At the same time, he quietly looked at Diana and let her choose him because he hoped that Diana would become stronger, perhaps because Diana, a rare innocence, has experienced two lives, although Bai Ye's age is not too high , but the experience is truly incomparable to ordinary people.

"Since it was recommended by you Bai Ye, then I will start learning all of them. I don't know which ones to choose..."

After thinking about it for a long time, Diana still followed Bai Ye's recommendation. After all, she is not familiar with... other magic.

"You will be very grateful for your choice today."

Bai Ye smiled and touched Diana's hair, but Diana didn't resist, as if she had become accustomed to "touching my hair, doesn't it mean I can't let: men touch it?"

Although she avoided it, Diana suddenly complained about what Bai Ye had said to her not long ago.

Hearing this, Bai Ye put his forehead on Diana's head and said with a smile, "I'm talking about other men, but I'm different. I'm teaching you magic now, and I'm your magic teacher, so you don't need to care about that... .........”

"But my mother told me not to be too close with boys."

"It's okay, your mother won't feel that way in the future.


"Of course it's true, but you can only do this to me. For other men, stay away and don't get too close."

"alright, I got it."

Diana nodded, although she was a little ignorant and didn't quite understand the meaning of Bai Ye's words, but out of personal feeling, she still recorded Bai Ye's words in her heart.


Bai Ye snapped his fingers, and the surrounding scene changed in an instant.

Returning to the place where they were just now, the place where the Amazon White Nights of Paradise Island lived. "Is this mirror magic? It's amazing, and it travels directly to another space in an instant.


Although she experienced it once, Diana was still shocked by the magical ability of mirror magic.

After all, anyone who has never touched this thing will be shocked.

When Bai Ye saw Gu Yi use it with his own eyes, he was also shocked because once this ability is used, it is really magical.

"Don't worry, you will be there in the future."

Bai Ye stroked Diana's hair.



Diana nodded, her eyes full of determination.


Chapter 5: The Man Who Changed Paradise Island [[-]]

The Amazon tribe of Paradise Island, in the wide square, a handsome man who looks to be in his early twenties is standing above. He has an ethereal temperament and looks a little gentle, but if you look closely, you can feel a shock from the soul. .

"This time I will teach you a secret technique, this secret technique can make your body like steel, with extremely terrifying defensive power. Realm, just like before me, if I fall from the sky, I will be fine, of course, I can't say it is fine, how much in the body...will be injured."

Speaking of this, Bai Ye shrugged and at this moment, a burst of smiles erupted from below. They had all heard the scene of Bai Ye falling from the sky, hitting the ground like a meteor, and it seemed that the whole person was not awake, but they also realized it. The terror of the white night, falling from high altitude, the whole person does not have much damage, and it is still like a tiger.

You know, if they were replaced, they would fall directly, and they would probably become meat patties.

"In order to make you feel the horror of this ability more intuitively, the soldiers in the front row came out and slashed at me with your knives."

Bai Ye directly stretched out his right arm and said to the soldier in front.

At this time, the soldiers in the front row looked left and right, a little hesitant.

"Listen to him."

Amazon's general Antiope said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers in the front row did not hesitate, stepped out neatly, and then raised the sharp swords around their waists and slashed towards Bai Ye.

Squeeze swipe.

Then an astonishing scene was discovered, their sharp swords fell on Bai Ye's body, as if they had touched steel, and shattered directly, and they found that their blades had not even a trace on Bai Ye's body.

You know, these...swords are Amazon's elite knives, just not the useless knives.

Although it has not reached the realm of cutting iron like mud, it is not too simple to cut large animals easily.

"If this ability is used on all soldiers, Amazon will be invincible in the future, and it will become a trembling army."

Antiop's pupils shrank, his heart trembled and others looked down on him, but as a general, Antiop immediately realized the changes that this ability would bring if taught.

At can elevate the Amazon Legion by several levels.

She also never thought that all soldiers reach the realm of Baiye, as long as they reach the body of steel, the sword can't be broken, and the calculation is just these... The change is enough to subvert the Amazon Legion. combat power.

"The Queen, his presence, will change the Amazon."

Antiop said to Hippolyta next to him.

What she can think of, Hippolyta can also think of naturally, as for what she thinks is more profound than Antiope," he said in a deep voice that he could indeed change the whole of Amahippolyta.

If the secret method is arranged in large quantities, it will not take long before the female warriors of the Amazons will have a new change and Hippolyta's mood is very complicated.

Bai Ye is undoubtedly a treasure, but the issue of identity makes Hippolyta hesitate.

And she used to let Bai Ye stay here, except... secret methods, most of them think that Amazon can deal with Bai Ye, but now, Hippolyta is a little less confident.

Such a terrifying person, relying on the female warriors of the Amazons, can really stop Bai Ye? It's impossible? Hippolyta is not confident in her heart, and even she thinks that if the two sides go to war, it is estimated that they can't help Bai Ye.

Antiop didn't know what Hippolyta was thinking, but felt that the secret method was very terrifying. At the same time, she glanced at Diana next to her, and hesitated in her heart.

If Diana learns this kind of secret method, it is estimated that it will be even more terrifying, and even become the strongest person in Amazon.

"Queen, it's better to let Diana join the training. According to her talent, she can use the advantages of this secret technique even more."

Although he roughly guessed the solution, Antiop still wanted to give it a try.

In her heart, Diana can become the strongest person in Paradise Island, and can become the patron saint of Paradise Island.


Unexpectedly, I heard that Diana was going to learn the secret method and to train.

Queen Hippolyta turned cold as if her tail had been stepped on.

"General Antiope, if your mother doesn't give it, then don't force it."

Diana thought about it and said.

Anyway... She has already learned magic from the people below, and she has learned a lot, so in order to keep her mother from being angry, she is a bit abnormal and did not contradict, and even agreed with Hippolyta's opinion. In the past, it was almost unrealistic because training has always been Hippolyta's heart disease, because her daughter did not listen to her at all, even if she was hiding from her, she would practice secretly.

As soon as these words came out, Antiope was a little surprised, which was not like Diana.

At the same time, a strange look appeared in Hippolyta's eyes, and there was a doubt in her heart.

When did my daughter become so obedient.

She was ready to reprimand Diana.

Now that Diana was obedient, what she had prepared in her heart was.......there was no chance to say it.

Antiop opened his mouth slightly, and after a while, he said helplessly, "Since you have said that, Diana, then I will not force it."

"It used to be that she partnered with Diana, and now that Diana doesn't partner, she has no choice.

After all, training this thing depends on the individual, and it is useless to force others.

"Sorry Antiope"

Diana said silently in her heart, she knew that these words might be a blow to Antiop.

But in order not to make her mother angry, she could only do this.

And Bai Ye has also taught her magic, and the quality and quantity of the teaching are very high, far better than the teaching below.

Thinking of this, Diana felt a little sweet in her heart. She was the only one in the whole island who was turned on by the white night.

: Okay, I finished the update today, there is no delay in the fifth update, I am a little tired, I went to bed, if you still have flowers, please vote, I have too few flowers, it looks like a headache

Chapter 1: Changes in a Year [[-]]

Time flies, and the white horse passes by.

Before you know it, a year has passed.

Bai Ye also stayed on Paradise Island for a year. As an instructor of Amazon, during this year, Bai Ye got along well with Amazon and others. Almost everyone admitted that Bai Ye, and even many female warriors of Amazon, were secretly sympathetic to Bai Ye. , After all, Bai Ye's strength, during this one year period, they have a deep understanding,,, no one can move the hundreds of soldiers, Bai Ye, can be said to be the strongest person in Paradise Island right now.

In addition, Bai Ye is the only man on the island, and his strength is the strongest. Some female warriors who have never been in contact with men are completely moved. After all, Bai Ye perfectly meets their mate selection criteria. He is handsome and strong. .

However, these... Although the female warriors are emotional, none of them can move Bai Ye.

At this time in a dense forest.

Bai Ye and Diana looked at each other.

"Mr. Bai Ye, this time I have reached the highest level of physical magic. This time I will definitely not lose as badly as I did before. Although I don't know if I can beat you, it will definitely make it difficult for you to be as easy as before."

Diana's eyes were firm as she stared at Bai Ye and said.

During this one-year period, with the help of Bai Ye, Diana's strength has grown by leaps and bounds. It can almost be said that she is the most powerful person except... Bai Ye, and the few magics Bai Ye taught her, she All of them have been well controlled, among which physique magic and talent are even more outstanding, directly reaching the highest level, the body of King Kong is indestructible, and it is invulnerable to swords and guns.

Regarding this point, Bai Ye sighed in his heart. Diana, who is a demigod, has an advantage that ordinary people do not have, that is, the problem of physique. In addition, she is extremely intelligent. In just one year, she can directly and completely Mastery of physical magic.

You must know that it is unrealistic for a normal person to completely control this magic without a few decades, and even if your physique is not good, you may not be able to reach the highest level for hundreds of years.

The problem of talent, constitution is more needed than ordinary magic, people with excellent constitution often progress at a speed that ordinary people can't match.

Hearing this sentence, Bai Ye showed a smile, looked indifferent, and said, "Come on then, I hope you can do what you say."


The words fell.

Suddenly, a golden light rose from Diana's body, directly covering her body, as if covered with a golden light.


At that moment, Diana shouted loudly, and the whole body shot out directly, as if it were a sharp arrow that was shot out. The speed was very fast, and the power was extremely amazing. The whole ground collapsed directly, revealing a deep gully.


A dull one.

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