have been seriously injured and need time to recover."

"We can help you with this, but you also need to pay some money.

"What's the reward."

"Cultivation secrets of your ancient cultivators."

"no problem."

Bai Ye pretended to think about it for a moment, and then agreed.

He doesn't have an ancient cultivator, but he has a lot of magic to train the body.

Just give any one out.

: The plot will not be too long, I just want to accept Wonder Woman, I will finish writing soon

Chapter 3 Well, I'm actually a magician [[-]]

After negotiation, Bai Ye finally stayed on Paradise Island.

Seeing that his mother agreed to Bai Ye to stay on Paradise Island and did nothing to him, Diana breathed a sigh of relief, as if a big stone had fallen.

This kind of feeling is very wonderful. Although it was not long after we met, Diana had an inexplicable situation towards Bai Ye. Maybe when we first met, Bai Ye was a little familiar, and he touched her hair and let him This has always been: Paradise Island, a simple girl who has never been in contact with a man, has some emotions.

As for what it is, it is estimated that Diana doesn't know, she just feels curious about Bai Ye, and has an inexplicable situation.

After agreeing, Hippolyta asked Bai Ye to arrange a room to live in. Of course, the place where Bai Ye lived must not be close to the Amazon female warriors, and Diana and many Amazon female warriors who were far away did not know men, but Hippolyta was very clear.

"This is where you will live in the future. As long as you don't leave, this place belongs to you."

Diana brought Bai Ye to a house.

The house looks okay, it's not too shabby, although it's a bit remote, it's...understandable, and with the realm of Baiye, it looks the same wherever you live.

Bai Ye walked in, and found that the house may have been left for too long, and the dust was full of dust inside, and as soon as a dust came in, the nostrils came.

"I'll help you clean up later, I'm really sorry it's been sitting here for too long.

"Diana pinched her nose and muttered, "No need."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, opened his right hand, a ray of light flickered, and a miniature magic circle appeared.

Immediately, an inexplicable wind was born, which directly rolled up all the dust in the room, and directly condensed into a spherical ball, which was somewhat huge and looked several times larger than a basketball.

However, all this is not over yet, I saw that there seemed to be a magic power sweeping across the room, and it became: extremely clean, as if after countless frictions, it looked very good.

Seeing this scene, Diana opened her mouth wide and exclaimed, "Bai Ye, what is this, is this magic?"

She has been on Paradise Island for so long, and she has never seen such a miraculous thing, the dust condenses automatically in a single thought, and the house is cleaned in an instant, which is a bit too miraculous.

And Diana found that the environment here seemed to look better than hers.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't believe it, what this house looked like before.

"It's a kind of magic, it's just ordinary magic, it doesn't have any ability, it can only be used for cleaning or something."

Bai Ye shrugged.

This magic is called cleansing.

Speaking of which, there is a bit of a rumor about this magic. A hundred years ago, there was a person who came to Kama Taj to learn magic. He had a deep addiction to cleanliness.

However, although Kama Taj is a holy place of magic, many people who practice magic are addicted to the study of magic and the problem of improving themselves, and rarely clean the room or anything, and this person is... ........It's strange that after enduring for a few years, when he finally stepped into the threshold of magic, he began to study a kind of magic himself.

And that magic is... cleansing.

The implication is that as long as this magic is cast, everything will be cleaned up.

Of course, when this magic was researched, Kama Taj's people were shocked for a while, because creating a magic is a very difficult process, and he needs to go through countless failures to choose an optimal choice. , and each creation takes a very long time. It is extremely normal to spend decades, or even 100 years, to create a magic.

Of course, Gu Yi and Bai Ye are two wonderful creatures. These two people are like open existences. Gu Yi will not say it. The talent is a bit scary. When he comes into contact with magic, he can quickly control it, while Bai Ye has golden fingers, so he can directly deduce it. get the best choice.

Moreover, almost [-]% of Kama Taj's magic is created by Bai Ye and Gu Yi, and the rest is created by... Kama Taj other magicians .

Although the cleansing technique has no lethal power, it is still very useful as a magic for home travel, at least...... No matter where you go, it will be very comfortable, there is no discomfort, and it is very practical .

"Bai Ye, didn't you say you are an ascetic? Why do you still have magic?"

"Uh, can't an ascetic have magic?" "That's not true, but I think it's a bit strange, and I don't know what an ascetic is."

Diana stuck out her tongue, a little cute.

"By the way, do you know any other magic in Baiye?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye said confidently: Of course there are other magics, and there are thousands of magics that I know, more than I can count. On this planet, if I say my own Magic comes first, I didn't dare to object."

This Bai Ye is still confident, he is proficient in so many magics, and even Gu Yi sighs at himself...

"Then can you teach me?"

Diana's eyes sparkled as she stared at the white night and said.

She can't hear what Bai Ye said later, she knows Bai Ye is a very powerful magician, maybe he can teach her magic and make her more powerful, although the Amazon general often trains her, but...... ......Diana felt that her strength needed to be strengthened a little more, so that she would be able to cope with Amazon's accident in the future.

Although her mother did not allow her to practice, this little girl had already thought of herself as the patron saint of the Amazons, and she would protect Paradise Island in the future.

"This is...it doesn't matter, but what kind of magic do you want to learn?"

Pabaiye snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, the surroundings changed, and they seemed to have entered another world, where Diana saw an unforgettable scene in her life.

Around, there are countless figures hovering, they are all casting completely different magic, and they are natural, and they also control space, and even control time.

At the same time there are other very complex magic.

Seeing this scene, Diana was stunned.

: I have a fever today, I just finished the injection, so it's a little late, and there are still two more:, and it's getting late, I'll see it tomorrow, don't stay up late or something, the price is quite high, I am one A clear example, the body is very weak

Chapter 4 Diana's Choice 【[-]】

"Welcome to the world of magic."

Bai Ye stood beside Diana and said softly.

There was a smile in her tone. Diana was shocked, which was quite normal.

When he saw this scene, he was taken aback.

His teacher Gu has always used magic to divide Kama Taj's general magic types directly into the surrounding four, and they all have reflections.

It allows people to directly see all kinds of magic and how they are displayed.

At the beginning, Gu just wanted Bai Ye to make sure that the direction of learning magic in the future is because there are too many magics. If you want to learn all of them, your energy will definitely not keep up.

"So much magic?"

Diana was stunned, dazzled by the magic in front of her. Although her memory was good, she couldn't remember all the images for a while.

"You want to learn that kind of magic, I can teach you, and I am proficient in all these magics,"

"So much magic, you are proficient"

Diana was instantly stunned by Bai Ye's arrogance. Although she didn't know that magic was not easy to learn, there were so many magics in front of her. Even if she could control one in half a month, it would be an unimaginable time to control them all. Bar.

'Bai Ye, you are still amazing, you can actually know so much magic.

"Diana, who is ignorant of the world, instantly turned into Bai Ye's fan girl, and her praise was not stingy.

"It's just that I don't know which magic to choose, why don't you help me choose it, you are proficient in so many magics.

I am sure you can help me pick the best one.

"Then, Diana touched her head and looked a little distressed at the magic in front of her. Although there are many magics, but to control them all, that... is not an easy task, and Diana has self-knowledge and feels that it is impossible for herself to control all of these magics. .

"If you want me to recommend, these magics should be very suitable for you."

Bai Ye waved his right hand, and several images shot out in the moment ahead.

I saw a man on the left showing his body, like an iron pillar, while on the other side, a man holding a knife, slashed the long knife directly at the man's body, and did not see flesh and blood. The sputtering scene, but with a click, the long knife shattered directly.

"This is a kind of physical magic. Cultivating a high level can form an indestructible body. The body is comparable to a diamond, and even if it dies, it will not rot for 100 years. The most important thing is that this kind of magic can be used even from high altitudes. If it falls from a kilometer, it will not cause any damage.”

"And this is called mirror magic. It can pull the surrounding world into the mirror world. Although the figure does not move, it has reached another dimension."

This is spiritual spread, which can improve oneself, that is, spiritual power. If you are proficient, the spiritual power will be covered in a single thought, and you will know the entire paradise island at the first time.

This is even simpler, the soul, through its own spiritual power, can shoot out the soul of others with one blow.

The few spells Bai Ye chose for Diana were all very good, and they belonged to profound magic in Kama Taj.

And he is tailor-made, the first one can say that Diana can take control quickly, as for the others, he is.... Hesitating opinions.

Because Diana herself has the bloodline of the Protoss, she is a demigod, and her physique and bloodline are very good. If she cultivates the first magic, she will be able to get started soon.

Because of this magic, you don't need any talent, just the quality of your physique.

The better the physique, the stronger the control of... this magic.

"I understand, you didn't die when you fell from the sky, it was because of this magic, and the mirror world you said should be the current world."

Diana is extremely smart, and other magic may not be very clear, but the magic of the mirror world and physique is instantly recognized.

"You guessed right"

Bai Ye nodded without denying it.

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